Home » Open thread 9/12/23


Open thread 9/12/23 — 32 Comments

  1. Good Morning: I have found two items this morning that I believe should be brought to the attention of your readers;

    The new lawsuit just filed in CO will guarantee Trump cannot be on the ballot it is a new use of, and recently much-discussed use of the 14th amendment. However, what is sickening is that this lawsuit is brought by Republicans. Demonstrating once again that the party cannot serve in our favor. Read it and weep:

    The second item is equally terrifying as it was visibly implemented here in this small liberal university town of a formerly blue state which turned red beginning 2016. The dems hated it when the Republicans took complete control in the last election–2022. We have been under assault from many directions in preparation for the 2024 election. In case you missed it and coming to your town/state:
    You still have time to help organize a response. Tell every voter to not mail their ballot until three days before the final date. That will push the other side into a quick re-think which may display their corruption. No other suggestions at this time!

  2. Just another open-thread comment about something I read.

    For a long time, John Tierney worked as the science columnist for “The New York Times.” In 1996, he wrote “Recycling is Garbage,” my personal favorite. Tierney is now a contributing editor for “City Journal” where he recently published an article entitled “The Misogyny Myth” (https://www.city-journal.org/article/the-misogyny-myth).

    Here’s the concluding paragraph:

    “The diversity industry has corrupted science and so many other institutions that it has become as entrenched as the old aristocracy—and without even the pretense of the traditional noblesse oblige to the less privileged. No matter how much harm it does to society, no matter how badly it poisons relations between the sexes, the diversity industry will cling to its privilege until we recognize that it, too, is peddling a lie.”

    Tierney’s article isn’t original research, but it’s a thoughtful and rational piece that’s dense with references supporting his argument. If you have a few minutes to spare, please take a look.

  3. Cornflour,

    I read the Tierney piece on gender myths. I hope more people, especially young people, learn the truth. For their own benefit and to begin to learn how much they are lied to and steered by mainstream education, media and culture (film, music, television).

  4. I guess that means several new (and/or newly exacerbated) crises are coming down the pike.
    (It’s “Biden”‘s tried, true and tested version of “bait and switch”…)
    E.g., here’s loyal ally Zelenskyy, doing HIS very best:
    “Zelensky Issues Veiled Threat To Destabilize Europe If Weapons Flow Curtailed”—

    And one can virtually guarantee that enemies of the regime will be (further) tarred and feathered…e.g., DJT and Elon Musk, Eric Adams(?), etc.

    Then there’s the new rollout of COVID-Umpteen…just in time for…whatever.
    Gonna get pretty insane out there.
    (Speaking of insane—seriously, viciously insane:
    “Keith Olbermann mocks Aaron Rodgers after Jets quarterback suffers ankle injury”—
    https://www.foxnews.com/sports/keith-olbermann-mocks-aaron-rodgers-jets-quarterback-suffers-ankle-injury )

  5. Anne, the “insurrection” argument has been used in courts in other states, and has consistently failed. One can hope Colorado will be no different.

  6. Thanks Kate:
    My concern is not so much about the argument as it is about the fact that it is Republicans filing the lawsuit. Kinda makes you wonder HITH will the party get organized enough to impeach anybody or do anything except negotiate monetary issue?

  7. With regard to the younger generation and their appreciation of each other and the original sexual defintions–that will only happen when we take back our schools. That cannot be done, but we can start more private type schools, or charter schools, etc. That is the only solution.

  8. In NC, the GOP state party convention voted to censure Sen. Thomas Tillis for his support of Democrat bills. It’s something, but won’t really affect him. We need to, every election, find and vote for genuinely conservative candidates.

  9. Based upon a recent FB interaction, I’m more and more convinced that the Left has gone totally insane and we will never be able to reconcile.

    One litmus test for today’s Left is that there are more than two sexes. They also believe that people can change sexes.

