Home » BLOODBATH!!: the leftist MSM gives a classic course in how to lie with truncated quotes


BLOODBATH!!: the leftist MSM gives a classic course in how to lie with truncated quotes — 42 Comments

  1. I’ll say it again: Democrats are playing with fire.

    That’s a metaphor, by the way.

  2. The term “Bloodbath” always makes me think of the grizzly tale of Countess Bathory.

    But I would wager that enormous numbers of people who saw the original “Trump calls for bloodbath!” story have not seen the corrections. As I’ve said many times, the left counts on this. They almost always know full well that they are lying; the full quote is ridiculously easy to find. They simply don’t care. They see an opportunity to use some out-of-context words to hurt the right, and they go for it.

    Yeah I often wonder how effective these fabrications truly are with people who are actually still persuadable. I certainly don’t doubt that there’s lots of people who will fully believe the media’s hoax that Trump called for a bloodbath. But I wonder how many of those people were truly likely to vote for Trump before this latest media fabrication.

  3. In anticipation the Yahoos are doing google-searches on the best soaps and shampoos to use when bathing with blood. May as well make use of the skin-softening opportunities!

  4. I agree that the Merdia are pouncing, as usual, but if you listen to the audio Trump has a snarl in his voice before he says bloodbath.

    I wonder if his use of the word was calculated.

    I think a fair observer would agree that the Left has committed a myriad of capital offenses in the last eight years.

  5. Everything neo writes about the mendacity of the press is correct.

    If your supporters rioted and breached the capitol the last time you lost an election, however, maybe it isn’t such a good idea to use the term “bloodbath” to describe what will happen if you lose again.

    This entire news cycle response was completely predictable, and completely preventable with a modicum of word choice discipline. Maybe Trump is really that dumb, although I doubt it. I tend to agree with Dax. I suspect that Trump knews exactly what he is doing and knew exactly how the press was going to respond. They really can’t help themselves.

  6. Bauxite, are you suggesting that Trump is at fault?

    There was a time, long, long ago, when the job of a reporter was to accurately report what a person said.

    When people fairly report that the events at the Capitol building was as much a sting operation as a protest, then we’ll talk about wordsmithing to avoid seizures from truth amongst the chattering class.

  7. So we’re dealing with npcs not real

    Heck we’ll probably have at least one
    nuclear incident if shambling is selected again

  8. Saying that Trump can’t use colorful metaphors because the leftist idiots might use it for propaganda is pretty weak. Besides, he’s more or less right. If we don’t get Trump at least, and a Republican Congress as well, the bloodbaths in multiple business sectors will continue and accelerate.

  9. It was said that Elizabeth Báthory bathed ‘in her virgin victims’ blood to retain beauty or youth‘ – tho that was before Fake News.

  10. Trump’s choice of words left the door open to rabid misinterpretation by the Fourth Estate. Or they could have reported it straight. Guess which they chose?

    And this is where we’ve been for about a decade. If the Marxists finally manage to take control in the USA, mendacious journalists will be in the first group lined up against the wall and shot. University professors will be right behind them. They still won’t learn.

  11. When things like this happen, I usually blame Trump’s choice of words, but this ginned-up controversy is so silly, stupid, and obviously contrived, that he’s off the hook this time.

    Somebody (it sounded like “presidential historian” Michael Beschloss) said Trump “knew what it meant” when he used the phrase — meaning that what it meant was what Beschloss wanted it to mean, but who seriously believes that? Performers get into a groove. Extemporaneous speakers aren’t carefully weighing all the possible meanings of every word that they use.

  12. What I find ironic is that should Trump gain re-election, I personally will *guarantee* you that there *will* in fact be blood in the streets — fomented by antifa types, blm types, transgender-and-sympathizer radical types, and other left-leaning malcontents.

    (Whether there’s enough blood in which to bathe is a separate, but related, issue.)

  13. Not sure where yesterday some blog had a Montague of Leftists politicians and media using ” bloodbath ” term and not quoting any conservative.

    I am sure the 2020 BLM riots will be mild compared to a Trump victory in 2024. Antifa Communists will be in full riot, people will die from it again.

  14. Brian E – It is reasonable to assume that a person intends the predictable results of their action.

    It was stone cold predictable that Trump’s use of the term “bloodbath” to describe what was going to happen if he lost in November would lead to some sort of idiocy from the press. He set it up on a tee – there actually was bloodshed the last time Trump lost an election. Either Trump didn’t know what was going to happen, didn’t care, or intended the press firestorm.

    I think he knew. Maybe he didn’t care. Maybe he thinks that these firestorms benefit him by discrediting the press – i.e., he knows that they cannot help themselves.

