Home » My reaction #2 to the Trump-Raffensperger phone call


My reaction #2 to the Trump-Raffensperger phone call — 42 Comments

  1. Lauren Chen, a bright and engaging young writer for The Blaze, posted on her Twitter that those who consider this recorded call “comparable” to Watergate are one of three things, ignorant of Watergate or unfamiliar with the entire call or dishonest hacks. She adds that there is nothing corrupt about requesting transparency in the investigation of electoral irregularities. Such a sensible approach is completely absent from the hysterical caterwauling emanating from the very same morons in the media who, very recently, were screaming “Russia, Russia, Russia” about the undeniable corruption of the entire Biden clan.

  2. “And you can keep telling us and making public statement that you investigated this and nothing to see here. But we don’t know about that. All we know is what you tell us. What I don’t understand is why wouldn’t it be in everyone’s best interest to try to get to the bottom, compare the numbers, you know, if you say, because .?.?. to try to be able to get to the truth because we don’t have any way of confirming what you’re telling us.” lawyer Cleta Mitchell

    And all the Trump and his team will continue to know is what Raffensburger tells them because he’s part of the coup. And of course getting to the bottom of the fraud is manifestly not in the interest of those holding the data, i.e. Raffensburger and Kemp. The very last thing the coup plotters want to do is for the truth to come out.

    Criminals do not volunteer to expose their criminality.

  3. j e,

    They’re not all morons, some of them know full well what they do.

    The ends simply justify whatever means are necessary.

    In their minds they’re not lying, simply offering a ‘higher truth’.

    Nor do ideological fanatics ever question their ideological gods or ever take personal responsibity for the tragedies they’ve wrought.

  4. Geoffrey Britain (4:59 pm) suggests,
    “In their minds they’re not lying, simply offering a ‘higher truth’.”


  5. In California, conversations during mediation/settlement efforts are privileged and cannot be used against you to prove liability or otherwise. There is a similar law in Georgia (Ev. Code section 24-4-408) that holds: Evidence of conduct or statements made in compromise negotiations or mediation shall not be admissible.
    So there is no “evidence” (in the most recent definition of the term) that Trump said anything during this conversation.
    But the rules don’t apply when it doesn’t benefit Dems because reasons, I guess.

  6. Or they’ve got his kidporn stash or a set-up to make it look like his kidporn stash.

  7. Remember when Montage thought this was a big ‘GOTCHA!’? Fun times, fun times.

    Also, I see the US Attorney for Georgia resigned today. That can’t be a coincidence. Did he balk at an order?

  8. Remember when Montage thought this was a big ‘Gotcha’? Fun times, fun times.

    Fractal Rabbit: It seems like it was only yesterday!

  9. There are two types of people in America, those who will listen to the whole tape or read the full transcript to decide for themselves, and those who will only read the manipulative headlines and let the media decide for them.

    Montage is in hiding again, guess this hoax is not going well

  10. um — just an oversight I assume — but sure you meant to write “womanipulative” there instead, eh Dave? These times hustle along apace; it’s near impossible to keep up with the changes.

  11. MJR,

    Indeed. In their minds, ideological fanatics always justify themselves, no matter how monstrous their actions. It’s rationalization writ large… they tell themselves they never would have had to act that way, if only people had simply accepted ‘the truth’.

  12. I never believe what I read in the Democrat media until it’s confirmed by more sensible sources. In this case, like the Ukraine call, there’s nothing whatever wrong with what Trump and his lawyers said.

  13. Zuckerberg, Bloomberg, many Hollywood celebrities, the Open Society Foundation, and others have poured millions into Georgia. There are limits on amounts that can be given to campaigns, but money can be used to buy votes, and to buy influence. A Republican governor and SoS who can’t ensure an honest election? Yes, Stacy Abrams and her judge sister are throwing their weight (and lot of out of state money) around. And it sure looks like the Repubs are running scared or are bought off A good ole boy like Bad could never hope to acquire several million $ except by winning the lottery. Or by having it put in an offshore account in the Caymans. Sounds like a John Grisham plot, but there is definitely something rotten in Georgia.

