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I have a cold — 33 Comments

  1. Hope you feel better, but it goes both ways. I live “out west”, and a cousin from the mid-Atlantic a couple months ago brought us a rhinovirus we had no immunity to. (No, I’m not going to write , “to which we had no immunity.” no matter what my English Comp prof required.)
    As you said, it was worth it.

  2. My Wife is a retired Teacher (Jr High). We had colds all the time. Since she retired very few.

  3. Sorry to hear you’re under the weather; happy to hear you are with your grandchildren. I got to see two of our three grandchildren on Thanksgiving, which is fun but which always make me think of my maternal grandmother, whom I always considered special and almost super-human. She was born at the end of the Nineteenth Century, was widowed in the early forties, and passed in 1961, perhaps my grandchildren consider me super-human, but they give no indication of that.

  4. Grandchildren are worth getting a cold, for sure. Our granddaughter just left, and my husband says he’s got a sore throat.

  5. Nice. How old are they? Mine are almost twenty and I don’t see them often. Probably why my favorite friends are younger folks with family. They tend to have kids and it’s always fun to watch the antics. Plus I get invited to meals.

  6. Hah ! Visited my granddaughter last weekend, and right on schedule, I am now suffering from the cold she caught just before we arrived. Life is miserable, but it goes on.

  7. Vit C. Vit D. Extra zinc. And “more sleep” (– but of course that never happens when you’re off visiting relatives). On the “positive thinking” side of things, just consider that you’re adding “new ammunition” to your immune system’s arsenal.

    Hope you feel better soon.

  8. Chicken soup.
    Lots of garlic, onions and soup greens (dill, parsley, etc), carrots, parsley root, parsnip, too (for far-ranging “coverage”). And lots of black pepper.
    (I’d also recommend chicken innards and feet too, fully realizing that it’s not for everyone…. OTOH, throwing in some chicken wings can be fun…which, beefs up the psychological component of the “remedy”.)
    …BUT if yer not a fan of chicken soup, might think about popping a Quercetin pill once or twice daily, with a bit of zinc…
    And if one’s a bit anxious about all that potential chicken fat, then just chill, skim the fat off the top and reheat—which reheating makes it taste even better, if that’s possible, anyway…
    Wishes for radiant health, etc., etc….

    Hey, speaking of immune systems….
    “Natural Immunity Better Than Protection From COVID-19 Vaccination: Study”—
    Gosh, who’da thunk it….

    Meanwhile, GO POLAND!!!
    “Pfizer Sues Poland For Bailing On COVID-19 Vaccine, Citing Shady EU Mega-Deal”—

  9. Made turkey soup from the remains of Thanksgiving dinner, sent a container of it home with younger daughter this morning, and we’ll use the rest to treat my husband’s incipient cold.

    I was surprised and saddened to learn that many people don’t know how to make homemade soup.

  10. For some reason I haven’t had a cold in the last 5 years. I thought it was the forced isolation of Covid (though I ignored the stupid masking and distancing nonsense). Also started taking Quercetin and Zinc. I had one case of very mild “sniffles” in summer 2022, but it turned out that was Covid (I only tested myself because I was visiting my then 95-year-old mother). When I did get colds I found that zinc lozenges seemed to reduce/shorten the severity.

  11. I’ve been taking quercetin, zinc, and vitamin D for years, and I double up if I’m getting a cold. Doesn’t seem to help prevent or shorten colds or the two times I’ve had the Commie Crud, EXCEPT that I think when I use Zycam zinc lozenges at the first sign of a problem, it has helped shorten the duration.

    Our kids moved from our area around Philadelphia a few years ago. Daughter in Dallas, grandson born there last year. I’ve been flying out several times a year and I get sick at least four out of five trips. Just went two weeks ago and came back with RSV—lingering cough, not too bad. The good news is that our grandson didn’t have a serious case of RSV, since babies are most vulnerable.

    Our son lives in Manhattan and we haven’t gotten sick at all when we see him—maybe the mid-Atlantic tends to have the same circulating viruses so we aren’t especially vulnerable to Manhattanites??

  12. The day before any trip we drink AirBorne fizzy tablets. We feel that it really helps to take them before the exposure to a charged environment. After we have arrived, depending on where we are, we continue to take one a day. It seems to work for us!

    I have never heard of Quercetin tablets, are they available over the shelf?

  13. I would gladly exchange a cold for the Covid my wife and I contracted at the rehab hospital in October. She was just visiting me.

  14. Anne – Quercitin is widely available OTC. I’m impressed with the company Life Extension for supplements. Their website has good info including research and citations. Plus frequent sales and quick shipping.
    I’ve done the Quercitin-zinc-D3 protocol for several years and no illness of any kind! For good measure I added Lactoferrin (an anti-viral) and K-2 (to help the D-3 to get where it needs to go).
    This protocol was circulated widely on the internet during lockdown as an OTC version of the forbidden hydroxychloroquine. There’s speculation that it might even help with arthritis.
    It seems pretty innocuous (and easily tolerated) but do your own reading – and thinking – by all means!

