Home » Our two-tiered system of justice: the release of the Colbert Nine


Our two-tiered system of justice: the release of the Colbert Nine — 20 Comments

  1. I have been saying for some time that there is no Justice in the US anymore. Yes, some bright spots but not many.

  2. If we had an appellate judiciary worth something, every conviction of every J6 protestor for ‘parading’ would be voided for grossly obvious selective enforcement.

  3. The very essence of “anarcho-tyranny” is the lenient treatment of law-breakers should they be of the “proper” ideology or of the “proper” ethnicity and the punitive injustice meted out to ordinary citizens of the wrong ethnicity or of the wrong ideology (the shameful case of the 69-year-old cancer-stricken grandmother recently sentenced for “parading” is an especially egregious example). Meanwhile, across the pond (where the situation is far worse), almost no-one in authority cares about the release of yet another official report (concerning Telford) detailing the horrific abuse, over many years, of vulnerable young English girls (some as young as 11 and 12) by gangs of Muslim rapists, mostly of Pakistani origin, only a small percentage of whom have ever been put on trial, with no accountability for those who covered up crimes against these poor girls and the most and often outrageously light sentences for the guilty.

  4. Recollect the dismissal of the well developed DoJ case against the New Black Panthers for voter intimidation outside a polling place in Philadelphia by AG Eric Holder in 2009? This open warfare against the country began at least that long ago on behalf of the Obama administration. It’s now cemented in place. Stasis.

  5. Actually this is a continuation of a tactic on the left going back to at least the 60s, where leftist use a aversion of unarmed human wave warfare – masses of mostly unarmed protestors- to accomplish what an individual without a weapon could not- intimidation of opposition.
    While there were only 9 in this case (?) , look at what is still happening to the Supreme Court Justice protest where for weeks, protestors seek to disrupt the lives of the justices. See, they say, we are not armed, so you cannot touch us! But we will continue to show up in mass!

  6. Let us posit that the Executive and the Legislative branches can be cleansed of corruption at the ballot box. What is to be done with a corrupted Judiciary?

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  8. Remember, also, the talking head who was not prosecuted for possessing a 30 round magazine in DC *despite having been told it was illegal to do so*.

  9. Maybe small town America there is justice, but not in DC or Big Blue Cities, the criminal element can run free and you can’t stop them for fear of being the criminal they do want.

  10. Ray Van Dune,

    IF the Executive and the Legislative branches can be cleansed of corruption at the ballot box, then corrupt justices can be impeached convicted and removed. So too with federal agencies, which can be eliminated…

    That said, the ‘progressive’ cancer has so metastasized, as to make survival of the patient, problematic at best.

    Yet the democrats are doing all they can to reveal their dysfunction. Indeed, literally demanding that Americans sacrifice their children upon the altar of their ideological madness.

  11. Our transition to a Banana Republic began, IMO, with the election of Bill Clinton. They brought sone bad habits from Arkansas. Remember the FBI files requested by Hillary and the travel office corruption? The Clintons are corruption personified. W tried to be more honest but setting up the Department of Homeland Security and the passage of the Patriot Act provided Obama with tools to weaponize the government and criminalize political activity.

    Biden and the Democrats have been brazen in flouting their contempt for the law and the Constitution. I have my doubts about whether there’s any way back to being a land of law and order without a revolution. Very sad.

  12. I find it baffling, that Evil being done on the part of the Left is not only dismissed, but accepted, and even lauded, by the Media, and a large part of the population.

    When I watch the morning news, I see the talking head anchors reading, almost parrot like, from their teleprompters, and the tone of their voices makes it quite clear that they believe every word they say. Yet people believe them! Have we allowed ourselves to sink so low, that the prattling of fools, endorsing the acts of evil people, is accepted as proper journalism?

  13. Democracy dies when Democrats rule

    There is no possible way for those in the DOJ to defend these decisions. They are baldy and blatantly declaring that they are abusing their power and daring anyone to do something about it.

    Evil exists. And it clearly resides in the hearts of the Dems in the beltway.

  14. setting up the Department of Homeland Security and the passage of the Patriot Act provided Obama with tools to weaponize the government and criminalize political activity.

    The Department of Homeland Security was an assemblage of already existing agencies. The one new agency was the TSA, which performs functions formerly undertaken by airport staff. IMO, it was a cack-handed division of labor and it smells of bargaining by officials and members of Congress defending their turf. Maybe we replace it because it’s a very unusual and not very impressive way to sort your protective service agencies.

    Not sure the Patriot Act is salient here.

  15. I’d like to see a President deSantis initiate mass dismissals in the Department of Justice and a piece of federal legislation which replaces the Departments of Justice and Homeland Security with about six successor departments, as well as breaking up the FBI into several successor agencies and cashiering wide swaths of its staff. And, as long as I’m dreaming, why not scarify the federal penal code, recalibrate its sentencing schedules, strip away judicial discretion over sentencing, and perhaps replace federal grand juries with preliminary hearings in front of a judge (who will not hear the case at trial)?

  16. The District of Columbia circuit court should be abolished and merged into Virginia or Maryland or something like that. It is impossible for anyone even slightly right of center to get a fair trial.

  17. Art Deco: “Not sure the Patriot Act is salient here.”

    It created the ability to scoop up info about citizens. Wasn’t supposed to be used against citizens, but look at it’s use against various Trump associates – Carter Page and others.
    Just too tempting for corrupt officials not to use against political opponents.

    I like your reform ideas. Might be possible with strong Republican majorities Congress and a two term Republican in the WH.

  18. Does anyone believe any remark or verbiage from Schiff’s or Colbert’s mouths? Both know whatever they say or proclaim will be protected by their Congressional and media compatriots.

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