Home » Open thread 12/2/23


Open thread 12/2/23 — 54 Comments

  1. The small girl on top, falling from that height! If she doesn’t time her tuck and roll perfectly, within minute fractions of a second, she could suffer grave harm.

    Simply amazing!

  2. Here’s an interesting team-up which I didn’t see coming: The Critical Drinker and Ben Shapiro!

    –The Critical Drinker, “What’s Going On With Snow White? An Interview With Ben Shapiro”

    Shapiro founded the Daily Wire and now Daily Wire is challenging Disney by doing its own live-action remake of Snow White — but true to the source material unlike the Disney girl-boss version.

    So Drinker, a film critic, contacted Shapiro to ask what the Wire’s Snow White was about. Apparently the two hit it off and they’ve done a few videos together on their respective channels.

    It’s a great win-win. Drinker gains access to the exposure Shapiro offers. Shapiro gains cool cred talking movies with Drinker.

    Until recently Shapiro has looked like a super-earnest high school prodigy. I’m glad to see him adjusting his image. I was amazed to discover Shapiro is actually Jack Benny’s age — 39!

    Drinker is only a few months older at 40.

    Anyway. They’re both plenty bright, knowledgeable and articulate, so it’s a good conversation.

  3. Bob Wilson:

    No, I didn’t say I believed the polls. I said they are the best measure we have. I also said I don’t believe they are being purposely manipulated in order to create a false belief that Trump is doing well.

  4. huxley,

    Shapiro’s knowledge of film (and sports) is as encyclopedic as his knowledge of law, history and politics. He can hold his own with any film critic; especially on films of the past 4 decades.

  5. He can hold his own with any film critic

    Rufus T. Firefly:

    I never doubted that. Shapiro is fierce. In the video it’s also clear he is enjoying the discussion with Drinker and that the feeling is mutual.

    Here’s their latest chat hot off the … wherever videos come from:

    –Ben Shapiro, “Ranking Star Wars Films With The Critical Drinker”

  6. @ Rufus > “Shapiro’s knowledge of film (and sports) is as encyclopedic as his knowledge of law, history and politics.”

    I wasn’t aware of the breadth of his interests, which (substituting music for sports) is much like Mark Steyn’s.

  7. Wow! Here’s a young gay black man who started out hating himself, hating his skin color and hating America. He has moved from marching with BLM to meeting President Trump.

    He is of course considered a bigot by the Woke and the Trans.

    [Show news footage of Targets and Walmarts leaving black neighborhoods]

    If I go to any Walmart in the hood, they all look like this:

    [Shows Walmart shopping aisles with products all locked in glass cases]

    Why? Well, it’s not because of racism and being in a predominant black neighborhood. It’s because black people won’t stop stealing.

    And if it’s not stealing, all it takes is for one white cop to shoot one black guy and that gives them some random excuse to just go loot and tear down the whole thing….

    –Amir Odom, “The Most Concerning Things About The Black Community”


    Lots more good stuff.

    I’m going to have to take a longer look. I’d like to understand his Change Experience.

  8. Open Thread Sunday: Russo/Ukraine War:

    Exhaustion, Politics & The War in Ukraine – Public Support, Allied Endurance & the War in 2024 – Perun


    00:00:00 — Opening Words
    00:01:18 — What Am I Talking About?
    00:02:04 — War Exhaustion
    00:13:51 — Impacts And Drivers
    00:16:14 — Exhaustion As Strategy In Ukraine
    00:20:07 — Ukraine
    00:30:53 — Russia
    00:41:23 — The United States
    00:53:31 — The European Union
    00:58:57 — The UK
    01:02:01 — What Does This Mean?
    01:03:27 — Conclusion
    01:04:47 — Channel Update

    Russian information warfare – foment an exaggerate war exhaustion, useful idiots necessary.

  9. AesopFan,

    I imagine music and entertainment are Mark Steyn’s first loves, but it’s easier to make a living pontificating in politics (of which he also has an amazing breadth of knowledge). I have really enjoyed his essays on entertainment and entertainers, including obituaries. I think I’ve read every one of his essays on the history and etymology of individual songs, as well as reading his books on the great American songbook and “Broadway Babies Say Goodnight.”

  10. RE: UFOs and the current state of play–

    Disclosure is going to be a very hard thing to accomplish.

    From what I can gather of the current state of play–

    The forces arrayed against Disclosure have very strong incentives to keep the information about UFOs, crash retrieval and reverse engineering programs, extremely powerful Alien, world-changing technology, and Non Human intelligences under their control, and not available to either the Congress at large, or to the public.

