Home » No surge, Dems urge: beware those helicopters!


No surge, Dems urge: beware those helicopters! — 56 Comments

  1. Of course, weren’t hearing something about “if Bush was really serious about this war, he would send more troops like his generals wanted”? It looks like the generals want what ever their Democrat propaganda masters tell them that they want. Interesting.

  2. Petraeus is more akin to the Special Forces way of fighting than the armored conventional warfare of the US Army, Neo. In that aspect, folks like Uncle J at Blackfive are rooting for him, heck were rooting for him even before it panned out.

    Even those who don’t like or hate the LTG, reluctantly admits that he is competent.

    The thing is Neo, Bush doesn’t know how to fight guerrila warfare because there aren’t enough deception bones in Bush’s body. Petraeus, a different book. He was the one who trained the Iraqis up after the higher ups found out that the Army weren’t really prioritizing training the locals up to par. Now why isn’t that surprising.

    The Special Forces in Afghanistan, the first thing they did, was attempt to contact local forces, discover what the situation was, and attempt to solidfy them as allies. But the Army somehow believed in 2003, that only US power was required, forget the Kurds and Shia, they would only get in the way of US tanks.

    The point is, Petraeus will give Bush the much needed expertise and facility to do the job. Bush’s remaining strength is focused on getting the right people to do a job, and giving them whatever they need to do the job. A bad thing concerning, let’s say, Tenet and Colin Powell. Why? Because, Bush doesn’t micromanage, and this means he trusts the plans that folks like Powell and Tenet come up with IMPLICITLY. Now if the plan is good and works, nothing to worry about. But if the plan is messed up, if the plan of relying on the UN for WMDs is too Gulf Warish I? Problem occurs, maybe not in a year, not in two years, but in 3, yes.

    This is a symptom or maybe cause of his stubborness, Neo. And it is something that is probably in Bush’s file in the world’s intel agencies. Or should be, if they are competent.

  3. The Democrats are caught in a dilemma. On the one hand they want to make Iraq a failure by withdrawing the troops, but if they do the Republicans will hang the resulting debacle around their necks in the ’08 elections.

    Another problem: Their best strategy would be to stall and not take drastic action until AFTER the ’08 elections but it seems that Mother Sheehan(and her ilk) will not go along with such a “cop-out.’ Bless you, Mother.

    If the Democrats could hold off taking action, they would have the remaining time with all the MSM’s negative Iraq war propagandizing and the Dems would probably be a shoo-in in ’08. After all, more troops mean more casualties. But the Daily Kos faction is going crazy with impatience to get on with the Iraq troop withdrawal and the Dems may be forced into a stance that will hurt their chances in ’08. All this is extremely amusing to behold.

    Another small thing: Whatever happened to the Dem’s clarion call for a draft? They now have the votes to enact a draft. Anyone want to bet that they will? What’s the matter, Rangel, cat got your tongue? t’s called hypocrisy, folks.


  4. They’ll find a way to make it happen. The Democrats want us to lose in Iraq. Anything which hurts America is a good thing to them. It’s not the Kos/Sheehan crowd, it’s all of them, from Hillary Clinton to your idiot brother-in-law. The ideology of the Democratic Party is that America, and Americans, are a blight on the Earth and must be eradicated. They are the party of suicide and are working as hard as they can to bring about an end to this nation.

    Just look at the bumper stickers they put on their cars — how they drip with hatred and contempt for their fellow Americans. And those are the views they’re _proud_ to show in public! Imagine the seething poison of their unspoken thoughts.

    I’m just about ready to suggest stockpiling guns and ammo in the basement. More and more it seems it’s going to come down to that.

  5. VD Hanson has been consistently wrong on everything. I have no idea why he’d be cited as an authority, unless of course one is supporting the precise opposite of his claims.

    At any rate:

    “The Democrats are caught in a dilemma.”

    Uh….no. The plan is simple: Funded Vietnamization. As neocon almost seems to understand in some of her posts (you’re getting there; keep trying!), the problem wasn’t Vietnamization, but its defunding.

  6. The ideology of the Democratic Party is that America, and Americans, are a blight on the Earth and must be eradicated. They are the party of suicide and are working as hard as they can to bring about an end to this nation.

    The GOP is the party of angry, bitter people. Always has been, always will be. Keep that attitude out front, will ya?

    Thanks in advance,

    – Proud Democrat

  7. I doubt that the surge as being currently sold will work.

    I think the main reason it won’t work is that there are a lot of people in this country who have no confidence in the abilities of the Commander in Chief.

