Home » Some examples of MSM and Democrat reactions to today’s SCOTUS decision on Colorado


Some examples of MSM and Democrat reactions to today’s SCOTUS decision on Colorado — 73 Comments

  1. Throwing a candidate out of an election is democracy? The Democrats want a sure thing-again. They are afraid that they can’t get enough mail in ballots to win this time. I also believe that the election will be under an electron microscope this time.

    I also believe that the Democrats are afraid that a Trump administration will do to them what they are doing to him.

    I find it very sad that they don’t see how they’re twisting America out of shape. When was the last time the Supreme Court had a 9-0 decision?

  2. “There are members of Congress who are never going to do anything to make life difficult for Donald Trump.”

    What a surprise. Just substitute the following for Donald Trump: Joe Biden, Barack Obama. Bet Acosta would be very upset at those wanting to make life difficult for Biden or Obama. 🙂

    Just one more example of media bias. So what else is new?

    Throwing a candidate out of an election is democracy?

    It is in Venezuela.(I worked there, worked in Texas in a small company with a lot of Venezuelans, and have a neighbor from Venezuela.)

  3. Crocodile tears from the MSM over a 9-0 ruling! So are Sotomayor et al now on their shit list also? The sad part is how many people I know (Ds all) who listen to these cranks and believe every word as the Gospel.

  4. I found this a little interesting. When Gringo (5:15 pm) wrote, “Bet Acosta would be very upset . . . Just one more example of media bias”, I did not particularly perceive it as an example of media bias — which, don’t get me wrong, it egregiously *is*.

    I perceived it as merely part of the landscape. It’s not that I’m getting used to it — although in a sense, I suppose I *am* getting / have gotten used to it — it’s just that it’s what I routinely expect now. It just is what it is.


  5. Yet promoting anti-democratic “Democracy” is all Democrats have. And every lever and top levels of institutionalized power are poised to defeat a post-George Washington-style succession government gaining power.

    YouTuber MrReagan argues that creating a conflict that requires martial law to be imposed next Autumn — thereby cancelling the election — will emerge as the Deep States’ backup plan.

    If you’re going to “go nuclear”, won’t this require actual nukes? Imagine this: Iran and a nuclear 911 event threat….

  6. They keep finding there is no “but we just want it clause” in the constitution.

  7. Raskin comes from a line of commies who did the politburos business

  8. Miguel is entirely correct.

    Democratic voters are either stupid, ignorant or evil, often in combination. I have said it before and do so now again.
    That party’s leadership is not stupid. It is evil. Raskin is a particular worm, a black man for whom everything is Black, for whom the color White does not exist.

  9. Said earlier elsewhere
    It’s back to the drawing board in how to make DJT ineligible

  10. Waiting for Biden to demand Thurgood Marshall retire from the Supreme Court for this vote.

  11. Cicero:

    Raskin is black???

    Are you using that as a synonym for “evil”?

    In this particular case, however, Raskin is at least nominally going along with the SCOTUS decision and trying to accomplish the ends through Congress, as the Court said was required. Olbermann makes Raskin look conservative.

  12. If it were a secret vote in Congress, I bet it would pass the House and the Senate, but it isn’t a secret vote.

  13. Gotta love all those law school professors who thought a 9-0 SC ruling wouldn’t happen.

  14. Their binary nature call it sith

    Raskin was three fold election denier and stark raving madman

  15. I can think of no better way to force those intending to vote for Trump to conclude that the insanity that they have been living under has become an intolerable tyranny than to force Trump off the ballot. It would send an undeniable message from our ‘ruling elitists’ that we no longer have any say whatsoever in our own governance. It would be a ‘legal’ declaration that the American experiment in the “consent of the governed”… is over.

    “YouTuber MrReagan argues that creating a conflict that requires martial law to be imposed next Autumn — thereby cancelling the election — will emerge as the Deep States’ backup plan.” TJ

    Martial law would require that the troops follow orders. The current upper echelons within the military and their political masters have demonstrated that they have little grasp of just how unstable is the ground upon which they stand.

    The imposition by the left of nationwide martial law would focus upon “rural white rage” and that is a prescription for civil war.

    It would not end well for those seeking our enslavement and our ‘ruling class’ would relearn the lesson that, what goes around, comes around and that, you reap what you sow.

    Their disconnection from reality and increasing desperation as they contemplate the ‘revenge’ that they are certain Trump will bring with him is leading them deeper into the abyss.

    They are full of prideful certainty and “Pride goeth before the fall.”

