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More random thoughts about the election — 27 Comments

  1. White guys’ lower numbers? Easy – they lied to the pollsters. No idea why everybody else didn’t.

    Now on to the important stuff: Whose inauguration speech is Joe going to plagiarize?

  2. The Dems cheat because they know they won’t get caught and no one will go to jail. Very tough problem with proof.

    That’s why the state legislatures in MI, WI and PA need to take over and select the Electoral College electors.

    My other remedy is to go to federal court and get new elections ordered. In GA they are having second elections for Senator. MI, WI and PA can have a second presidential election. Federal voting rights are being denied by corrupt state actors. That’s what federal courts are for!!

  3. What caused white men to like Trump less, when no other group had that reaction? I can’t figure it out. Maybe Stockholm syndrome? Maybe white men hated Hillary even more than they hate Biden? Or maybe elderly white men identified with Joe? –neo

    I’ve been wondering about that for a while. One possibility is that their Significant Female Others twisted their arms like this:

    –“WATCH: Daughter emotionally manipulates dying father into voting for Biden”

  4. What is the remedy? I think the fraud s clear. Like porn you know when you see it. Further there is likely statistical methods to prove how out of whack many ballot dumps were relative to the population of non-dump ballots. Lastly there seems to be actual proof- more votes than registered voters in parts of Milwaukee; postal fraud; sharpies; preventing impartial observers.

    Fraud is there. What is the remedy?

    1. Revote certain states?
    2. Throw states out. Given no majority, take it to the House per Article 12?

    I think understanding the right remedy is key. How do you find bad ballots?

  5. “What caused white men to like Trump less, when no other group had that reaction? I can’t figure it out. . . . Maybe white men hated Hillary even more than they hate Biden?”


  6. What caused white men to like Trump less, when no other group had that reaction? I can’t figure it out.

    I cannot imagine any group of males transfering their previous anti-Hillary votes from Trump to Biden, unless it was some relatively small percentage of robotic UAW retiree morons, aged enough and ignorant enough to be misogynistic, and thus accidentally casting the right vote for the wrong reason the first time. After Biden reappeared, well, ” … as the dog returneth to its …”

    As far as the Maqcucks and the Sensitive Bill`s of yesteryear go, I have no way of explaining their votes. They claimed to love the Republican Party and wished to help it by losing.

    As a former elected Republican precinct delegate, but as one who has no love whatsoever for the Republican Party, but only for what it can do here and now to preserve and if possible expand liberty, I might as well try and make sense of radio static as of their rationales. Same goes for the professional conservatives: the bespectacled, bow-tied conservative commentariat, and the political action fundraising crowd. A rather queer lot all considered, if you ask me.

  7. I don’t know if anyone has actually gathered and analyzed the numbers closely enough to place the percentage in context of total white male voter numbers. Could it be done this early?

    I have not looked critically at them myself; but you can see where I am going with this: Did Trump actually lose white male votes he had before in numbers that did not wash out with new white male voters: Or, among a larger white male voting population did many more of the new go to Biden? Thus watering Trump’s percentage.

    Seeing the couple of hand waving sandal wearing young males in line for early voting, and the one in front of me being hustled along by his very intense female companion, I’d provisionally guess – on no real evidence – that an influx of young white males votimg for Biden, was at least partly responsible.

    Of course I was wrong in my assumption about the “socialist” Englishwoman.

  8. I cannot imagine any “old” white male voting for Biden. Speaking for a friend.

    Where did they do that exit poll? At a polling place adjacent to a college? Outside of a LGBQT bar? (Is there such a thing now?)

    I see no more reason to believe exit polls over any other polls.

    Shamrock, I have been fantasizing along the same line. Treat it like the Feds treated de-segregation orders and busing.
    The elections should be thrown out, re-done under court supervision. Each state submit a plan to hold an election, and certify the results before12/15. The elections and tabulations monitored by federal marshals.

    Not sure who would have the authority to order it. Nice thought though. Get back to a First World environment.

  9. Cornhead mentioned it first. Revote the district or possibly whole state where fraud is found.

    This morning I read about the illegal ballot harvesting in NC in 2018. That whole election had to be re-voted in compliance with a judge’s order. Of course, it was Republicans doing the harvesting, so naturally no measure was too extreme to remedy that kind of outrage.

  10. Why did enthusiasm for Trump lag a bit with white men?

    The guesses above are as good as any, including this following guess. Maybe those who were hoping for a can-do business leader in the White House, and some were business owners/operators like my friend, were disappointed by the lack of action. Not that were wasn’t significant action.

    I personally thought that Trump seemed to be too much of a spectator in his own admin. Hindsight is 20/20, but he could have fired Comey almost immediately, then firing Rosenstein and Sessions in some semi-rapid order. Getting rid of Rosenstein soon enough would have likely blocked the Mueller mess.

  11. The Soy and Poz and all-round @#$#ed-upedness associated with growing up under tutelage of single mothers are strong in the youngest white male cohort. And they have had 4 years of intensive propaganda overload.

