Home » Traitor Trump


Traitor Trump — 52 Comments

  1. All of this will stop when Democrats and the media decide that they love America more than they hate Trump’s voters. They don’t have a problem with Trump per se – after all, he was once a Democrat who gave plenty of money to people like Chuck Schumer and Hillary Clinton. But even by the coarsened standards of today’s politics, it’s still out of bounds (mostly) for a politician to openly admit that they despise half the country and wish them harm, whether it’s physical, financial, or just robbing them of their way of life.

  2. If Trump was traitorous, then they wouldn’t be worried about the national pride and patriotism of his supporters. They would be able to show those supporters Trump’s traitorous dealings with foreign entities which would quickly turn Trump’s supporters against him.

    I can show were Biden gave the green light to Putin to invade Ukraine. How Biden’s policies have enriched Russia and Saudi Arabia. That Biden is actively trying to give money to the terrorist state of Iran. I can do those things before noting he handed over Afghanistan back to the Taliban and Al Qaeda, and that he is doing nothing as Iran attempts to destabilize Iraq. The Solomon Islands didn’t turn to China under Trump.

    Show me what Trump did that compares.

  3. I was surprised they didn’t go with the story from louise penny, yes biden the long time soviet tool, now under xi’s handling, is doing everything kruschev warned about 60? years ago, ‘we will bury you’ mind you putin is a nationalist, in the vein of the czars,

  4. This is entirely You show me the man and I will show you the crime, even if we have to make one up.
    Read Barky still has documents, he has paid like $3M to keep from archives and at least some time ago in a off site space.
    The Marxists are the traitors, selling us to China and inviting the world to invade us.

  5. Any social construct like ours that REQUIRES Best Men to run the government is doomed to failure. Any process, including a Constitution, must be designed to run properly when Best Men are not in charge of it. Don’t like what you see? Then focus on where the problem is, NOT on the symptom. Focus on the symptom and you inevitably end up in a Might Makes Right solution.

  6. I’m sure I’ve pointed this out before, but just imagine if all the massive amounts of effort, energy, money, time, and resources the deep state and their media handmaidens have spent trying to “Get Trump!!!” for the past… oh what is it now? 7, or 8 years?… all this effort, was actually spent doing something useful for humanity? We’d probably be colonizing Mars by now, right?

  7. if men were angels, there would be no need for government, the goal is the social compact to prevent things from becoming ‘nasty brutish and short’ in hobbes phrasing, that has clearly broken down as you look at many metropoli and even a few smaller bergs, not just crime, but reliable electricity, plentiful food, et al,

  8. JackWayne:

    The Constitution and our government was constructed because the Founders knew the best men would not be in government, unfortunately they didn’t anticipate how utterly bad “men” in government have become.

  9. I’ve thought that the way things are going, if the Dems managed to steal both of the next two elections then a hot civil war would break out. I’ve changed my opinion. If they arrest Trump for any reason whatsoever, the shooting will start. If Pelosi and company can arrest the former president, who is still hugely popular, no one is safe from the predators of the Democrat party.

  10. They won’t indict Trump–they’re going to string this out for as long as they can, just like they did with the Russian hoax–they’ll bleed him out as much as possible & exploit the story like they’re doing with the Jan 6 story.

  11. btw you want to know how many gope senators voted for lisa monaco, too many,

  12. As I have mentioned on this blog many times, I send e-mails to my Senators and Representative protesting various Democrat policies. All are Dems.

    For the last couple of months, I have been the subject of IRS harassment. First, they said my return was fraudulent. I had to spend a few days proving it was my return and I am the person who filed it.

    Then I received a letter saying I was due a refund of several thousand dollars and later, a check. I knew I wasn’t due any refund, I had paid the proper amount and was owed nothing by the IRS.

    It took me several hours, but I finally got on with an IRS agent, who, after hearing my story and identifying me, got quite flummoxed and put me on hold. When he returned to the call, he said my case was above his pay grade and one of his superiors would be contacting me. He asked if I had cashed the check yet. When I said I had no intention of cashing the check, he didn’t have a comeback. Strange.

