Home » A particularly fine discussion of current happenings


A particularly fine discussion of current happenings — 32 Comments

  1. For me Viva Frei and Frei/Barnes videos are one the best finds on the internet in 2020 IMO, thanks to one of your commenters.

  2. One of the very best pieces on the topic of last week’s chaos at the Capitol was posted yesterday at Frontpage.com and entitled “Driving out the Scapegoat”. The author is the brilliant classicist Bruce Thornton (former colleague of VDH) and deserves a wide readership. Perhaps the most troubling aspect of the coverage of these events by the MSM is the consistent abuse of language (“domestic terrorism”, “attempted coup”, “racist insurrection”) intended not only to obfuscate even further an already confusing event, but to prepare the easily-propagandized public for ever more draconian assaults on the liberties of the tens of millions of ordinary Americans who are now perceived as “the enemy” by those leftists who are only eight days away from consolidating full control over every important institution in the country, public as well as private.

  3. Barnes annoys me sometimes and I can’t describe exactly why. But David Freiheit is a fantastic teacher and explainer. I always like listening to his videos.

  4. Yes. However, Barnes naturally skews to his interests in history and All Things Dershowitz.

    Since the Great Prof is aging, and there’s really no senior competition for his experience and vigorous engaged argument, does anyone else think that Barnes might shift into a scholar/litigator role, soon?

    But should one disdain the Dershowitz, then perhaps this is rather less interesting, nor find him so compelling.

    And on an advice level for activists, expounding on the conditions about how something should be contested is a far cry from how they will get or not get addressed.

  5. i hope these two gentlemen keep a low profile or the left will try to destroy them like they did with Jordan Peterson. please conservatives don’t repeat mistakes, Don’t prop them up only to get them destroyed by the left.

  6. Dave:

    I believe that issue comes up in the video. They are pretty savvy, although of course no one is safe if things get rough enough, which they certainly might.

  7. Barnes has been particularly scornful of the legal ruses that judges use to avoid or slant their decisions; standing for example. It has been an eye opener.

  8. Fractal Rabbit:

    Barnes can be very smug, and I also don’t agree with everything he says. But I have much respect for his legal and practical knowledge as well as his ability to give clear explanations of legal issues.

  9. neo introduced me to this broadcast and then the only constant in my life since is sitting anxiously every sunday afternoons waiting for it. isn’t there supposedly to be a debate between dershowitz and Barnes tonight?

  10. @j e:

    The Progs don’t read Hanson and Thornton; their idea of a classicist is Zuckerberg’s twisted sister.

    The coming convulsion must be hard-coded in our DNA. It’s what we killer apes do when the contradictions build up too much in one of our societies. Sorry folks, but one of the building blocks of human civilization is scapegoating and wiping out the Other du Jour. Don’t like it, travel back in time argue with the double helix if you don’t mind swimming in primeval ooze.

    A good civilization and its associated religion is merely a way of limiting and channeling this scapegoating urge. All the other stuff like space rockets and dialysis machines are curlicues, epiphenomena. Nice to have, of course, don’t get me wrong.

    There’s going to be some Full-on Girardian Mimetic Mulching of Malefactors before the Fat Lady Sings. Sicut erat in principio et nunc et semper.

  11. Neo said “If you’re pressed for time, you can use a technique I’ve found to speed things up for non-music videos, which is to use the “settings” button for the video to set the speed at slightly faster than normal. ”

    A couple of other useful youtube techniques: pressing the “J” rewinds 10 seconds while “L” advances 10 seconds. Pressing “1” takes you 10% into the video, “2” to 20% and so on.

    Also, I’m very glad Neo turned me on to these guys. Love their take on things.

  12. It’s weird when you think about what we humans are.

    0830 on a glorious sunny winter morning here in Hong Kong. Looking out the window through the trees I can just see the top of a fountain playing in a park. In this part of the world, only some trees are deciduous, so the still low-angled sunlight is doing wonderful things with the leaves and the water; Hopkins and his Shook Foil.

    It’s just about perfect.

    And yet there are legions of shit bags who want to mess with our all-too-rare little moments of peace and won’t even leave us alone to be ourselves in our own back yards or even our own thoughts.

    We won’t be permitted to even Cultivate Our Gardens without first hiring three POCs and a Tranny.

    Et in Arcadia Ego.

    I’m no classicist either. But spades and pitchforks have always been repurposed. We like to forget.

