Home » Open thread 9/23/23


Open thread 9/23/23 — 27 Comments

  1. Just another open-thread comment about something I read.

    Today, at his substack, Arnold Kling published an essay entitled “A Field Guide to the Anti-Woke.” (https://arnoldkling.substack.com/p/a-field-guide-to-the-anti-woke).

    Kling starts with this sentence: “Ideally, this will be my last essay that includes the term ‘woke.’ I am tired of the woke wars. I don’t think I have much to contribute.” I sympathize with his exhaustion, but I’m a reader not a writer. If I get tired, then it’s inconsequential. I’m pretty sure I’ll miss whatever else Kling might have to say about the woke and anti-woke.

    In his field guide, Kling describes nine factions of the anti-woke:
    1. Academic
    2. Activist
    3. Black
    4. Left Wing
    5. Non-religious
    6. Old Liberal
    7. Psychological
    8. Status game
    9. Trans-exclusionary

    For each faction, Kling provides examples of typical authors, so the curious can use his essay as a guide to further reading.

    According to the text analyzer at https://www.online-utility.org/text/analyzer.jsp, Kling’s essay has only 54 sentences. In other words, it’s a quick read, and I think it’s worth the time.

  2. Even as a place-holder, Michelle Obama would have to do a large number of pro-forma appearances, speeches, and so on. I think she strongly prefers her current easy celebrity lifestyle.

  3. Kate… I’m with you.
    I just don’t see Michelle wanting any part of that kind of plan knowing her hubby would be assumed by all to be the “real” POTUS again.
    If she took the role, she’d want the credit as well as the glory.

  4. Public Intellectual Eric Weinstein, says, “we may have doomed humanity”

    I find that Weinstein has a very interesting viewpoint and ideas, and difficult as it may sometimes be to follow what he says, and how he says it, it is well worth listening to what he has to say.

    His point is that there are just too many people and, thus, too many chances for, or ways in which some among these billions of people can discover or get involved in, which will lead to a “permanent, unrecoverable collapse” here on Earth.

    (ChrisWilliamson, the interviewer in the clip linked below, talks about Philosopher Nick Bostrom’s “Vulnerable World Hypothesis,” and Bostrom’s thought experiment of people drawing balls—representing inventions–from an Urn—some balls are white representing harmless or beneficial inventions, some balls are gray, representing inventions which could be either harmless, or harmful, and, then, some balls are black, which represent inventions which could cause annihilation i.e. permanent, unrecoverable collapse.”) *

    Weinstein is saying that, increasingly, the chances are almost 100 percent that someone here on Earth will draw a black ball.*

    Weinstein says that, in view of this almost inevitability, the highest priority should be getting humanity off of our very vulnerable planet, but that physicists–their understanding of the world, their priorities, the problems and theories which physicists have chosen to work on—have been led astray, been hijacked by several decades of working on the dead end of “string theory” and, thus, we are stuck with Elon Musk having to use the pre-WWII technology of chemical rockets, when we need much better forms of propulsion, and other new theories and advanced inventions to enable humanity to have practical, workable solutions to get a sizeable portion–at least a viable “breeding population” of humans–off of our one extremely vulnerable planet, out into viable settlements in our Solar System and, then, for humans to have the ability to travel to other stars, and to the planets in their solar systems.**

    * See https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/ai-black-ball-urn-inventions-summary-bostroms-world-giuseppe-gentile-1e

    ** See https://theportal.group/we-may-have-doomed-humanity-eric-weinstein/

  5. @ Snow on Pine

    • Another interesting topic – thank you.

    • And thank you for your additional thoughts on China – posted a response in the 9/19 thread.

  6. @ PA Cat > thanks for your link to the more complete parody of Orff’s O Fortuna.
    It’s long been one of my favorite pieces for aggressive listening (in comparison to the easy listening genre).

    For the curious, the comments there give lyrics in three flavors: original Latin, English translation, and the Misheard.

  7. }}} His point is that there are just too many people and, thus, too many chances for, or ways in which some among these billions of people can discover or get involved in, which will lead to a “permanent, unrecoverable collapse” here on Earth.

    This is ignorant in the extreme — another variation on the “overpopulation is bad ’cause… Malthus” meme.

    In fact, it may require more people than we have to get a serious intrastellar civilization started.

    And, yes, we NEED to do this. Period. It is a human imperative that it happen.

    Malthus was egregiously wrong. That idiot Ehrlich was astonishingly wrong. The Club of Rome was blitheringly wrong.

