Home » Obama pontificates while passing the buck to all of us on Israel and Hamas


Obama pontificates while passing the buck to all of us on Israel and Hamas — 40 Comments

  1. The alleged “smartest guy in the room” is just another scorpion looking for a frog to sting.

    He knows he’s gaslighting…but he also knows his target audience will hang on and repeat every word.

  2. Ahh, the old “both sides” argument. How predictable and tedious.

    I find Obama to be probably the single most insufferable jackass of our time. I’ll admit that I likely find him as infuriating as some people find Trump. But I’d like to believe that my feelings are more justifiable since I can easily connect Obama’s actions to real world bad outcomes. And I can easily point out his demostrable hypocrisies. But most Trump Derangment suffers seem to be unable or unwilling to connect anything Trump actually did as president to bad outcomes in a feasible way. It seems to be purely about things Trump said. Oh, they may claim that Trump made some bad choices on Covid, while failing to specify what those choices were or explaining how and why they believe another person (Biden?) would’ve made better choices.

  3. there is no good that comes from obama, I have maintained that point, david garrow noticed it recently, from his door stop of a tome, which got a little too close in his granular examination of obama’s career from community organizer onward,

  4. Obama, the light bringer. His tedious, studied pauses and murky reasoning are emblematic of the way he has deceived people as he fundamentally changed this nation from a powerful, confident, independent nation of freedom loving people to what we are today – weak, uncertain, dependent, and ever more constrained by government.

    Obama is one of the worst things that has ever happened to the USA. My contempt for him is without bounds.

  5. Obama. Our descent into chaos started with Obama. Fundamentally transform and Trayvon Martin. Both of which have led to problems in the swamp and insanity in race relations. Which has led us to trans-insanity.

    At this point I’m not even sure which is the worst president in my lifetime Biden or Obama. They’ve both got Carter beat. Biden is finishing what Obama started.

  6. Well that certainly took long enough…
    “McCarthy: It Turns Out Joe Biden Was the Clandestine Agent of a Hostile Foreign Power”—
    (“WAS”???? Really now. More like “IS”!)

    Hmmm. One just might wonder WHAT took McCarthy so long. Also wonder what Mr. “After-the-Election-I’ll-Have-More-Flexibility” has to say about this!!? (Or should that be Mr. “Moral-Arbiter/Arsonist-of-Our-Time”?)

  7. John Guilfoyle:
    The alleged “smartest guy in the room” is just another scorpion looking for a frog to sting.


    Does Obama ever feel a particle of guilt?

    People who view themselves as near-gods (“light bringer”) never do. Or to paraphrase a movie and how I develop the gods in my mythology: “First I imagine a man, then I remove reason and accountability.”

    To Obama – Your time is over, STFU and eat your waffles.

  8. Biden is certainly less competent than Obama, less smooth, and careful. So on the one hand Obama is probably worse than Biden because he was and still is far better at fooling people than Biden. In many ways Biden is just a simple, old crook and grifter. His blustering arrogance and his comical lies about his own personal history is almost childlike. And he would have ended his career as a footnote if he wasn’t plucked from obscurity by Obama, who chose him presicely because he was a poor fool.

    When you think about it Biden has managed to become president not due to his acumen, but due to his totally lack of it and a little luck. It was decided that 2016 was Hillary’s turn. But voters found Hillary too charmless and unlikeable and chose Trump. And thanks to Obama, the Democrat party had lurched so far left that their bench of candidates was no longer appealing to most middle of the road voters. So they had no choice but to put forth Joe in 2020. And unsurprisingly Joe Biden has been a complete and utter disaster as president, combining Obama’s destructive policies with Bidens raw incompetence.

    So when choosing who was the worse President, the question really is what is worse, a competent destroyer or an incompetent one?

  9. Does Obama ever feel a particle of guilt?

    No he does not. That’s why I’ve always gotten a sort of sociopathic vibe when ever I’ve seen him speak.

