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5 things you don’t know about me — 25 Comments

  1. What a great topic for a Sunday post. I borrowed your meme, and sent up a similar reflection on the Sourdough. Thanks, and Happy New Year, Neo.

  2. I’m sure you are still a very attractive woman. Also very bright and sensitive. You also have a sexy voice. Why not post a recipe or two? Best regards, even if I disagree with you constantly.

  3. I don’t know if neo is a good cook or not… but her taste in restaruants is flawless.

    Thank you again for hosting the Mrs. and me to lunch and the nickel tour, ma’am.

  4. I know what you mean by the voice thing, Neo. I tend to have to ad lib while speaking, there is no time to consider framing complex ideas and concepts on the fly. No time. However, there are some things that I can practice if I know the words ahead of time. Oration techniques, the ability to shape the tone of your voice, to create highlights as well as lows, to add character to your oration.

    As with giving speeches, one must be prepared, hopefully by reading the speech out 10 times in order to memorize the exact tone of voice required for each word.

  5. Without getting into specifics, I would recommend that you retain some degree of anonymity. You would probably be surprised and unhappy with some of the consequences of revealing too much personal data on the internet. In spite of some of those who frequent your comments section, I find you a breath of fresh, serious, and sober air.

  6. Thanks for all the compliments (perhaps I was fishing–well, at least I wasn’t phishing.)

    Ymarsakar, the weight’s on my right foot. Ballet is weird because of the turnout required.

    By the way, for those who haven’t read some of my posts about dancing, try this one and especially this one, a personal favorite of mine.

  7. Thanks, Neo. I was thinking about it because it reminded me of the positioning a person would use to increase the power of a palm thrust, except for the fact that the angle of the foot flat on the ground is wrong. But the basic principle of turning is still used. Meaning, generating power by the twist of the torso and of the body is similar to other disciplines that work to rotate the body.

    Monday, February 20, 2006
    Dancer from the dance

    Almost a year ago, Neo.

  8. Cool, you fixed it. Everyone deserves their privacy on the net if they want it.

    [Neo adds: thanks!]

    Edited By Siteowner

  9. Your speaking voice is fine, neo. I listen tho The Sanity Squad regularly, and I enjoy all of you guys. Having said that, Siggy does enjoy the advantage of accent.

  10. Yes, your voice sounds great, Neo. My only grievance is that I can not discern a word because of lack of practice in listening spoken English. But this is my fault, of course, not yours.

  11. Gratuitous, grass seed. Neo is way over age for active duty as am I, even more so. I assume this is a variation on the discredited chickenhawk argument which infers that one cannot have a pro war opinion unless one is on active duty.

    Oh, and my ruck and web gear are stored, usable along with the duffle.

  12. Neo, thanks for sharing a little about yourself and that was a great photo too.

    As for anonymity, retain it. Many wrote under nom de plumes to maintain privacy, and the above cruel and sadistic comment illustrates why you should.

    Steve,I agree with Good Old Charlie.

  13. What a photo – inquisitive to the point of suspicious! One who prefers to be the subject rather than object of inquiry.

    You might find curious the childhood photo of David Horowitz as Mozart among the pics in Radical Son.

  14. btw, that last was presumptuous. I wouldn’t be surprised if you are already familiar with the book. Apologies. (Circulating mostly among Left Coasters, I constantly find myself spelling things out for others….)

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