Home » Biden makes a speech and gives a press conference


Biden makes a speech and gives a press conference — 33 Comments

  1. I would be in favor of DC statehood if DC took in the most liberal county or two of Virginia, so that Virginia could be more reliably red, AND California were allowed to split into two states along ideological lines.

  2. One thing conservatives have been fairly constant on, whether we win or loose a particular election, is more voting security.
    The left on the other hand, are quiet happy to flip flop around, although their main claim about the Trump election was that somehow the Russians had influenced the election, not that there was fraudulent votes cast.

  3. Four more permanent dem members of the House of Lords would turn them into a rubber stamp and would gut the grift potential. The new state of DC would produce nothing but giant sucking sound. An entire state of parasites.

  4. John Fisher,
    As a Texan, I say they could take Austin with them also. We could set up a new Texas Capital in College Station.

  5. You could’ve been born yesterday and still be old enough to have lived when claiming the election illegitimate was an argument for insurrection [or so we’ve been told].

    As for the Texas Capital, just put it back where it was at Washington on the Brazos.

  6. When Putin invades Ukraine, Joe’s only concern will be those annoying questions he might be expected to have coherent answers for.

  7. Why is it that so many intelligent, articulate people write “loose” instead of “lose,” amidst otherwise fine spelling and grammar? I see it so often; it is bizarre and makes my brain hurt for a split second. Anyone else observe this?

  8. Unrelated but linked. Tuesday my nephew died of a heart attack after taking a mandated booster shot on Friday. My brother has lost all his children due to Big Pharma and Big Government. The first died of an Opiod overdose becoming addicted after a back surgery. I am grief stricken for him and his wife. I am furious at the “Bigs” and the current power structure for pushing these ineffectual and deadly jabs. Just so they and fraudulently elect this installed resident of the White House. If my nephew could have waited for another 60 days he would not have had to get it and be alive. The COVID narrative is collapsing by the day. Britain stopped masks and mandates. The last holdouts will be the blue states school systems. The COVID Cultists will have a nervous breakdown.

    I am more resolved now to bring significant change to the governance of this country. I am grimly determined to boot these malefactors from office and to change the power structure. There will be an accounting. One way or another there will be an accounting. Again, I urge any and all to get involved in this election, governance process and send a message to the elites. Trump showed us it could be done and started it. Youngkin and AG Miyares so far are making changes. Youngkin fired the DEI office and renamed it. Miyares will prosecute wherever Soros AG will not. It is just the beginning but I believe you will see more of it.

    It starts with you. Are you willing to do the work?

    Spartacus – a grieving warrior

  9. Spartacus,
    My deepest sympathy.
    If you can bear it, please see that his death is reported to VAERS.

  10. I am Spartacus: Prayers for you and your family from my small patch of the Northeast. Please keep us posted on how things are proceeding where you are. And I’ll second what Molly said– please report your nephew’s death to VAERS.

  11. There is nothing worse than losing a child. My deepest condolences to your brother and you, I am Spartacus.

    There must be an accounting. We all have to work to make it happen. Thanks for all you’re doing, I am Spartacus.

    I’ve lived under the presidencies of FDR, LBJ, Carter, and Obama. Yeah, I’m that old. Biden has managed to surpass all of them for the damage done to the nation. And he’s just getting started.

    The presser today was simply awful beyond description. Bad times folks, bad times.

  12. Z die-gest: Vlad good, Xi good, USA bad.

    Now is the USA bad if Brandon allows Vlad and Xi to dominate the world but also bad if it slows down Vlad and Xi? To Z no matter what, the USA is bad.

    If Vlad invades the Ukraine and Xi moves on Hong Kong and Taiwan is it the USA’s fault for provoking Vlad and Xi. Let’s guess ….

  13. Spartacus…God’s peace to you & your family.
    “The Lord is near to the brokenhearted. He rescues those whose spirits are crushed.” – Psalm 34:18

  14. My favorite part of the press conference was this:

    ” I think you’re going to see them willing to stand in line and defy the attempt to keep them from being able to vote, I think you’re going to see the people we’re trying to keep from being able to show up, showing up and making the sacrifice that needs to be make in order to change the law back to what it should be.”

    So, it’s not possible for minorities to stand in line to vote because that’s too difficult for them, but it’s perfectly all right to stand in line to “change the law back to what it should be.”

    Makes all kinds of sense.


  15. @ Spartacus > “I am more resolved now to bring significant change to the governance of this country. I am grimly determined to boot these malefactors from office and to change the power structure.”

    My sincere condolences to you and your family.
    Satan is abroad in the land.

  16. The Democrats, those experts at falsely accusing their political opponents of “collusion” (and other ginned up crimes), are in fact masters of it themselves:
    “How Anthony Fauci Controls Science Globally”—

    …Not that this will surprise anyone who’s been paying attention…but it’s just one more example of the evil that’s been foisted upon us.