    For the Secrecy factions within DOD, and the Intelligence Community–while Disclosure may be a bad thing from a strictly national security perspective–it is an even worse thing for these organizations, and certain people in them, since it would expose the kinds of things which David Grusch testified had been and were happening–some 80 years of DOD lies, their systematic disinformation campaign, quite likely misappropriation of large amounts of public funds, and likely all sorts of illegal activities, according to David Grusch’ Congressional testimony, up to and including murder.

    In addition, add to these items their apparent powerlessness to stop UFO and NHI incursions into our skies and over our landscapes, in Earth orbit, in our oceans, very likely our entire Solar System, and into individual’s homes and lives.

    For any Aerospace contractors involved in these crash retrieval and reverse engineering programs the prospect of having their roles exposed, and whatever NHI materials, technology, and perhaps bodies that they have stashed away being confiscated via the “eminent domain” provision of the Schumer Amendment as written, must be a nightmare.

    Then, there is the additional nightmare of what Disclosure might reveal about their hitherto unrevealed expenditures, and the activities that their shareholders have not been told about.

    Finally, there is the prospect of potential lawsuits, filed by those rival Aerospace companies who were not given the advantage of being handed some non-human tech to reverse engineer and to profit from.

    Perhaps a true and full Disclosure might even reveal the existence of a secret, rogue, unaccountable “government within the government” which Senator Rubio says could possibly exist—a group of rogue government and aerospace officials, in possession of and using highly advanced NHI, or reverse engineered NHI technology–unaccountable to and unsupervised by legitimate authority, and using it for their own ends, power, and profit; aims which might be very different from our U.S. national interest, or the interests of the world and humanity as a whole, for that matter.

    This type of development may be what long time UFO researcher Richard Dolan theorizes could be termed a “breakaway civilization,” one which may even have it’s own “secret space program.”

    Thus, these Secrecy forces very strong push–through selected members of Congress–to shut this Disclosure effort down.

    Mention Uranus and ol’ dementia Joe probably starts to feel around to see if it’s still there.

    Thus, although the “White House”–not, I imagine, dementia Joe himself—apparently thinks it understands this very complex and supremely weighty issue and, thus, seems to have given it’s blessing for Senator Schumer to introduce his “Unidentified Anomalous Disclosure Act of 2023,” it’s hard to imagine that anyone on the C team now running the White House—already beset with a dozen or more crises, many of their own making–has a real, realistic, and comprehensive grasp of all of the extremely consequential, world shaking things that opening the Pandora’s Box of actual Disclosure will release; issues undoubtedly in the domains of National Defense and Foreign Affairs and Relations, yes, but also in the domains of Religion, History, Economics, Psychology, Physics, Philosophy, Astronomy, Anthropology, Astrophysics, and Space travel, to name just a few–in human civilization writ large.

    While the powerful DOD, IC, and Aerospace contractor Secrecy faction may try to shove this issue back down the memory hole–as they have so successfully done in past decades–it looks as if there is the possibility that there is enough pressure building behind this current Disclosure effort—more main stream news coverage, an accumulation of pieces of information being released, here and there, and various new individual, academic, and corporate actors getting involved in the fray–that they may not succeed this time.

    See, for instance, the British newspaper report, out this week, which alleges that the CIA’s obscure “Office of Global Access” is the organization which tracks and locates crashed UFOs–all over the world–and uses SEAL, Delta, Special Forces, etc. retrieval crews supplied by our military, via the Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC), or Aerospace contractor’s private paramilitary forces, to retrieve them.

    This material then reportedly transferred, not to government labs, but to Aerospace contractors, which are not, as the government is, subject to FOIA requests.

    The Schumer UFO Amendment refers to Non Human Intelligence (NHI) more than 20 times, and also refers several times to “technologies of unknown origin.”

    As canny a Senator as Senator Schumer would not have put his name and political capital behind this Amendment if he did not have a certainty that both NHIs and off world technology did, in fact, exist.)

    This Amendment envisions a slow, gradual, several year “controlled Disclosure” process.

    However, if the Schumer Amendment does not become law, or if it’s key provisions are stripped out and this Amendment is emasculated, this vastly increases the chances for a sudden, catastrophic Disclosure by some insider.

    Say, a sudden, catastrophic Disclosure by some insider who is so disgusted and frustrated by the Secrecy faction’s victory this time that they anonymously, or in person, come forward and just release all of the data they may have–government documents, videos, still photos, analyses, and other data–to the public.

    This sudden Disclosure an event which would likely set off a massive wave of “ontological shock,” a hard blow which a slow, “controlled Disclosure” might be able to soften, and more easily navigate and manage.

    Let’s hope that the Schumer Amendment—as written—becomes law for, much as I would like to know everything–and know it right now–it appears that a slow, “controlled Disclosure” might be the safest course for us, and for the world.

  11. P.S.–All of this is apparently Real, and, as more information leaks, as more and more credible witnesses make statements on TV, on the Internet, and testify, more and more people will begin to take notice, and will have to try to accommodate themselves to this new Reality.

