Home » Ireland riots after the stabbing of children


Ireland riots after the stabbing of children — 42 Comments

  1. I read early on that the perpetrator of the stabbing was an Algerian “migrant.”

    On the Irish support for Hamas:

    I had joined numerous Irish Facebook groups as part of my genealogical research. I quit all but one of them since October 7, because every one but that one shared some post about some rally “in support of Gaza.” Realize, ALL of these were genealogical groups, or “history of [fill in County name]” groups — which has NOTHING to do with Gaza. Posting the information about some rally “in support of Gaza” was a violation of EACH of those Facebook groups’ rules against off-topic posts, if not also of other group rules.

    I reported the posts to the admins of the groups; I replied to the posts with DETAILED information about the terrorism visited upon infants, children, elderly, innocent Israelis, concert goers, etc. and in all cases my response was deleted or the posts were deleted and reposted. (I also included on the post that because of support for sadistic terrorists, they made me ashamed of my Irish background.) Only one of the groups had NO posts about some “rally in support of Gaza.”

    These were all groups that require admins to approve posts to the group. It really turned my stomach.

    I’m not sure what is going and on Ireland in terms of the riots — it’s hard to find information. But I think they’re all nuts over there.

  2. Someone Else on November 25, 2023 at 4:30 pm said:
    I read early on that the perpetrator of the stabbing was an Algerian “migrant.”

    According to Fox News, the perpetrator of the attack is originally from Algeria, but has become a naturalized Irish citizen (https://tinyurl.com/4x6va6by).

    Authorities are reportedly mystified by the assailant’s motives. Neither Islam nor Hamas have been officially mentioned.

  3. I would imagine that Irish citizens would object to your characterization of the Republic of Ireland as being a part of the UK.

  4. It doesn’t take much for a “refugee” to become a naturalized Irish citizen, and a gazillion of North African “migrants” were granted “refugee” status by Ireland. (It takes three years.)

  5. Neo
    By the way, for what it’s worth, I read somewhere recently – don’t know where – that Ireland has more Hamas sympathizers than any other part of the UK.

    Similar with Nazi sympathizers in Ireland during WW2, IIRC.

  6. If the perp was, indeed, an Islamic “immigrant” I don’t know why, but I would expect that the native Irish would not put up with this crap, and that their reaction would be a violent one.

    As we see, though, the “authorities” are on the side of the perp.

    These days, it seems, the “authorities” in what used to be called the “Anglosphere” are always on the side of Muslim immigrants, and their “rights” trump those of the natives.

  7. By the way, for what it’s worth, I read somewhere recently – don’t know where – that Ireland has more Hamas sympathizers than any other part of the UK.

    Dublin is in the Republic of Ireland, not Northern Ireland, and is not part of the UK.

  8. “Irish Prime Minister) Leo Varadkar said about 500 people were involved in the disorder, adding that they had “brought shame” on Ireland and promising new laws within weeks to bring those involved to justice.”

    New retroactive laws?

    “When a country admits Muslims, for any reason, it admits violence, mayhem and murder.” Cicero

    Has there ever been an exception to that fact? Not to my knowledge. But what better way to destabilize a nation?

    “How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy.
    The effects are apparent in many countries. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live. A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity.
    The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property – either as a child, a wife, or a concubine – must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men.
    Thousands become the brave and loyal soldiers of the faith: all know how to die but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world.”
    Winston Churchill

  9. I just cannot imagine that the leaders of the various nations of Europe did not realize/know that allowing a large number of largely inassimilable Muslims–and very likely a large percentage of them feral and/or actively hostile Muslims–into their various countries was just asking for trouble, and that by admitting a very large number of such inassimilable and militant Muslim “immigrants’ they would very likely be irrevocably changing the demographic composition, tenor, and the futures of their respective countries.

    Cynically speaking, perhaps they figured that by the time a critical mass of Muslims had arrived and the real trouble started, they would have long since been out of office and retired i.e. they really didn’t give a shit about the people they were supposed to represent and lead.

    Or, were they just stupid and/or blinded by leftist ideology, or perhaps some combination of these things?

    If you believe the scholarly research and conclusions of Bat Ye’or, the leaders of Europe–lead by the French–when negotiating with Muslim leaders and just focused on achieving the short term goal of cheap oil in return for allowing massive Muslim immigration.

  10. I think it is because letting them in makes them feel so good about themselves, because they are welcoming the people that nobody else wants. They never stop to think that there may be a reason that nobody else wants them around.

    It allows them to feel superior to the rest of us.

