Home » The Democrats are wielding blacklist power with scope that Joe McCarthy could only dream of


The Democrats are wielding blacklist power with scope that Joe McCarthy could only dream of — 44 Comments

  1. Two of Trump’s banks say they are going to stop doing business with him. I imagine his loans are all secured by real estate. This is extraordinary.

  2. The BLM-supporting, thoroughly brainwashed young daughter of a Trump-supporting woman from MA has succeeded in having her mother publicly shamed and dismissed from her job as a result of the daughter’s disapproval of her mother’s participation in the events at last week’s rally in the Capitol. Helena Duke is being hailed by leftists for “calling out” her mother (Theresa), who became involved in some kind of physical altercation, the exact circumstances of which are not entirely clear. One is reminded of the (perhaps apocryphal) tale of the Soviet martyr Morozov, who informed on his father, and of the many all too real parent-denouncing children during China’s Cultural Revolution.

  3. D bank and Signature (?) Bank.

    Deutsche Bank, I think, financed much of his real estate. I sure would like to see the terms of the secured real estate loans and under what terms they can be called or accelerated. That’s usually defined very carefully.

  4. Welcome to Woke-istan.
    They are going full combination Nazi/Soviet. We are witnessing the erasure of our Constitution and our Bill of Rights (after all, they are so 100 yrs ago).

    Stolen elections have consequences. I hope that the SCOTUS enjoys what they have allowed to take place (especially Chief “Justice” Roberts and the “Wise Latina”.

  5. Astounding. And the rats are not just leaving the ship they are scurrying to the cameras, microphones and social media sites to join the pitchfork waving mob.

    I think this will go well beyond McCarthyism. The Red Guard analogy sounds pretty apt. You listen to some of these people, and ask yourself, “how could I have among them all this time and not recognize what they were?”

    The Trump hatred has been obvious for a long time; but, hatred of everyone who served in his Administration? There is more than one pandemic at work.

    I pray that God will heal this nation. I better pray harder. Of course, the God of the Old Testament sometimes he with very bitter medicine.

    In a WH message, I suggested that President Trump consider settling in Israel. I thought he would be safe there. I am no longer confident that he will be safe anywhere. Nor for that matter anyone close to him. I wonder how long he will survive? This situation has to be toxic.

  6. There is no sleep for Maoist Borg drones, j e.
    Edward. “Stolen elections have consequences.” The Irony is too much to laugh at.
    Oldflyer: “I think this will go well beyond McCarthyism.” Indeed it will.

    Enforced genuflection is going to become the requirement of China Joe’s Fake presidency. The Go To and Gotcha tool of our Fascist period.

    Shame on these unworthy young heir’s to a Great Legacy. Shame must find it’s way upon their eternal resting place, their tombstones.

    On JoNova’s blog masthead reads: “A perfectly good civilization is going to waste…” So much to lose, in so little time.


    The US is gripped by evil, hurtling into longer term decline.

  7. Oldflyer:

    It’s been clear for years that if Trump lost the left would pursue a criminal prosecution against him (and his family members), as well as extra-judicial revenge of various kinds. None of this is a surprise, unfortunately, and Democratic voters have been prepared (by four years of relentless hate propaganda) to support it.

    I believe I know plenty of people who would even support Trump’s execution.

  8. neo states, ““Deplorables” was an early tell, and there was also the claim that wearing a MAGA hat was tantamount to wearing KKK robes. Hillary Clinton originally only said that half of Trump supporters were “racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic” “deplorables,” and she got some flak at the time for condemning so many.”

    Hillary Clinton added another term to “deplorables” and that’s “irredeemables”. That is a particularly revealing choice.

    An “irredeemable” is a religious characterization and connotes someone who has embraced evil so deeply and completely that they are beyond even God’s ability to redeem them.

    In general, deplorables can be brought to see the errors of their ways, they are redeemable, they can be reeducated, they can be a-woke-n.

    Irredeemables are only fit for the killing fields, as they are beyond redemption and an unconscionable burden upon the State. Their only use, as fertilizer for the fields.

  9. Edward,

    As he’s repeatedly done, Chief “Justice” Roberts will justify and rationalize. I suspect that the “Wise Latina” is incapable of appreciating what she has enabled and in their “white privilege”… probably thinks that the deplorables deserve it.


    ““how could I have among them all this time and not recognize what they were?”

    Civilization’s veneer is very thin indeed. We once admired men and women of principle but those times have greatly lessened.

    “In a WH message, I suggested that President Trump consider settling in Israel. I thought he would be safe there. I am no longer confident that he will be safe anywhere.”

    I agree. Yet the greater the percecution, the greater a martyr they will make of him. And martyrs can be very, very dangerous for the powers that be.


    “I believe I know plenty of people who would even support Trump’s execution.”

    Undoubtedly so and if done, a fatal mistake. Far too many people see clearly the battle he fought and the nature of those who opposed and betrayed him. In that battle and in stealing from him his reelection, they’ve already made of him a martyr. In murdering him, he would become a far greater martyr. Again, martyrs can be very, very dangerous to the ‘powers that be’.