    Remember, this war will be four years old in a few months. There has been little progress since four years come May, although there have been innumerable milestones.

    The call for the surge is going to be seen by many as someone who has failed, failed, failed, but who nevertheless has a scheme — one last time! — for success. I think the mood of the country is dead set against it.

    The Vietnam analogy is actually a good analogy for those who supported Bush throughout. They are thereby going to be able to go into coulda woulda shoulda mode by insisting “if only” the MSM, Democrats, etc. (and, of course, the American people who elected those Democrats) had supported POTUS, we would have won.


  8. So, when are we going to see the Bush twins (Barbara and Jenna) run to join the all-volunteer military? Isn’t assisting in “the surge” the patriotic thing to do for military-age young people?

  9. If, as expected, George W. Bush next week
    announces his intention to “surge” some 20,000 additional U.S. troops
    to Iraq to pacify Baghdad and Sunni-dominated al-Anbar province, he
    may find himself in a tougher fight than he expected even a week ago.

    Not only are the new Democratic majorities in both houses of Congress
    lining up in opposition, but a growing number of Republican lawmakers
    — even including staunch Bush loyalists — are voicing serious
    reservations about the idea.

    “Baghdad needs reconciliation between Shiites and Sunnis,” Republican
    Sen. Norm Coleman, who just returned from Iraq and faces re-election
    in 2008, told the Los Angeles Times this week. “It doesn’t need more
    Americans in the crosshairs.” To be successful, the opposition has to
    include some Republicans, and it’s clear that more Republicans are
    challenging the president’s Iraq war strategy.

    Even ret. Lt. Col. Ollie North, a far-right talk-show host who gained
    fame as the White House coordinator of what became the Iran-Contra
    affair 20 years ago, reported that recent interviews with officers
    and soldiers in Iraq persuaded him that adding more troops to the
    140,000 already deployed there would be a mistake.

    Indeed, aside from Bush himself, the only forces that appear
    enthusiastic about what the White House calls a “surge” — and what
    critics call an “escalation” — are neo-conservatives, who led the
    drive to invade Iraq, and two of their dwindling number of
    Congressional supporters, Republican Sen. John McCain and Democratic
    Sen. Joseph Lieberman, who also just returned from Iraq.


  10. Steve: Whatever.

    Kind of sums him up, doesn’t it? Good to see him snap back into his lefty defeatism, though. In that cocoon, the only thing at stake isn’t America and its future — it’s just all about Bush.

    Even Steve, though, can see at least the partisan political consequences of a Democrat-led Iraq defunding, pull-out, and defeat, and that does worry him. So he’s already trying to damp down the resulting blow-back — but, sorry Steve, “coulda, shoulda, woulda” just isn’t going to cut it. Unlike Vietnam, in this case we have no draft, our own casualties are relatively low, and the stakes involved in a defeat are not some toppling of distant dominoes, but the creation of the sort of terrorist incubator that lead to one of the two most damaging attacks the US has ever suffered on its own soil. If the Democrats — and, yes, the Main Stream Media — are seen as allowing that to happen, there’s going to be hell to pay like you haven’t seen. You better be worried.

  11. justaguy:

    “immoral”?!? You talking about immoral??

    Don’t make me laugh…when you come down to it, it’s all about – not oil – but a perverted brand of immorality.

    Also know as appeasement and fear.

    A Brit specialty, IIRC…

  12. “The only questions are, how many American lives are you prepared to sacrifice and how much Ameican debt can your economy withstand before you admit that the neocon plan is a bust.”

    It’s very easy to keep sacrificing lives as long as it other people’s lives. Sally and others should put their feet/backpacks where their mouth is, and join the army. Unless they do that, their militaristic rhetoric has zero credibility.

  13. It was never all about Bush, to steve. It was all about steve and steve being right. Remember, steve said that Bush had caved into steve’s demands for more troops, and then on the other side of his mouth immediately said that it no longer mattered.

    The Left has some amazing propaganda talent.

    Remember East Asia, Neo. Soon the Left will wipe out any trace that they were ever for “more troops” or “changes in Bush’s strategy”.

    Unless they do that, their militaristic rhetoric has zero credibility.

    Btw, it is not like these people actually pay attention to those at blackfive that have joined the army, you know. It is just their propaganda method to get rid of you, really. Like the King sending the fiance of the girl he wants, to the front lines to get killed, so the king can get the girl.

