Home » Questions about the Capital incursion that the Democrats have no intention of asking


Questions about the Capital incursion that the Democrats have no intention of asking — 24 Comments

  1. I think it would put the day in proper context to say the event Trump spoke at was a rally. He asked people to peacefully walk to the Capitol building and protest the unfair election. But there was already a riot taking place at the Capitol building. The breach of the Capitol building had already taken place.
    How many were already there, and did not attend the rally?
    Were most of these people Qanon followers?
    How many were antifa?

    The rather abysmal reporting of the day’s events don’t provide much clarity.

  2. It is truly fascinating that Glenn Greenwald, whose leftist credentials are impeccable, is suddenly persona non grata to many progressives because he is unafraid to challenge their false narratives and because he has the temerity to appear on Tucker’s program. Very dangerous legislation is being prepared in Congress (Durbin’s bill on “domestic terrorism”), which will be entirely devoted to the so-called “existential danger” from “white supremacists” and “right-wing extremists” (i.e. conservatives, any and all Trump-supporters, questioners of last year’s election, etc), and I have no doubt that Greenwald, who is correct about the ridiculously inaccurate use of manipulative and ideologically-charged language, will have the courage to describe the potential for egregious abuse in such careless legislation.

  3. That said, I’m not at all sure the public is sold on it. But I think the left doesn’t much care what the public thinks.

    I live in Texas, so I’m certainly not seeing this from the average New Yorker’s viewpoint, but I’m not seeing people sold that this was an insurrection. The evidence presented is about zipties (really? that will overthrow Congress) and unused molotov cocktails (isn’t that just a bottle of vodka). Oh, there were pipebombs! (but not at the Capitol). And then there is AWS claimed 98!!! Parler posts inciting violence over weeks leading up to the attack.

    This all reminds me of the $100,000 ad buy on Facebook that the FBI and Mueller investigation provided as hard evidence that Russia was interfering with the 2016 election for the benefit of Trump. $100,000, in a billion dollar campaign season, which bought 3,000 web ads most of which supported BLM. And that was the only evidence presented in a court of law (other than FISA *cough* court *cough*, which didn’t seem to test the presented evidence for validity).

  4. “I’m not at all sure the public is sold on it.”
    Unfortunately, the Trump haters wanting to buy it were just waiting for the sell offer of such BS.

    Some 10 “Republicans” voted to impeach Trump – these elite-Reps deserve to be primaried and lose to America First Republicans with more common sense. https://donsurber.blogspot.com/2021/01/highlights-of-news_14.html#more
    Don Surber remains a Trump fan and lists these el-Reps; especially Liz Cheny (#3 Rep).

    The Dems probably have huge long list of the politically unfeasible things they would like to do – but, with different news scandals, some of these things become feasible. When they do, like a cop shooting an unarmed white female Trump supporting protester, they are ready to cast a related event in such a way to justify the policy they want. Which might become, for a short time, politically feasible – and they have very much learned to
    Strike When the Iron is Hot.

  5. Captain Rusty – I read and linked the same article on an earlier post. It co-incited with what I saw and experienced.

    It is pretty sad that Alex Jones was a voice of moderation that day.

  6. The U.S. Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund, who resigned after the attack, told The Washington Post that security officials at the House and Senate rebuffed his early request to call in the National Guard ahead of a protest.

    That’s kind of interesting. “Security officials at the House and Senate.” Who are they? Was Mitch McConnell informed? Was VP Pence, the some times president of the Senate informed?

    They didn’t have guns. If they had wanted to, they certainly could have brought concealed guns, which they could have used.

    But, but, … Nancy Pelosi assured us that this was an armed insurrection!

    I believe I heard that one of the protestors had a truck parked somewhere with a couple guns in it, and he was arrested on some type of gun charge. So you see, Nancy speaks the truth. (sarc)

  7. The only comment I would make about ‘incitement’ is that the liberal argument isn’t that Trump incited the protesters during his speech, but that he spent the last two months inciting them with his “endless and baseless claims of voter fraud” (scare quotes deliberate).

    So, I think the argument about timeline is important, but it isn’t going to change anyone’s mind. (see your last post on propaganda)

  8. The Democrats and RINO’s don’t want the ask the questions, but the answers are coming anyway. Too many accounts, too many facts are popping up that will have the questions asked regardless of their desires. MSM will not be able to suppress it either.

    See the blogger Shipwrecked Crew account as described by Meaning in History. He is a former member of the Federal government and has in the past “excused” some of the behavior and foot dragging within the DOJ. His leaning is towards Trump but not a hard one. That he is definitively stating these facts means that people are providing answers that eventually the leaders of the house will have to address.