  15. as the cities descending into mad max hellscapes, where this shambling husk can’t even pretend to show consideration to the victims of his high crime, I get tired of faux outrage, specially from the likes of bill cassidy, who does answerwhat are they good for ‘absolutely nothing say it again’ as he has enabled the inflation and the stripming of the american energy industry just like that other rooster manchin

  16. Bauxite:

    No, we should not assume a person intends the predictable results of his or her action.

    Israel defends itself by killing terrorists who set up shop in a hospital, and the MSM and UN and much of the world accuses Israel of committing a war crime. Did Israel intend this? No.

    Trump uses a colorful phrase when being crystal clear he’s talking about the auto industry and the opposition twists it around to lie about it. So this is Trump’s intent? If he doesn’t censor his speech so that it sounds dull as a Army manual, that means he intends the Trump-haters to lie about him?

  17. Oh good grief neo. It’s not hard to refrain from using words describing violence to describe what will happen if you lose an election without being “as dull as an Army manual,” especially when your supporters were notoriously violent the last time you lost an election.

    On intent, if you know what is going to happen, and you cause it anyway, it’s hard to say that you didn’t intend the result. I think you’re conflating intent with justification. Civilian deaths from Israeli military operations are justified, but they are not an accident.

  18. “your supporters were notoriously violent the last time you lost an election.”— Bauxite

    Really? You mean that bloodbath where Ashli Babbitt was killed by a DC cop?

  19. Bauxite:

    The left will twist every word Trump says, including “and” and “the.” The amount of self-censorship required would indeed be Army-manual level and beyond.

    I think Trump has decided – probably correctly – that he needs to continue to be himself. And those who hate him will not like him if he becomes mealy-mouthed.

  20. @ neo, 5:58pm:

    Who says Army manuals are dull?

    Where else can you learn the step by step method to eat snakes?

    My favorite though is a past update to a rifle and pistol qualification manual: on a sample page of how to fill out a training roster, the example names, when turned to the right, read “Right to Keep and Bear Arms Shall Not Be Infringed”.


  21. Please disregard the trailing “?” on my above post. That was meant to be a laughing face.

  22. thats a part from the snake eating diet recommended by the WEF, as gutfeld’s tyrus points out, ‘it tastes just like chicken’I had gator once, in a mexican restaurant, maybe it wasn’t well cooked, but it tasted like meat gum,

  23. Oh, come on, Bauxite. He wasn’t using “words describing violence.” In the context, he was talking about massive financial and job losses in the automotive industry. It’s a common phrase.

  24. CC™ is once again hunting The Great Orange Whale, it feeds his demon, Democrats and the media do not.

    CC™ is this more to your liking?

    There will be an exsanguination of the automobile manufacturing workforce if I am not elected, not the mere hemoraging of employment opportunities!

  25. Is that @BidenHQ twitter account real? There is no checkmark and the account only has 300K followers since joining in 2015-thought this guy got the most votes ever? It looks odd to me the icon with red eyes. Also isn’t not capitalizing “brown” in the statement verboten?

  26. Re: Bloodbath

    Recently I’ve been using “bloodbath” in, I believe, the Trumpian sense.

    There is a bloodbath of layoffs happening in tech. It started in 2023, but it is picking up steam in 2024. It is like the dotcom bust in the early 2000s. Large numbers of successful young tech folks got the chop and now the new tech folks are competing with them.

    Beaucoup disappointments.

    Part of it is the AI threat, another part is that borrowing money, as Peter Zeihan warned, is now expensive.

    Then there is the Elon Musk paradigm. After Musk bought Twitter, he laid off 3/4 of the work force. The MSM and allies reported this as Musk’s Twitter suicide — surely Musk’s new regime would collapse for lack of resources. But, no. X, the artist formerly known as Twitter, lost about 1/3 of its subscribers; however, it is doing fine with vastly reduced head count.

    The Apple team which built the Macintosh from hardware to software to prototype to documentation to packaging to marketing was less than twenty people.

    I find it difficult to imagine what current corps are doing with hundrends and thousands of tech folks.

  27. @ huxley > “I find it difficult to imagine what current corps are doing with hundrends and thousands of tech folks.”

    It takes lots of people to censor the entire internet.

  28. neo – They wil absolutely twist every word Trump says, including the “and” and the “but,” as you say. I agree. I’m not exonerating or defending the media in any way. They’re awful.

    But I remain flabbergasted that so many Trump supporters can’t recognize what the man is doing. Either Trump is a complete idiot, or these are deliberate provocations. And Trump is not an idiot. (It doesn’t take a media savant to figure out what is going to happen if Trump, after 2020, uses the word “bloodbath” to describe what will happen if he loses again.)