  16. The left really did convince themselves of the insurrection myth and now reality is causing an existential crisis for all of them at once.

  17. I encourage folks to not fall into the Democrat and Corporate Media trap of “defending Democracy.”

    We all know we live in a Constitutional Republic. The USA is not a democracy. This is another attempt at using vocabulary to change the terms of the debate. “Gender affirming.” “Equality of outcome.” “Patriarchy.” “The End of Democracy.”

    Don’t fall for it.

  18. Re: Google Gemini DEI madness


    Today I discovered a masterpiece of Woke vocabulary: overdiversification.

    Google’s Culture of Fear:
    Inside the DEI hivemind that led to gemini’s disaster

    First, according to people close to the project, the team responsible for Gemini was not only warned about its “overdiversification” problem before launch (the technical term for erasing white people from human history), but understood the nebulous DEI architecture — separate from causing offense — dramatically eroded the quality of even its most benign search results.


    This article is a must-read for understanding what’s going on with Google and AI.

    Google is in much more difficult straits than I realized. No one seems to be running the show and everyone is afraid.

    Keep in mind that ten years ago Google appeared to be miles ahead in the AI Game with their DeepMind tech which had successfully ambushed a World Champion at Go, the inscrutable Asian game far more complex than chess and which had hitherto resisted all software attempts to achieve more than an amateur level game.

  19. @JFM

    Ask Jack Smith about 9-0 (or 8-0 because Antonino Scalia hadn’t been replaced) Supreme Court decisions.

    We might see more of them, God willing.

  20. Bayard Rustin was Black. Jamie Raskin is White. His father was in the far-left Institute for Policy Studies.

    I wonder if anybody is going to be impressed by Eric Swalwell being a collaborator or cosponsor with Raskin. I’m guessing people who actually are familiar with Swalwell don’t think much of him.

    Nobody on CNN was willing to argue with Acosta? Not so long ago it was possible to hear different opinions on CNN, but the Democrats have departed so far from reality that CNN and the rest of the mainstream media are doing all they can to protect them.

  21. Neo

    Olbermann makes Raskin look conservative.

    Beg to differ. Raskin’s father was a cofounder of the Institute for Policy Studies. From the IPS webpage: The Biden Administration Joins Israel’s War on the UNRWA. Following Washington’s lead, key US allies have cut funding for the United Nations Relief Works Agency for Palestine—making them all complicit in genocide.

    Olbermann is just a big mouth. Raskin has about 30 IQ points on Olbermann.Graduated from Harvard at 20. Olberman is a College of Agriculture Cornell graduate: not stupid, but not that bright. Raskin was marinated in the far-left stuff from childhood. Olbermann just went along with the crowd, changing his opinions as the popular narrative changed. Raskin is not so malleable.

  22. Re: Institute for Policy Studies

    O halcyon days!

    When I used to listen to Important Interviews with various IPS folks on KPFA in the 1980s, while building a three-foot bookshelf of Chomsky and watching the Boston Celtics play on TV.

    Takes me back.

  23. Takes me back too, though from the other side of the divide huxley. I was in the IPS’ office about a week after the Letelier-Moffit assasination; accompanying a college friend whose mother worked there. What a hubbub that was. Met most of the lot of ’em in passing, including skeevy-Jamie the 13 yr old at the time.

  24. The outline was barely in doubt, but the unanimity is very refreshing. I congratulate Justices Sotomayor, Kagan and Jackson on actually being jurists, instead of lefty activists…..for once!

    The reactions are typical Democrat and lefty tantrums. Raskin wants attention (nothing new) and Olbermann vomits up some fatuous BS. Nothing new.

  25. I was in the IPS’ office about a week after the Letelier-Moffit assasination; accompanying a college friend whose mother worked there. What a hubbub that was.


    Getting over a cold or Covid or the Styx River lung demons, so I’m coughing instead of laughing…

    The Letelier-Moffit assasination! That’s like … Old School Week.

    Maybe you do know what a cause célèbre that was on the Left.

    And in that case the Left wasn’t wrong. An expatriate American, CIA agent, Michael Townley served time for the assassination.

  26. Interesting that we have a commenter who had been in the IPs office soon after the Letelier-Moffit assassination.


    And in that case the Left wasn’t wrong. An expatriate American, CIA agent, Michael Townley served time for the assassination.

    Michael Townley was not a CIA agent. He was a DINA agent- Pinochet’s secret police. That Chilean agents would kill someone in DC doesn’t exactly fit the lefty narrative that Pinochet was a CIA tool. I have read Assassination on Embassy Row but still am undecided about some meta points about the assassination.