  10. in the coen bros dark comedy about the company burn after reading richard jenkins plays a befuddled agency section chief, befuddled by the strange turn of events provoked by their star operative john malkovich’s resignation, I think that was the optimum view of intelligence sadly,

  11. Ahh..Obama who claims he could have tried harder to find a solution while during his time he sent millions to Iran which I’m sure found its way to Hamas. FBO. His election set us on a path I’m not sure we will ever recover from.

  12. Billions to Iran. Many more billions than even Biden.

    Burn After Reading – J.K. Simmons makes that movie. Hilarious.

  13. He didn’t quite pass it in to “all” of us. Beneath his oily, smarmy and always-hypocritical rhetoric he blamed the Jews.

  14. Obama is just plain evil. He condemns the capitalism that created his net worth somewhere north of $70 million as the facilitator of slavery. He then pontificates about the complexity of the ME, where he has created the conditions for the current crisis. His political lineage is hard line leftist that despises America and by extension Israel. However, Jewish progressives worship him now as did their Bolshevik ancestors worshiped Stalin. And just as their Russian savior became their executioner, Obama funded the regime that has murdered thousands of Israelis. But to the American progressive Jew none of this matters so long as Obama promotes their kind of social justice. We have the irony of the progressive Jew Congress woman Sara Jacobs filing a motion to censure Congressman Mast for asserting that Gazans are not all innocent. She clearly is more comfortable with Talib who would happily lead the next Holocaust. And don’t forget David Axelrod , who waxes nostalgically about his former boss Obama. Enough to make one physically ill

  15. I’ll wager the only people who’ve tried to reflect reality back at him in the last 35 years have been Bobby Rush, Sheila Jaeger, and assorted family members. The objects of the family members would have been circumscribed.
    I cannot think of a president in the last 40-odd years who has produced fewer critical memoirs by appointees, and it’s not because of his impeccable judgment.

  16. He condemns the capitalism that created his net worth somewhere north of $70
    Capitalism did not create his net worth. He and mooch are at the top of a chain of a vast graft-and-rent-seeking operation.
    In a sane world, he’d have left office with a retirement account of about $1.7 million, and that’s it. The two of them would have landed positions with NGOs based in Chicago, moved into a townhouse in Evanston, received gratis Secret Service protection for a dozen years (which would include rent on the neighboring townhouse), and received at the expense of the White House a small staff to answer his mail until the two of them shuffled off. Secret Service protection of his daughters would have concluded in 2022. (Steve Ford lost his Secret Service detail on 20 January 1977 at noon). His permissible haul from honoraria would be a function of the FTE of the corporation inviting him and would not exceed $28,000 an appearance at this time.

  17. AlanK:

    I’m actually getting very tired of this constant “blame Jews” commentary on the right. Obama had plenty of people idolizing him, and still does, who are not Jewish. In fact, Jews represent a tiny portion of his constituency, and they live mostly in NY and LA which would be voting heavily for Obama even without a single Jewish vote.

    Progressive Jews are ethnic Jews. They know little to nothing about Judaism and are often actively hostile to both religion and Israel. They are typical of progressives everywhere, who tend to be urban and well-educated. Jews fit that profile. Big deal.

  18. “It is obvious Obama has learned nothing. If he actually listens to the other side – Hamas – and “understands what they are talking about,” he would see that what they want is Israel’s destruction.”

    I think that is mistaken. For Obama, listening to the other side would mean paying attention to Netanyahu. Hamas is HIS side.

    This didn’t surprise me. I’m in the “shallow, ignorant fool” camp where Obama is concerned. And I didn’t even have to study Peruvian in the Maldives to figure it out.

  19. Eeyore:

    I was going with what Obama wants us to believe he means when he says, “the other side.” However, I also don’t think he’s a big Hamas fan. He prefers Abbas or someone of that sort. Ed Said. I plan at some point to write a post about Obama and Said.

