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Joe Biden speaking — 35 Comments

  1. Jesus! That’s bad.

    His decline, then, is past reasonable argument, unless he is drunk or on drugs.

    No wonder his campaign is hiding him so much.

  2. There’s a wide variation in his coherency isn’t there? At the debates he did pretty well getting his thoughts expressed, but in these smaller, more informal settings he struggles to form words, finds tounge-twisters and stumbles. I wonder how his campaign handlers are managing that, and to what extent they administer a program of medical treatment as preparation.

  3. And just when one may have thought that things couldn’t get any crazier, here comes “Anonymous”.

    Thinks pretty highly of himself, a “patriot” desperately trying to save the country from You Know Who—though one wonders what he may have been thinking while he watched and perhaps even applauded as his former employer trashed the Constitution, weaponized government agencies and tried his hardest to turn the country into a STASI-like entity…which might strike some as a curious kind of “patriotism”….

    (He even passes himself off as “trustworthy”—it comes with the territory, no doubt—but seems to have a huge blind spot when it comes to irony.)

    All of which sounds a lot better than “delusional”, I guess. Or gob-smackingly “narcissistic”. (Oh, and he felt pangs of conscience too for his anonymous handiwork, just in case one might think he’s not such a decent guy.)

    He tries hard. Very hard. Doing his best to reinforce the Narrative, he goes over all the relevant talking points and presses all of the right buttons only to discover, now, that he’s pressed a few too many, and as a result is now being mauled by those he tried so “courageously” to “save”.

    Still, for such people, delusions die hard, if at all. And one might even believe that he has Patrick Henry’s stirring words humming in his ears…in a continuous loop.

  4. I’ve seen the first 25-30 seconds of that about 3 times now…I can’t watch. My mother’s 90 & is 100x more cognitively capable than Biden.

    (She’s also an honourable faithful woman & he’s as crooked an SOB as there ever was…but that’s another story.)

    I work with and around senior citizens often…and he should be taking long walks with his wife & dog not being paraded as a candidate for President.

    I have to remind myself that Biden’s running not so much to protect himself or Hunter from investigation & prosecution, but to defend the previous White House occupant. If President Trump is re-elected there is grave danger that the corruption lid will blow on the previous administration and the marxo-fascists can’t have the LightBringer tarnished any more than he already has become.
    So we have Joe…just like that.

  5. You could be a serially dishonest, demented, lying thug spending most of your time playing checkers in a basement; but if you have the right friends in the right places, you come up smelling like roses.

    (It also helps—or maybe I should say, “might help”—if your friends have successfully and totally demonized the opposition.)

    Yep, friends in the right places;

  6. Soros is getting his money’s worth from those DAs he elected.

    The Biden video looks to me like it has been edited. Any provenance on it?

  7. Mike+K

    From what I can find, Biden gave two speeches in Pennsylvania on October 24th, 2020.

    The first, earlier speech was in Bucks county, and in that speech Biden was pretty coherent–if spouting a lot of lies and half-truths—and he yelled that Trump supporters who were beeping their horns in the background were “chumps.” *

    The excerpts in the video above apparently came from his second speech, given later in the day, this one in Dallas, PA in Luzern county. **

    * https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gx0GjpTZhno&feature=youtu.be

    ** https://crooksandliars.com/2020/10/watch-live-joe-biden-holds-drive-rally

  8. Given the realities, Biden’s handlers know what they’re doing.

    Because they know it doesn’t matter.

    He can drool all he wants to. Debate George til the cows come home. Deny everything about his dear boy’s alleged excesses (though curiously he hasn’t denied any of it).

    No, they’re not worried because they KNOW that their candidate is a shoo-in. Has in fact probably already won.

    That being said, gangsters who are overly confident, may be setting themselves up for a surprise.

    (Just ask Hillary.)

  9. Even given that these appear to be excerpts stitched together, it’s pretty sad.

    He’s probably hopped up on amphetamines for the debates, but they can’t do that all the time.

  10. Mike+K,

    Good sleuthing. I’d found the first one on C-Span, but couldn’t find the second one. I have to admit when I look at the unedited video, it’s not as bad as it first appears.

  11. I’m no longer sure I can believe my lying eyes. I know he’s slipping (besides being an idiot, and plagiarist). I don’t trust that video. Of course the vid was edited – titles, repeats, etc., but I believe the substantive parts must have been distorted, much like the “drunken Pelosi” vid). I have to reject this out of hand. Vid editing software is so powerful now, and there are plenty of folks with more than enough spare time on their hands.

  12. Francesca – yes, I have often thought the same. Why does he yell? Does he somehow or other think it is a more dramatic way of speaking?

    I’ve never cared for Biden; but, watching this video is sad.

  13. What if he never notifies the Speaker and the President Pro Temp and just goes on like this for four years?….ignoring the 25th Amendment? What happens to us who have to listen?

  14. Agree that video can be edited to create any impression, so don’t trust the impression this compilation gives. I certainly don’t see it as proof of anything, but take more seriously Neo’s noticing his strange affect. In unedited footage he does seem to have an ‘uncanny valley’ affect that bothers me, quite apart from the content of his speeches. It feels like the force of his intent does not come through consistently – like he can only connect fully intermittently. Trump has an unusual affect too, but you feel the relentlessness of his intent even when he stumbles.