    If I hadn’t seen so many false flag operations from the Feds in the last few years, I might not be suspicious. It appears to me that they were hoping an old codger like me couldn’t prove my return wasn’t fraudulent and then decided to send me a fat refund in hopes I would cash the check. Later on, they could charge me with some kind of tax cheating or fraud.

    Am I paranoid? Maybe. The fact that they are hiring 87,000 more agents appears to me that they fully intend to use the IRS to harass people they don’t like. The fact that they have gone after regular citizens on many occasions really makes me suspicious.

    It’s pretty clear that the DOJ and FBI are harassing Trump. They may never indict or convict him, but the process is the punishment. And they hope enough negative info will be put in the media to stop him from winning the presidency again. What a bunch of corruptocrats.

  13. JJ:

    Sorry this is happening to you.

    Are they turning you upside down to shake some Benjamins out or are you a known Tea Partier or Trump supporter?

    What’s your sense of it?

  14. Garland ( nice Jewish name there, im sure you know the name of this weeks parsha) should bring back Mueller , if he can peel him away from Triumph of the Will

  15. I notice WaPo and ABC have some current stories to the effect that No, MAL Is Not Like Hillary’s Email Server.

    –“What about Clinton’s emails? How Trump’s document controversy differs.”

    Of course not. Hillary’s case was much worse and obviously so. Yet Comey gave a public statement exonerating her, ignoring clear law, because her intentions were not criminal.

    That was a black day. It hadn’t occurred to me that the FBI had become so blatantly a political arm of the Obama administration.

    As a refuge, I started studying calculus the next day. I’m still studying and I’ve gotten good at it.

  16. Everything the left is doing further alienates more of the public each day. They are committed to imposing tyranny by any and all means necessary.

    “All of this will stop when Democrats and the media decide that they love America more than they hate Trump’s voters.” Sgt. Joe Friday

    It is the America that Trump voters love, which they hate above all.

    “I can show were Biden gave the green light to Putin to invade Ukraine.” Leland

    Please… show us.

    “the Founders knew the best men would not be in government, unfortunately they didn’t anticipate how utterly bad “men” in government have become.” om

    The Founders knew well that all men have “feet of clay”.

    But at least one Founder, arguably the wisest, anticipated how utterly bad “men” in government could become when asked “Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?” With no hesitation whatsoever, Franklin responded, “A republic, if you can keep it.”

    The very way the set up the Constitution demonstrates many were aware of the danger and many of their writings confirm it. They knew well the darkness and foolishness that so many exhibit.

    “If they arrest Trump for any reason whatsoever, the shooting will start.” Paul in Boston

    Possibly. If widespread, can you think of a better way to create a response on the left and in the media (but I repeat myself) demanding the imposition of Nationwide Martial Law? One clearly needed until the “National Emergency” is over… what clearer threat to “democracy” could there be than millions of “domestic terrorists”?

    In such a case, you can bet that there will be no elections and the first thing they’ll do is suspend both Posse Comitatus and Habeas Corpus. Having already indicated a willingness to do so with the January 6th political prisoners.


    You’re not being paranoid.

  17. huxley wrote, “As a refuge, I started studying calculus the next day. I’m still studying and I’ve gotten good at it.”

    I’m doing something similar. Should we talk?

  18. I’m doing something similar. Should we talk?

    apple betty:

    Sure! Although I’m not sure what you’re suggesting. My email address contains my real name, which I’m not comfortable putting in a comment.

    What’s your refuge?

  19. For Huxley and Apple Betty: You might be interested in David Berlinski’s “Tour of the Calculus” and his “Advent of the Algorithm”.


  20. Mass Formation psychosis
    Dr. Robert Malone:

    “The conditions to set up mass formation psychosis include lack of social connectedness and sensemaking as well as large amounts of latent anxiety and passive aggression. When people are inundated with a narrative that presents a plausible “object of anxiety” and strategy for coping with it, then many individuals group together to battle the object with a collective singlemindedness. This allows people to stop focusing on their own problems, avoiding personal mental anguish. Instead, they focus all their thought and energy on this new object.”