  20. Yes jenkins was the bystander to the action, of course this was set in the relatively carefree 90s (so we thought)

  21. I believe Mark Morford was the guy who moved “Obama, the Lightworker” into the national conversation:

    Many spiritually advanced people I know (not coweringly religious, mind you, but deeply spiritual) identify Obama as a Lightworker, that rare kind of attuned being who has the ability to lead us not merely to new foreign policies or health care plans or whatnot, but who can actually help usher in a new way of being on the planet, of relating and connecting and engaging with this bizarre earthly experiment. These kinds of people actually help us evolve. They are philosophers and peacemakers of a very high order, and they speak not just to reason or emotion, but to the soul.

    The unusual thing is, true Lightworkers almost never appear on such a brutal, spiritually demeaning stage as national politics. This is why Obama is so rare. And this why he is so often compared to Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr., to those leaders in our culture whose stirring vibrations still resonate throughout our short history.

    –Mark Morford, “Is Obama an enlightened being? / Spiritual wise ones say: This sure ain’t no ordinary politician. You buying it?”


    Mark Morford was one of my yoga teachers in San Francisco. He was a handsome, muscular guy with great tatts and one nipple ring. He was also one of the most arrogant people I’ve ever met.

  22. Back in 2008 I gave Obama some benefit of doubt on the Fool-Knave scale.

    No more.

    He’s a lazy, indulgent, hard left radical, as vicious as Bill Ayers, but without the character and honesty.

  23. NorthOfTheOneOhOne wrote:

    “Does Obama ever feel a particle of guilt?

    No he does not. That’s why I’ve always gotten a sort of sociopathic vibe when ever I’ve seen him speak.”

    I’ve not seen him speak. From his TV presentation, though, I believe he is quite possibly the most self-confident human being that I have ever encountered. The arrogance is just staggering.

    I agree that he is, and has always been, a radical leftist. I’m floored by pundits, such as Andrew Sullivan, who still insist that Obama was a moderate. Perhaps he is a moderate compared to the ideological insanity on the left today, but he is the author of that insanity.

  24. I’m floored by pundits, such as Andrew Sullivan, who still insist that Obama was a moderate.


    Andrew Sullivan even insists Obama is a wonderful Christian and Obama’s conversion story — which includes no mention of Jesus, God, Easter, love or forgiveness — is deeply moving.

    “And in that single note – hope! – I heard something else; at the foot of that cross, inside the thousands of churches across the city, I imagined the stories of the ordinary black people merging with the stories of David and Goliath, Moses and Pharaoh, the Christians in the lion’s den, Ezekiel’s field of dry bones. Those stories – of survival, and freedom, and hope – became our story, my story; the blood that had been spilled was our blood, the tears our tears; until the black church, on this bright day, seemed once more a vessel carrying the story of a people into future generations and into a larger world.

    Our trials and triumphs became at once unique and universal, black and more than black; in chronicling our journey, the stories and songs gave us a means to reclaim memories that we didn’t need to feel shamed about, memories more accessible than those of ancient Egypt, memories that all people might study and cherish – and with which we could start to rebuild. And if part of me continued to feel that this Sunday communion sometimes simplified our condition, that it could sometimes disguise or suppress the very real conflicts among us and would fulfill its promise only through action, I also felt for the first time how that spirit carried within it, nascent, incomplete, the possibility of moving beyond our narrow dreams.”


    Unfortunately, the full story is now behind a paywall.

    Obama didn’t convert to Christianity–nothing whatsoever about Christ–but to a liberation victim story of blacks as an oppressed chosen people. It’s all Old Testament allusions except the confused, ignorant reference to “Christians in the lion’s den.”

    All this sails right by Andrew Sullivan, whose Christianity, I suspect, is in the service of politics as well.