    Reinaldo Arenas, the Cuban author who got to the US in the Mariel 1980 crowd, and who died a decade later of AIDs, had an interesting paragraph in Before Night Falls about Chilean exiles:

    At the University of Stockholm I gave a lecture in which all I wanted to do was read excerpts from the Cuban newspaper Granma; it was an irrefutable way of demonstrating what was happening in Cuba. Most of the audience was made up of Chileans exiled by the Pinochet dictatorship; they heckled me constantly and almost did not let me speak. They were on their feet insulting me, telling me that everything I was saying was absolutely false. At some point I read several of the laws that the Cuban government itself had published in Cuba. I also read reports from other Cuban newspapers, but there was no way to convince them. They were living very well in Sweden, taking their vacation trips to Chile every year, and then returning to their comfortable apartments in Sweden, where they even had social security benefits. I was wrapped in a big, ill-fitting coat purchased in New York for eighty dollars. But I enjoyed seeing Stockholm, and especially the Swedish king’s Royal Guard, a great-looking group of adolescents.

    Those Chileans who refused to acknowledge the truth about Cuba were among those whom Vladimiro Ariel Dorfman tells us were trying to establish DEMOCRACY in Chile. Tell me another one, Vladimiro Ariel. 🙂

  27. Gringo:

    When I said that about Raskin vs. Olbermann, I was only referring to what they said in reaction to the SCOTUS decision, not anything else.

  28. The insanity is impressive….
    …but then anyone paying attention over the past decade and a half would be aware of that.
    OTOH it has been ramping up. Super-Impressive? (Mega-Impressive?)

    They “lose” a SCOTUS ruling—hence the collective gnashing of teeth, tearing out of hair, pouring ashes on heads, wearing sackcloth and Birkenstocks, weeping, crying, …indeed, the Holy hysteria of the RIGHTEOUS!

    And so…Raskin and Swalwell—those two very talented clowns—are going to “revive legislation” to CHANGE THE RULES because they LOST? But of course!!
    (Yep, trying to change the rules…AGAIN—of course they are, it’s the Democrats’ National Pastime!—hey, why not JUST PACK THE COURT?…Oh, wait…)

    And so…”The Supreme Court has betrayed Democracy…”????
    (Thus Sprach the [manic Maniac] Truthstra…)

    Right. OK, but excuse me: WHO are the INSURRECTIONISTS, exactly?

  29. @ huxley > “Inside the DEI hivemind that led to gemini’s disaster…Google is in much more difficult straits than I realized. No one seems to be running the show and everyone is afraid.
    Keep in mind that ten years ago Google appeared to be miles ahead in the AI Game”

    Connect the dots.
    Once Damore was fired for honestly trying to analyze the “woman problem” at Google, it was only a matter of time before the competent programmers/analysts/etc were replaced by, ahem, diversity hires.
    With the inevitable results.

    As I have said about the fiascos of Harvard’s ex-president Gay, the non-biologist on the Supreme Court, Word-Salad Harris, and many others: I have no problem with black, brown, or rainbow officials, but can’t the Democrats at least find competent ones?

    A fairly good summary of the Damore controversy:

    Here’s one thing I don’t believe at all, but I suppose they have their own truths: “Within Google, the memo sparked discussions among staff, some of whom believe they were disciplined or fired for their comments supporting diversity or for criticizing Damore’s beliefs.”

  30. Democracy is the % 51 figuring out how to divide the % 49 possessions up among themselves

  31. It’s fun watching Olbermann, rapidly approaching the status of “who?”, because he reminds us of people we know.

  32. Ah Olbermann, Raskin, Acosta, and Swalwell these people never disappoint ever.

  33. I believe that one reason Trump is the bug a boo to the left is he is one of those people who likes the fight for the fight itself. These people will never apologize ( which is a paramount concern to the Left) generally to defeat them you must destroy them and even then victory is not assured to you.

  34. Its like with stieg larson the late crime novelist who didnt think sweden was left enough vs jen lapidus who is more clear headed

    Yes townley worked for dina because he saw the matter clearly

    But that is very interesting huxley

  35. Sennacherib – I agree. My biggest problem with Trump is that I think his style of fighting for the sake of the fight itself is, more often than not, counterproductive. Whether Trump wins or loses this year, we will bitterly regret missing the opportunity to put a competent small “g” governor in the White House. (Yes, I’m talking about DeSantis.)