    Regardless the outcome of this election, regardless the institutional rot it must now finally reveal to even the blindest Bow Tie Civnats, there is still Demographics.

    Demographics will @#$% the West. We have a lost generation of native stock, we barely breed and well below replacement levels at that, and we are being swamped by a sea of fellaheen who *do* breed.

    If this sounds all very ‘Farmyard’ and distasteful to anyone, well tough titties. Reality don’t care for our finer feelings.

    Don’t blame me for Demographic Black Pill… Talk to David Goldman (Spengler)… it’s what he says.

  12. We don’t know for sure Trump lost 5% of his white male support from 2016 to 2020.

    If that bar chart is comparing exit polls in 2016 vs 2020, then all we know is that 5% fewer white men admitted voting Trump in 2020. There are stronger reasons these days to lie to those taking exit polls.

    Which isn’t to say it’s not true, but I don’t believe we know. Given the state of polling and distrust, we may not be able to know.

  13. On the glass half-full side, 2020 showed a vibrant Republican Party under Trump, able to attract minorities, defeat or almost defeat the Dem candidate in the face of a full court press from the elites, the media, social media, tech giants and rampant corruption.

    We didn’t lose the Senate and we gained seats in the House. Biden/Harris, if they squeak through, aren’t riding a big mandate and owning Congress like Obama in 2008. Whatever they try to do won’t come easy.

    You’ve got to expect a resurgence of Tea Party spirit, probably not so nice either. I’d bet the 2022 mid-terms will be hell for Biden/Harris.

    And then Trump can run again, Grover Cleveland-style, in 2024.

    It’s horrifying to see how naked the lust for power is among Democrats, but we see them much more clearly now and respond accordingly.

  14. If I would be wary of telling a total stranger over the phone that I was thinking about voting for Trump in the future, I sure as hell wouldn’t tell a total stranger in person that I just did.

    Also, how do we know that all the diehard white male Trump supporters didn’t vote early? Exit polls in this early/mail-in election environment are completely meaningless.

  15. “Maybe white men hated Hillary even more than they hate Biden?”
    Quite so. They’d never hated Biden at all.
    “Or maybe elderly white men identified with Joe?”
    Probably not more than did white women.

  16. Also, how do we know that all the diehard white male Trump supporters didn’t vote early? Exit polls in this early/mail-in election environment are completely meaningless.

    Bryan Lovely: Good point. Exit polls were already iffy, but now much more so.

  17. DJT needs to do more to shake the MSM (incl. *Fox*) narrative, that MI & WI are decided, and that his only beefs are about PA and the other “uncalled” (not yet done counting) states.
    MSM says nothing, about what he’s planning on the fraud in the “called” states.

  18. Newt was just on Hannity, saying that any precinct, in which (GOP) poll watchers are illegally barred, can have their entire slew of votes ordered to be recounted.

  19. What caused white men to like Trump less, when no other group had that reaction? I can’t figure it out…Maybe white men hated Hillary even more than they hate Biden?

    Partially this. Partially that Biden, unlike Hillary, has a reputation as being an old-fashioned pro-union Democrat. Nearly all of the Biden signs I saw in my otherwise conservative city were in front of union households.

  20. in re aNanyMouse’s comment – if you missed Sparticus’s eyewitness account, read it in that context.


    I am Sparticus on November 5, 2020 at 11:07 am said:
    I posted this last night at Conservative Treehouse and tried to here. I think the word count was too high. I have broken it into separate posts

    Democracy Dies in Darkness
    Today I was at the Detroit Absentee Ballot Center and I want to describe what happened there.

    Very long but RTWT.

  21. There is an explanation for this close election that fits the strangeness of the 5% or so increase in old men voting for Biden and lack of down-ticket senatorial votes. With many states mailing out ballots to everyone on their voter rolls, a lot of very old and demented citizens got them. Ordinarily they would not have been voting, because they cannot talk well enough to be walked through the polls by caregivers or coached through a telephone request for an official absentee ballet — and of course they cannot remember that there is an election coming up. But now, having automatically gotten a ballot just because many years ago they registered to vote, here it is, they are still alive, and a young adult caregiver is there to make sure Biden gets another vote.

    The result is a drop in old men voting for Bush, and no votes for senators ( filling out the entire ballot is too much like work, and how many young adults care about the senate, anyway?)

    The hell of this is, you cannot prove fraud. In fact, it is probably still legal even if the caregiver is way too young to vote. Very old, demented people often have a few “good” days when there is at least the illusion of talking to them a little, and the person who filled out the ballot can always claim it was done on one of those days. Unless you require that people who vote pass a Doctor’s test showing that they are not mentally impaired — the one that (among other things) asks who the president is — this problem will not go away. The Democrats are not about to give up this motherlode of unethical votes once they realize its value.

    Do I need to point out how appropriate it is that Biden may have been elected by a nationwide and newly “enfranchised” block of people with senile dementia?

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