Home » What will happen to the Abraham Accords if Biden becomes president?


What will happen to the Abraham Accords if Biden becomes president? — 14 Comments

  1. Obama the closet Islamist will scotch any further progress re Israel (Biden will ape his lord and master).

  2. Some conservatives think Biden will not be able to do much damage as POTUS because of the GOP Senate. Hogwash!

    As Daniel Day-Lewis said in the movie “Lincoln,” “I am the President of the United States! Clothed with immense power!”

  3. Cornhead:

    Yes, hogwash.

    He and his handlers/advisors/aides can do tremendous damage, essentially restoring and continuing the Obama programs in foreign affairs and an enormous host of other areas. Anyone who says otherwise is naive, deluded, or lying.

    I hope I’m wrong.

  4. I think to the contrary they might be enhanced. I fully expect that a Biden administration would be just as hostile to Israel and the Arab States as was Obama. Maybe worse. I expect the money to start flowing to Iran and terrorism to increase. More Sunni Arab countries could feel compelled to join the “Abraham” club not out of a new fondness for Israel but out of increased fear of how the US and Europe will empower the terrorists of Teheran.

  5. @Avi:

    When Jewish Liberals begin to fear their own more committed co-ethnics more than they fear appearing uncool, things might look up for you.

  6. Some conservatives think Biden will not be able to do much damage as POTUS because of the GOP Senate. Hogwash! –Cornhead

    My reading of some conservatives is that Pres. Biden/Harris won’t be able to go full boat on packing the Court, creating new states, giving millions of illegals full citizenship, overturning 1A and 2A, banning fracking, etc. The big ticket items. That’s the win.

    Which isn’t to say Biden/Harris will be denied all impact and be otherwise distressing.

  7. A Democrat President can do all kinds of things to damage the USA’s credibility with zero oversight.

    Does anyone here think that lighting up the White House in Gay Rainbow or bunging (errr) some Transsexuals on the Podium to virtue signal makes the USA look like the Strong Horse out in the Badlands where Language and Thought themselves are much less corrupted?

    Or ‘apologising’ and groveling to foreign potentates?

    These things matter. Summed together over time they can have vast significance.

  8. “Who cares? It’s a sideshow from the real work, which is sticking it to 68 million racists in this country!” — the Democrats

  9. These things matter. Summed together over time they can have vast significance.

    Zaphod: Again, not like packing the Court etc as I mentioned previously. Those would be a greased chute to transforming the US into Mexico in one term.

  10. I agree with Huxley. There is a lot of damage that won’t be possible if Republicans keep the Senate–by the way, now would be a good time to donate to the two Georgia Senate runoff campaigns–but little can be done to prevent the damage that President “Biden” will do in areas where he has relatively unfettered executive power. The executive departments themselves won’t go on strike against his initiatives the way they did against Trump’s. Anyone who resists will be summarily fired, with no press coverage or outrage. We’ll go back to the usual rule, applicable only in Democratic administrations, that of course a President has the right to staff his own administration with loyalists.

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