    FWIW, I think we’re set up for a nightmare of an election. If Trump manages to avoid trial before the election and wins, Democrats are not going to accept it. They’ll claim that Trump is an “insurrectionist.” They’ll claim that the courts “installed” Trump by not throwing normal procedure out the window to convict him before the election. I think the lack of acceptance will go beyond performative nonsense like we had in 2000, 2004, and 2016. I think they will try to prevent him from taking office. I think we’ll see blue states defying federal authority. I wouldn’t be surprised to see a “color” revolution. It will get ugly.

    On the other hand, if Trump does go to trial before November and then loses the election, his supporters will have a legitmate stolen election narrative. I don’t think there will be much that Trumpers will be able to do about it, but I wouldn’t be surprised if there are riots that are spun into “Insurrection 2.0.” And then Trump will spend the rest of his life in jail. The anger from Trump supporters is going to be extreme and long-lasting. I fear that the GOP would sink deeper into the Trump personality cult. Imagine no-hoper Trumper candidates like Kari Lake, Doug Mastriano, and Hershel Walker making pilgrimages to receive Trump’s blessing from federal prison, and then losing badly in the general election. And anyone who speaks up at the insanity of it all will be shamed as some sort of GOPe squish who doesn’t “know what time it is.” Wash, rinse, repeat.

    I’m not optimistic about either outcome. I suppose the best case for the country would be the scenarios where the lawfare doesn’t make a difference, i.e., if Trump is convicted and also wins or if he doesn’t go to trial and loses. (I’m not talking about best in terms of policy. I’m referring to best in terms of the best chance that the loser accepts the result of the election.)

  36. huxley, AesopFan,

    Regarding the Pirate Wars article about Google; that’s why I said the focus on Gemini is misplaced. Gemini is a mirror, or, more like a telescope, giving us insight into ALL of Google.

    It’s not that Gemini showed insane bias (which it did), it’s that the bias is so accepted at Google no one thought it would be an embarrassment. Imagine how skewed one’s view of the world must be to believe what Gemini was doing is proper? Now extend that throughout the entire corporation.

    Gemini IS Google.

  37. Gemini is the tip of the iceberg

    They want to destroy the country the last hope of free people on earth Rome before the Barbarian Horde do you not get that through your thick skull

    They were willing to kill a million people to terrify the rest into mail voting to disable all the circuit breakers that prevent a stolen election

  38. huxley, AesopFan, and Rufus,

    The ideologues are very competent programmers and data scientists. It actually takes a fair bit of sophistication to train AI models with real data, but tune them to always provide ideologically correct answers. Google is not going to fail, and even if it does it will be replaced by companies that are every bit as woke. That environment is so woke that its like the old saw about the fish who don’t know that they are wet.

    And Rufus and Miguel Cervantes are absolutely correct that Gemimi is the tip of the iceberg. The same kind of ideologues who made Gemini also design every search engine you use, every newsfeed you encounter, and select every advertisement that you see. It’s not at all a coincidence that the US ceased to be a center right country right as the current generation of tech companies rose.

  39. Yup.
    (Remember: Ivermectin is HORSE DEWORMER…and HCQ is FISH AQUARIUM CLEANER…and anyone who disagrees should be MOCKED, CANCELED…or worse…for “INTENTIONALLY”—a la Mark Steyn—disseminating FAKE NEWS…)

    NB: When professional, non-stop liars in technicolor call their political opponents “liars” AND subject them to lawfare, criminal persecution and extreme emotional abuse, you know—with the help of the shamelessly corrupt, obedient and compromised MEDIA—that you’re “Back in the USSR”…

  40. All the Progs do is enable destruction let the country crumble while the victorian gents sigh over orange man 10 million illegals an empty storehouse of artillery shells shorttages of basic staples a wasteland in the urban centers like rome in 475 Ad

  41. CC™ gives another stem winder about The Great Orange Whale.

    Narry a chirp (crickets) about the 9-0 SCOTUS decision or thoughts about the Presidential Immunity case. Nope, Democrats and CC™ will pursue The Great Orange Whale to Hell itself, reasons.

  42. om – Do you ever actually have something to say, or do you just mock others who do?

    If you want comments on those other things, here they are. The 9-0 Supreme Court decision was obviously correct. Trump is not going to win his immunity case, but the SC will likely narrow the DC Circuit’s holding that there is no criminal immunity at all for presidents, which is more than likely why they took the case. Democrats will pursue Trump to Hell itself, and Trump will lead them there.

    There you go.