    CAGW is another litmus test for the Left.

    These people are insane and don’t even know they are insane. A typical response to me is that “I need help.” The hell I do!

    Mental health “therapists” are on both sides of my office. 95% of the customers are women. I hear the word “like” constantly. The people return weekly and some even two times a week. A total scam. They laugh and complain about their families. What losers.

  10. In a war – cultural or kinetic – it only stops when one side knows it is beaten. VDH has given us that standard.

    What would it take for the Left to know that it is beaten and that it has to change its ways?

    San Francisco being turned uninhabitable?

    Hundreds of murders in Chicago?

    Runaway inflation?

  11. Neo’s photograph reminds me of Georgia O’Keeffe’s Red Canna and Oriental Poppies close-up flower paintings– O’Keeffe once said, “In a way — nobody sees a flower — really — it is so small — we haven’t time — and to see takes time, like to have a friend takes time. . . . So I said to myself — I’ll paint what I see — what the flower is to me but I’ll paint it big and they will be surprised into taking time to look at it — I will make even busy New-Yorkers take time to see what I see of flowers.”

    Flowers in art or photography may seem like a distraction from current events, but I needed a break from political wrangling for a few minutes, so I thank Neo for the photograph above.

  12. cb – it is a sad commentary that mosques actually may be an improvement over whom they are currently consulting for sex ed.

  13. Cornhead, they will NEVER know. Though I suspect that is your implication in the first place. The collapse of the Soviet Union barely slowed them down.

    I had an exchange on the internet with an unrepentant commie. I threw Stalin’s massacres in his face and he replied “That wasn’t communism, it was STATE CAPITALISM!” Oy!

  14. The problem there, Cornhead, is that those gruesome examples are portrayed by all the beautiful people as—and are seemingly believed to be—“achievements”.
    “Biden”‘s goal is to achieve as many of these “achievements” as possible, as fast as possible.
    No, these people—filled with terrible, “passionate intensity”—are really not well. Not well at all….

    But when, if ever, will they discover this…?
    (Before one despairs utterly, here’s one individual who, it seems, has been able to make a bit of “progress”…
    The start of a trend? I wouldn’t hold my breath, but one can hope….)

  15. @ Cornhead >”What would it take for the Left to know that it is beaten and that it has to change its ways?”

    We may be past that point regardless of what happens, because, if Prager is correct, a huge number of people supporting the Left have no clue which side they really should be on, and thus won’t recognize defeat if it happens.

    “This is the American tragedy in a nutshell: The Left votes its values. The Right votes its values. Liberals do not vote their values. Liberalism has almost nothing in common with leftism, yet virtually every liberal votes for the Left.”

    And Anne’s comments show that not all the clueless ones are Democrats.

    BTW, Prager has been beating this drum a long time.
    “Most Americans hold either liberal or conservative positions on most matters. In many instances, however, they would be hard pressed to explain their position or the position they oppose.
    But if you can’t explain both sides, how do you know you’re right?”Most Americans hold either liberal or conservative positions on most matters. In many instances, however, they would be hard pressed to explain their position or the position they oppose.

    But if you can’t explain both sides, how do you know you’re right?”
    This 4-part series covers a lot of the same territory as the recent post above.

    “If the left is not defeated, American and Western civilization will not survive. But the left will not be defeated until good liberals understand this and join the fight. Dear liberals: Conservatives are not your enemy. The left is.”

  16. AF, here’s RFK, Jr., a real and unrepentant ENEMY of the “Biden” regime (and hence “Enemy of the People”)…who must be demolished and destroyed…perhaps more totally and more thoroughly than even Trump.