  14. Justaguy

    So, your thought is if the US had just minded its business more, the Arab lands wouldn’t be so violent? Any evidence for that? The region has not had peace in 3000 years.

    It’s an attractive myth, and it would be great if it were true, because it would make our foreign policy so much easier. And it has the added advantage that lots of people believe it to be true. Gee, if a few stupid Americans could just get this very simple idea, we could all be happy, eh?

    Try to make the positive case in an essay. Good luck.

  15. Rodney: Unless they do that, their militaristic rhetoric has zero credibility.

    The idea that nobody but soldiers can speak for self defense, but any fool, coward, or traitor can speak against it is an idea that appeals only to fools, cowards, and, above all, to one’s country’s enemies. Which one are you, Roddy?

  16. Trimegistus said:

    “Just look at the bumper stickers they put on their cars — how they drip with hatred and contempt for their fellow Americans. And those are the views they’re _proud_ to show in public! Imagine the seething poison of their unspoken thoughts.

    I’m just about ready to suggest stockpiling guns and ammo in the basement. More and more it seems it’s going to come down to that.”

    Living in a very blue area, I’m afraid that’s becoming true.

  17. The sabre-rattling neocons don’t know what’s about to hit them….

    Could say the same for the treasonous lefties.

  18. “Treasonous” leftists?

    “And say NOT thou, ‘My country, right or wrong’. NOR shed thy blood for an unhallowed cause.” – John Quincy Adams (Sixth President of the United States) in 1847.

  19. John Quincy Adams (Sixth President of the United States) in 1847.

    Sorry, Roddy, but you’re no JQ Adams. Deny that you’re on the side of the country’s enemies all you like, your use of the “chickenhawk” slur still just leaves you with the role of fool or coward. Take your pick. Or have them all.

  20. This I remember concerning American resolve and I fear a repeat of the Democrats surrender in Vietnam:

    Just days before his execution at the hands of the Khmer Rouge, Cambodian statesman Sirak Mitak penned a final note to the U.S. ambassador refusing his offer of evacuation.

    “I cannot, alas, leave in such a cowardly fashion. As for you and in particular for your great country, I never believed for a moment that you would have this sentiment of abandoning a people which has chosen liberty….You leave and my wish is that you and your country will find happiness under the sky.

    “But mark it well that, if I shall die here on the spot and in my country that I love, it is too bad because we all are born and must die one day. I have only committed this mistake in believing in you, the Americans.”

  21. Just a note of thanks, neo, for cleaning up justa’s littering. If there were a hint of an idea, other than robotic repetition, it would be worth preserving that much at least in order to debate it, but, sadly, there isn’t so much as a hint. If there really is a human being behind the handle, then it’s just a frightening illustration of what an ideological lobotomy looks like.

  22. The general state of world affairs is now tragicomic clash of two psychotic civilizations: Muslim with grossly inadequate sense of superiority without any rational reasons for this belief, and West with equally inadequate low self-esteem, contrary to all rational reasons to be self-confident and assured in its superiority almost in everything, except will to win. What a tragic irony, indeed!

  23. You know, when you hear the “chickenhawk” label thrown about, or the “why aren’t you over there”, or the “when the twins go”, I immediately think of “Starship Troopers” and realize how many of the left idolize Heinlein. Strange.

  24. I wonder, by the way, how do leftists like Walter M. Miller, Jr., author of Canticle for Leibowitz? He is much deeper as philosopher and more potent as writer than Heinlein.

  25. Some on the Left idolize Heinlein, because of his later books, such as “Stranger in a Strange Land,” which they see as exemplifying the Hippie ethos. Heinlein despised the Left, however. Some Leftwing Sci-fi fans have picked up on this, and denounce Heinlein as a facist, and find all sorts of things to hate about his writing.

    It’s too bad a really good movie has never been made from one of Heinlein’s books. I’d love to see somebody do “Citizen of the Galaxy”, or a good version (not the godawful one somebody actually did) of “Starship Troopers.”

    Segey, I suspect Leftists take one look at Walter Miller, and flee screaming. Great writer, though.

    Conidering what Trimegistus has said, that the Left appears to hate America, and everything about it, I’ve got a “chickenhawk” challenge for them; considering that you hate the US so, why do you continue to live here? Stop being a chickenhawk-anti-American! Move someplace like Cuba, and support Castro! Move to North Korea! Move to Gaza, and volunteer to be a human shield for the Palestinians against Israeli aggression. Do the Johnny Taliban thing, and bear arms for America’s enemies. After all, doesn’t the US deserve to be destroyed? As long as you live here, you are supporting the evil American war machine: Disneyland, McDonald’s, Wal-Mart and Chimpy BushHitler. Free yourselves! Join your oppressed brethren in the third world today, and really support the downtrodden of the world!

