Home » Open thread 6/15/21


Open thread 6/15/21 — 26 Comments

  1. This looks different than it did before. I wonder if this comment will post.

    Edit: Yup. It posted. And everything is visible from the front page. Looks like you fixed it.

  2. Loved that film. Never thought it would become a documentary of the near future.

  3. “Idiocracy” has fans on the left and right.

    I’m not sure the right is aware that the left sees “Idiocracy” as a validation of how stupid the right is, especially after Trump was elected. The creators of “Idiocracy” are in that camp.

    In February [2016], Cohen [one of the screenwriters of “Idiocracy”] tweeted, “I never expected #idiocracy to become a documentary.” Soon, The Hill, the Huffington Post, Business Insider, Entertainment Weekly, and the Washington Times, to name a few, turned the tweet into a headline. There’s even a Facebook group called “Movement to Classify ‘Idiocracy’ as Documentary.”

    “I didn’t think anyone would see it,” Cohen said of the tweet, which has since been retweeted more than 3,800 times. “That was just an interesting, eye-opening thing, like, wow, this is just tapping into something that a lot of people are feeling right now.”

    After his tweet gained so much traction, Cohen called Judge [director and co-writer of “Idiocracy”] and they decided to seize the moment and write campaign ads for Camacho satirizing Trump.


    I would caution conservatives not to celebrate “Idiocracy” overly much.

  4. If you continue to wear a mask do you need electrolytes?

    You always need electrolytes.

    Do you need to have your hand marked to attend the high school prom?

  5. One moment that never fails to make me laugh (a rarity for me) is when they’re walking into the comically large Costco, a gormless greeter blandly intones “Welcome to Costco. I love you.”

  6. Whatever you call it, “dysgenics” or whatever, “Idiocracy” and other fiction of its type is just making the case that the “idiots” are MORE fit for the environment that favors their reproduction.

    There’s more than one way to measure, but any list of the most successful life forms would have to include beetles, who don’t need intelligence for what they do. Neither do the eusocial insects; ants and termites are doing pretty well…

    To say that something is “dysgenic” is to say that the environment is rewarding traits we don’t like, i. e. what was better suited to a different environment and is thought to have got us to where we are today. In America we typically look to the Revolution, the frontier days or maybe the Depression and WWII, and we compare ourselves now to what we perceive we were then and say what a falling-off there was and project that into the future and call it “dysgenic”.

    The future may well belong to the ADHD-afflicted couch potatoes and their smartphones if we create an environment which favors them a la “Idiocracy” or “Wall-E”. But it’s not obvious that it’s morally right to desire an environment that makes us smarter or tougher or more energetic (however you define), seek to avoid changing the environment in a “dysgenic” way, if the corollary is increased human misery.

    Evolution “improves” only the fit of a species to its environment. A better fit may require more slowness and stupidity (consider the koala). The organisms that cause gas gangrene are the best at thriving while causing gas gangrene.

    The Greatest Generation that survived depression and global war also enjoyed big cars and air conditioning. They didn’t seek to stay poor and at war just to sharpen themselves up. Even the Spartans couldn’t keep that up forever. The revealed preference of practically every human ever is toward more comfort and convenience. If this be “dysgenic” make the most of it.

  7. Frederick,

    Nature has a cure for stupidity. It is a permanent cure.

    Reference the fate of the Dodo bird, the Great Auk and the Passenger Pigeon as confirmation.

    The CCP wishes to exercise that cure and is working diligently toward achieving that capability.


    Indeed, pots and kettles. But as Waters is well over 40 and still a liberal/leftist his idiocy is a given.

  8. Geoffrey Britain:

    Are the CCP’s fishing fleets that decimate fisheries without regard for international law a force of Nature? Not Dodos, Great Auks, or Passenger Pigeons as it isn’t the 1700s or 1800s. Sucks to be in those marine ecosystems (Galapagos Islands, Argentina, Philippines, South Pacific) when the CCP fishing fleet shows up.