  43. Bauxite and om,

    I have to agree with Bauxite here…all the Ds I know WILL pursue Trump to Hell itself and will cut through all the laws to get to him. For more evidence just look at the MSM meltdown over the 9-0 decision yesterday. The leaders of the Ds will use BAMN to stop Trump, and the minions will happily go along as they also hate him with a passion. om needs to talk to some actual D voters in his neighborhood.

    I’m voting for DeSantis in the FL primary… a lot of good it will do, but I think it’s necessary to send a small message. I will support Trump come November.

  44. CC™ is a bit sensitive about his quest of The Great Orange Whale, he can’t give it up.

    Not being a constitutional law authority on Presidential Immunity (it seems to be a relatively new aspect of the Constitution) I wonder where CC™ and the Democrats have pulled this doctrine from. Thin air or a bodily orifice? But justice in the DC Circuit is a flexible thing, eh, CC™?

  45. Bauxite, the flaw in your argument is DeSantis would receive the same treatment as Trump– remember he’s the little Hitler. Any America First conservative will be treated to the same level of contempt.

    The mistake the GOPe makes is thinking if we’re just nice to them the left will reciprocate. Those days are long gone. And any popular conservative that believes in the principle of national sovereignty will be lied about, slandered and subject to the same lawfare Trump has received.

    What’s most concerning to me is the level of naivety of Republicans who still consume msm propaganda and believe it. I have a friend who still sends me Wash. Post, NY Times, articles “showing” me how bad Trump is. It doesn’t bode well for the future of the country.

    You mention Lake, Mastriano and Walker– but there are solid conservatives Trump endorsed as well. I was very impressed with JD Vance, when I heard him speak at length– nothing like the caricature by the left. I’m sure there are others.

    You’re mistaken to think there wouldn’t be as much chaos created by the media surrounding DeSantis.

    This is a distraction created by the leftist media, not Trump. It means we aren’t talking about federal deficits approaching $3 trillion annually. I’m afraid we’ve hit the iceberg and we’re listening to the band playing.

  46. Brian+E – I like JD Vance a lot.

    This has been covered before, but the difference between Trump and, say, DeSantis, is that DeSantis doesn’t make it quite as easy as Trump. DeSantis hasn’t paid six figure hush money to multiple porn stars, DeSantis hasn’t flagrantly cheated on multiple wives. DeSantis hasn’t inflated his asset values on a multi-million dollar loan application. DeSantis doesn’t go around calling his female opponents “bird brain.” This list is just a small sample.

    The issue isn’t what Democrats will throw at the GOP nominee. They’ll throw the kitchen sink at him or her. The issue is (a) how creative they have to get and (b) how much of that is going to be believed by a critical mass of voters. For Trump, the answers are (a) not very; and (b) a whole lot. For example, I don’t think that any voters were truly in the dark about what Romney meant by “binders full of women.” On the other hand, with Trump’s history and public comments, it is difficult to fault voters who conclude that there may be something to E. Jean Carroll’s story. It’s kind of like the old defense to slander where the defendant argues that the plaintiff’s reputation was so bad that there are no damanges.

    Frankly, though, if the post-Trump GOP is populated by JD Vance and Ron DeSantis types, I’ll be pleased. I’m afraid that it is going to have more than a few Kari Lake, Doug Mastriano, and Matt Gaetz types, however.

  47. Bauxite,

    Yes, I do fault voters for being so gullible to believe E. Jean Carroll. How is anyone to be believed when they can’t remember what year they were assaulted?

    But that shows you exactly how stupid the average voter is, apparently.

    Is it true she has a cat she named Vagina?

  48. They watch too much law and svu where every criminal is innocent except white christians they made a weiner type a victim not a knave

    A thug like bragg would be the only one who would bring a case a slattern like willis a pirate like smith they are what you pull off your shoe and light with a match same with persecutor graves

    Imagine the thousands denied justice while they pursue these vicious games they arrest the brave and the noble but they dont touch the corrupt at all

    Well they let epstein hang himself sarc but what about all those that enabled him like ehud barak as one notable example

  49. Brian+E – Why do you fault the voters? You have a man who openly cheated on his first two wives, paid six figure hush money to not one, but two porn stars alleging affairs on his third wife, regularly degrades women (see, “Birdbrain,” for example), and allowed himself to be taped describing, in graphic detail, how he can take advantage of women because he is a celebrity.

    E. Jean Carroll is, shall we say, less than rock solid as a source, I get that. But it takes a willful suspension of disbelief to not recognize that Trump has placed himself in that same position. At a minimum, he is vulnerable to looney accusers like Carroll in a way that, say, DeSantis, would not be.