    “As mass formation progresses, the group becomes increasingly bonded and connected. Their field of attention is narrowed and they become unable to consider alternative points of view. Leaders of the movement are revered, unable to do no wrong.”

    “Left unabated, a society under the spell of mass formation will support a totalitarian governance structure capable of otherwise unthinkable atrocities in order to maintain compliance.”

    Malone says in the companion talk that Mass Formation is a form of hypnosis. You need to keep feeding their fears. People lose their ability for rational thinking.
    Anyone who says something contrary to the narrative needs to be attacked.

    As the fear of COVID wanes, could there be another narrative to replace the virus? Could this sudden shift of focus and obsession be on MAGA extremists, haters, semi-fascists? Could this narrative be promoted to the extent it takes over as the new fear, replacing covid as their new obsession? And would it be as effective as covid fear has been?

    It makes sense that there is a natural division in the country between MAGA extremists (their words, not mine) and those resisting the worst excesses of the government message on masks, vaccines, lockdowns and the rest?

    It is curious that this sudden shift in tone by Democrats has been fairly uniform. Crist saying he didn’t want haters to vote for him. Hochel saying haters need to leave New York, they aren’t wanted there. Biden saying MAGA people are enemies of democracy, are semi-fascists, which has just morphed to fascists in White House rhetoric. Malone says there must be a common enemy.

    Up till now all the focus on their fear has been Trump. Will that focus now shift to people that hold the same political convictions? The years long obsession of lies about Trump has firmly set in the minds of a majority or near majority of the population that Trump is a criminal and a threat to their way of life. Can the lie now be spread to the “other”?

    Will this be sufficient cause to transfer the obsessive anxiety from covid to MAGA? And if that can be done, will we see it manifest in more authoritarian lawlessness by Democrats.

    Or is all this merely coincidence?

    There is a 13 minute talk worth listening to.


  21. “Bonchie at RedState believes they won’t actually charge Trump with anything”

    Yes, they pounced on a couple of high profile Trump aides and cuffed them in public. Confiscated the cell phone of a GOP Congressman. For Trump, they only invaded his home and rifled through his wife’s panties.
    It seems both possible and perhaps even likely that this is simple intimidation: “Nice life you have there, would be a shame if something happened to it”

    A point I’ve seen made: “They” wouldn’t be so thuggish and so desperate if Biden had actually gotten 81 million votes. I think there’s truth to that. They had to take Trump out in ’20 come what may. Now, they can’t possibly let Trump back in for ’24 because they can’t completely cover their tracks.

  22. huxley: “Are they turning you upside down to shake some Benjamins out or are you a known Tea Partier or Trump supporter?”

    I’m a known TEA Party member. I hand delivered a letter to Patty Murray back in 2009 during a TEA Party demonstration. And have written many e-mails since. But Susan DelBene, my representative, has been very sensitive about argumentative e-mails since Jan 6. Could be either one or both who have put the IRS on my case. I think they are trying to get me to commit some infraction, but if unable, to create a lot of stress and expense for me.

    You get a notice from the IRS, and you wonder, what did I do wrong? They can garnish your income, take your house, etc. My returns for the last ten years have been pretty straight forward and I’m careful to have proof of all items. So, when they start rooting around in my returns, it doesn’t add up. I may have to hire a tax adviser to get them off my back. The process is the punishment.

  23. “What’s your refuge!” Nothing wrong with classic skill building like calculus. But my new pass time is prepping the test out of “Introduction to CyberSecurity.” I may well keep going on the certification path via coursera first — then more majorly marketable Cerys.

    But why? The top dog in Cybersecurity is ethical hacking — which can also find suitable pernicious targets, and therefore achieving not just defensive goals by the opposite as well.

    Not only is JJ wise to suspect, but I recall that CBS News investigative reporter Sharyl Attkisson says a FIB guy admitted that Fed Agents attempted to plant child porn on her husband’s computer. Fortunately for them, the attempt failed.