  11. The Germans began this years ago with Turks. Turks are relatively secular (or were) but the situation has changed. The French tried to keep Algeria by pretending they were Muslim. That has been a disaster. Hungary is the only free country in Europe although the Netherlands took a step in the right direction. It remains to be seen if it was too late.

  12. The Frantzman tweet linked by Miguel is referring to this story:

    (Courtesy; clause 27a of the copyright law)
    In a post that has quickly been lambasted on Twitter, Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar welcomes the release of Israeli-Irish hostage Emily Hand, “an innocent child who was lost has now been found and returned.”

    The passive tweet from Varadkar does not mention that the 9-year-old Hand had been held hostage for 50 days in Gaza by Hamas terrorists after she was kidnapped from a sleepover with her friend.

    “We breathe a massive sigh of relief. Our prayers have been answered,” he says.

    Varadkar draws flak from Israeli officials and Jewish groups over the wording of the statement.

    This is how you describe a little girl who went missing during a stroll in a forest, then gets discovered by a friendly hiker. Not a girl brutally abducted by death squads that brutally massacred her neighbors. But this explains the extent of Ireland’s contribution: prayers. https://t.co/tewkG4WhqZ

    — Eylon Levy (@EylonALevy) November 25, 2023

    Emily Hand was not ‘lost’ or mislaid. This is NOT an Oscar Wilde play @LeoVaradkar Emily was cruelly abducted by #Hamas terrorists. Israeli pressure brought her home. https://t.co/hWHiNEYcwV

    — Irish Jewish Voice (@Irishchutzpah) November 26, 2023


    “LOST”! You’re a disgrace

    Emily Hand was kidnapped by Hamas terrorists who murdered many of her friends & neighbours.

    She was released NOT because of your prayers but due to the military pressure @IDF dealt to Hamas – the same pressure you dislike so much. https://t.co/d7ZtYKFU2a

    — NW Friends of Israel (@NorthWestFOI) November 25, 2023

  13. Much as I hate to say it, this might be a step in the right direction. Anti-Western Third Worldism is probably more entrenched in Ireland than in anywhere else in the West, and I’d be willing to include borderline cases like say India, South Korea, Japan, and even the likes of South Africa and Namibia and Botswana into the list. Ireland’s suffered fairly dramatically from foreign colonizers (whether they be Scandinavians, Anglo/Normans and Scots, or the like), and the most recent of those were the British.

    For a while things looked like they might be improving during the late 19th century and the early 20th, but a divisive issue over Home Rule and Protestant supremacy put paid to that, and the WWI that British leadership initially hoped would paper over the problem and that both Unionist and Republican leaders supported the Allied effort in helped rip it open when radical republicans decided to pursue their quest for an independent Catholic dominated Irish Republic by allying with…..: the Protestant dominated, often hostilely anti-Catholic and increasingly totalitarian Absolute Monarchy in Germany that by midwar was headed up by a genocidal proto-Nazi Wotanist. And when that failed many of them moved to favor ties with the Bolsheviks or the “League of Fiume”. It is frankly a miracle that Irish independence went as well as it did, and I do not say that lightly given how it went pretty nastily with spates of terrorism, mass murder, and so on by all sides (and the British government infamously shooting itself in the foot by sending the Auxies to burn down entire neighborhoods and cities like Cork) followed by a civil war over a peace treaty.

    But the result is that so much of Ireland views itself as a former colony and part of the Third World, more Bosnia or Bengal than Belgium (which is oddly fitting given the turmoil Bosnia ans Benfal went through for independence), and pretty much all sides have to swear to try and reacquire Northern Ireland one way or another. Unfortunately for the IRA this meant partnering with basically every anti-Western totalitarian movement of the past century, going from the Central Powers of WWI to the likes of the Iranian Mullahcracy now.

    This also led to a. Really, really strong sense of Arabism. Probably the most severe in Europe save maybe Spain, and even Spain is tempered by the conflicts with Morocco. A lot has been said about the influence of the Arab Street in French Foreign Policy and for good reason, but at least with that we can largely say it was driven by cynical maneuvering by the Quay d’Orsay’s bureaucrats and some good old fashioned anti-Dreyfussard style Jew Hatred. Germany is probably even worse but has less of a direct footprint and still remembers the PLO terrorism in Munich.

    In contrast much of Ireland viewed the likes of Hamas, the PLO, and so forth as Allies against Western Imperialism and so on, helped a bit by some old fashioned Jew Hatred and new fashioned “Anti-Zionist” Jew Hateed but largely by trying to avoid being engulfed in the “Atlantic Partnership” and to retain the old claims to the North. Many of them did not realize how their new Allies actually thought of them or what they would do.