    As Senator Rubio has said, either the many dozens of whistle blowers, the high ranking and very experienced military personnel, government officials and employees, who have come before his committee and testified as to the reality of this UFO phenomenon and of these Legacy crash retrieval and reverse engineering programs are all crazy, or what they are testifying about is, indeed, very Real.

  12. Trust something coming from Schumer, if he isn’t a Grey or a Go’auld I’ll eat my hat,

  13. the existence of a secret, rogue, unaccountable “government within the government” which Senator Rubio says could possibly exist…

    –Snow on Pine

    Only one?

    My corollary to Conquest’s Law is that the behavior of a government can best be predicted by assuming it to be controlled by several secret cabals of its enemies.

    However, calculating the vector sum of those cabals makes it tougher to predict a government’s behavior.

  14. Oh Noes! Not lawsuits! That will put the fear of aliens into their corporate souls!

    How do you reverse engineer magic that doesn’t fit into the human-derived accumulation of science and engineering?

    So many unicorns and so little time.

  15. So getting back to Amir Odom, our fearless Black Changer…

    As he tells his story, he met a white gentleman on Tinder, they hit it off in more than one way, and had a deep frank discussion about life including politics. The white man asked Amir what he thought about the signs, “It’s OK to Be White,” that were around at the time.

    Odom had the predictable reactions of a young black man convinced America was racist and a terrible threat to his own well-being. However, his new white friend told him not to trust the media and to find out for himself by getting both sides of the story.

    The funny, mysterious thing is that Odom did just that. Among other sources he started listening to Brandon Tatum, a black conservative YouTube commentator. So Odom wrote Tatum, Tatum wrote back, and eventually Tatum invited Odom to a Young Black Leadership Conference hosted by Tatum and Candace Owens and where Trump gave an address.

    Odom was shocked to be with a wonderful group of black conservatives, then hearing Trump speak and even getting to shake Trump’s hand afterward.

    The cherry on the top was that the next day he saw the conference covered in the media, and the media — in particular Al Sharpton — lied about what Odom had just experienced!

    –Amir Odom, “Leaving The Left And Woke Culture”

  16. The mystery to me is that Odom took up the challenge to hear other points of view. Few people will choose to do that and fewer still will follow through.

    My guess, if I may, is that Odom’s black identity was already shakey. He speaks much more “white” than black — clear, articulate and sophisticated with very little slang. He had been criticized for sounding white and listening to white music.

    Then there’s his gayness which doesn’t play well with blacks, however woke.

    Nonetheless, I wouldn’t want to reduce his courage and honesty to such factors. Some family members and friends stopped talking to him after he “came out” conservative.

    I salute Amir Odom!

  17. huxley @ 7:58pm,

    Regarding your quote of Rubio’s quote…

    What is “government?” Not the verb. The noun? I venture the notion that it does not exist. The concept of government exists, but it is not an actual, real thing. It’s sort-of like fiat currency. Most of us agree pieces of paper printed by the government have value and we play act like they do; so they do, but only to those who go along with the play.

    Fiat government.

    Government is a word we use to describe what men with guns who are willing to use force will do. We talk a lot here about the current imbalance of justice. Storm the Supreme Court building or shut down the Capital rotunda for a cause the current regime likes; no problem. Shut down the Capital for a cause the current regime does not like; men with guns come to your house and you’re thrown in a cage. Do a majority of our fellow citizens agree with the regime? Do a majority of our fellow citizens disagree with the regime? Do the men with guns agree? What percentage of the people living within the boundaries of this country are citizens? Do their opinions matter?

    What percentage of Colonists agreed with the Constitution when it was ratified? How many even knew of it? It didn’t matter if they knew of it or agreed with it; men with guns enforced it after it was ratified.

    The scene in “Monty Python and the Holy Grail” with the “old” man, Dennis, reaping mud in a field when King Arthur comes upon him is beautiful in demonstrating the reality of this. The peasants in that field have no notion there is an England, or a King. And after Dennis learns there is an England and he is a British subject his life remains exactly the same. But Arthur feels he has the authority to subject him and force him to do his will. Because Arthur believes there is an England and he is its king. If Arthur can convince enough men with arrows and spears to obey his orders then there is an England and he is its king.

    Fiat government.

    Brexit. One day bureaucrats in Brussels are able to command men with guns to force people on an island called “England” to be put in cages. The next day those same bureaucrats are incapable of commanding those same men.

    I heard a recent interview with a disgruntled Brit. He was wondering why the British police were letting anti-Israeli protestors riot and destroy property when those same police had recently arrested people protesting for free speech. So he asked one of the police officers who was standing next to him, watching the riot. “There are more of them than there are of us.”

    Government: “People with force who are willing to employ force to bend others to their will.”