    Not that they won’t try, try again if needed. Which is why unlike JJ, I won’t attempt inside the park expressions of outrage vented at so-called “representatives” to the state. Either I’ll let chaff and lead convey the signal message, or else clever enough barbs from outside the Bull pen.

    It’s time to get binary in signaling, and absolute in the goals aimed for.

  24. Like the nsa had some thing called taos which was the proactive element (one wonders if they got the notion from eos

  25. The key question is what documents did Trump have and why? Related – did Trump deviate from the practices of other former presidents? If so, how?

    I don’t see how one can have an informed opinion one way or another without answers to those questions. And unless you are willing to believe either DOJ leaks and propaganda or leaks and speculation from the pro-Trump camp, those questions are unanswered.

    Mass formation psychosis can go both ways.

  26. I don’t see how one can have an informed opinion one way or another without answers to those questions.

    He had plenary discretion to declassify documents and there are no criminal penalties incorporated into the Presidential Records Act.

  27. Art Deco – I understand that the criminal statutes cited by the DOJ don’t require that the documents be classified.

    It appears that the DOJ is using hyperaggressive tactics, including a very aggressive reading of the relevant statutes. Why? TDS? That’s possible, maybe even likely. The DOJ and FBI are not trustworthy, especially on matters related to Trump, especially with the Hillary email debacle as precedent.

    But it is impossible to get an accurate read on the situation without knowing what documents Trump had and why. Maybe Trump was just doing what other presidents have done. (I recall a controversy about Obama taking papers after he left office.) Maybe Trump had documents related to Russiagate that proved government misconduct.

    Trump being Trump, however, it is also possible that he was collecting momentos, trying to keep dirt on Macron or other government figures, or otherwise behaving as if the rules don’t apply to him.

    The matter looks different if it is wholly or partially one of these “Trump being Trump” scenerios. We still have to oppose DOJ overreach, but the crazier the behavior from Trump, the harder it becomes to do that (and the more unnecessary and destructive the whole exercise becomes).

  28. Bauxite being Bauxite.

    After six years the devils in the deep state still must not be admitted, because “Trump being Trump.”

  29. huxley: “As a refuge, I started studying calculus the next day. I’m still studying and I’ve gotten good at it.”

    apple betty: “I’m doing something similar. Should we talk?”

    huxley: “Sure! Although I’m not sure what you’re suggesting. My email address contains my real name, which I’m not comfortable putting in a comment. What’s your refuge?”

    apple betty: Agree about names and emails. I wonder if our hostess (Hi, Neo) would consider putting up an “alternative to politics” thread once a week, where people could talk about what they’re doing to better themselves.

    I’m also studying math, at this point trying to understand the logic of proofs.”


    Minta Marie Morze: For Huxley and Apple Betty: You might be interested in David Berlinski’s “Tour of the Calculus” and his “Advent of the Algorithm”.

    apple betty: Minta, thank you very much!

  30. The Clintons gave the Chicoms total access to all CIA files a total of 57 times in exchange for bags of cash. Also access to all top secret international cables in real time.

    Why hasn’t Trump or his supporters made this a major talking point?

  31. To justify the raid:

    1. A serious violation of national security creating irreparable harm
    2. Which required immediate action to stop
    3. And no other possible way to handle but the emergency raid

    We already KNOW the DOJ did not and cannot meet this standard.

  32. om – You really need to work on reading comprehension. “Have to oppose” and “must not admit” are very nearly opposites.

  33. You know, when they say “any document with any classification of any kind”…

    UNCLASSIFIED is a classification.

    I don’t know about other .gov departments, but almost all of the documents generated by the military branches have some sort of classification marking, even things as innocuous as battalion staff duty rosters. Most of that is UNCLASSIFIED, or UNCLASSIFIED – FOUO.

    Also, declassified documents will have classification markings – along with the declassification stamps. I know – I used a lot of War Department documents from 1900-1940 in researching my master’s thesis. Many of them had SECRET markings on them, along with declassification stamps.