    Imagine a place whose bread and butter entertainment – where their equivalent of the generic Nazis or Soviets or suspiciously nondescript Terrorists – is the British Empire around the time of Victoria or Churchill and you can kind of imagine what that indicates. Helped of course by the terrorism of many, such as the Unionist paramilitaries having a fondness for targeting civilians or memories of British
    /English/Scottish brutality or neglect that were very real and horrifying.

    But if Cromwell is on par with Hitler or Stalin if not even more present than they are and you are inclined to believe the likes of the FLN or Madhists are misunderstood freedom fighters like your 1600s Confederates, imagine what kind of perverse naivety that might engender at how much worse people and things can be. I can write an awful lot about Cromwell and Coote and so on and their very real crimes, but the world is a lot lot worse than they were. If Churchill is worse than Hitler, doesn’t that justify partnering with Hitler or Stalin or Hussein or the like against them?

    It looks like some more Irish recognize the problems with this road.

    I’d also recommend Mark Humprys, who in spite of being an annoyingly strident anti-theist and not entirely that well knowledgeable about it, is quite sharp about history and politics and has done the long fight about that kind of derangement.

  14. Ireland’s suffered fairly dramatically from foreign colonizers (whether they be Scandinavians, Anglo/Normans and Scots, or the like), and the most recent of those were the British.
    The Celtic peoples (bar those occupying the northern 1/3 of Great Britain) have suffered from an unwillingness and inability to construct a political authority which could operate on a supralocal scale and actually defend them from outsiders. Sub-Roman Britain and Ireland were a collection of local chieftaincies overrun by people who could get their frigging act together. You got a united Wales when the Plantagenets stamped out resistance from local grandees and you got a united Ireland when the Tudor-Stuart monarchy did the same three centuries later.

  15. @Art Deco

    Indeeedie. It is a couple of the ironies I have noted, especially since the British largely built the idea of a United more or less unitary Ireland only to then have it splinter. Similar to the Anglo-Normans and Wales. The only major exceptions I can think of to Celtic disunity and inability to make a stable(ish) supranational government under their own speed are Scotland and Brittany, and ultimately those were absorbed into their neighbors. In many ways it is a great tragedy given the achievements of the Celts in many ways and the horrors they suffered both from insiders and outsiders over those failures.

  16. Spiked weighs in, and lays out the real reasons for the riot.
    The kind of Trinity-educated know-alls who have no doubt had HR training on why words like lunatic are outdated and offensive nodded along as the chief of police damned a mostly poor crowd as lunatics. Dublin’s Sally Rooney-reading Gen Z radicals who probably agree with the writers who said the BLM looting in the US was a valiant stab at ‘the heart of property, of whiteness and of the police’ took to X to wail about the looting on their beloved O’Connell Street. It seems rioting in response to the police killing of an African-American is fine, but rioting in response to a knife attack on three Irish schoolkids is literal derangement.

    Some of us, even as we feel deeply unsettled by the riotous scenes in Dublin, believe there has to be a better explanation than ‘They’re insane’ or ‘They’re Nazis in tracksuits’. It started with the horrific knife attack outside a school near Parnell Square. A woman and three children were assaulted. The woman and a five-year-old girl remain in a critical condition. It was reported, but isn’t yet confirmed, that the knifeman is an Algerian national. [BUT see link above from Art Deco] This news spread like wildfire and before long the republic was in the grip of its worst civil unrest in a long time.

    And yet, we cannot write off this unrest as the antics of imbeciles. To me it looks more like the fury of the cancelled. The rage of the overlooked. For years now, there has been a simmering discomfort with Ireland’s immigration policy. Some in Ireland believe too many people have arrived, too quickly, and that we need a ‘mature debate’ about it. But whenever they say something, they’re branded bigots and scum. When hundreds of opponents of mass immigration marched in Dublin earlier this year, President Michael D Higgins accused them of ‘sowing hate’. Is it possible that the fire and violence of the kind we saw in Dublin last night is what happens when every other avenue of expression is shut down to people?

    It seems to me that many outside Ireland do not appreciate what a staggering cultural shift has taken place. According to the 2022 census, 20 per cent of Ireland’s current population was born outside of Ireland. That’s one in every five people.

    Across Europe, and in the US too, immigration is the issue through which many people most viscerally experience their own disenfranchisement. It is the issue that feels beyond their democratic reach. The issue they’re told not to talk about. The issue that is so often weaponised by their self-styled moral superiors to taunt and demean them. Witness Ireland’s well-educated upper-class youths who counter-protest marches against mass immigration with signs saying: ‘Everyone welcome – except racists.’ In short, why don’t you get out, lowlife bigot?