    Don’t forget to send a postcard, and do let us know how it goes.

    (Of course, Leftists would argue that by remaining here, they are effecting “change”, to which I would reply that, no, naive Lefty, they’re not going to make you comissar of North Dakota, or whatever, as you’re obviously hoping; that job will go to somebody far more ruthless and influential than yourself, who will probably immediately order that you be liquidated.

    And if you want to change minds, you have to offer real arguments, not the usual ad-hominem insults and party memes, i.e., “America/Israel is evil, and all you ZionaziChristianistas are going into the dustbin of history, this is a war for oil, blah, blah.”)

  26. Another sci-fi writer the Left would probably hate is Zenna Henderson, a Christian who created a group of exiled aliens living on earth, “The People” who guard their ancient traditions, and must protect themselves against the violence and intolerance of the humans they find themselves living among—kinda like the Jews.

  27. Sorry, the above post about Henderson was by me, TalkinKamel.

    We’re installing a new computer here, and it does odd things with my postings.

  28. “1000 military personnel have petitioned for withdrawal from Iraq. . .”

    Ah yes, the almighty and never to be refuted “petition.” Interesting how quickly the Bushbot baby-killing troops become darlings of people like Rodney once they exhibit the proper, re-educated behavior. Interesting, too, that most of the soldiers quoted in the story have a history of anti-war sentiment. You’ll forgive me if I don’t take anything the “Nation” spits out too seriously.

    But let’s flip the question, Roddy. If “1000 military personnel” were to show up on “King Day” (and what is that – are we celebrating a new Whopper from Burger King that day?) petitioning for an overwhelming show of force in Iraq, would you link to that? Or would those particular military types quickly revert to being neo-con dupes you and Jon Karry could dismiss with a wave of the hand because they’re stoopid and stuck in Irak?

  29. I haven’t read “The Canticle” in over a quarter of a century,though I still have my copy, but I believe the religious framework would put them off. Heinlein was a much simpler writer with a strong libertarian (see the short stories in “Green Hills of Earth”) bent which was my point. It amazes me that so many use the phrases in my comment above without thinking it through to the logical conclusion. In a democracy, all have a say in issues at hand, not just those personally involved.

  30. Those 1,000 isn’t even verified with military records, you know. It’s like those anti-war guys who show up in uniform and try to fake being a US Marine. You can type anything into that petition.

    I think the Left would hate David Weber the most for his science fiction. Because David Weber not only exposes the political blackhole that is socialism, but he also exposes the tyrants of the fake liberals, and he also, to take the cake, supports Imperialism.

    There is nothing like Imperialism to make the rice go crisply and pop.

  31. First, if Iraq is such a quagmire as the left would portray it, what then is Bosnia? Shouldn’t we consider pulling our troops out of Bosnia? How about the Marine bases on Okinawa? Last I heard, we had 7 bases there keeping an eye on those uppity Japanese, enforcing the peace since V-J day. Likewise, with the fall of the USSR, when are we going to bring our troops home from Germany, England, Italy, and Greece?

    Second, technically we are not conducting a “war” in Iraq. We are engaged in a “military operation other than war.” We are not actively engaged against a standing army or government; instead with all the factions struggling for power, it is more akin to riot control than battlefield ops. The war was against Saddam Hussein. Our problem is, our soldiers have been taught to break things and hurt people and now they’re put in the role of cop—something outside their training. As is trying to instill a sense of nationalism in the diverse Iraqis who have signed up for the new army. Winning the peace is going to take time. Building a post-war Japan or Germany didn’t happen overnight either.

    Third, realize that most of the perceptions Americans have of the conflict in Iraq come through the filters of the Associated Press or Reuters. Most stories are provided by local “stringers,” many with their own political or religious axes to grind. The day-to-day nation building taking place in Iraq receives little mention in the MSM. Instead, the news seems to focus on mounting body counts. Just remember, for every 9 grunts killed in action, at least 1 died because of an accident and in that same period at least 250 US citizens have died in car accidents within the US. We lose more citizens (by orders of magnitude) to drunk drivers than we’ve ever lost to terrorist actions. And yet, the country is able to continue on and does NOTHING to stop this real terror in our midst. (BTW, for anyone who wants to relate any discussion to Iraq, I can do the same for drunk driving).

