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Trump’s mug shot and beyond — 46 Comments

  1. As usually I’m curious as to how events like this will move regular, non politically interested people one way or another. I’m curious as to what might motivate someone to change their opinion about the current system, not Trump himself, but everything else. Is it possible to decouple a person’s strong negative feelings about Trump with what is actually going on? Are people so blinded by hatred of Trump that they can’t see how awful and dangerous it is to completely any sense of credibility in the legal system? I’m not talking about committed liberals, but rather swing and otherwise low information voters.

  2. Hell yes, they’re hoping for violence. It’s the easiest way out, for them. That’s what all these indictments are… provocations designed to goad either side into doing something nasty: it doesn’t really matter to them which side it is!

  3. I also thought of the Uncle Sam poster, but I thought of it as a poster DJT might use, a picture of the mugshot and with the caption “Uncle Same Wants You NEXT!

  4. Are people so blinded by hatred of Trump that they can’t see how awful and dangerous it is to completely any sense of credibility in the legal system?

    They don’t think they’re blinded by hatred. They think they see things with clarity.

  5. Being from Wisconsin, where there is blatant voter fraud in Milwaukee and Madison, and with the GOP, as usual, turning on itself, I think the Democrats will commit whatever level of fraud is required to win, in 2024.

  6. The J.M. Flagg Uncle Sam poster was based on a 1914 British WWI recruitment poster of Lord Horatio Kitchener (“Lord Kitchener Wants You”) drawn by Alfred Leete. Flagg’s Uncle Sam version appears as one of 13 other military recruitment posters under the heading of “Imitations,” along with three others that had different purposes– including Smokey the Bear’s “Only You [Can Prevent Forest Fires]” poster: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lord_Kitchener_Wants_You#Imitations

  7. I believe the left will soon seize power and hold it indefinitely, for a long time. The Republic will fall, becoming a republic-in-name-only, like imperial Rome. I believe the fall of the Republic will come quickly, in a matter of a few years once Democrats consolidate the gains I expect them to make in the 2024 election. Of course I plan to resist this degringolade in whatever small way I can, but I believe the left will prevail inevitably and absolutely. In my mind I have gotten past any thoughts about what can be done to prevent this from happening. Now, increasingly, I am thinking how, in the time that’s left to me, I will deal with the coming tyranny in a way that will allow me to retain my dignity and self-respect.

  8. “……So, what happens now? Will most people just accept the banana republicization of our country?……..”


  9. Irish, I guess I feel the same as you. I try to keep my head down and hope for the best, but expect the worst. I and my Wife are 76, soon to be 77. No kids.
    As Greta said “I want to be alone” (or some such)

  10. Demoralization is understandable, but I don’t think giving up is good. I agree with Churchill. What that means in terms of behavior I’m not sure. But I have a child and grandchildren – skin in the game. I would care anyway, even without that, though.

  11. I think most people (like Roper, as you say) don’t think past the immediate consequences. In the play, Sir Thomas pointed out what was likely to happen next – we all need that kind of reminder, from time to time.

    As to how it plays out this time, that is tough. The Dems have been alienating their assumed core minority voters for some time. Will it be enough? Will the independents decide that Biden, the almost certain Democratic nominee, is still better than the GOP candidate? So many things still up in the air.

  12. neo: “Will most people just accept the banana republicization of our country?”

    JohnTyler (4:39 pm): “Yes.”

    Consider how many already are doing so — eagerly. It’s very discouraging.

  13. Sorry for the long blockquote, and it’s no longer relevant, but J.J. Sefton (at ace.mu.nu) posted an excerpt from Dan Bongino’s show that would have been a brilliant play.

    “Folks, I don’t think the Trump team should post the bond. I don’t,” he began. “This may sound like a crazy idea, but folks, we’re living in crazy times. And crazy times require different, crazy, bold approaches.”
    “Fani Willis wants to be a smartass tyrant, little socialist communist like she is down in Fulton County, Georgia? Don’t post. Don’t post the bond,” Bongino continued. “You’re gonna jail him? Let’s elect our first political prisoner. Go ahead. Go to jail. Let the Secret Service shut the entire jail down, and we’ll see how long you’re willing to keep this charade going.”

