Home » The Fetterman standard of decorum


The Fetterman standard of decorum — 46 Comments

  1. It would have been better if Fetterman simply said something like “look, I’m a junior senator, my job is to vote the way Chuck Schumer tells me too. I’m just a shlub who does what he’s told, so why should it matter how I’m dressed?”

    How about this: make the official uniform khakis and a polo shirt with with their first name, state, and political party embroidered on it. Alternatively, rather than party affiliation, have the Republicans wear red polos and the Democrats blue.

  2. The Fetterman standard of decorum for attire isn’t nearly as repulsive as other standards that Congress has violated.

  3. The punchable Chris Hayes “interviewed” Fetterman last night. Either Fetterman has made a remarkable recovery or that was a body double.

  4. A show of hands of those who would like to see Senator Collins on the floor of the Senate in a bikini.

  5. Video made by a group of Roman reenactors showing a senator being kitted out in his toga with the help of a couple of slaves:


    I’m sure there are plenty of Dem hirelings who would be happy to dress Fetterman Roman style. The rest of us would prefer to go full Roman on him.

  6. At the Power Line blog, a headline refers to Fetterman as D., Lower Slobbovia. Appropriate.

    Sen. Collins’ comment about a bikini was funny, but she immediately said she won’t actually do that, fortunately.

  7. Speaking of dignity, we have the Republican woman being felt up while enjoying Bettlejuice , and we have the Democrat woman candidate offering to urinate on camera for the appropriate amount of tokens.

    You know, I miss my long gone elderly relatives, but I am often glad they are not around to see what we have become.

  8. Eh. As a rather shabby dresser myself, I’m not terribly concerned. For me, one of the fortunate byproducts of teleworking was being able to forgo the shirt and tie. I’m very pleased that most office dress codes have gotten much more relaxed. When I am in an in-person professional event, I still do put on a suit, but only then. And if most people were dressing casually at those events so would I.

    Then again, I’m not a United States Senator.

    Still, if Fetterman’s clothes are clean and he is reasonably well groomed, I don’t think it really matters what he is wearing (or any other member of Congress).

  9. I could see a relaxation that allowed “business casual.” For men, that would mean a polo shirt and slacks, more comfortable than a suit and tie for sure. But the guy can’t even be bothered to put on a pair of long pants.

  10. Fetterman is a sorry POS and so are the Pennsylvanians that voted this brain-damaged fool into the Senate. It is a sign of the times.

  11. Cornhead – I saw a piece the other day at PJ Media (I think) that noted his sudden apparent “eloquence” (by his standards), and then asked a rather obvious question: “Why is no one in the press talking about this rather surprising and fortuitous event?”

  12. I am in the ” I hate suits, also ” category. I have long thought it unfair that men have to wear winter clothes in the hot summer to ” dress up” while women are allowed to wear cool clothes. And then the women complain that the AC is too cold.
    That being said, he could at least wear long pants in the Senate. I do admit that while I do not wear suits except to the occasional funeral or wedding, I have a bias against shorts and sandals, except for when worn by still attractive youngish women. Otherwise, gross, I wish people would cover up. I work outside in the heat in long pants as do many people who do blue collar work and as does the US military.

  13. I for one, object to Slob Culture and everything that is dragging along behind it. The primary shortcoming is a sense of pride – not in oneself, but in the institution. Self-respect is a secondary consideration. Congress and Washington, DC are important symbols of civilization, of progress and order. They are not be-all, end-all, but they are important. Imagine congressional debates taking place in a gymnasium, or livestock auction barn. The proceedings would be debased because of the forum. If the participants cannot respect the institutions, they should not be allowed there. They are certainly all rich enough to afford presentable business attire.

    John Fetterman has never been asked to provide a reason for his slob attire as far as I know. He is not from a working class or blue-collar background, so this is not the reason – his upbringing and parents are all white collar, and he’s Harvard educated. I believe the real reason is that he’s just a slob at heart, and sees this as a lazy man’s way to claim an independent character. It’s a facade.