    Movie dialog, as trite as it can be, can occasionally be of meaningful relevance in a particular time and place.

    “You can’t win Darth. If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine…” Obi-Wan Kenobi

  10. We have no idea who has information on various judges and politicians in both parties about funny money and funny activities that they might never want to see the light of day. My assumption is that a good number of them have been bought and paid for with great deals and perhaps trips to fun with the young ladies island among other things. The whole mess in DC is like a bunch of rotten eggs getting ready to burst and lots of special deals for their buddies in both parties for years. The Playing their hands hold all of the Trump cards for the next two years making the GOP who want to stay around tap dance a lot.

  11. It’s still just possible to prevent a Holy War; with some Holey Walls.

    A Stitch in Time…

    Tick, tick…

  12. I gather that ARMED protest in very state capital is planned for His Fraudulence installation as our King on the 20th.

    Is kinetic violence therefore inevitable? What do others think?

    OldTexan – “…the next two years making the GOP who want to stay around tap dance a lot.“

    Yeah. A caricature of an oppo Party. We will understand this as a farce.

    Will this be lost on the Enemy completely, too?

  13. I believe the real intent of all this lawfare against Trump in the post-Trump-Presidency world is not necessarily to send Trump to jail. The real intent is precisely the same as what has been going on for the past 5 years: To keep Trump occupied, strip him of support, and keep his renaming resources tied up sufficiently to prevent him from campaigning effectively for 2024.

  14. I find myself worried about Mr. Trump living to see the end of the year. There are so many people so filled with Media/Democrat induced hate, that I believe that there are those who believe that eliminating Mr.Trump would be laudable thing to do. I even believe that people like Nancy Pelosi would even justify the action, by saying that the crime was appalling, but understandable, because of Orange Man Bad.

    I am certain that there are those in the Antifa/BLM crowd, that are the Sturmabtieglungen of the Left that would leap at the chance. May God protect Mr. Trump.

  15. TJ – Armed Protest is a false flag operation. Don’t subscribe to it. It is sad when a loopy website like The Gateway Pundit, whose accuracy is better than the NYT, Post, Fox and CNN.


    There will be no armed rebellion. Leftist always over reach. The reaction will be fierce. They have laid the mode of their own destruction in the legal field. All we need are leaders to help us. I believe they are rising up.

  16. I gather that ARMED protest in very state capital is planned for His Fraudulence installation as our King on the 20th.

    TJ: Geez, I hope not.

    Unless one is ready to go CW2 immediately, I’d say it’s preferable to get the lay of the land before rushing ahead. An armed protest could be just what the Dems and the Swamp are hoping for in order to squeeze that much harder.

  17. I don’t know what to make of current events.

    Clearly we are in unexplored territory. True, things have been trending in this direction for some time, but we are now seeing the massive coordination of powerful forces — Democrats, the Swamp, the media, the universities, and hi-tech — breaking through to new, blatant and dangerous levels day by day.

    The iron fist is out of the not-so-velvet glove.

    Maybe they are over-reaching; maybe not. Now is not the time for panic or recklessness.

  18. Any successful fightback will need martyrs. There’s a big learning curve ahead because every time it’s a bit different — e.g. nobody knows how the Military will break or just how much of a difference new tech will make.

    Sounds cold and horrible… but if good guys ever prevail, it will be because some black-hearted stone cold calculating assholes sat the first one out and collected data points.

    OTOH, if one has Metastasizing Stage 4 Whateveroma then kick off calculus changes. Dulce et Decorum Est.

  19. I read on the inter-web this morning that someone, perhaps the FBI, has found out that there will be armed protests in all 50 state capitols on the 20th of this month and I hope they are very wrong. The last thing in the world that we need is a bunch of nutty looking people dressed out in their finest Airborne, Seal, Super-Recon Ranger, ballistic vest gear open carrying rifles and pistols just to show the regular folks they can. This would be a perfect set up for multiple, made for TV, reality shows of lefty hoodlums joining in to create chaos and blame in on the right.

    The 20th for those on the right would best be observed quietly and as a time for reflection and thoughts about how to deal with the nutty stuff that will be coming out of DC. We don’t need any more clown shows or opportunity for the media to enjoy themselves making conservatives look bad and the Dems to play victim.

    Memo: Today’s Media will never let truth get in the way of a good story.

  20. TJ on January 12, 2021 at 8:24 pm said:

    I gather that ARMED protest in very state capital is planned for His Fraudulence installation as our King on the 20th.

    Is kinetic violence therefore inevitable? What do others think?”

    I think that the most imbecilic thing any person claiming to have a serious interest in the rule of law and the preservation of liberty could do is to march around in armed protest with the intention of intimidating the opposition [or much less likely, strategically sparking a confrontation that they imagine will helpfully “deepen the divide”, or “draw the lines more clearly”]

    To engage in such short sighted, affect driven activity may provide emotional release for some, but at the expense of more deliberate others who could use the time to marshal social and political and economic resources, develop action organizations and map out workable strategies.