  50. Bauxite,

    Because there is a huge difference between infidelity and rape.

    At some point society is going to have to decide that just “believing the woman” isn’t sufficient to convict. Women have been known to lie.

    So you’re argument is he may not have raped E. Jean Carroll, but he probably raped someone else, so convict?

    And I’ll reiterate, infidelity and rape are not on a continuation of behavior.

    As to infidelity with a porn star– is that any different than any prostitute?

    I do believe Trump isn’t the same person. I think Melania laid down the law and Trump took it to heart. And the porn star incident was 15 years ago. I do believe people can change.

  51. This is obscene because of witch hochul every woman sexually assaulted in the state of new york has been denied justice because tish james vendetta

    Tara reade has contemporaneous evidence of what biden did she had to flee to russia thats how corrupt this country has become

  52. I have no faith that the government as it is now will ever follow laws that they disagree with. Jack Smith is a case in point. The qualifications for the Special Counsel/Prosecutor are very clearly written in the law and Jack Smith does not qualify. So we ignore the law to get Trump.

    On the subject of a revolution or revolt, I know that the Democrats have no idea what will happen. I don’t think they factored in that the states are NOT monolithic. 40% of the vote in New York was for Trump. And the “blue” states had Biden voters. No one on either side has the slightest hint of what a horror a civil war in this country would be.
    In regards to the military, the Dems always treat the Armed Forces like robots. “We have F-16s”. Forgetting that thinking men and women fly them.

    The only reason many people support Trump is that he fights, fights for them. The Republicans have a perception of withdrawing from conflict with the Democrats. Trump certainly does not.
    There’s a reason the people I identify with call the Democrats the Evil Party and the Republicans the Stupid Party .

  53. Bauxite,
    I’m sorry that you’ve bought into the stories the media and Democrats have spun around Trump. All I’m saying is that good lies have elements of truth. Trump did talk about groupies(in a private conversation) and described what they were game for, but never said that he did this. He may have, but it would be consensual, from what I’ve read about groupies.

    Overvaluing real estate for a loan. Judges are now real estate experts? The financial institution who lent him money are just in the habit of throwing money at people who just ask? I can value my property at any amount when seeking a loan, but the lender will make damn sure that the property is worth more than the loan.

    When a government decides to charge someone with a crime when there is no complaint, just because they don’t like someone-guess what? You’re not living in a free country anymore.

    People believing stories when the media twists statements is a personal bugaboo of mine.
    Palin never said she could see Russia from her house, but people believe she did. That’s the easiest one that comes to mind, but there are many, many others.

  54. Brian+E – Can’t you see that you have to give Trump the benefit of the doubt on a whole host of points to dismiss all of the facts of his past bad behavior?

    The Access Hollywood tape was just bravado. Once you’ve dismissed that, you can say that Trump’s history is just about infidelity. Then you can say that there’s nothing sleazy about infidelity with a porn star because that’s no worse than infidelity with a prostitute. (I have to admit, that’s a new one.) Then you can posit that Melania laid down the law and Trump took it to heart.

    OK. Maybe you are 100% correct about everything. But would you accept even one of those rationalizations about a Democrat? (I think some of them were actually used by Bill Clinton’s defenders.) Would you accept even one of those rationalizations about a Republican that you don’t like?

    Democrats are going to do what Democrats do, which includes finding any woman with a pulse who will acuse a Republican of sexual misconduct. Can you really not see the difficulties of asking voters to make all of the same rationalizations that you do about Trump’s baggage?

  55. There is no evidence she made it up now that we know that this has gone from an annoyance to a crime how dense can you be

  56. Bauxite:

    By the way, very rich people pay hush money very frequently to people who falsely accuse them. It’s cheaper and easier to pay than to fight it. That’s why such payment agreements contain clauses that say they are not admissions of guilt.

    Are you aware of any evidence for Stormy Daniels’ claims? The payment to her was small, $130,000, and Trump has said her charges are untrue. Daniels has claimed that Trump had sex with her one time.

    I think it is an established fact, however, that Trump was unfaithful to his first wife Ivana, with his second wife Marla Maples. Other than that, I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised to learn of other affairs. That is true of many politicians and many wealthy wheeler-dealers.

    All else being equal, I’d rather a president were faithful to his wife. But I don’t generally use that as an important criteria when I vote. I’d say that Obama and Carter ranked among the best in that regard, but they were very bad presidents.

    I’m a DeSantis fan, though, as you probably know.