    Unrelated question: As far as I can discover, Victor Davis Hanson doesn’t seem to be producing content in the final stages of the campaign on YouTube (only older content recycled) and nothing on Am Greatness since the 15th. Is he ill or is there some other reason why this wonderful old dog isn’t barking?

  15. Joe Biden is so sad. But I don’t like edited video just to make it worse.
    I much prefer “the spokesperson for the Democratic Party” parody from Snow on Pine (first seen on Instapundit).

    I suspect he has a bit of hearing loss, which makes his “normal” voice Much Louder. Plus he wants to appear manly and tough against Trump.

    If he’s elected in 2020, he might not be the person sworn in in 2021, and by 2022 I’d say there’s a 66% chance he’s gone, long before the midterms.

    I recall in 2004 I commented on Michael Totten’s blog (where I first saw Neo’s fine comments) about Kerry. If Kerry gets elected, at least we’d hear much less of BDS and lying media. I was very glad Kerry lost (with his 3 purple hearts, and a great Jib Jab duet with George “This Land is My Land”… and Dick Cheney, too).

    I don’t think the Democrat Derangement Syndrome against all Reps will end, or even much be reduced, if Biden wins.

    And so many college educated folk, and other news watching “smarter than their neighbors” folk, seem willing to hate Trump w/o good examples. Their willingness to hate w/o true examples is a bit frightening.

    More folk are understanding how “group think”, and fear of loss of status create pressure to hate the Group Hate target. Now Trump, but really all Reps and pro-life folk.

    If Biden wins, as his dementia / incompetence becomes known, your friends who voted for him should be shamed about voting for senile. Because lying TV news told them to.

    But my guess is 75% that Trump wins.

  16. Pelosi has said she wants to put together a Committee to evaluate the President’s fitness for office in light of the 25th Amendment, and I guess the assumption might be that this is just another attempt by the Democrats to drive President Trump from office.

    But what if this Committee is actually going to be set up to be ready to immediately act, in anticipation that it will declare a President Biden incompetent, and give Kamala Harris more of a semblance of legitimacy when she takes over as President?

  17. I hope that all those who are considering voting for “lunch box”–ol’ hard scrabble Scranton Joe of the many mansions–really take some time and ponder his ringing battle cry, one describing our Declaration of Independence, and attesting to his deep, deep understanding of and commitment to it’s underlying view of mankind and of our God-given rights, “It’s the Thing, you know, the Thing.”

    I just tear up every time I hear that battle cry.

  18. Back in 2008 I asked an astute friend of mine whether a handsome, tall, young, black Democrat with a radical background could beat an old, short Republican with a distinguished military career, who however looked like a goblin.

    My friend said the goblin could beat Obama.

    Well, he got that one wrong.

    I once read that in a presidential election the race is usually to the taller candidate with the shorter name. Trump wins slightly on height and syllable count, but wins clearly on vitality.

    If I were a person who didn’t care much about politics, Biden’s low-profile, zoom campaign would look weak to me.

  19. These Biden flubs are very real, although this is obviously a highlights (or rather, lowlights) compilation. I plan to publish a post on that a bit later today.

  20. Tom Grey
    I was very glad Kerry lost (with his 3 purple hearts, and a great Jib Jab duet with George “This Land is My Land”… and Dick Cheney, too).

    That Jib Jab “This Land is My Land” duet was hilarious. JibJab.com “This Land!” Surprised it is still online.

    In 2004 I had a restaurant dinner with some NYC relatives- one of whom is an artist. I got a Christmas card from them that year. “Nice to have dinner with you. I’m so sad that Kerry lost.”

    Who the heck puts a handwritten political message on a Christmas card? Yellow dog Democrat lefty NYC artists, apparently.

  21. What if Biden wins but gets too demented or gets ill before the inauguration…does the same 25th Amd. machinery go into play?

  22. “Biden’s low-profile, zoom campaign would look weak to me.”

    You seem to be forgetting that he’s such decent man….

  23. Barry Meislin: I appreciate the sarcasm, however…

    As usual, my point is that we are not rational animals, as Aristotle and the Scholastics would have it. We are mostly animals, who have their occasional, rational moments.

    Thus, when we look for a leader, we tend to look for a tall, strong, good-looking guy, who can be charming and a badass, with a short punchy name to get the job done.

    On that basis I call the election for Trump.

  24. Tom Grey wrote, “if [Biden is] elected in 2020, he might not be the person sworn in in 2021, and by 2022 I’d say there’s a 66% chance he’s gone, long before the midterms.”

    Anything to be said for the theory that they keep Biden alive (on life support if necessary) until January 21, 2023, in order that Harris becomes eligible for two full terms as POTUS, plus just under two years as Biden’s successor?


    U.S. Constitution, Amendment 22, Section 1. No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice, and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to the office of the President more than once.

  25. Has anybody got either a link to the unedited video, or date, time, and location? Apparently he gave multiple speeches in Philadelphia, and was OK in one.

  26. “…occasional…”

    The acumen undeniable
    The intuition enviable.

    But, pray, how, in that case, doth the Bern get so much open-mouthed adulation from the sound and fury groupies? It couldn’t be because he’s a multi-millionaire? Or could it…

    (Of course, the answer to that may have much to do with the perversity of the times…)

    As for “rationalism”, well it’s admirable, certainly. I used to think it was a worthy goal, but at the moment I’m stuck on “rash”. (A very long moment.)

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