  14. I’m also in the “loathe suits” category, but you’ve got to have some standards. Slacks and a shirt with a collar should be sufficient. Shoes that are not open toed. He’s not just a bum, he’s proud of being a bum.

  15. Propose ‘Fetterman Friday’ where dressing like a 6’8″, 350-lb teenager to the office is tolerated.

  16. I figured he has problems with buttons and ties and zippers and belts and laces. Maybe he does. If it’s a matter of choice, that’s much less excusable.

  17. One good thing (maybe)– at least Fetterman hasn’t hired either Sam Brinton or Dylan Mulvaney as wardrobe consultants.

  18. What a great idea. Why not extend it to other jobs?

    Airline pilots in sandals, shorts, and gym shirts. That’s the sign of someone who’s competent, right?

    How about lawyers in Nikes, basketball shorts, and a hoody?

    Police officers in sweatpants, aloha shirts, and backward baseball caps?

    You get the idea. Fetterman ran for the job, and somehow won. (most likely through fraud) He’s not special. He’s not someone without means. If he doesn’t want to conform to the dress code, then he should resign or be barred from the Senate floor.

    I wore the uniform that my employers required for 38 years. It was fitting that my employer required it and had I not wanted to wear it, I would have been, and should have been fired.

    This guy is a disgrace to the dignity of our government. The citizens of Pennsylvania should recall him immediately.

    Yes, I’m an old curmudgeon.

  19. I appreciate the points made by those grinding their teeth about Casual John, but I side more with Ackler:
    Still, if Fetterman’s clothes are clean and he is reasonably well groomed, I don’t think it really matters what he is wearing (or any other member of Congress).

    I’m more exercised by too many empty suits, preening and fiddling while Rome burns.

  20. That he has no respect for the State he represents ( me) is my take. You don’t dress for yourself but what you represent.
    Zelinski showed up in Congress without jacket or tie as well.

  21. Fetterman is the walking embodiment of the progressive slob, both materially and intellectually (and this was the case long before his stroke).

    He’s also in the news for going on Chris Hayes’ show the other day and making a crude comment about Republicans “humping the wrong leg.” Yesterday he “defended” his dressing habits by tweeting a crude euphemism about Lauren Boebert’s exploits. He tweeted low-brow blue political “humor” throughout his race against Oz.

    That’s the type. I know the type. Sloppy dress and contempt for standards of dress accompanies sloppy thinking and contempt for the standards of interpersonal behavior. This type often gives themselves away by their extreme self-confidence and their unwavering belief that a crude epithet and an ad hominem attack against someone one the right is a “devastating” response to any criticism. The clothes are just the start of it.

    It’s a disgrace that Pennsylvania has put a “progressive bro” overgrown child like Fetterman in the Senate, but here we are. And, unfortunately, a party with Donald Trump at its head has absolutely no grounds to criticize.

  22. And, unfortunately, a party with Donald Trump at its head has absolutely no grounds to criticize.
    Your handlers need to tell you to be less transparent.

  23. Because Donald Trump was infamous for being poorly dressed,eh, Concerned Conservative™?

    “Missed it by that much.”


  24. Jon Baker,

    I have several summer weight sport coats along with summer weight slacks. With the proper shirt one barely notices the jacket and air can move pretty freely between the jacket and shirt. The slacks are much more comfortable and cool than jeans.

  25. Seems like most the weddings (all?) I’ve attended in the past 5 years or so had few men in ties and many not wearing jackets. Wakes seem even worse. I’ve seen men in jeans at weddings and wakes.

    Covid seemed to accelerate the casual wedding trend. There seem to be a lot more elopements, people having friends get licensed to perform the ceremony rather than clergy, destination weddings held outside of religious buildings.

    Once again we have you boomers to thank for tearing down all that was respectful, noble and beautiful in our culture ;-).

  26. Kate,

    I am aware, but the boomers started the trend of dressing in casual or work clothes for formal and professional events. Prior to the late ’60s no one wore denim unless they were in the act of performing manual labor. I don’t even think country and western musicians wore denim on stage back then.

