Home » Three remaining Whitmer “kidnapping” defendants are acquitted


Three remaining Whitmer “kidnapping” defendants are acquitted — 7 Comments

  1. 1. The federal penal code needs to be much shorter and more precisely stated.
    2. The FBI needs to be broken into about ten pieces, the management level employees fired and banned from federal employment, and the line staff in the Washington headquarters fired and banned from federal employment.
    3. Federal prosecutors should have to seek an information from a panel of three judges before proceeding with a case, with adversary proceedings required in some cases. No more grand juries.
    4. The law should make clear that criminal solicitation by an agent provacateur invalidates any count.
    5. Federal prosecutors should be placed in a different department from federal police, and debarred from initiating investigations, operating only in response to referrals from other agencies.
    6. Anyone employed as a federal prosecutor for 12 of the last 14 years should have to leave federal employment.
    7. The salaried line employees of all inspector-general offices in the federal government should be over the age of 55 and debarred from federal employment outside of such offices once they’ve passed their six month probation.

  2. It’s a shame the founders didn’t think of putting anti-entrapment in the Constitution. These days it’s much more likely to impact the average American than quartering troops.

    Do any states have strong laws forbidding its law officers from exercising entrapment? I can understand law enforcement embedding moles in organizations to learn about them and their plans, but spearheading illegal and illicit activity? It invites immense potential for abuse.

  3. “The FBI needs to be broken into about ten pieces, the management level employees fired and banned from federal employment, and the line staff in the Washington headquarters fired and banned from federal employment.”

    I second that motion. In fact, apply it to every Federal agency.

  4. This was in Antrim County, which went for Trump after they spotted the major error flipping maybe 20% of the votes for Biden. Apologies all around. “human error”.
    If you can do it by accident, I don’t see why you can’t do it on purpose.

    Yes. Plaid shirt, deer-hunting country. Usually like their local cops, not fond of others.

  5. The charges are Null and void!

    Kind of ironic that ‘Molitor’ was the Paris neighborhood where the Jackal’s contact lived.

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