    “Let them put him in jail for a bit — folks, I know it sounds crazy,” he added, saying that the Secret Service had the authority under federal law to declare anything a protected area — even a jail — and that if the former president were to spend any time there, they would have to do that.

    “You may think it’s a crazy idea,” he said again, adding, “I don’t think so. Folks, you’ve seen people around the world take a stand like this. And it’s easy for me to say, I get it, I wouldn’t be the one in a prison cell — but you want to send a message? Let’s see, let’s see what happens.”

    Bongino went on to suggest that if Trump was put in jail, people should protest outside the jail every day. “Make them put you in jail and make them show America their asses and show America who they really are. And let’s see how long this lasts.”

    Bongino concluded by saying that “the eff around and find out time has long since passed.”

  14. My very MotR wife and her family see what is happening to Trump and know its politically motivated. However, they don’t see the threat to the Republic in the bigger picture. They also view all politicians as equally bad. Don’t seem to differentiate at all between what has happened with the Ds very left switch and events.

    Politics is not what they spend much time on until close to election.

  15. IrishOtter:

    I was speaking to everyone in general and expressing my own position.

    But I also was reacting to this that you wrote:

    In my mind I have gotten past any thoughts about what can be done to prevent this from happening. Now, increasingly, I am thinking how, in the time that’s left to me, I will deal with the coming tyranny in a way that will allow me to retain my dignity and self-respect.

    I think we all probably go back and forth in our minds between giving in to despair and not giving in.

  16. Neo-

    What would resistance look like? How would the Balkanization of the different blocs be united to resist? I am moving to a deep red state that has an existing culture and the state framework the resists federal overreach. I think people do not have an inkling of how to resist because it threatens their families, ways of life, employment, etc. I have my plan but I don’t know about the larger picture.

  17. e pleb nista, we the people are the ultimate authority, it has been ratified by nearly 250 years, yes the omega glory is about what happens to a people that have been stamped out by a ruthless sovereign

  18. neo:

    That means I intend to go down fighting, however best I can, in whatever way practicable. But I do believe I — we — will go down. Of course the dark age that is upon us will not last forever. The wheel of existence will continue to turn, nothing can stop it. In time a new and brighter day will dawn. But we — you and I, and others of a certain age — will not live to see it.

    I am not giving in to despair. Surely you understand that.

    For now, “All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”

  19. Richard Cook:

    At this point, I resist the word “resistance” because of how the left co-opted it during the Trump administration.

    But I think the way forward is different for everyone. For me, it has long consisted of writing, and sometimes talking to people who disagree with me and trying to persuade them. That latter effort is usually for naught.

  20. neo (5:59 pm) offers, “I think we all probably go back and forth in our minds between giving in to despair and not giving in.”

    I agree, but I discern in addition a bifurcated third way — realistic resignation:
    – cheerful resignation, because I won’t have that many years left here on earth**, and/or
    – sullen resignation, because I truly am concerned for the coming generations.

    I will resist all right, but tempered by my energy and an instinct for self-preservation.

    ** None of my children / step-children show any sign at all that they may even consider having / raising children

  21. any and all sources of resistance, possums are generally a light touch, with some exceptions.

  22. I also strongly believe that the activist left is very much hoping for some violence from the right, so that they can crack down even further.

    Consider, that news has noted for years that various Exec-branch agencies have been acquiring firearms and ammo in unexpected quantity. I believe that the Long March conquest by the Left has been successful enough that they’ve been planning for just that outcome, and are better prepared than most citizens might believe.

  23. I think we all probably go back and forth in our minds between giving in to despair and not giving in.


    I also see this in terms of psychological hygiene. I’ve attended many Tony Robbins events, which essentially rewired me to focus on good news and growth. I don’t mean to proselytize for Tony. This is now how I look at life.

    One of the two major tools Tony teaches for managing one’s mental/emotional state is focus. Focus on what you want in your life, not on what you don’t want. Which doesn’t mean ignoring problems, but not focusing on them. He tells a great story about a course he took on auto racing.