  14. Rotten peaches
    Rotting in the sun
    Seems I’ve seen that devil fruit
    Since the world begun

    Elton John – Rotten Peaches (1971) With Lyrics!


    Interesting lineup. Terry Cox (from Pentangle) on drums. Rick Wakeman (soon to be from Yes) on organ.

  15. We are too focused on what tomorrow will bring in GA.
    It is the days, weeks, months after that matter. Tyranny awaits a GA loss.

    We are well on our way to a “benign” one-party dictatorship. Employees of the Big Five- Facebook, Microsoft, Google, Twitter and Amazon, have poured many millions from their out-of-state coffers into the race, for the two unsavory Democrats. It would be hard to find two more roachy people than these.

  16. neo, MollyG: I too appreciate “found poem” exercises.

    Back in the halcyon days of the Iraq War, Hart Seely, a reporter and humorist, decided to assemble a collection of Rumsfeld quotes into found poetry. Seely intended it as an act of subversion to make Rumsfeld sound peculiar, funny and unintelligible.

    As far as I’m concerned, Seely failed. One can say many things about Rumsfeld, but he was damn intelligent and far faster on his feet than the reporters playing Gotcha games with him. Take this well-known Rumsfeld quote given the Seely treatment:

    The Unknown

    As we know,
    There are known knowns.
    There are things we know we know.
    We also know
    There are known unknowns.
    That is to say
    We know there are some things
    We do not know.
    But there are also unknown unknowns,
    The ones we don’t know we don’t know.

    –“Pieces of Intelligence: The Existential Poetry of Donald H. Rumsfeld,” edited by Hart Seely

    Democrats made a big to-do about how stupid this Rumsfeld quote was, but any thoughtful, honest person — which apparently excludes Democrats — is aware this is reality and a competent leader had better include the “knowns,” “unknowns,” and “unknown unknowns” into his planning.

    It’s also straight out of the Landmark Forum introductory lecture and made me wonder if Rumsfeld was a secret Landmark graduate.

  17. I picked up this book of poetry a year ago.

    Bigly: Donald Trump in Verse
    by Rob Long

    I think he meant it as satire to poke fingers at OrangeMan, but the recast speech texts actually come out as pretty decent modern verse.

    Somebody should set this one to rap music or something.

  18. huxley – the Left has made a lot of money poking fun at the Right that kind of backfires on them.
    “All in the Family” is a case in point.

  19. Scott Johnson at Powerline has his observations up now.
    He’s in the President’s camp, and is very troubled about the leaking of a legally protected settlement negotiation call.
    (per AMartel above)


    Listening to the recording I discovered that our friend Cleta Mitchell has been helping President Trump in pending litigation and participated in the call. Trump didn’t let her speak much, but I found her questions and comments of interest. I think President Trump would have been well advised to listen in and let her do the talking for him. Perhaps he would have done so if he had been advised that the call was being recorded.


    Following up on my the adjacent post, I want to add a few comments to draw out facets of the phone call that have been shortchanged — i.e., suppressed — by the mainstream media.

    • The fact that the call was secretly recorded is scurrilous. As is apparent at a couple of points, the call was for the purposes of settlement of the pending Trump lawsuit. Who secretly records settlement discussions?

    Trump’s summary was accurate. That’s my take.

    Of course, everybody records everything these days.
    However, since all of the parties on the call are lawyers and their clients, somebody should obviously be disbarred for leaking confidential matters subject to privilege on several axes.

  20. Anyone wanna bet against Brad getting well paid to remain a faithful liar?

    Oh, I think both were paid off. Kemp was paid to appoint Loeffler but he has probably some nice change for allowing the tank to change all the election laws. The corruption rivals Chicago in 1960 or Texas in 1948. I doubt the runoff will help.