  27. Art Deco, om – Trump wears a suit. Good. He still acts like child. So does Fetterman. Trump and Fetterman are two different flavors of the same decline. Whether we like it or not, no one is going to listen to the right’s criticisms of Fetterman if we also defend Trump or rationalize our support for Trump. That’s just the way it is. Worse, no one is going to listen to anything else that the right has to say if we are flaming hypocrites on Fetterman and Trump, which we are.

  28. An additional thought – I wonder if Fetterman’s limitations during the campaign actually helped him. His crude tweets really didn’t circulate much beyond Twitter and the very online political community. Maybe the general public would have been a little less favorably disposed to him if they saw him less as a “heroic” stroke victim and more for the crude and classless manchild that he actually is.

  29. When I abandoned the coat and tie in the early 90s, I pretty much wore only Barbarian rugby shirts, jeans and heavy boots. I once went on site after leading some system recovery effort by phone and was told “we thought you were a suit”. Best compliment.

  30. Bauxite, you’re arguing about two different things. Fetterman dresses like a slob in a high-profile government position in deliberate disrespect for the institution. This is one misbehavior of which Trump is not guilty.

  31. Yes and Fetterman has found the sewer in his latest interview, but again, any tool will be used by the Concerned Conservative™ to attack The Great Orange Whale.

  32. Schumer’s donkey didn’t really win the election, they just put him in there because they have so much contempt for the system

  33. Kate – It’s not exactly the same thing, but childish behavior is childish behavior. Trump engages in crude, childish speech. Fetterman engages in crude, childish speech. Trump attacks his opponents with juvenile insults. Fetterman attacks his opponents with juvenile insults.

    Fetterman adds an additional layer of childish behavior by dressing like a slob. That’s a different symptom, but the same root cause. Both men exhibit a significant lack of maturity and a disdain for existing standards and institutions.

    Put another way, the criticisms of both men are essentually the same. They fail to respect institutions and standards of interpersonal behavior. If this issue is reduced to clothing preferences, then it’s just a matter of taste and arguments against Fetterman fail.

  34. golem hates this country, the constitution, everything that matters, I would say he’s a pitiful sort, but his staff has the potential to do great damage,

  35. John Fetterman has never been asked to provide a reason for his slob attire as far as I know. He is not from a working class or blue-collar background, so this is not the reason – his upbringing and parents are all white collar, and he’s Harvard educated. I believe the real reason is that he’s just a slob at heart, and sees this as a lazy man’s way to claim an independent character. It’s a facade.
    He attended a common-and-garden college in Berks County, Pa, the same one his father attended. The Kennedy School at Harvard lists him as the recipient of an MPP degree in 1999. Like much else about Fetterman, I’m wagering there’s a story about his admission to the Kennedy School which has never been told.
    IMO, refusing to dress properly for work is more of a professional class affectation. It’s rampant among college faculty and the like. Among wage earners, you’re more likely to see inappropriate dress in churches or funeral homes.
    I have a suspicion that Fetterman suffered a catastrophic nervous breakdown in his early 20s and has never been 100% since. His odd work history and his financial dependency on his father is consistent with that thesis. It would not surprise me in the least if his medical file recorded some interesting prescriptions.

  36. Concerned Conservative™:

    It seems you have a loathing for Donald Trump, but Fetterman is actually a different person with serious mental incapacities as well as other distinctive personality traits and behaviors. It appears that Fetterman, like Brandon, is being “handled” by his wife. Not a claim you can make about The Great Orange Whale.

    One of those things (Fetterman vs Trump) appears not like the other. At least to some, but not you.

  37. Skip on September 20, 2023 at 4:31 am said:
    “… Zelinski showed up in Congress without jacket or tie as well.”
    While it might have been preferrable for Zelinski to be dressed in a suit and tie, his green shirt approach is also a form of “uniform” showing his support and alliance with the Ukrainian people and their military – the people literally working and dying to repel the Russian invasion. I would cut him some slack on that basis.

    Cornhead on September 20, 2023 at 1:49 pm said:
    “I want female Dems to go topless in the Senate and House!”
    I suspect that after about 15 seconds, you would regret your preference. 🙂

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