  57. Related:

    “Biden”‘s at it again and again and again, with “his” indefatigably sleazy DOJ sock puppet (AKA Merrick Garland) this time leading the charge…and mouthing the usual gibberish.
    “Garland’s Latest Lawfare Tactic: Deliberate Regressivism;
    “AG unleashes DOJ power to challenge election laws and help Biden.”—
    H/T Powerline blog.
    Key grafs:

    …The 9-0 decision is a stern reminder to lawfare-loving Garland and the Left that using laws to settle disputes with political opponents stifles democracy, and interfering in elections by using the state’s judicial power is a firm no-no. Every justice, from the far left of the spectrum to the far right, felt that it was critical to say so.

    The decision couldn’t have come at a better time. Over the weekend, AG Garland was at it again. Having unleashed Jack Smith as a Special Prosecutor to viciously go after Trump in friendly Washington DC courts and in Florida, on a skimpy obstruction of justice charge regarding the handling of classified documents, Garland turned to a favorite topic of his:

    “Fighting discriminatory, burdensome, and unnecessary voter ID election laws.”

    Speaking to a predominantly African-American crowd at a Black Selma church service, he said:

    “The right to vote is still under attack, and that is why the Justice Department is fighting back. We are challenging efforts by states and jurisdictions who implement discriminatory, burdensome, and unnecessary restrictions on access to the ballot, including those related to mail-in voting, the use of drop boxes and voter ID requirements.”

    No, AG Garland, the right to vote is NOT under attack. Georgia, which passed its reform laws after the 2020 election and invited a boycott of woke companies, including Major League Baseball (which canceled the All-Star game in Atlanta), reported that more voters and more minority voters participated in the 2022 elections than at any time in Georgia history. Even Stacey Abrams, the losing candidate for governor in 2018, who never conceded her defeat and became a media darling, accepted that she lost her rematch against Brian Kemp.

    In Garland’s world, it should be easy for people to vote even if they do not provide convincing proof that they are American citizens. He believes that requiring voters to obtain a voter ID to present on Election Day is so burdensome that poll workers should not insist on such proof and let people in to vote anyway….

    Lies and subversion all the way down. But “Biden” is proud of that. It’s what “he” does. It’s what makes “him” tick.

    File under: Department of Junk-thought.

    + Bonus (heh):
    “Pete Buttigieg Clashes with CNBC’s Joe Kernan, Defends Biden’s Economic Record”—

    Entertaining…if you like to see people lying like there’s no tomorrow…

  58. Bauxite,

    I thought the definition of a prostitute is someone who sells their body for money. Stormy Daniels is a prostitute with a clever name.

    Going back to 2016, if someone besides Trump had proposed the agenda Trump had, I might have voted for them rather than Trump. But imagine Jeb Bush. Even Ted Cruz. We would still be arguing around the margins of policy.

    Trump made his money in the only sector/industry in America that couldn’t be exported! Everyone else who went hat in hand for money from Wall St/Tech St/Globalist/ interests would be held captive to that agenda. That was my beef with DeSantis.

    Trump did something no one else had done. He won the presidency spending less than half of his opponent. Granted it was an insurgent campaign– which no one on the left believed he could win. From the very next day of the election, forces opposed to the idea of MAGA went into action.

    Trump for all his faults, represented a sea change of attitude about what the policies of the government should be– putting America first. It was revolutionary (just the simple phrase Make America Great Again).

    It was obvious that American citizens aren’t allowed to say that (or even think it). How racist, xenophobic, crude, insensitive, bad, bad, bad saying such a thing was.

    The left isn’t just trying to crush Trump– it’s crushing the idea of America as a sovereign nation who puts the welfare of its citizens first.

  59. E. Jean Carroll is, shall we say, less than rock solid as a source,

    She’s the one who talked about rape fantasies during an interview. Modeled the dress she claimed to be raped in for a magazine, except that dress didn’t exist in the period when the rape was claimed to have happened.

    She’s a nutcase, no one with a clue believes her.

  60. Are you aware of any evidence for Stormy Daniels’ claims? The payment to her was small, $130,000, and Trump has said her charges are untrue.

    I’m skeptical Trump would have sex with a prostitute like Daniels. I think he’s something of a germaphobe and also had high standards with respect to female attractiveness. She was ok looking but not at that level.