    Fourth, Israel is not the problem. The problem is a mid-East culture of shame and blame that cannot tolerate seeing anyone else prospering when their own lives suck. The problem is a religious intolerance that demands the subjugation of the world.

    Fifth, God protect us from self-serving, short sighted politicians whose sole assets are photogenics, ego, and the ability to read a speech; and whose only desires are re-election, power and pork. People with no grounding in history are determining our course of action based upon political expediency. People with no experience in business are deciding economic policies. People with little understanding of fanatical religious ideology or scientific rigor are making decisions concerning both based on their personally nebulous feelings. Its government by mob rule, where the collective brain power drops as the number of attendees participating rises (see football stadiums for this phenomena).

    Sixth, if you like mil-sci

  32. Sixth, if you like mil-sci-fi (Heinlein and Weber) than you’ll also like Eric Frank Russell, David Drake, Gordon R. Dickson, Fred Saberhagen, Joe Haldeman, Harry Turtledove, SM Stirling, William R Forstchen, Marc Stiegler, Chris and Janet Morris, Steve Perry, Alan Cole and Chris Bunch, and Eric Flint. Now, who did I leave out? -cp

  33. Cold Pizza, the Left considers Bosnia to have a good war, since it wasn’t fought for America’s benefit, and it was fought against politically incorrect, white, Christian Serbians, who could be portrayed as Nazis. They will never call for troops to be withdrawn from there.

    Thanks for the book recommendations; those sound good.

  34. Hope all you big supporters are going to the funerals on a regular basis.They are your victims. You can find a funeral in most cities on any given week so start paying your respects, patriots.Going block by block in the surge should provide plenty more!

  35. Hope all you big defeatists and America-haters went to the funerals for the 9/11 victims, fish. They were your victims.

  36. troutsky:
    “You can find a funeral in most cities on any given week so start paying your respects, patriots.Going block by block in the surge should provide plenty more!”

    I know you’re hoping so. That way you “progressives” can celebrate another “grim milestone.”

  37. I know I shouldn’t feed the trolls, but, dang it! it’s just too much fun sometimes.

    Yes, troutsky, everyone of those volunteers is a “victim” in your playbook. We were prepared to accept 10K such “victims” if it meant getting rid of Saddam Hussein.

    I’ve been to plenty of funerals during 10 years as an Honor Guard bugler. I’ve buried WWII vets, Vietnam vets and OIF vets. I’ve played Taps for 3 comrades-in-arms who died on active duty (real bugling, not that electronic bugle the military has now). I’ve stood at attention, misty-eyed, rendering final respects as the flag was carefully folded and presented. I’ve heard the words “on behalf of a grateful nation…” too many times to count.

    I’ve stood graveside in Utah snow, Arizona heat, Alabama and Georgia humidity. I’ve stood among a thousand graves at the Punchbowl–each one commemorating an American, the headstones on many reading “unknown–died Dec 7, 1941”.

    Duty, honor, country, freedom, service, patriotism. Foreign words to you, troutsky. You really have no idea because you’ve never been part of it–you’re always been on the outside, trying to tear it down because it reminds you just how small and insignificant you are.

    When you die, who’ll remember you? -cp

  38. stevie just can’t seem to stay away–now he’s “jack.” A troll for all seasons.

    Edited By Siteowner

  39. Troutsky, why are you still here? Why aren’t you fighting against the Amerikkkan enemy in Iraq, or helping the jihadists fight in Ethiopia? Why haven’t you traveled to Cuba, to check up on Castro? Why aren’t you being a human shield, in Iran?

    What are you? A chicken-hawk Marxist?

  40. You left out John Ringo, Cold Pizza.

    But I only personally like Weber, Ringo, Stirling, and Eric Flint. David Drake I like if he co-authors a series. HIs series the Belisarius 6 tology was great with Eric Flint. Big lesson in ancient history. Paul something Anderson was it, along with SM Stirling, also did a great sci fi setting called Go Tell the Spartans. Based upon the 300 at Thermopylae, more or less, except in the future.

    Alan Dean Foster also had a really good space opera trilogy called The Damned. Also David Brin’s Uplift double trilogy is pretty thought provoking and space operatic. Complete with the Meta-Golden Rule at the end.

    since it wasn’t fought for America’s benefit,

    I translate that as meaning, the Left likes wars if wars are simply something that wastes manpower and resources. But hates war if war is there to free the oppressed or increase American power and prestige.

  41. I think you got it, Ymar. The Left loves war—as long as tyrants are propped up in place, and America is defeated.

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