  17. Glenn Greenwald, with characteristic brilliance, on the comically despicable—humorously reprehensible?—heck just make that plain, disgusting hypocrisy of Democrats on the issue of the “Jim Crow” filibuster…:
    “Senate Democrats Use the Jim Crow Filibuster to Protect the Kremlin”
    H/T Zerohedge.
    Key grafs:
    ‘Speaking at the funeral of Rep. John Lewis (D-GA) in May, 2020, former President Barack Obama called for the elimination of the Senate filibuster, which he maligned as “another Jim Crow relic.” [However] During his four years in the Senate, Obama himself used that Jim Crow relic on two dozen occasions to block the Republican majority from bringing various bills to a floor vote….

    ‘…Filibuster hypocrisy of this sort is the norm in Washington. In 2017, when Senate Democrats were in the minority under President Trump, 32 of them signed a letter urging that the filibuster be maintained on the ground that it is necessary to safeguard “the existing rights and prerogatives of Senators to engage in full, robust, and extended debate as we consider legislation before this body in the future.” Fast forward four years, when the Democrats have a 50-50 majority in the Senate with the tie-breaking vote of the Vice President, and now that very same filibuster has been transformed by them from a sacred guardian of minoritarian rights into the tell-tale sign of white nationalism and fascist contempt for democratic values….

    ‘…[T]he Democrats’ view that the filibuster is racist and that only racists use it is not confined to the subtly named John Lewis Act to Protect Voting Rights. As Obama’s comments at Lewis’ funeral reflect, it is now common in Democratic Party discourse to speak of the filibuster as an inherently white nationalist tool….

    ‘…That the filibuster is an inherently racist tool, a relic of Jim Crow, is an odd position for Democrats to take given that just yesterday, they used the filibuster to block legislation proposed by Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX). Indeed, Sen. Cruz’s bill not only attracted the votes of forty-nine out of fifty Republican Senators…but also six Democratic Senators…. That meant that Cruz had 55 votes for his bill — a clear majority. So why did it not pass? Because Senate Democrats invoked the racist Jim Crow relic…to refuse to allow a vote on that bill unless it first attained 60 votes…. In other words, Democrats…used the filibuster to block Cruz’s bill despite its having the support of the majority of the Senate….

    ‘What makes the Democrats’ conduct here even more notable is the substance of Cruz’s bill that they blocked with the filibuster. Cruz sought to impose sanctions on the Russian pipeline company Nord Stream 2…. So by blocking Cruz’s bill, Democrats not only used a racist filibuster, but they did so in order to protect Vladimir Putin and a vital Russian company from sanctions….’

    Just another bright shining example of the Democratic party’s spectacularly hypocritical modus operandi.

  18. I want to know who installed Biden as president. Who is the committee who runs him? Who was the cabal such as Carville who tactically forced his election through in the middle of the night? Dark forces are running this country into the ground, IMO, and their identities need to be revealed. IMO.

    Who is this Klaus Schwab guy at Davos who has outsized influence? Why?

  19. Finally, some pushback from an MLK family member on “Biden” ‘s sick, and sickening, race-baiting:
    “MLK niece Alveda King: Biden ‘race baiting, playing the race card’ with voting reform rhetoric”—

    Gosh, maybe the authorities, such as they are, will feel compelled to send her for a psychological evaluation (in an “altruistic” gesture of solidarity with and nostalgia for the policies of the USSR)…
    “Board suspends doctor, orders neuropsych eval for COVID claims echoed by mainstream scientists”—

  20. @Stan Smith
    ”I think you’re going to see them willing to stand in line and defy the attempt to keep them from being able to vote, I think you’re going to see the people we’re trying to keep from being able to show up, showing up and making the sacrifice that needs to be make in order to change the law back to what it should be.”


    So, I just noticed something odd about that phrasing, have to wonder if it’s a slip of the tongue or intentional.

    Anyone else notice…

    “I think you’re going to see the people we’re trying to keep from being able to show up”

    This would seem to indicate that the administration is trying to keep certain people from being able to show up to vote.

    If they (Biden, the controllers, speech writers,) wanted to convey that the Republicans were trying to keep people voting, it’s as simple as changing “we’re” to “the GOP”

  21. Hmmm, a bit of audio sleuthing reveals, “we’re” could actually be “who they’re” as provided in the transcript.

    There’s plenty of places in the speech where he uses “we’re” to indicate the administration, so I don’t believe some lackey in the chain would have missed that.


    From transcript…

    Well, I think if, in fact — no matter how hard they make it for minorities to vote, I think you’re going to see them willing to stand in line and — and defy the attempt to keep them from being able to vote. I think you’re going to see the people who they’re trying to keep from being able to show up, showing up and making the sacrifice that needs to make in order to change the law back to what it should be.

  22. There is a simple formula to determine if an election was the best most fair election ever vs a dark day when so many were disenfranchised by all of the cheating.
    If the Democrat wins it is the former otherwise it is the latter.

  23. My sympathy, Spartacus. My son, who is a paramedic, refuses vaccination and the same for his three teen aged kids. I support him completely although I did worry as he is an insulin dependent diabetic. He had Omicron before Christmas and said it was like a bad cold, so I am relieved. I told him I would write a letter to prevent his son from being required to take the vaccine. Again, my sympathy.

  24. When asked a question specifically about the re-opening of schools Joey Plugs launched into an answer of epic proportions in it’s disorganizational thought–near schizophrenia. My reaction was WTF is he talking about?

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