  61. Bauxite on March 5, 2024 at 12:18 pm said:
    Brian+E – I like JD Vance a lot.

    This has been covered before, but the difference between Trump and, say, DeSantis, is that DeSantis doesn’t make it quite as easy as Trump. DeSantis hasn’t paid six figure hush money to multiple porn stars, DeSantis hasn’t flagrantly cheated on multiple wives. DeSantis hasn’t inflated his asset values on a multi-million dollar loan application. DeSantis doesn’t go around calling his female opponents “bird brain.” This list is just a small sample.<

    The latest polling shows DeSantis losing in a blowout to Biden. Trump wins against Biden, Harris or Newsome.

    Democrats will pull out whatever they can against any Republican. After all, they propped up Trump in the 2016 primary only to turn viciously on him. Their attacks on DeSantis would be different, but might be as effective or more so.

  62. Brian+E – Now you’re making a policy-based argument. I think there was something to that 8 years ago. I still think back to having 12 or however many candidates at the “big kid table” debate, all asked if they thought the Iraq war was a mistake. Trump was the only one who said yes. Jeb!, who ended up being the spokesman for the rest of the pack, gave a rambling response that was more about defending his brother’s honor than actually defending the decisions made in Iraq. And that’s just one issue.

    So yes, the GOP of 2016 richly deserved to hi-jacked by Trump or someone like him. I can absolutely understand overlooking Trump’s weaknesses and voting for him in those primaries because he really was offering something that the people wanted and that no one else was. But that was eight years ago. There were multiple other candidates in this cycle offering the same policy set as Trump, most notably DeSantis. And yet we go with the guy who has zero discipline and more skeletons than he has closets. Can you understand why, from the outside, this looks like a personality cult?

    You’re not wrong about Democrats trying to crush Trump either. Can you see how his outrageous behavior feeds that, though? I’m not saying that Trump somehow deserves it or that Democrats lawfare is right or justified. He most certainly does not and the lawfare is hugely destructive. But look at what Trump did after the 2020 election. Forget about the whole “insurrection” narrative for a minute and think about what it would have looked like if a mob of Democratic party partisans had breached the capital in 2017 when and interrupted the certification of Trump’s victory. (Or look at how Republicans did respond when a Democratic mob breached the Wisconsin capital in 2012 to prevent the passage of a law they didn’t like.) Look at Trump’s behavior with documents at Mar-a-Lago, the part about hiding documents and lying to his attorneys. Look at the childish way that he talks about his opponents and his complete and total lack of verbal discipline.

    If you had set out to design a politician tailor-made to drive Democrats to new, insane extremes, you would pick someone who is basically Donald Trump. Trump and his pursuers are locked in a sort of co-dependent positive feedback loop, with each driving the other to new levels of insanity and stupidity. It’s like one of those old Chinese finger puzzles. Nobody wins if both sides keep pulling. I think that’s where we are now. At some point, one side or the other is going to pull back, run a campaign aimed at voters outside of their own base, and end up governing the US for the next generation. I think the GOP has kissed away a golden opportunity to do just that in 2024.

  63. Democrats are already insane they sacrifice their children to butchers they cheered for the terrorists blowing up our seevicemenf they sacrifice our energy framework to china they hand the streets to criminals thats not a short trip

    They let witch hochul and bragg destroy their state

  64. CC™ can’t give up now, not after Super Tuesday, The Great Orange Whale has been wounded in Vermont!

    Porn Stars for justice and how do yo like them Oates, Fani!

  65. I have known Keith Olbermann was emotional, angry and lightly tethered to reality since seeing his shrill Now-the Resistance-Begins performance, years ago.

    But until clicking on his X account above, I never realized what a maniac, and how malicious, atavistic and morally unhinged with a murderous rage he actually was.

  66. Miguel cervantes on March 6, 2024 at 8:59 am said:
    Democrats are already insane they sacrifice their children to butchers they cheered for the terrorists blowing up our servicemen they sacrifice our energy framework to china they hand the streets to criminals thats not a short trip

    They let witch hochul and bragg destroy their state

    Yeah, so what are we “saving” with compromise? Survival to engage in battle another day? Well, maybe.

    Conservatives are trying to hold a civilization and lifeway together, while liberals have already moved beyond it psychologically, and are in the process of moving beyond “mere” humanity as they see it, as well. The conservative is trying to preserve what half does not want to be preserved and views his effort as a mortal offence.

    We no longer share even the same philosophical anthropology. And soon the difference may be physical as well

    Libs believe morals are created by acts of a “general will” and not discovered in man’s nature.

    But what is the willing thing, that projects those intentions?

    It is a soulless vortex of appetite that self defines in the act of expression – requiring no further justification.

    And you think that you can reason about fundamental values with a centerless thing like that?

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