    Listen to midrats episode 594 from cdrsalamander.blogspot.com

    Episode 594: Small Islands in Great Power Competition, with Alexander Gray


  9. Not your average Twitter Post:


    “As of now, Vladimir Putin has spoken against the imprisonment of the Jan 6 protestors and the unpunished murder of Ashli Babbitt while my GOP rep -that Trump endorsed – has denounced the protestors, decried his inability to carry a gun on the hill and shoot them, and won’t say her name.”

  10. Some people are pushing back on the Idiots of Idiocracy.
    Chosen posts are from TH, but RedState is running their own takes on the same topics.

    Fun at Fox.
    Watch the video at the first link; gutsy girl aka intrepid reporter. Lois Lane lives!

    https://townhall.com/tipsheet/leahbarkoukis/2021/06/15/houston-reporter-announces-on-live-tv-that-shes-about-to-expose-bosses-for-muzzling-her-n259100Newsweek offered context to the reporter’s claim:

    In a statement to Newsweek for a previous story, Hecker claimed that after she interviewed an unspecified person in August 2020, her relationship with Fox took a “dark turn.”

    “They decided they didn’t like what the interview subject had said, and they went on to internally harass and defame me,” Hecker said.

    “I knew I was not working for a journalistic organization when I was called into an HR meeting in December and was told to keep my support for free speech and opposition to censorship to myself—that those were not matters to be publicly spoken about.” (Newsweek)

    Project Veritas has confirmed to multiple media outlets that there will be a story coming out Tuesday night with the recordings Hecker claimed to possess.


    Local Fox 29 reporter Ivory Hecker is blowing the whistle on the reported bias at her own station. She recorded the exchanges as well. Unsurprisingly, Hecker has been suspended by her local new station for coming forward with these allegations. She told Project Veritas’ James O’Keefe that she’s tired of this circus act. Hecker accused Fox Corp. of putting corporate interests above those of the viewer. In one exchange with one of her news directors, she was told to deep-six a story about and cryptocurrency because blacks don’t care about that stuff.

    Hydroxychloroquine was another story that her news directors ripped into her for concerning her interview with Dr. Joseph Varon, Chief of Critical Care at United Memorial Medical Center in Houston. Varon said he knows the drug had been politicized up the wazoo, but he said his patients were responding well to it. It was a precursor to the final bombshell that noted the drug was effective in the treatment of COVID. Trump was right. It was after this story that Hecker began to record her interactions with her bosses.

    What happened to Hecker with that story was probably replicated in news stations all over the country, especially outlets that were unabashedly anti-Trump. It’s why this treatment was bashed as akin to witch doctor nonsense when it was really effective treatment. The Wuhan lab leak theory also suffered the same treatment by today’s media. Whatever position the media establishment takes, think the opposite folks.


    The first half of the program was a Biden Puff Piece played out with Secretary Blinken.
    In the second half, former Secretary Pompeo was able to lay out some facts.

    WALLACE: You also criticized President Biden for not pushing hard enough on China to learn the origins of the coronavirus.
    But I want to again go back to your administration and the record there.
    President Trump and his team, including you, had almost a year after COVID-19 first came on the scene, to really press Beijing on what the origins were, when the evidence was much fresher.
    Now, there’s no question that the president pulled back from the WHO, the World Health Organization.
    But what did President Trump and his administration, including the secretary of state, do to press China harder to get the evidence on where the COVID-19 virus came from? Because we still don’t know.

    POMPEO: Chris, the predicate of your question is all wrong.

    [That should be the stock answer of all conservatives being interviewed by any alleged reporter.]

    We have a really good idea of what happened here. There’s an enormous amount of evidence that there was a leak from the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
    There’s a — there’s a pile of evidence hundred feet high. I have — I have high confidence that that’s the case.
    We pressed the Chinese Communist Party really hard, not just the State Department, but our CDC and others, too. We withdrew from the WHO, which had become politicized.

    This administration chose to get back in that. I don’t know what tools they think they are going to use.

    But we were serious in this endeavor. We made clear that there would be real cost of the Chinese Communist Party.