    If he is getting these answers then that means the general population is getting them too.

    Some of these facts/answers are coming from within the Federal government. The Palace Guard is leaking. This drives up the fear factor the top officials in Congress, soon illegitimate Administration and deep state are feeling. The Palace Guard knows that the leadership will throw them under the bus to save themselves. That is why it is coming out that Leadership KNEW what was coming and did nothing. That leadership DELIBRATELY did not warn the Trump Administration and in fact wanted some confrontation. They didn’t realize that the capital building itself could be breached.

    Some questions will be answered during discovery phase of the capital intruder’s criminal prosecutions. If competent counsel is employed, I would expect it but we have seen the sorry state of our legal profession. This is where I would try and get a referral of counsel from Robert Barnes. I would think he is itching to get an iron in this fire.

    The deep state wants Trump gone and soon he will be out of Washington. But the aftermath will continue. As the left said for the four years of Trump. “he is not my president”. I will treat this upcoming administration with all the respect it deserves…..none.

  9. Neo said, “Once the power is firmly in place, it doesn’t matter what the public thinks.”
    Welcome to the United Socialist States of America (USSA).

    Those of us who find the hundreds of sworn affidavits attesting to vote fraud in its various forms credible, usually in frank violation of state election laws, have no rational reason to believe vote fraud will diminish in 2022. These will just be two years to make the exercise of fraud more “credible and acceptable”.
    Biden is going to keep the country shut down with COVID oppression and shower most of us with helicopter money to the amount of $1.9 trillion. Fiscal insanity, or Modern Monetary Theory, they are equal, just as rational as Critical Race Theory. The effects will be permanently ruinous, economically and socially.

  10. “The Democrats would prefer the public was with them, but they were going to act to consolidate their power in this way whether the public approves or not. Once the power is firmly in place, it doesn’t matter what the public thinks.” neo

    That probably is what many leftists and elected democrats think. It ignores however certain predictable realities and consequences.

    74+ Million disenfranchised voters. Repeated Kent State style atrocities. 300+ million guns. Many on the right with military training. Police, federal field agents and military personel have families and friends, that as liberties are supressed are going to get an earful. Repeatedly.

    Tyranny cannot survive among an armed people. Who, on both the right and left have been raised in a culture where the expectation of unalienable rights are a cast iron certainty.

  11. I am Sparticus,

    “people are providing answers that eventually the leaders of the house will have to address.”

    Really? If the democrats will soon not care what the public thinks and the GOP clearly doesn’t care what their voters think… then why will they have to address those ‘answers’?

    ‘Operation’ Fast and Furious, Benghazi, the Mueller ‘investigation’, the FISA Scandal, Judge Sullivan’s treatment of Gen. Flynn… how many outrages must pass before you acknowledge that the House, with the MSM running interference, only ‘addresses’ what it wishes to?


    “Biden is going to keep the country shut down with COVID oppression and shower most of us with helicopter money to the amount of $1.9 trillion. Fiscal insanity, or Modern Monetary Theory, they are equal, just as rational as Critical Race Theory. The effects will be permanently ruinous, economically and socially.”


    Not to quibble but the triumverate of Pelosi, Schumer and Biden-Harris puppet masters will implement the above.

    What better way to control the deplorables than by near permanent mandatory lockdowns, implementation of a social credit system and ‘cancelation’ of troublemaker’s insurance, bank accounts and employment?

  12. Cicero (6:23 pm): “Those of us who find the hundreds of sworn affidavits attesting to vote fraud in its various forms credible, usually in frank violation of state election laws, have no rational reason to believe vote fraud will diminish in 2022. These will just be two years to make the exercise of fraud more ‘credible and acceptable’.”

    Sure seems that way to me. To those clamoring to clean up the voting exercise, I can only say that I’m with you in spirit and motive, but given who controls the dissemination and control of information going forward, I’m more inclined to the “no rational reason” persuasion. By the way, I have not read a single one of “the hundreds of sworn affidavits”. Has anyone here?

    Cicero again: “Biden is going to keep the country shut down with COVID oppression and shower most of us with helicopter money to the amount of $1.9 trillion. Fiscal insanity, or Modern Monetary Theory, they are equal, just as rational as Critical Race Theory. The effects will be permanently ruinous, economically and socially.”

    Caution, Cicero and now Geoffrey [“The Great”] Britain as well: I personally take the counsel of Yogi Berra to heart, that “it’s tough to make predictions, especially about the future.” Biden (or Harris) may well open up the country at some point, probably in phases [I know, “it’s tough to make predictions”], especially if the people controlling him/her/them think it would be to their advantage to do that.