  25. No he was the incubator of the left we saw this in 2020, agitating the low grade insurgency of susan rosenberg teen maoist terrorists

  26. I find Obama to be probably the single most insufferable jackass of our time.

    Ugh, me too. That isn’t necessarily what’s wrong with him, but – as Princess Fiona said in Shrek, “Man, that was annoying.”

  27. He could generate fake outrage but was coldly indifferent (see his pill understand about medical triage)

  28. Posted this on the Round-up thread by accident.
    AesopFan on November 7, 2023 at 9:32 pm said:
    @ Miguel – the IBD post you linked was written in 2012, and clearly describes the vector Obama was traveling along, as shown by the list of his actions aiding Islamist terrorists and enemy nations.

    Had his and a subsequent Clinton administration continued on that trajectory, absent the presidencies of al-Sisi in Egypt (2014) and Trump in America (2016), we most likely would have been facing the showdown of Israel & Hamas/Hezbollah/Iran some years ago.

    If, as McCarthy said, “It Turns Out Joe Biden Was the Clandestine Agent of a Hostile Foreign Power,” then it is just as clear that Obama was & is the agent of one as well.
    (h/t Barry)

  29. Nose in the air, as usual. Knows nothing but is confident in his superiority – as usual.

    Comments here pretty much on target. Amazing, the frauds perpetrated on the American voting populace.

  30. AlanK on November 7, 2023 at 4:19 pm said:
    Obama is just plain evil. He condemns the capitalism that created his net worth somewhere north of $70 million as the facilitator of slavery.

    Obama did not use capitalism, as the ability to create goods and services (aka wealth) in the competitive marketplace. His “wealth” comes from crony capitalism, supporting rent seeking and cheats.

    and a few minutes later I see that I am in good company:
    Art Deco on November 7, 2023 at 4:44 pm said:
    He condemns the capitalism that created his net worth somewhere north of $70
    Capitalism did not create his net worth. He and mooch are at the top of a chain of a vast graft-and-rent-seeking operation.

  31. Why I am so cynical of the electorate. People do not look behind the facade to see the lack of substance. “Tell me what I want to hear and I’ll believe you.” He started my slide to ultimate cynicism. I lived in Chicago. I saw his rise in Chicago politics under the tutelage of 15th ward alderman Virgil Jones. His lack of substance was astounding. The term lightweight gives him too much heft. If you build the right machine around an empty suit you have a real chance. You don’t need a man with a character of substance. Obama has not one conviction he would stand by.

  32. Not 1 iota of difference between Obama’s beliefs and Frank Marshall Davis’s.
    Frank Marshall Davis was a journalist / Communist Party stalwart dispatched to Hawaii by the West Coast longshoreman to work on their local staff. By the time the Dunham family moved to Hawaii in 1960, he had his own business. (I think at one point he had something to do with advertising and at another point owned a distributorship which delivered paper to offices). It’s a passable wager that by the time BO met him, he’d long since gone native, as people from the Mainland do in Hawaii if they elect to stay there.
    Stanley Kurtz discovered riffling through archives that Obama had been a member of Michael Harrington’s outfit ca. 1986 and active enough to attend out-of-state conferences. There was quite a bit of distance between Harrington and the Communist Party. Obama himself has never demonstrated much acquaintanceship with social theory. Ordinarily, Obama manifests the resultant of the vectors at work in the Democratic Party or interests which were topical ca. 1979. His Iran fetish and contempt for Israel is his one signature element.

  33. He’s a lazy, indulgent, hard left radical, as vicious as Bill Ayers, but without the character and honesty.
    He’s a vain, spiteful, and self-indulgent prick. Otherwise, what’s wrong with him is what’s wrong with the Democratic Party generally and, indeed, as common as sand among the professional-managerial class generally.

  34. How appropriate it seems to me to place “Obama” and “pontificates” in the same sentence, seeing as I used to refer to him as “His Holiness” back when he was in the Oval Office.

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