    The Monty Python scene:

  18. RTF: great comment. These abstract “things” exist as long as we communally agree to respect them or their “existence”.
    In fact, as the DOI says, we want to keep believing in them long after perhaps we no longer should, because then we have to act and disrupt our lives in bad/ horrible ways to rectify the situation. Much death and destruction occur before we can end up crossing that threshold to a better, corrected situation. And for a generation or two we are no longer the same as before. After that time span, all bets are off … “again!”

  19. The English used to understand why rule of and by a mob was undesirable “there are more of them than there are of us.” Brown shirts or brown shorts, this time Hamashites and anti-semites (Roderick Spode, Lord Sidcup).

  20. I’ve been informed my little sister, Lisa, died a few nights ago, in her sleep.

    She had a hard life. If you can spare her a prayer….

  21. Miguel cervantes–RE: Schumer and his UFO Amendment

    I don’t peg Schumer as some great humanitarian.

    I think that Schumer, having been briefed on and knowing what he knows, realizes that this UFO Phenomenon and the new Reality it heralds are, indeed, very real, and will affect and change everything.

    Given this, he is getting in on the ground floor, positioning himself in the best possible situation to have some ability to have some say/control over this issue, and to gain more power from it.

  22. R2L,

    Regarding your statement about the Declaration of Independence:

    The Founding Fathers were very intelligent men who spent years meeting, debating, arguing and working towards defining the least worst form of government they could imagine. Their creation is brilliant. It is a shame it has been corrupted and mostly abandoned. But they were smart enough to know this was also likely inevitable.

  23. Thank you one and all…

    Here’s a poem I wrote for Lisa years ago. Anyone who has dealt with trauma and substance abuse knows the drill.

    Every Little Star
    for my sisters, Lisa and Chalee

    is there any place where people eat apes Lisa asked maybe
    Africa I said after all the French eat horses the Chinese
    eat dogs and sometimes I smiled I eat gingerbread men it was
    a few days after Christmas so Lisa giggled and said
    sometimes she ate Santa Claus cookies well sometimes I eat
    animal crackers I replied and she came back that sometimes
    she ate finger cookies but we were running out of foods
    shaped like living things so we watched Men In Black since
    Lisa likes the weirdest movies Eraserhead used to be her
    favorite and we had another video cued up but Lisa fell
    asleep in the big recliner in Chalee’s living room as I was
    singing the Mister Rabbit song a negro spiritual Mom used to
    sing to Cha and me when we were little but Lisa had never
    heard it

    Mister Rabbit Mister Rabbit
    your ears are mighty long
    yes my Lord they’re put on wrong

    every little star must shine shine shine
    every little star must shine shine shine

    and I was feeling so close so tender to my little sister
    who’d been drinking and drugging and blacking out and waking
    up in the bad parts of town or on the wrong side of broken
    plate glass windows or in the Charles River for so long we
    didn’t know if she was going to make it

    Mister Rabbit Mister Rabbit
    your eyes are mighty red
    yes my Lord I’m almost dead

    and I was so sorry that all the fun and tenderness we might
    share didn’t seem to make any difference because the next
    day she took six Xanax and drank until she couldn’t
    recognize her boyfriend and we had to take her to the
    hospital and then to detox after bribing her with a Chinese
    lunch and a pint of vodka but Chalee said you never know how
    these things will go because that was the last time Lisa
    drank she’s been clean and sober for six months now by the
    grace of God AA and hard work she’s even lecturing before
    groups and in prisons while Chalee and I keep talking about
    how thankful relieved and proud we are of her

    every little star must shine shine shine
    every little star must shine shine shine


    Lisa was dealt a hard hand, but she fought bravely and made it to the age of 61. I loved her and I miss her.

  24. huxley:

    Beautiful and sad. I’m glad she found her way out of the morass. Sorry for your loss.

  25. neo:

    Thank you.

    However, I can see I’ve conveyed a misleading impression. Lisa didn’t exactly make it out of the morass. She mostly did, but succumbed at times and in varying degrees, such that she survived but didn’t prosper.

    A month ago she OD’d on fucking fentanyl. Her lips were blue. During CPR she suffered several cracked ribs which bothered her to the end.

    Her cell phone was cheap and I couldn’t reach her when I wished. I was trying to reach her around the time she died.

    I know some here know what I’m talking about.

    Happily last Thursday Chalee and Lisa had a birthday party for Diana, Lisa’s daughter, at the Cheesecake Factory in Boston and I happened to call into the midst of the festivities.

    It was a happy occasion. Lisa showed no signs of medical or psychological distress. Perhaps it was a high note for Lisa to exit.

    I leave her to Jesus.

  26. huxley, my condolences. Jesus loves the broken. May Lisa find him, and may God grant you and your family peace.

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