    Call him a troll, an edgelord, or whatever, but baiting the left and the media into this kind of reaction is exactly what Trump does and exactly what he is about. It’s the Trumpian version of the Obama “stray voltage” theory. It serves him well, at least among Republicans. The entire focus of GOP partisans becomes fixated on the awfulness of the media instead of Trump’s own faults. We’ll see if it plays as well outside of the GOP base. So far, not so good, but anything is possible.

    We’re going to be doing this destructive nonsense once or twice a week between now and November, and then maybe for four years after that. Yipee. And what a disaster for the country.

  29. Brian E – Trump’s supporters rioted at the Capitol in 2020. They breached the Capitol and interrupted a session of Congress that was in the process of certififying Trump’s loss in 2020 and attempted to stop that certification. That was a Trump supporter in a bearskin occupying the presider’s chair. Those were Trump supporters going through Congressional offices. Multiple people died during the riot.

    Those are facts. They remain facts regardless of how many feds were in the crowd. They remain facts even though the only people who died were Trump supporters. They remain facts even though Trump tried to get additional security at the capitol and was rebuffed. They remain facts even though the behavior of the capitol police was odd, to say the least. They remain facts even though the RNC and DNC pipe bombings are as fishy as the day is long. Frankly, they remain facts even if the Feds set up the whole thing to discredit Trump, which I actually think is likely. Trump and his supporters took the bait.

    Frankly, J6 was a perfect demonstration of the weakness of a troll. I don’t believe for a minute that Trump wanted his supporters to storm the capital, but he walked right into the trap that had been laid for him and his supporters. He’ll do it again. He’s learned nothing. This “bloodbath” episode demonstrates that clearly.

  30. No this shambling heap is carving up this country while you fret for which party the chinese the russians the iranians how does that not get through your thick skull

    These panem cops murdered people after they insighted a riot by recklessly firing tear gas in to the crowd then they lied about it and suppressed the evidence they drove five men to suicide because of these lies

    The blood of 1200 men women and children are the fruit of this bloody fraud the 13 at abbey gate the 150,000 in the ukraine

  31. For a person who claims that the Democrats and the Media are “awful”, you seem to give them a lot of credit for reporting the so-called “truth”…
    (IOW, you seem to wish an awful lot to believe them….)

    Don’t you find that a bit, um, strange?…

  32. Regarding eating snake: I’ve eaten rattler a few times. First point: dispose of the head in such a way you cannot inadvertently scratch yourself on the fangs — the venom remains dangerous.

    Next point: they’re easier to skin than a fish is to scale: cut ’round the neck and peel off the skin like pulling your finger out of a glove. BUT: there’s not much meat on a snake. We cut them in pieces about 3″ long, roll in flour and fry in hot oil. Taste like chicken? Yeah — fried chicken. I’d rather eat real chicken.

  33. CC™ lists some facts. Hasn’t mentioned any facts about Liz Cheney and the Jan 6 committee. Crickets.

    CC™ mostly deals in his opinions, but those aren’t the same things as facts.

  34. Pardon me for interrupting this bad kabu

    They were invited into the capital, waterbuffalo man was guided around by the police of course gonell and company lied about their injuries they made up people they didnt even meet the one capitol policeman who was stabbed has become a cipher like the victims of j20 riots

  35. Bauxite– conservatives are in a no-win situation with the press. As you say, they’ll twist every word, and I think Trump subscribes to the theory there is no bad press, in the sense that bad press is better than no press.
    We can debate whether that’s true or not, but Trump did win the Presidency in 2016 spending half of what Hillary spent and less than any candidate in the modern era.
    So the best strategy is to point out in very detailed ways how biased/unfair/twisted the media is. We need to take every example they present to show how totally corrupt they are and expose them to the small minority of persuadable voters out there.
    Is Trump playing them? As you say, he is a very smart guy. But playing the nice guy won’t work either. In the end, it doesn’t matter. It’s the hand we’ve been dealt in these very coarse times.
    I was at the barbershop a few days ago, noticed a verbal fight going on in some tv show in the background and commented that may explain why our society has become so combative– it’s written into everything we consume. I suggested it would be better if everyone used their real names online, since we would be less likely to insult each other. I pointed out we say things we wouldn’t say if we were talking face to face. A 20-year old waiting for his turn, listening to the conversation retorted, “they would if they had the balls.” He thought that was clever. It may unfortunately be true.
    Yesterday, I noticed a couple of writers immediately picked up on the kerfuffle and started using bloodbath– pointing out sarcastically they were using it in the “metaphorical” sense. It would be funny if for the next few weeks the ether was filled with mentions of bloodbaths– in the metaphorical sense, of course.

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