    We built that Operation Warp Speed. I was thrilled to hear they are going to distribute these vaccines around the world to countries that need it.*

    They couldn’t do that but for the work that happened on the Project Warp Speed. It was remarkable and historic work.

    We put real pressure on the Chinese Communist Party and we got very close to being able to make a lay down case for what actually happened and how this virus came to kill millions of people around the world and destroy billions of dollars in wealth.
    We know enough now. The cover-up continues. And it’s time for accountability.

    WALLACE: So, just to button this up, I want to ask about one more question. Do you believe that the virus came from a lab leak from the Wuhan Institute?
    POMPEO: I do.

    Hecker’s charges: QED.

    *Europeans aren’t so thrilled to learn that the US Administration was pledging to give away the EU’s limited stock of vaccines before all of them have been vaccinated.

  11. @om:

    Which reminds me… They’re going to swarm CBGs with Fishing Trawlers. Thousands of them.

    And if you try do something about it or even just run through them, your traitorous media will make out of whole cloth what the Russians did at Dogger Bank on the way to their Doom at Tsushima. 4K Video in real time won’t be a problem.

    Chinese can be put back in their box. It’s going to take a whole lot of out of the box thinking to do it though. And at risk of repeating myself there won’t be much time to learn from mistakes and iterate.

  12. This is really kind of sad. They should let that old man go home.

    You don’t have to follow politics to notice that when President Biden speaks, he’s not exactly on top of his game. He makes a lot of “gaffes,” rambles, appears confused a lot, and has publicly said (on more than one occasion) that he’ll get in trouble for taking unplanned questions from reporters.

    Now, thanks to footage from a press conference in England on Sunday, we see that Biden needs notes to remind him to blame Donald Trump.

    On his “DOJ Talking Points” card, Biden is told in the portions visible to the camera: [screenshot included]

    “Trump abused power/Trump DOJ out of control.

    “Now we have to clean it up.

    “I’ve made it clear this DOJ will reflect my values and principles and priorities—not Donald Trump’s.”

    Critics called it “pathetic.”

  13. Zaphod:

    Listen to the podcast or read up at the website before you blow smoke, Those Navy guys are fully aware that the CCPs fishing fleets are integrated with the PLA (Navy and Militia). They also mentioned the need to penetrate the command and control aspects of the CCP fishing fleet planning and deployments (which have political aspects).

    Freedom of navigation and free passage through the seas are a feature of US Navy policy and deployments, although strained. Other nations have already made the point of sinking CCP rouge fishing vessels and the CCP has been sinking other country’s (Viet Nam or Philippines IIRC) fishing boats in the South China sea. Not all the world is on board with Can Do! and the Can Do! claims to everything not nailed down or defended by a gun.

  14. zaphod:

    You want to swarm a Carrier Battle Group with fishing trawlers? I’ve got a word for you: chum. A phrase too: Act of war.

    Three Gorges Dam. Sad that it broke.

  15. zaphod:

    Yes that little attack on 12/7/1941 worked out pretty well for them in the long run.
    Now the British had much better luck in Hong Kong, Singapore, and Burma, wait, they didn’t. But you know all this?

    How’s that CCP nuke plant doing? Do you have a good beta/gamma instrument or just another HP calculator? Knowing how to use a G/M counter and having really good respirator might come in handy.

    Can Do! beeblebrox Can Do!

  16. @Geoffrey Britain:Nature has a cure for stupidity. It is a permanent cure.

    You might take a look around at Nature. The vast majority of successful organisms are extraordinarily stupid. I refer you to any plant, insect, or bacterium if you need an example.

    “Stupid” can be a virtue because being “smart” is expensive and no organism has an unlimited budget. Resources spent on brain power could have a higher return if spent on producing or rearing more offspring or better resource gathering or sexual attractiveness.

    Your highly selective list of extinctions isn’t a representative sample of what actually goes extinct or doesn’t. There’s lots of ways to thrive and survive and “smartest” or “strongest” isn’t necessarily best.

    Human norms of what’s desirable or undesirable don’t cut any ice with Nature.

    A stupider human could well be better adapted to what’s coming in the future.

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