  34. Bauxite:

    You need to work on your OMB, it’s nearly terminal. Six years on and you still have no clue.

  35. If he were a communist theyd all kiss his ass like they do to xi who is genociding the uighurs comprende

  36. stan – I agree with your 3 part test, but don’t think that you can know whether the DOJ meets that test without knowing the nature of the documents at MAL. That goes to your 1 and 2. As to 3, there are reports that there were informal requests and even a grand jury subpoena that were ignored. If that’s true, whatever those documents are, it would be hard to argue that the government was going to take possession of them without executing a warrant.

    So the whole issue turns on what the documents are and whether Trump had a right to possess them. On that, we know nothing except by the leaks and propaganda coming from both sides.

  37. Bauxite, the sage of equivalency.

    As Humpty Dumpty said the important thing is who decides what words mean. Seems the GSxx fed employees in some alphabet agency are the ultimate deciders to Bauxite.

  38. Art Deco – I understand that the criminal statutes cited by the DOJ don’t require that the documents be classified.

    You’re stretching here.

  39. “So the whole issue turns on what the documents are and whether Trump had a right to possess them.”

    No, that’s NOT what the whole issue turns on. What the whole issue turns on is YEARS of lying, malfeasance, corruption, and at-best-borderline seditious behavior by elements in America’s law enforcement, judiciary, intelligence community, and federal bureaucracy when it comes to Donald Trump.

    Of all the ills of modernity, the idiotic habit of defaulting to zero and ignoring everything that happened in the past is perhaps the most infuriating.


  40. Bauxite,

    You really ought to brush up on the facts. We KNOW there was no emergency because we know they talked about it for months and didn’t execute for days. We know there’s no claim of irreparable harm for a host of reasons. And we know this wasn’t the least intrusive way to accomplish the goal because of the nature of the raid and the DOJ responses.

    The documents could be critical — like the names of assets working for enemy governments (like the Clintons sold), You can’t possibly justify the raid on the basis of what any docs involve. Because that doesn’t meet the requirement of irreparable harm. You have to show that the docs were headed somewhere into the hands of enemies. Mere possession doesn’t do that.

    Remember, the NSA, FBI, DOJ and Democrat contractors still monitor every communication by Trump or anyone he contacts.

  41. …YEARS of lying, malfeasance, corruption, and at-best-borderline seditious behavior by elements in America’s law enforcement, judiciary, intelligence community, and federal bureaucracy when it comes to Donald Trump.

    I would include elements of Congress and Media in this bucket of scum.

  42. Andrew McCarthy is making the case for indicting Trump for ‘causing false statements to be made’ and ‘obstruction of justice’. Another self-licking ice cream cone from the Department of Justice.

  43. I’m also studying math, at this point trying to understand the logic of proofs.”

    apple betty:

    A cafe friend recommended Hammack’s “Book of Proof.” The PDF is available free:


    I’ve only browsed it, but it looks good and you can’t beat the price!

    Recently I had the thought that calculus is hard because it’s like climbing a major mountain peak — there are multiple subgoals, each requiring different equipment and techniques. For instance, in calculus there are four different non-trivial notations, one must master:

    Sigma (Summation)

    It’s not like high school algebra which boils down to addition, multiplication and variables, then everything after is just increasingly complex variations of those.

    Calculus was a major project of mathematics, a group effort, rather like putting a man on the moon. And we certainly couldn’t have put a man on the moon without calculus.

  44. I’m a known TEA Party member. I hand delivered a letter to Patty Murray back in 2009 during a TEA Party demonstration. And have written many e-mails since. But Susan DelBene, my representative, has been very sensitive about argumentative e-mails since Jan 6. Could be either one or both who have put the IRS on my case. I think they are trying to get me to commit some infraction, but if unable, to create a lot of stress and expense for me.

    You get a notice from the IRS, and you wonder, what did I do wrong?


    Thanks for the response. I think you’ve got your head on straight.

    I got audited once when I was a leftist, but I’m pretty sure it was because I also worked as a consultant and took deductions. Fortunately I kept my receipts.

    I don’t trust the bastids!

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