Home » What’s going on at the border in Texas?


What’s going on at the border in Texas? — 26 Comments

  1. At some point, Biden is going to decide that he can’t let TX get away with this, and he’ll send federal troops to the border. What happens if there’s a standoff?

    Most obviously, some poorly trained DEI recruit will fire his/her weapon, resulting in injuries, fatalities, or both. Then, the Biden Admin has a real PR problem on its hands, to say the least. What then? Does Biden withdraw the troops to prevent further bloodshed? Or do they find a way to play the race card?

    Or does Biden take the sneaky route, e.g. the DOD makes a deal with a Mexican drug cartel to pick off a few Guardsmen, hoping that it will provoke a public outcry demanding that the Guard be taken off the border? Problem solved! Unless and until some DOD employee with knowledge of the scheme has a guilty conscience and blows the whistle, and then shortly thereafter “kills himself.”

    I put nothing past these people.

  2. This will show if Texas remembers it’s roots
    (See Leander McNelly on the Rio Grande) or not.

  3. When Andrew McCarthy isn’t misguidedly wandering in cloud-cuckoo Trump land, he’s right on, and in this case he’s nailed it.

    It’s almost incredible that Joe Biden can’t see how buffoonish he’s acting in trying to distort the Executive Branch to facilitate this massive, illegal, hyper-partisan invasion of the US by brigades of anonymous ruffians and opportunists, who’ll bloat the welfare rolls at taxpayer expense as six million illegal votes are purchased by Democrats.

  4. we have seen what they have done in other countries against anti-globalists, see salvini and le pen, I included some of the hotter takes from the likes of skippy o’rourke and joyless reid, he the son of a chicago land baron, she the daughter of congolese immigrations, who is more clueless, is an open questions as she is sharpton’s representative of madness at MSNBC, what Tucker has called Hutu TV I would conclude more evil

  5. From here:

    Abbott told Carlson that he’s “prepared” in the event that Biden tries to take over the Texas National Guard.

    “That would be a boneheaded move on his part, a total disaster,” he said. “We are prepared, in the event that that unlikely event does occur.”

    “We do have other armed state employees on the border as we speak right this minute, and that’s the Texas Department of Public Safety, as well as other law enforcement officers, as well as national Guard from other states. And you can be assured there will be more national Guard from other states and more law enforcement officers within the state of Texas and other states.”

  6. This will eventually resolve itself in the next election… hopefully allowing a return to genuinely enforcing the law and the construction of definitive border defences.
    CW2 is more likely over the issue of reConquista-ing the illegals already accounted for and catching and removing those not-yet-accounted for. Throwing those buggers back out will prove the straw and camel’s back scenario.

  7. that seems like a blinkered interpretation of the statue, the border patrol is in dereliction of the plain reading of immigration law,

  8. It’s almost incredible that Joe Biden can’t see how buffoonish he’s acting in trying to distort the Executive Branch to facilitate this massive, illegal, hyper-partisan invasion of the US….

    Once again, Biden is not making any decisions. I’m convinced that it’s Obama and his gang. Biden’s line about “anyone taking the feds on has to worry about F-15s” is him just repeating what he’s heard from the actual cartel running the country. I guess they’re counting on enough woke AF and Navy pilots to be on their side.

  9. Reporting from Austin:

    Not much here on the ground with the invasion. Nor in San Antonio or Corpus Christi the last few trips I’ve been there. I assume the illegals that DPS picks up get bussed away pretty quickly, they don’t seem to want to stay in Texas once they get to Texas.

    The big problem here is with the homeless camps taking over public spaces, which the Benevolent City Council feels no need to enforce elected law to deal with. Not much different than the Biden folks ignoring the need to enforce the immigration laws, just a smaller scale.

    I’d also remind Biden that the Texas Air National Guard has a bunch of F-16’s and very capable pilots who likely won’t want to be federalized.

  10. Why can’t the republicans in Congress file a motion with the SCOTUS asserting that Biden is violating federal laws and seek to prevent him from doing so?

    I just do not understand how Biden is allowed to violate the law and nobody does anything about this.

  11. I noticed that New Mexico, Arizona, and California do NOT support Texas. I say Texas should build a border wall on up between it and New Mexico. See how New Mexico likes the influx of illegals.

    It’s funny, though. I read about Arizonans who are angry at the influx, but I see nothing about New Mexico. I know one reason New Mexico is so blue it’s that the Indians vote Democrat heavily. But surely people living along the southern board in New Mexico are suffering as much as Arizonans on the border and Texas on the border

  12. A possible drug cartel ferry landed on the beach in my parent’s former neighbourhood in La Jolla, California.

    Approximately two dozen illegal aliens went ashore and then scattered among the houses, as caught on video by a bystander.

    The two and-a-half minute video shows at least two women and one smaller child among them.

    Video and further details posted here:

  13. I’ve noticed the same thing about New Mexico,
    like I said, we’ll see. Texas is my home State.

  14. well Gauletier Grisham, the one who sought draconian penalties on gun owners runs that fiefdom, there was a decent governor but she was turfed out about two cycles ago, if memory serves the 2000 election was determined by a coin toss in that neck of the woods,

  15. “I just do not understand how Biden is allowed to violate the law and nobody does anything about this.”

    Who’s going to enforce it?

  16. @ Sennacherib > “Texas is my home State.”

    When traveling, and people ask where I am from, I tell them that I’m from Texas, I just live in Colorado.

  17. Looking at the map of the 25 states in support of the Constitution I couldn’t help but wonder what’s up with Kansas, Kentucky and North Carolina… Predictably, it turns out that all three of those States have democrat Governors. In all three states, the legislature is controlled by the Republicans.

  18. I guess we’ll just have to see if President Fentanyl-Tranq’s remark/threat/joke about using the USAF against those white-supremacist, secessionist, insurrectionist, democracy-killer, Trumpist, AR-15 lovers was merely jolly Bidenesquerie…

    …or not.

  19. Not to challenge McCarthy on a legal issue, but it still seems to come down to definitions and the Executive branch has tremendous leeway here. What is “detention?” We already have different forms of detention with parolees and those awaiting trial; detention in a cell, house arrest, wearing an ankle bracelet, out on bail, halfway houses, released on one’s own recognizance…

    Why can’t Biden say administration policy is “foreigners seeking asylum who pose no known threat are legally detained and can freely move about the country as long as they report changes of address to such and such an agency within so and so many hours/days/weeks/months…?”

  20. AZ has had a tremendous increase in population over a short period of time, almost all of it concentrated in the Phoenix metro area.
    AZ politics has been of the good ol’ boy, county courthouse variety, that is, mediocre but mostly adequate, with a constant, but low-level corruption invisible to the average voter. It hasn’t changed much.
    The AZ Rep party is controlled by the McCain go-along-to-get along faction and these folks are desperately afraid of any change, which they view, rightly, to endanger their place at the trough.
    Add in Dem ballot collection shenanigans and polling place “errors” occurring in mostly R districts and the result is a D governor who won’t buck Biden and a GOPe that won’t challenge her.
    That’s why AZ isn’t on the “support TX” list, even though about 60% of the population would.

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