    A fantastic analogy for the power of focus is racing cars. When your car begins to skid, the natural reflex is to look at the wall in an attempt to avoid it. But if you keep focusing on what you fear, that’s exactly where you’ll end up. Professional racers know that we unconsciously steer in the direction of our focus, so with their lives on the line, they turn their focus away from the wall and towards the open track.

    –Tony Robbins

    I am distressed by America’s ongoing slide into this new form of tyranny. But I’m also aware of the twists and turns of history. I don’t assume we are facing an inevitable decline into totalitarianism. In fact I notice many good signs Americans are resisting and we are passing Peak Woke.

    I don’t know how this chapter in history turns out, but I’m not assuming an unhappy ending. I’m focusing on where I want to go.

  24. IrishOtter:

    Whether at Naishapur or Babylon,
    Whether the Cup with sweet or bitter run,
    The Wine of Life keeps oozing drop by drop,
    The Leaves of Life keep falling one by one. …

    The Worldly Hope men set their Hearts upon
    Turns Ashes–or it prospers; and anon,
    Like Snow upon the Desert’s dusty Face,
    Lighting a little hour or two–is gone.

    Think, in this batter’d Caravanserai
    Whose Portals are alternate Night and Day,
    How Sultan after Sultan with his Pomp
    Abode his destined Hour, and went his way….

    Yesterday This Day’s Madness did prepare;
    To-morrow’s Silence, Triumph, or Despair:
    Drink! for you know not whence you came, nor why:
    Drink! for you know not why you go, nor where.

  25. Physicsguy, I think you’ve described probably 60% of the population when you describe your wife and her family. These are people who have other interests and don’t see how government can affect their lives.

    My mother was totally apolitical. I don’t think she ever said anything that Ican remember about politics or political issues.
    She was an honest, hardworking, patriotic American, but she just did not want to think about government or government philosophies. I know many people like her. If I happen to mention a political issue or explain it to them, they’ll often retort that it’s all a bunch of nonsense, or they don’t want to think about it.

    I was pretty apolitical until I was mugged by reality when I came face to face with the anti-Vietnam war crowd while trying to recruit Navy pilots. It forced me to think about political systems – especially democracy versus communism.

    I’m not nearly as well read on history and politics as many commenters here, so I find I learn a lot by reading Neo.

    Before my eyes went bad, I read and commented on a number of conservative blogs and learned a lot there as well.

    It’s a tragedy for our country that such a large number of people are apolitical and easily fooled by the politics of personal destruction and government handouts.

    I’m invested in trying to prevent a socialist/communist takeover. I’ve been an anti-communis tall my adult life. I fought in Vietnam and saw what happened when we deserted them. Because of that, I’ll keep trying to make a difference as long as I’m alive.

    I used to volunteer but can’t do that anymore. I give what money I can, and I always vote. Unlike Frederick, I’m not so cynical yet that I don’t believe the Republicans, even RINOs, can do a better job for the voters than the Democrats.

    It’s hard not to be pessimistic, but “now is the time form all good men to come to the aid of their country.” My motto: Do what you can, where you can and never give up.

  26. Neo says, “And what am I hoping for? I’m hoping that this latest leftist enterprise wakes enough people up to what’s really happening . . . ”

    Neil Oliver’s new YouTube video discusses the same issue: “They’re dismantling our way of life!” He mentions the Biden family corruption and (toward the end) the Maui wildfires, among the usual UK and European examples:


  27. @ cb on August 25, 2023 at 5:36 pm said: “Good question, Columbo:”

    Indeed, it was!
    The folly of letting news talking-heads moderate the debates (especially the Republicans), instead of serious people actually interested in answers to important questions, was once more on display Thursday night.

  28. JJ:

    ” If I happen to mention a political issue or explain it to them, they’ll often retort that it’s all a bunch of nonsense, or they don’t want to think about it.”

    That’s the the nature of the response in a very succinct nutshell. In a way I agree with them…it’s all a bunch of nonsense. Unfortunately, it’s nonsense that can ultimately affect all of us. There’s also a sense from them that the center will always prevail; hence their response that the right is just as bad as the left. When a ridiculous proposal is brought forth, my wife’s response is,”yes, it’s ridiculous, so they’ll never get it through”. These people haven’t noticed the slow and steady creep over the last 30 years. The very definition of the frog in in pot.