    This exploitation of immigration to weaken national borders, fortify the technocratic elites and embolden the superiority complex of the rising woke establishment was always bound to backfire. It is sickening to see Irish elites who trounced democracy and demonised their own people now wring their hands over the street violence that is partly an ugly byproduct of their own behaviour. These people are meant to be clever and they don’t even know that when you cancel democracy, violence often takes its place.

  17. Used to be that the Brits colonized Eire.
    Now it’s the turn of the Irish guvmint (and elites) who’re colonizing it.

    But thank the gods that the Irish can still blame the Brits for whatever ales them…with quite a bit of Israel bashing for good measure…
    (But then didn’t the Brits look upon themselves as “the NEW Israel”?…at least for a longish while…not that they were the only ones, mind you…)

  18. I cite frantzman because he was quite clearheaded re the immigration pause he is probably on the left but he is willing to consider facts

  19. Both the Irish Taoiseach and Scottish First Minister have complained that their countries’ civil service and legal system are “too White.” About 94% of the Irish population and about 96% of the Scottish population identify as White.

    Ireland has been called the most Americanized country in Europe. Much of what we complain about in Irish politics comes from us, or from Britain, or from the general trends in Western Europe.

  20. As an expat, I’m often embarrassed by the American BS that gets adapted by foreign elites.
    I live in one of world’s biggest oil exporter yet the proudly proclaim their ambition to be “Net Zero” in a decade.

    If they achieve that, their diet will go back to camel, fish, and dates.

  21. “…camel, fish, and dates…”

    Ah yes, the highly-regarded “Persian Gulf Diet”…or “Arabian Gulf”, depending—(kinda’ like one should NEVER ask for Turkish coffee in Greece, and vice versa.)

    But—horrors!—does that mean that Net Zero will make them have to give up their Happy Meals?
    Well, one could do worse, though I’ve never tasted camel.
    (OTOH, they do make what is reputed to be a very delicious camel’s milk ice cream—very appropriate for desert….)
    – – – – – – – –
    And as was noted above, regarding the acumen of Irish politicians (or at least those who fall “upwards” to the office of PM):
    ” Irish prime minister says Gaza hostage was ‘lost and now found’ “—
    (I guess that would make that little girl “The Prodigal Hostage”….)

    But no matter how you look at it, the man has a way with words…. The gift of jab?
    (Though to be fair, he must humour his own peculiar ideology…as well as that of his constituents….)

  22. “…the general trends of Western Europe…”
    Apparently, the EU is NOT authoritarian enough for all those altruistic MEPs…who only have the GOOD OF THE PEOPLE at heart(!)…
    “A Step Closer to Euro-Federalism?
    “The plans would see a massive transfer of competences from a national to an EU level.”—
    Key grafs:
    The European Parliament adopted a report on Wednesday, November 22nd that seeks to amend the treaties of the European Union, liquidating member states’ veto rights, and giving more power to EU institutions. The resolution was accepted by 291 votes, with 274 MEPs voting against it, and 44 abstaining. The vote itself shows how divisive the issue is, and member states don’t seem keen on change either….
    …[C]onservative MEPs called the proposals an attempt “to hijack Europe,” and to create “a dystopian superstate that degrades member countries to the status of regions.”
    The plans would see a massive transfer of competences from a national to an EU level, and the unanimity voting system—veto rights of member states—would almost completely be abolished, to be replaced by majority or qualified majority voting. The European Parliament would have more powers, and the European Commission would become much more political….’ [All emphasis mine; Barry M.]

    AKA, heading all those FASCISTS off at the pass! Nipping them in the bud—We’re looking at you Wilders, and you Meloni, and you, Brexiteers, and all you anti-EU FASCISTS…who for some unfathomable—IMMORAL, UNETHICAL, FASCIST, RACIST—reason fail to agree with us enlightened altruists; fail to understand why they MUST AGREE with us….etc., etc….

    File under: “Biden” comes to Europe!

  23. Mark Steyn’s ESSENTIAL column on the latest stabbings, in France and in Ireland, and the reactions to them.
    “Diversity Stabbing of the Day”—
    If this has already been linked to, my apologies.
    Key phrases (RTWT):
    “…So the only “falseness” here is on the part of the Beeb, in seeking to airbrush, as they always do, the fruits of diversity.
    “To be fair, the Dublin media are not quite as invested in the multiculti omerta as the French press…”
    “…But it is the different reactions to the French and Irish stabbings that are instructive….”

  24. I did not know that about Hearst, miguel. He may have been a flawed man but it seems he was made the object of the “two minutes hate” the left so lives to dish out. “Citizen Kane” may be a cinematic masterpiece from a technical standpoint but I have always found its view of Hearst to be smug and supercilious even before I learned this.

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