Home » Two members of the “Squad” having some troubles of their own making


Two members of the “Squad” having some troubles of their own making — 24 Comments

  1. I watched the clip, but I haven’t seen the whole speech and I only know bits and pieces about the context. But it appears to be some kind of Somilian cultural event. She’s talking about the conflict in Somiliand and the ongoing, long standing battles with Ethiopia and Kenya

    In that context, ‘Somalian first, Muslim second’ could mean: though many Ethiopians and Kenyans are also Muslim, she prioritizes her ancestral culture and nation over common religion. That she doesn’t mention loyalty to America is concerning, but not itself damning since the context is specifically about Somalia’s relations with neighboring countries.

    As to the rhetoric about the U.S. government doing what Somalians say…it’s just that…rhetoric. Hyperbolic, sure; but she’s a politician puffing up her importance and influence for a sympathetic crowd.

    Given all of the above, I think the right is overreacting to her comments. Don’t get me wrong: there’s a bunch of reasons why Omar should not be in Congress. I just don’t think this speech is one of them.

    But, that’s based on my limited understanding of the context.

  2. Minnesota Democrat politics have long been driven by Jewish money. There was a couple, Sam & Sylvia Kaplan, who had a condo just for hosting check writing parties for candidates of which they approved. And our little bigamist is one of those candidates. The suburb of St. Louis Park is where Minneapolis’ Jews decamped after a race riot in 1970 torched a group of Jewish businesses. And every two years Omar goes there to make nice with the donors, who beg her to at least wait until the checks clear before she lets loose with another anti-Semitic rant.

    St. Louis Park just elected a very young female Somali mayor, and the chiropractic cases are through the roof what with all the self-congratulatory back patting going on. “We’re so progressive!” Mind you, the new mayor is smarter than Omar, and refrained from celebrating 10/7.

    As long as Attorney General Keith Ellison controls the Somali vote, and as long as he likes Omar, she’s unbeatable. And why won’t he continue? He’s not going to investigate his own vote harvesting operation, and the secretary of state is a Soros creature, and the Minneapolis PD has no one who speaks Somali, because they can’t pass the exams to be hired. The one they shuffled through killed a civilian a couple of months into the job.

    In any case the remaining Minneapolis cops no longer arrest black people if they can avoid it. Because if the perp somehow gets injured, the cop is charged with second degree murder.

  3. Maybe it’s just me but as one of the few—ONLY?—politicians who seems to be able to tell the truth (well, sometimes at least), shouldn’t she be readmitted to the House Foreign Affairs Committee?

    Nancy Pelosi should get onto it PRONTO….

    File under: “Nancy, where art thou?”

  4. So this is our thanks for lending humanitarian assistance to Somalia. I am starting to think there are parts of the world that are beyond help, and the big reason they are beyond help is because of who populates those places. Why in the world anyone thinks it’s a good idea to bring those people here is beyond me.

  5. Ackler,

    You give her waaay too much benefit of doubt.

    I wrote to my Rep. Bean (Fl), demanding she be expelled for violating her oath of office.

  6. Lets stop pretending, they are terrorist sympathizer with miss nur its very clear with cori bush its a little cloudier but we know so called blm by their actions

  7. Joe Friday, it’s Lutheran Social Services and Catholic Charities who control the bringing of the Somalis. I know, I know, but, it’s true! It’s very lucrative, and charity employees do love those paychecks and sweet, sweet benefits. Importing our religious enemies? You don’t really believe that Bible stuff?

    What’s even funnier is that many of the Somalis came pleading asylum if they were to return to Somalia. But now that they have residency, somehow they can travel back and forth any time they want.

    Oh, and the $250 million free lunches for Somali school kids at home because of Covid program? Yeah, I mean all one had to do was go on Google Maps and see that the building supposedly feeding 5000 kids a day wasn’t big enough to feed 500, and oh, by the way, where are those 5000, and wouldn’t that be a superspreader event every day? So far cannot show that one actual lunch was served.

    But the defendants? They’re allowed to travel to Somalia pending trial.

    Seriously, talk to Somalians. They think we’re stupid. They’re right.

  8. Does anyone know if Congress exempted themselves from the Must Register As A Foreign Agent law?

  9. Ackler,

    Providing “context” because you did not listen to the whole thing is pretty pathetic. Go do your homework.

  10. Physicsguy,

    I am indeed generously giving her the benefit of the doubt. We always should be cautious with video clips going viral before a broader context is known.

    Also, it may have been pointed out already, but Neo misspoke. Even if Republicans are completely united on expelling her, it doesn’t matter. 2/3ds vote is required. And you’ll never get more than a handful of Democrats (if that) to expel a black female Muslim member. Never ever.

  11. It’s always to be welcomed when ingrates reveal themselves. DeSantis has the right of it and neo too. But Speaker Johnson should absolutely bring her expulsion to the floor for a vote. Let the democrats try to defend her disloyalty and ingratitude, not just in her district but in every 2024 contest. Paint her party with political ads featuring her disloyalty and highlighting those House democrats who voted against the expulsion of an anti-American ingrate. Make them choke on it.