    People threatening to march around with guns at this point make the South Carolina “fire eaters” look like philosopher kings in comparison. And we know what happens there, the emotionally immature fade away or run away or are soon killed off, and the bearing of the real burdens is left to others to carry on.

    Now in this case, because Middle America is so much larger and more powerful than is the norm with squeezed populations, it is conceivable that if a few million did rise up in violent rebellion, they could destroy a tremendous amount of our political infrastructure in a matter of days. But doing so would be counterproductive at this point, because the vast majority of disaffected people are still hopeful that something can be salvaged of our traditional institutional norms through non-violent means.

    This might change. But we are not there yet. And if we get there we better have a plan first, because it will not be pretty.

    One the other hand: I believe that the leftist establishment has a great deal of power, but less than everyone who is unwittingly or unwillingly enabling them believe.

    I think that although Twitter cannot be killed, it can be relegated by Gab and a reestablished Parler to a gossip chamber for resentment laden teen aged lesbians, their soy boy tools, and insane middle aged attention seekers.

    That is the first step: the necessary non-violent, non-hysterical, landscape defining move that will clarify just what real powers we are facing, and what their numbers and strength are in terms of actual punching weight.

    The point is, to have a plan, and to engage the enemy “in detail” as they used to say.

    Andrew Torba, has done more in this regard than then thousand blubbery attention seeking Internet hysterics chasing conservative clicks …

  21. @OldTexan:

    Like it or not (and I do not), there are plenty of Imbecile Boy Scouts on the Good Side of the Great Divide. The best thing they can do is walk into the minefields and explode the mines.

    Could their timing be better? Sure. But a lot of folks are going to have to learn the hard way.

    This kind of thing won’t be won out by ‘Virtue’. Victory will go to whichever side’s stone cold you-know-whats are smarter and harder and more in touch with base reality.

    Sad? Yes.

    The Progs should have left some breathing room for normal people. Such a little thing to grant.

  22. In my email inbox today was this idiocy from the CEO and president of the Audubon Society, of all things.


    As a proud 115-year-old member of civil society in America, Audubon has the standing and the obligation to hold officials accountable for the principles designed to bind us together. . . . When democracy itself is undermined, we must speak up. That’s why we’re taking the extraordinary step of calling for the immediate removal of President Trump and making it plain that we are holding some members of Congress responsible for the violent insurrection at the U.S. Capitol last week.

    We’ve been clear and unequivocal about urging our leaders to accept the results of a free and fair election that drew record turnout, and in which so many Audubon members voted.

    We’re proud that Audubon and our members prioritize fairness for all people, regardless of race or who they are. We condemn both the violent worldview of the insurrectionists, and the preferential treatment shown by law enforcement to white rioters, in contrast to the violent treatment of Black and brown people peacefully protesting for equal treatment under the law last year.

    Audubon brings together diverse stakeholders with common values to advance bird conservation, and with that power comes a responsibility to raise our voice in this historic moment.


    What a pompous, virtue-signaling fool. Though more toxic, it reminds of when Dreyer’s announced at the height of last summer’s moral panic that they would be changing the name of the ice-cream treat known as Eskimo Pie.

  23. MollyG — precisely why the rebellious and armed among us will stand up and say NEVER will we submit to YOU! Their Legitimacy is gone. Their treason is too wicked and plain to see. And the spectre of a boot stomped face future, over and over again, raises the fear to beyond the boiling point.

    Sure, I see the merits of a longer, slow, smarter game.

    But I highly doubt containing explosive furies is even a possibility for now.

    The train is already moving, folks. Get out of the way or else get aboard: I don’t see other viable options for now.

  24. I’ve tried posting a link from Althouse three times – the comment won’t publish.

    McCarthy anyone ?

  25. The above comment posted.

    I suggest those interested to check out Ann Althouse’s current posts.

  26. How about this paragraph from A:

    I’m pretty sure that’s what happened [Google complaints with A’s comments content], and I gave up ads because it seemed like too much work to go searching for what might be the problem in the comments. But the mechanism for reporting abuse to Google remains. This presents a risk to me, and I think the risk has increased in the past week. So I want those notifications. I’m worried not only that Google will overdo its censorship but also that haters of this blog — of the comments section of this blog — will come in here with pseudonyms and write violent threats and racist crap for the purpose of drawing censorship down upon me.

  27. A is on blogger which is a free Google blog publishing tool. Google can indeed shut A down.

    As we have seen with Parler, it’s not just a matter of taking one’s business elsewhere.

    But why WordPress, which is neo’s platform, is interfering with comments about A remains unclear.

  28. DNW on January 12, 2021 at 10:14 pm

    I agree with this, said more eloquently than I could have.

    On a separate note, I think it’s time to consider the effect Q had on the President and his supporters.

    He/She/It/They, at this point, did more damage than good, especially in the last few months.

  29. QAnon kills. Ashli Babbit followed it to her execution by the Capitol Police. Sometimes delusions are deadly.

    Yammer is all in on it, I need say no more.

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