  13. Neo,

    There is no doubt Barnes is knowledgeable and articulate. And I may be just petty but the more I think about it, I think it was his insistence that this election set-back isn’t as bad as many of us think and we will just be able to come back stronger in 2 to 4 years. His example was Andrew Jackson experience with fraud in 1828. I just don’t see it that way, or being more honest about it, I can’t see it that way.

    You’re right, though, he does tend to sound smug when he talks. And his name dropping is really obnoxious too (Wesley Snipes, President Trump, etc.). Maybe its all of that or just that he reminds me of some of the attorneys I work with on a regular basis, the ones I particularly loathe.

  14. I posted about this interview back in on the January 9th round up. Below is what I wrote to my Michigan team. Note the air of confidence that Barnes has. He knows what goes around comes around.
    Hello from a domestic terrorist according to Nancy Pelosi and the Main Stream Media. This is a 2:02 long podcast with lots of really great information. I will put a sequence down in a moment but I want to provide a summary.

    By now we know that the break into the capital started BEFORE Trump concluded his speech. The initial break in was driven by two groups, BLM/ANTIFA and QANON followers who really believed that they were working on behalf of Trump. Ashli Babbitt was a strong QANON follower. Standing next to her when she was shot was John Sullivan a BLM activist from Utah urging people forward. This is on the House of Representative side where Congress was in session. When the Trump rally supporters showed up, they were let in with open doors by the Capital Police on the Senate side and was very polite, respectful and orderly. The reason the break in started BEFORE the Trump rally goers arrived was that they knew we would have stopped them as videoed by multi instances of acts of destruction being stopped in progress. So the Capital break in was a false flag operation designed to short circuit any chance Congress would create a commission to examine the challenged states voting irregularities. It succeeded brilliantly and Biden was certified and we are now domestic terrorists.

    Outside of Bill Barr, QANON has done more to hurt Trump’s campaign than any other factor. We have to start getting people away from this deep state disinformation operation and I firmly believe that it is. QANON is distracting good people from doing the work that is necessary to win by working on our confirmation biases. My recommendation is to not pass on or act on any information that is not confirmed (vs. reported) by multiple sources. The latest is that Italy has arrested the Pope and also there is going to be a blackout of the internet with mass arrests. 36 hours have passed and ……nothing.

    Robert Barnes is an insider to this whole election mess. He was there in DC Wednesday with some senior level officials. When you hear what he says about the gross lies from the deep state to Trump, lack of preparation for a contested election and the abandonment of Trump by the RINO’s; I appreciate even more the greatness of what Trump has been able to achieve in four years which is astounding. He sets the benchmark for accomplishments.

    The sudden coordinated suppression of Parler, the brazen kicking off or suspension of 10 of thousands of conservative influencers is the techno corporatists overlords flexing their power designed to intimidate and scare us. Don’t be. It may scare the establishment RINO’s but really we aren’t part of it. They are scared of us. We displayed our power when we assembled. We displayed our fortitude when If we stay united and purposefully work together we can effect change. President Trump and Barnes are not downcast or beaten neither should we be. So let’s keep our heads and focus on what we can do for 2022 and 2024. Politics is not static. Coming up will be re-apportionment, the Biden economy, the Biden handling of COVID, and a huge internal conflict within the Democratic party. We will prevail if we work together.

  15. I find the Viva Frei / Barnes Law podcasts very enlightening, and highly stimulating. Both hosts have their idiosyncrasies. Barnes does like to be expansive about his hobnobbing, and he likes to hear himself talk. But aside from that, I like his confident insider approach and appreciate the information that is being shared. It’s high-quality insight.

    Tonight podcast with Dershowitz was well worth listening to as well – the first part concerned forced vaccinations but they discussed /debated a wide range of issues.

  16. Good discussion. Barnes seems to have strong knowledge of the law. (I don’t. That neo more or less vouches for Barnes means something to me.)

    Nonetheless, the Legal Crit PoMos have created the PoMo hell they were warning us about, where the law is not about the law but a cover to justify the Powerful over the Othered — to use their vocabulary.

    Barnes’s legal arguments sounded reasonable and in the 20th century would probably have worked.

    But in the 21st C. we have seen again and again judges either shirking the hard decisions or being complicit, even enthusiastically so, in the march of the left.

    I didn’t reach the end of the ‘tube, so maybe Barnes deals with this. I’ve lost confidence in the law to be the law, as opposed to the Will to Power.

