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Summer … — 14 Comments

  1. Still low 90’s here near Cincinnati. Glad I’m not back in high school where only the office, library and band room had AC.

  2. Heat advisory along the CT shoreline until Thursday night; karma, I guess, because the summer here has been pleasant for the most part– only two two-day hot spots earlier in the summer, which is unusually moderate for this location.

  3. Stinking hot in PA this week. On Labor Day some knucklehead drove off the road and hit a power pole, knocked out our power for more than six hours in 90 degree temps. No power means no water from the well, no refrigeration, no air conditioning. The resulting power surge blew most of our circuit breakers, and the heat pump/air conditioner fan motor was fried despite being protected by two breakers. House got very hot, our poor old dog really suffering from the heat.

    The heat wave will be over by the time our HVAC people can get a replacement fan motor. We are limping along with a weak window unit to keep heat stroke away, three early September days with heat index in the low nineties. Just thankful to have well water and refrigeration again, but unhappy for the unexpected replacement cost for the fan motor, low four figures for our system.

    Looks like I have to go forward with getting a backup generator system, it has to be scaled large to deal with heat pumps and the draw from the well pump, so the electricians have told me. Between this sort of event and storm damages,it’s always something… A winter power outage that’s prolonged would be a real mess, we got rid of the wood stove for safety reasons and things could get ugly.

  4. Also here in southern Maine. Really lovely weather. Walked, and played, 18 holes of golf today, was glorious (the weather, not all of the golf).

  5. Still have two more triple digit days in the forecast where I live in East Texas. Very dry . I am not sure how many triple digit days we have had this summer. It was more than 20 last I heard. Very dry. I think we got about a tenth of an inch of rain during August, with triple digit temps almost every day.
    The bull nettles are still mostly green. And the larger goat weeds, though many of the smaller ones have wilted. The yuccas are still green.There is some woody type weed that has stayed green that the goats have been eating. Most of the un-watered grass is brown. Even much of the bahai grass is brown. The grapes have stayed green. Have to water the blueberries frequently.

  6. When you miss summer, come visit us in Central Texas, we’ve got at least three more months of it.

    steve walsh: I left Southern ME five years ago to come down here, this year has me seriously questioning my decision.

  7. Just checked. Eighties here all week. August is the last of our summer.

    I usually mark it by when the elderberries are gone. Rained just before end of July so really good haul this year. Now just the ones I left to dry up for the birds.

  8. I do not recall it ever staying so hot so long in Texas. A good rule of thumb has been that whatever the misery of the 100 degree days in August, after Labor Day, the daily high goes below 100, and the daily low drops below the 78-80 summertime low. Quite tolerable. IIRC, that has been the pattern every year I have been in Texas. Not this year. It has stayed above 100 well into September.

    The one year I needed air conditioning, my air conditioner broke down. I guess I can’t complain, as it lasted 20 years.

    My brother lives in southern Maine. In a recent conversation comparing weather, he pointed out that come February, the perspective will be different.

  9. Newsflash, climate change is man made!

    They were right after all.

    That is to say environmentalists and their minions in the press cause climate change. For 40 years they’ve prevented wide spread adoption of nuclear energy.

    Therefore, climate change IS man made.

    And think how much cooler we would be right now without climate change!

  10. Things heating up in NYC, too.
    “Mayor Adams warns migrant crisis will ‘destroy’ NYC, rips Biden for failing to help”—

    What hizzoner doesn’t understand is this is not a bug but a feature.
    A President “Biden” feature.
    (Actually, President “Cloward-Piven”.)

    Besides, why should Da Big Apple be any different from SF? LA? NO? Chicago? Portland? Philly? Boston? Seattle? Baltimore? DC???? Memphis?
    [Or, if you’re still unsatisfied, fill in Your Dem-run city of choice!]

    And Trudeau, up north, is doing his best, too!
    Speaking of Apple…

  11. Another hot day here in central NC, upper 90s. Hurricane Lee is currently forecast to pass us by, but depending on when it makes its expected northerly turn, New England might be affected, and maritime Canada might want to be concerned.

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