    RFK, Jr., you see, has “left the reservation”…and is fearlessly telling anyone who will listen about the truth about the Demonic Political Excrescence otherwise known as the Democratic Party in its “current” uber-corrupt Obamian—TRANSFORMATIONAL!—incarnation.
    (To be sure, the corrupt media is just as “fearlessly” lying about RFK Jr., canceling him, or ignoring him. Even his family has, it is reported, disowned him—all of which is in his favor, certainly; all of which is to the good, even though it can’t be all that easy for this fearless warrior.)
    God help him…bring down the repellent monster that was once a respectable political party…and protect him from harm.
    ‘ “Don’t Think The American People Will Buy It” – RFK Jr. Campaign Blasts ‘Undemocratic’ DNC ‘—
    Opening graf:
    “The presidential campaign of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. alleged that the Democratic National Committee is trying to prevent it from challenging President Joe Biden and will allow the incumbent to handily win the 2024 nomination….”

    Echoes of “When Bernie Met Hillary”…though, even as we speak, the Bern has “seen the light” and is supporting “Biden” and “his” destructive policies to the hilt…no doubt, BECAUSE of “his” destructive policies!.
    (But garsh, WHO would ever have imagined that the Bern—man of the people if there ever was one…I don’t care HOW MANY houses he owns, it doesn’t interest me—-was so intellectually bankrupt!….)

  17. The Left can’t be defeated anymore than Islam can.

    However, it can be beaten back hard enough to a position of what Muslims call “hudna.” Which means “truce” or “cease-fire.” Then they rebuild their strength until they can attack again.

    Like the Scorpion said after stinging the Frog:

    I am sorry, but I couldn’t resist the urge. It’s in my nature.


  18. Is one’s motivation seeking truth?
    Or is one’s motivation to impose an ideology?

    Ben Shapiro has a saying*, “Facts don’t care about your feelings.”
    Leftists appear to have the motto, “My feelings don’t care about facts.”

    Due to the reason neo began her blog she has attracted many of us here who are “changers.” In order for that change to take place each of us valued learning the truth over having our opinions and beliefs confirmed. As neo has explained many times in her own journey, each of us navigated a painful, confusing period where we dared to accept that, perhaps, what we thought we knew was not actually what was happening**.

    Cornhead mentioned the therapists he shares his thin, office walls with and the parade of discontented people they console (and, likely, medicate). Reality is reality. If you refuse to accept it and insist on living by an alternate reality you will be driven mad, or, at the very least you will be miserable.

    Unfortunately we live in a nation where a great many of our fellow citizens choose to be miserable or mad (and medicated) rather than accept the truth.

    *…and, apparently has written a book by that title (buy it using neo’s Amazon link)!

    And that after this is accomplished, and the brave new world begins
    When all men are paid for existing and no man must pay for his sins,
    As surely as Water will wet us, as surely as Fire will burn,
    The Gods of the Copybook Headings with terror and slaughter return!

  19. Is one’s motivation seeking truth?
    Or is one’s motivation to impose an ideology?

    Rufus T. Firefly:

    My impression is that most people are motivated to survive. That’s complicated enough.

  20. @ huxley > “most people are motivated to survive”

    Then it would be good to know if truth or ideology has a better track record for that.

    The best would be a true ideology, of course, but leaving those aside for the moment, it does become complicated very quickly!

  21. Somethings you just can’t make up.

    Here is a candidate for the Virginia House of Delegates who has reportedly been found to have been livestreaming sex acts with her husband for “tips/tokens” on a site titled, “hotwifeexperience”–according to some reports these sex acts including acts of “excretion”–and, nonetheless, the VA Democratic party leadership is reportedly supporting her bid for office.*

    Make up whatever catchy campaign slogan for her you can come up with.

    See https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/09/democrat-leader-backs-virginia-candidate-who-livestreamed-sex/

  22. nonetheless, the VA Democratic party leadership is reportedly supporting her bid for office.*
    The Democratic Party elite is in the process of persuading the rest of us that their organization is a collecting pool of sexual deviants.

  23. well there’s always the mute button, but she does dial chutzpah, to the nth degree,

    the second iteration of krystal ball

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