  15. I buy Quercetin as a food supplement in capsule form.
    I’m not aware of any other possibility, but it may exist…

    From what I understand, quercetin is an active ingredient in the allium family of vegetables (onions, garlic, etc.).
    It has no odor, though, so if you want people to keep their distance from you, it’s probably a better idea to just eat the raw onions and garlic…

    (Works for me….)

  16. Ruth, I took a quick look at Life Extension and it didn’t seem to have quercetin at all. I buy it in capsule form on Amazon.

  17. Enjoy your family Neo.
    Immense doses of love and joy will make that cold less of a “thing.”

    Hope you’re at full strength soon.

  18. It has no odor, though, so if you want people to keep their distance from you, it’s probably a better idea to just eat the raw onions and garlic…

    Or wear a MAGA hat. (h/t Larry David)

    Yes, I take D3 as well as the Quercetin and Zinc. You have to be a bit careful with Zinc, as too much can inhibit absorption of some other essential mineral (Chromium I think?).

  19. I tried to find a video of the TV ad of the same name, but no success. I did find this song: Huey Smith and his Clowns – Would You Believe It (I´ve Got a Cold). I had not heard of the song before. It must have been a spoof on the TV ad.

    Traveling and exposure to young children can lead to colds, including the Covid version of colds. My sister flew from Florida to Texas several weeks ago. We visited a cousin in Oklahoma. Shortly after returning to Florida, my sister told me she had a mild case of Covid. I came down with a cold with mild fever not long after. Must have been Covid from my sister, but I didn’t bother testing. My sister must have picked it up at airports or on planes. My brother and his wife flew to California to see their children and grandchildren, and got Covid. Ditto planes and airports, I think.

  20. Kate at 7:45 a.m.: I strongly recommend giving a copy of Soup Wisdom by Frieda Arkin. It’s out of print but can be had inexpensively on Amazon. It’s worth the price for the knowledge of how to make stock, which is really easy. Mushroom soup is kind of complex, and it tastes like crap until the end, when it turns wonderful.

    I gave a copy to a 9 year old who was interested in learning to cook. She read it cover to cover and immediately began collecting scraps for making stock. She’s learned a lot since then. She makes dinner for the family three nights a week. She’s 12, I think, and quite the budding scientist.

  21. Enjoy your trip neo. And don’t cut corners on your sleep.
    They say that quality sleep in the first half of the night is most important for maintaining one’s immune system.

  22. I think I’m getting a cold.
    A chronic one….
    “Over 20 Millions Immigrants Are Set to Vote In 2024”—
    Heh, that’s not FAIR.
    (It’s not even legal….)
    So what! say the Patriotic Democratic Party….

    + Bonus:
    “Wait, The FBI Had 40 Confidential Informants Tracking the Biden Family’s Shady Deeds?”—

  23. Getting colder….
    “Michigan Democrats change primary election date, GOP votes may be rendered pointless;
    “The primary election was originally supposed to be held on the second Tuesday of March, and the change to February 27 was led by Democrat Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. As a result and because of RNC rules, the legislature may have nullified the credentialing of Michigan Republican delegates to their own convention.”—

    Dirty political tricks tend to do that…
    (Though I’m not sure why the Republicans can’t just change their own rules, too…. Gotta fight fire with fire.)

  24. Ruth, another reason to like dark chocolate! Wonderful! The copper connects to Copper Country, too.

    (If there were a copper-loving Bond villain equivalent to Auric Goldfinger, what would his name be? As lame as it would be, Cooper something, I suppose, is the closest one could realistically get. I can’t come up with anything as clever as ‘Auric’.)

  25. I can’t come up with anything as clever as ‘Auric’.

    Cupric, of course. Maybe Cupric Copperhead.

    And Ruth, thanks for the correction–I’d mentioned Zinc interferes with something upthread, but misremembered what it was. I also have 88% Dark Chocolate, though I didn’t realize it is rich in copper. Jarrow makes a zinc supplement with copper, though I’ve even heard it’s best not to take them together. Life is too short to navigate all this stuff.

  26. Jimmy, but ‘Cupric Copper-something’ doesn’t have the same smoothness; that was the whole point. I’m a chemist, I know what the adjectival forms are. I have no problem with a tinsmith being named Stan, for example. 🙂

  27. I get semi-annual blood tests to check levels of D and zinc. I had high Zn level during covid, so I backed off on the amount that I took and I am now midrange in the recommended range.

    I saw a link on Instapundit about zinc impacting blood glucose and A1c levels. So, I checked my lab history. In July 2022, I had my highest zinc levels as well as my lowest A1c and blood glucose levels. Since then, my zinc levels have decreased and the glucose/A1c levels have increased. Yes, there could be other reasons, but it is something to keep checking. So, I am back to the higher intake of zinc to see if the pattern re-emerges.

    I am with a direct primary care doctor, so the lab tests are at her “wholesale” price and not the suggested retail/insurance prices. But, Quest Diagnostics offers lab tests at a reasonable price and without doctor’s orders. They are actually having a sale on their lab tests!

    And, if you take a bunch of supplements, be sure to review the labels since in total, you may be way over the recommended amount of a vitamin or mineral.

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