    But a further word of caution now. For a long, long time, I was a serious deficit hawk, and I looked for “permanently ruinous” consequences to the out-of-control bipartisan spending: first with Reaganomics and all the way to Trump’s deficit spending (about which no one seems to care any more). At some point, I’ve given up. There may yet come those “permanently ruinous” consequences; I’m still scared of them but my fear has been tranquilized as with a drug. It’s tough to make economic predictions, especially since humans are involved and especially since economic “laws” and goalposts seem to have peculiar ways of changing unpredictably.

  13. MJR:
    Your notion that the ruling Dems will “at some point” open up the country/economy is not consistent with their century-long practice.

    I shudder at the reports that 15,000 Nat. Guard soldiers, armed with lethal weapons, will “guard” the Capitol at inauguration, which is also surrounded by razor wire. We face an apparent willingness of uniformed Americans shooting other Americans to death, not seen since 1865.

    We have seen one young unarmed woman killed by a single pistol shot by a Capitol policeman. Who remembers her? The news reports say 5 people died “in the riot”. She was one; 3 died of natural causes outside, heart attack, etc.; and a Capitol cop got struck on the head, went back to his office, where he declined and died in-hospital some hours later. I suspect his as yet unstated cause of death was an epidural hematoma, which even the Aztecs knew how to treat by just making a hole in the skull to let the blood compressing the brain out. His delay killed him.

  14. Cicero (8:31 pm), by “open up” (Cicero 6:23 pm) and then (M J R 8:02 pm), I had in mind the lockdowns and related restrictions as applied to the covid situation. Your remaining two paragraphs (at 8:31 pm) ring very true and I am very afraid.

  15. Geoffrey @ 7:09 “Really? If the democrats will soon not care what the public thinks and the GOP clearly doesn’t care what their voters think… then why will they have to address those ‘answers’?

    ‘Operation’ Fast and Furious, Benghazi, the Mueller ‘investigation’, the FISA Scandal, Judge Sullivan’s treatment of Gen. Flynn… how many outrages must pass before you acknowledge that the House, with the MSM running interference, only ‘addresses’ what it wishes to?”

    Add to it the Awan brothers security breach, China penetration of the CIA spy network, Uranium One and Seth Rich’s murder.

    Solid question. My response is that cracks are starting to appear in the monolithic response and denial. If the rumored document dump does occur that starts the ball rolling. Also I have faith that once the Republicans take back the house there will be enough truth seekers that it will allow the release of other information to the American People. The Totalitarians may try to ignore it but in the end I believe it will come out. Call me a fool but that is what I work towards.

  16. Want a mob? Look no further than the Democratic House of Representatives. All riled up, energized and ready to follow their leaders to breach the walls of reason and good sense. No need to get the facts first. Let passion rule as they scream impeach.

  17. The Capitol “Policeman” (sic) had a social media account where he explains that he wants to shoot Trump supporters. The military would just have gotten in the way of that assasination. Probably no specific orders were needed. They just had to put a dim BLM supporter with a desire for murderous action at a place where there was going to be an arranged bit of excitement. Nothing says “police material” like a media page expressing his desire to kill. Nancy’s fantasy of law enforcement. Her law, of course. Now he needs razor-wire protection. Cute!

  18. The protest at the Capital is the left’s Reichstag fire and they will use it as viscously as Hitler did to try to consolidate power. More rhyming history here.
    Wonder who will play the part of Lubbe? At least beheading has gone out of style so there is that.
    Our constitution is more robust but as we have seen, that can be changed under enough pressure and the Dems sure don’t seem to have any compunction about going that route. 2022 can’t come soon enough. Let us hope it doesn’t arrive too late.

  19. @I am Spartacus:

    Aswan Paki Bros, Seth Rich… all that ancient history.

    Our side needs to remember and study and learn from these and other data points. Absolutely.

    But the idea that somehow the Truth Will Out through the efforts of honest solid citizens and that Joe Public will see the light…. Not gonna happen.

    Don’t want to sound like perpetual Black Pill Man. But needs to be clear distinction between what we need to know about our Enemy and what it will take to defeat said Enemy. Can’t be done with Facts and Truth. You can’t debate with hypocrites and liars. Joe Public is at least 80% sheep. Goes for both notional sides. It’s not for nothing that there was a Vanguard of the Proletariat and Alter Kaempfers. Or have a look at Henry VII, The Early Years.

    By Other Means.

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