  21. AesopFan:

    The “Bigly” book of Trump poetry was put together by Rob Long, a TV writer who is conservative enough to be part of the GLoP podcast — Jonah Goldberg, Rob Long and John Podhoretz. Which I found entertaining until I became too Trumpish to continue.

    Nonetheless, “Bigly” was published by the conservative Regnery Press and Amazon includes conservative reviewers who say they enjoyed it.

  22. huxley,

    Rumsfeld might have added at the end, “and it’s the things we think are true but that just isn’t so, that end up biting us on the ass…”

  23. Remember how Twitter, Facebook and pro Biden social media companies completely censored out the Hunter Biden laptop story citing it’s their policy not to allow dissemination of illegally or unethically obtained materials either through hacking or other inappropriate activities? What changed?

  24. “…a case study in the media duplicity that President Trump has battled from day one.” Neo quoting shipwreckedcrew

    On Sunday I was sitting in an airport waiting to board and for the entire 45 minutes every TV had CNN on with the lower banner stating Trump told someone to find votes. In times past I would have gotten on my phone to find out what happened. After 4 years of over-the-top media perfidy I continued playing gin and never gave any of it a second thought. The hatred physicsguy speaks of is a direct result of the constant propaganda and brainwashing that we in the lead up to this election discovered has been exceedingly successful. The Chinese investment in the media and social media structure of our Republic is a cancer that is killing us. Unless or until that changes I don’t see how we can hope for the rule of law to be unearthed.

  25. Sorry Neo, Trump got himself in this position. GOTV efforts require good cooperation with local party organizations like it or not. Also the Republicans knew that mail in voting would be problematic. Only in California did they move to make it work for them. Trump’s lack of organization and ability to work with others has a cost. Beating on your party via twitter does not endear you to anyone as my experience in business bears out. People remember they were treated badly even if they try to remain professional. He spends far too much time blaming others for his shortcomings. Not very mature and not effective.

  26. Not rolling over to the Rhino’s has a cost, Rhnos don’t care about that. Whigs, the sequel.

  27. I shared this post on my FB page, and I added the caption, “The media in China and the media in America are both full of propaganda. The only difference is the Chinese realize it and Americans don’t.” Someone commented, “this is a joke post, right?”

    Not exactly sure what he thinks is so funny about it. How blind do you have to be to not realize that not everything is what the media says it is?

  28. How blind do you have to be to not realize that not everything is what the media says it is?

    Natalie S.: Not to be contrary, but if all one consumes is the mainstream media and accepts the contempt in which conservative media is held, it’s not hard to believe that MSM is accurate for the most part and it is conservatives who are the problem.

    Throw in group reinforcement and the cancel culture — mission accomplished.

  29. dirtyjobsguy,

    You have the cart before the horse. Trump’s tweets are a reaction to GOPe duplicity. The GOPe claims to fully support conservative principles. It then acts in support of opposing those principles. They’ve repeatedly done so. Recent example: limiting help to needful Americans gravely impacted by the lockdowns to an insulting $600… while voting to give hundreds of billions to other countries. A President rightly pointing out duplicity, hypocrisy and corruption by elected officials is not “beating them up” it’s holding them publicly accountable.

    The corrupt, deeply hate the exposure of their corruption. And being corrupt, flip the truth labeling good… bad and bad… good.

  30. The entire ( ok maybe a couple not) media is nothing but the Democrats Propaganda ministry
    Couple days after election Bad Blue posted link to Pa’s vote tally. I added the negatives that very early came up more negatives to Sundowner but seemed not to have anything to do with Trump votes, but later Trump’s negatives were catching up to what Sundowner had and might have shown Trump votes were switched to Sundowner. American Thinker had a link two days ago that might explain why Sundowner early had negatives. I do not have the numbers any more
    (only working from a tablet) but did post them in a comment at Bad Blue if that could be found.

    Either way negatives show vote tampering

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