  29. Steph @ 3:45 & 3:51 PM,
    Given the near total lack of support for Trump and outrage at the various political persecutions displayed by almost the entirety of the GOP leadership, Uncle Same might be more accurate.

  30. A bright point: the evening after the mug shot was released one of the news channels was getting reactions. One interviewee was a black, early middle aged man.
    “Donald Trump is now officially a Brother!”. Said with obvious positive feeling. I’ve seen similar reactions elsewhere.
    What a friggin hoot it will be if Fanni Willis just handed the black vote to Trump!

  31. In fact I notice many good signs Americans are resisting and we are passing Peak Woke.

    Um, what if Woke is just the latest phase of a bigger intent, and its authors (and their ‘news media’ megaphones) have a yet-more-hideous phase all locked and loaded for 2024?

    Example – the NYT has been cheering, and giving maximum space to, Woke since its inception. Stay tuned for the next outpouring!

  32. neo:

    Thanks for the Khayyam/Fitzgerald poem. Very good.

    I offer this as a companion piece:

    Friends and fighting men of the Danaans, henchmen of Ares,
    be men now, dear friends, remember your furious valour.
    Do we think there are others who stand behind us to help us?
    Have we some stronger wall that can rescue men from perdition?
    We have no city built strong with towers lying near us, within which
    we could defend ourselves and hold off this host that matches us.
    We hold position in this plain of the close-armoured Trojans,
    bent back against the sea, and far from the land of our fathers.
    Salvation’s light is in our hands’ work, not the mercy of battle

  33. Protests are minimal now. People who do find what’s happening unjust see that nobody’s protesting and don’t bother making their view heard. And when there are protests, it’s usually not the “right people” who are protesting. Often people don’t protest miscarriages of justice because the victim is too small and not significant enough. Maybe Trump is too big. It’s hard for people to relate or take in what is happening. Maybe there’s a feeling that this is all happening at some mythic level beyond us, or they think that Trump has the resources to deal with this and they don’t.

    If I happen to mention a political issue or explain it to them, they’ll often retort that it’s all a bunch of nonsense, or they don’t want to think about it.

    Throughout history more people are like that than are on either side. When do things change? When do people put down the plow or get off the couch? I suspect it’s when something strikes close to home, something they personally can’t ignore. It’s also when one side’s propaganda succeeds in getting through and the other side doesn’t. Today, the mass media’s job is to prevent dissenting voices from being heard. It’s not that the apolitical are tuned into CNN or MSNBC or the nightly network news. It’s that people have so many other distractions, besides politics, to keep them occupied.

  34. Jerry:

    If you’re talking about McConnell, I agree. But if you’re talking about McCarthy, he’s displayed plenty of outrage, as have many more. There’s also this from the House.

  35. Um, what if Woke is just the latest phase of a bigger intent, and its authors (and their ‘news media’ megaphones) have a yet-more-hideous phase all locked and loaded for 2024?

    Insufficiently Sensitive:

    What if the whole shebang is being controlled by David Icke’s “lizard people”? Huh, huh? 🙂

    The idea of reptilians was popularised by David Icke, a conspiracy theorist who claims shapeshifting reptilian aliens control Earth by taking on human form and gaining political power to manipulate human societies. Icke has stated on multiple occasions that many world leaders are, or are possessed by, so-called reptilians.


    Personally, I find there are multiple conspiracies going on and our reality is the vector sum of all such forces.

    I find it simplistic to suppose there is an Emperor Palpatine behind it all and “Everything is proceeding as [Palpatine] has foreseen.”

    –“Everything is proceeding as I have forseen” 720p HD

  36. Abraxas:

    Most revolutions are supported by a minority, although it’s often a large minority. The majority doesn’t usually revolt or demonstrate.

  37. Pingback:Trump's arrest and the black voter - The New Neo

  38. Neo, thanks as always for your response. I have heard strongly worded… from GOP leadership. I didn’t even hear that from any of the contenders in the debate, except for Vivek. I would enthusiastically support him if he remains a contender and eventually the nominee.
    But I am human and tend to hear what I want to hear. I could be completely wrong. Honestly.

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