  17. Here’s a link to the you tube of the Barnes/Dershowitz debate, ably moderated by David Frei. I’ve been following VivaBarnesLaw on the Locals platform for the last month. Barnes is a bit of a wind-bag, but after all, he’s a trial attorney, and the most effective trial attorneys are those who can explain it to a jury. He has prodigious knowledge of Constitutional history.

    The Locals platform was designed to resist big tech attacks. There are no ads on that platform. They ask you to subscribe, but you don’t have to. I suggest that we should pay to keep quality like this available.

  18. I must say I take it as a serious lack of seriousness that so much information is being doled out in videos.

    These days computers do the hard work of converting spoken words to text. All someone who cares about the message must do is mark the sentences and paragraphs, plus note the speaker if more than one, to provide a perfectly workable transcript for a human being to scan in a few minutes and quote as desired.

    This would leverage the video to far more people than making them sit through an hour’s worth of blather, however wonderful, even if sped up 10%.

    Is there some copyright problem on this or is it just laziness?

  19. @Huxley:

    True — although in a get off my lawn kind of way I don’t really like reading transcripts either. There’s prose and there’s speech and they ain’t the same and each to their respective mediums.

    One way I’ve found to handle videos and podcasting is to get a little Bluetooth speaker and move it from room to room while I’m doing various chores. Can imbibe my daily dose of Hate and Bad Think whilst doing mindless tasks.

  20. Zaphod:

    Well, as Ecclesiastes guy said, “There’s a time to read and a time to watch and a time to refrain from both and get some real work done.”

    All I am saying is give text a chance.

    I’m working my way through Rich Hickey videos. Love his “Simple Made Easy” tube. Uncle Bob is fun too.

  21. @Huxley:

    Big fan of Functional Programming and Lisp-like languages. Have you played with DrRacket?

    I’m trying to imagine what a Brainfuck podcast would sound like.

    From Wikipedia, here’s a Hello World! program in Brainfuck:


    Chalk one up for the Written Word.

  22. Huxley @ 10:45. LOL on that play of Lennon’s ” All I am saying is give peace a chance” refrain.

  23. “This is slavery, not to speak one’s thought.” ? Euripides, The Phoenician Women (as seen posted on Laurence Jarvik’s web site masthead)

    huxley: “the Legal Crit PoMos have created the PoMo hell they were warning us about, where the law is not about the law but a cover to justify the Powerful over the Othered — to use their vocabulary.”

    In other words, to impose sophistic fascism dressed up as ‘The Law.’

  24. You might put an app called Otter (otter.ai) on your phone and record the video. It will create a near perfect text file. I hate videos because they’re so time consuming.

  25. Big fan of Functional Programming and Lisp-like languages. Have you played with DrRacket?


    Negatory on DrRacket.

    Clojure is my third assault on Mt. Lisp. I’m not advanced. I don’t do macros. I have done 65 Project Euler problems in Clojure plus converted two large college Java projects, so what I’ve learned is solid enough that it will stick.

    The learning slopes are steep with Clojure/Lisp but once I got past those, it’s been fun and satisfying. I’m onboard with functional programming as an approach superior to OO with regard to complexity and multi-threading.

    We are now seeing 6/8/10-core Intel CPUs — for a while it seemed we were stuck at 4-core — so FP will continue to increase in importance.

  26. Is there anything that Trump could do that would bring him into some court? …so that he could depose and gather evidence and present evidence? Not a crime. Nothing that would contribute to impeachment. Perhaps some executive order about the election.?…e.g. requiring all Secretaries of States to publish their rules on mail-in and absentee ballots? Something that would extend beyond his term in office? He needs to be allowed his day in court so that the people hear his full allegation about the election–from him and his attorneys..

  27. dnaxy – here is the rub. Trump can go to court but the courts have proven over and over to be hostile to discovery. In other words they will use the doctrines of “lac’s” (you filed suit too late sucker), “standing” (you don’t the right to see what the base data) and “limited discovery” (you can only see what the other side decides you can see). Just ask Flynn about Brady evidence production. Like the joke about French and Italian drivers and stop lights, executive order and laws are suggestions to the courts. In Georgia, they never assigned a judge to hear Trump’s well constructed and documented case. He had no recourse. His phone call that was leaked was a settlement call to have something done. The deep state has spoken and there will be no recourse through the courts or state legislatures.

    The courts are not an answer. It has to be at the ballot box. We have to put this fraud behind us and prepare for 2022 and 2024. Do no be downcast because this is a setback. Now Biden and the Democrats HAVE to govern without the boogey man of Trump. Hold them to account.

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