  12. Ackler,

    True, they probably don’t have the votes to expell, but as GB points out, it’s useful to expose her mendacity.

  13. Keep in mind, Omar almost lost re-nomination in 2022, to Don Samuels a ‘moderate’ (by Minnesota standards, anyway) Democrat. Samuels is running again this year; hopefully he can defeat her.

  14. 1) Regardless of what the constitution allows, I don’t think congress should expel members who have been democratically elected by their constituents.

    2) Omar is a horrible person because of all the things she has said and all the things she hasn’t said. There is nothing new that we have recently learned about her.

    3) I generally like DeSantis. But the country is full of horrible people who say horrible things, and this speech should be legal and not the basis for revoking citizenship.

  15. @ Ackler > “That she doesn’t mention loyalty to America is concerning, but not itself damning since the context is specifically about Somalia’s relations with neighboring countries.

    As to the rhetoric about the U.S. government doing what Somalians say…it’s just that…rhetoric. Hyperbolic, sure; but she’s a politician puffing up her importance and influence for a sympathetic crowd.”

    “I am indeed generously giving her the benefit of the doubt. We always should be cautious with video clips going viral before a broader context is known.”

    I agree that it’s always a good idea to look into the context of viral videos, as well as the full speech, because that’s the opposite of what the media does.

    However, although your generosity does you credit, in this case:
    (a) Loyalty to America DOES figure into the context of “about Somalia’s relations with neighboring countries” because our interests may not coincide with those of the Somalis to whom she is speaking, although I don’t claim to have a clue what our interests are other than to stop Somali pirates by any means necessary, and I have less of a clue what Biden Inc. thinks their interests are — we may not even have any, but Omar is duty-sworn to prioritize US interests over ex-pat-Somali interests.
    (b) You know it’s rhetoric, I know it’s rhetoric, but do the Somalis know it’s rhetoric? There are plenty of examples about how immigrants to America have no idea how our government is supposed to function, and are filtering her speech through their experience of Somali government, in which case it IS possible that a small faction (they have no idea HOW small I bet) can control the actions of the official leadership, and probably don’t realize how small Omar’s “importance and influence” is IF she strays off the Leftist agenda of BLM+DIE to moonlight for her Somalian constituents (IIRC her district is not solely immigrants, but they are a large faction, if not the largest).

    So, yeah, Omar and Bush are making Santos look good.

    Also IIRC there were warnings about booting him, because that would open the closet doors of a lot of people with skeletons of their own.
    Santos was just more blatant than most of the Congressional Corruptocrats, and now Omar and Bush are the next level to face scrutiny.

    Addendum for obligatory Trump connection: isn’t using hyperbole to puff up his importance and influence one of the things the anti-Trumpers are always complaining about?
    Then why excuse it in the Democrats?

  16. @Ackler: Don Samuels was my council member. I worked with him some when I was on the neighborhood board (in Minneapolis neighborhood boards have real power). I don’t think he could be elected to the Minneapolis City Council today.

    Can he defeat Ilhan Nur Omar? Maybe. But voters in Minneapolis won’t ever hear about what she said in the speech. The Star-Tribune might report it as a “Republicans seize on . . .” The TV stations won’t cover it at all.

  17. I would suggest that such concepts as “loyalty” and “honesty” are considered right up there with white supremacism and racism.

    (This would explain quite a lot, including why the military is being hollowed out…)

  18. While she deserves expulsion, it will not happen. Expulsion requires a two thirds vote. Republicans have a slim majority and Democrats will not vote expel one of their own.

  19. The Dems will circle the wagons around them no matter what they have done. On the other hand RINOs and Squishes will form a circular firing squad and throw an accused Republican member under the bus if the Dems media arm complains long enough and loud enough.

  20. santos was doing more legitimate things than this new crew, who are basenghi when things it matters, garbarino lawler et al, as apelbaum who lost the plot over hunter has pointed out, omar is the front for an elaborate terrorist support network

  21. LTEC @ 12:11am,

    I agree. Trash districts will elect trash representatives to represent them. That’s the system. The problem isn’t Omar, it’s the people that vote for her.

    I don’t mean this as a joke. I think we should go back to James Madison’s 50,000 constituents rule for the House. That would put us at about 6,600 Representatives in the House now. With technology, no need for them to assemble in D.C. Give them a small budget to maintain a small staff and store front in their district and pay for an Internet connection so they can attend Zoom calls.

    It takes a lot more money to buy 3,301 Representatives than it does to buy 218. Fewer constituents and continual proximity among them will lead to much more sincere representation.

    And get rid of the despicable practice of gerrymandering.

  22. Gordon Scott: The various refugee resettlement organizations are human trafficking and money laundering operations. They get 2/3 or more of their funding from the federal government, which in turn is used (partially) to pay their executives six figure salaries and generous benefits. And when those well paid executives make political contributions – and they do – the money goes right back to Democrat politicians. And then the cycle starts all over again.

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