    They were blatantly wrong, wrong, and wrong. In fact, to modify a quote from physicist Wolfgang Pauli, “They weren’t right. They weren’t even wrong.”

    E.g., what they defined was flat out nonsense from the get-go.


    Yes, what he says about us needing to go into space is correct — but chances are, we really need to have MORE people to do it. One reason Musk is doing it using the means at hand is that we don’t have the tech — the people creating the tech — to accomplish it in any better way at this point.

    And, yeah, our current edimikashinal system is not helping with that.

  8. OBloodyHell:

    Good rebuke to Weinstein, the philosopher and Big Brain in the media who must be listened to.

    But then there are a lot of Big Brains who prattle on about UFOs too.

  9. Open Thread Sunday: Defense/Weapons stuff not the Russo-Ukraine War

    Combat Drones & Future Air Warfare – Autonomy, Teaming & Next-generation Drone Wingmen – Perun


    00:00:00 — The Race
    00:01:49 — What Am I Talking About?
    00:04:12 — Automation Levels
    00:07:48 — Why Go Unmanned?
    00:12:13 — Teaming
    00:14:53 — Why Aviation?
    00:34:06 — Programs Of Note
    00:46:18 — Collaborative Combat Aircraft
    00:57:13 — The Evolving Systems
    01:03:35 — Towards Full Autonomy
    01:05:28 — Conclusion

    But speaking of the Russo-Ukraine war, it seems that the US is finally going to sent ATACMS to Ukraine. This will severely upset Boned Looser but it also appears that they will be fitted with cluster munition warheads not the unitary HE warhead so the Kerch Straight bridge to Crimea may live another day. That bridge is Vlad’s pride and joy IIRC. Boned Looser may want to whine about cluster submunitions too.

  10. From ‘Snow on Pine’ above: “we need much better forms of propulsion, and other new theories and advanced inventions”.

    Indeed, need to get busy reverse engineering a few UFOs.

    ; )

  11. om, I’m not going to watch the YouTube, but I do think that the use of drones in the Russia-Ukraine war is a fascinating development. We’ll see more of this.

  12. Kate, re ‘use of drones’. Exactly correct. As discussed at ‘Big Country Expat’ blog, drones have made conventional Infantry practically obsolete.

  13. Very funny. Misheard lyrics are called “mondegreens.” In the 18th century a line in a song that went “and laid him on the green” was understood by someone as “and Lady Mondegreen.”

    I was surprised to learn that Neil Diamond’s catchy tune about “Reverend Bluejeans” was actually “Forever in Blue Jeans,” a rather duller concept to me. I wanted to know more about the Rev, not about Neil’s sartorial preferences.

    I also wonder if Orff and the medieval poets he set to music really associated their work with the terrible emergence of something demonic as Hollywood always does.

  14. OBloodyHell–What I took from what Weinstein said about population was not a comment on the controversy about over population but was, instead, him saying that there being so many people greatly increased the likelihood, the chances of someone among that vast number of humans pulling a deadly black ball from the Urn, and killing us all.

  15. And of course what it the solution to the problem of the deadly black ball and the Great Urn? Just stop people from thinking Mr Weinstein?

    The concept of “great minds” is vastly over rated.

  16. Re: Michelle Obama

    John Guilfoyle, Kate:

    We can all agree that Michelle Obama doesn’t want to be President.

    However, Michelle O. is an adult and sometimes, in fact much of the time, adults do things they would rather not do in exchange for a larger good. The question is whether there are circumstances which would change her mind.

    According to a recent poll Trump is now leading Biden by 10 points. Could a certain Trump defeat of Biden in 2024 and the undoing Obama’s legacy be sufficient motivation for Michelle Obama? As Ted Cruz outlines the scenario:

    So, when I see the media turning on Joe Biden right now, I think the odds of Michelle Obama parachuting in in August of 2024 have risen dramatically, and that ought to scare the hell out of anyone who is unhappy in the direction this country is going and doesn’t want us to go even crazier in an even worse direction.

    –Ted Cruz

    Furthermore, what’s to stop her from resigning “for health reasons” three months after the inauguration and letting a VP like Newsom take over. This would solve the Biden and Harris problems.

    These are power-mad Democrats. As long as they have any quasi-legal option to keep or gain power, that option is on the table.

  17. Abraxas:

    I imagine the original Mondegreen came from the ballad “The Bonny Earl of Murray.”

    “Ye highlands, and ye lawlands,
    Oh! whair hae ye been?
    They hae slaine the earl of Murray,
    And layd him on the green.”

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