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Biden’s “no comment” — 35 Comments

  1. Despite the tragedy that we are “led” by such incompetents it is truly glorious to see them so blatantly revealed for the mid-wits that they are.

    More and more Americans must be realizing that the answer is not an “eliter” group of elites, but a return to self-governance and working locally with our friends and neighbors.

  2. And right on cue the Dem Progressive Gov of Hawaii blamed Climate Change for the fires. I could say “have you no shame” but we know the answer to that question, a resounding NO.

  3. What Biden says or does is immaterial. The leader of the American Marxist movement is a shared belief in socially destructive ideas. This Communism does not need a real person to lead it. It just needs a figurehead president who will not stand in the way and Biden is perfect for the role.

  4. How about this:

    “In his response, Leader Biden did not mock the plight of the population of Maui, unlike the heartless MAGA Republicans he is so bravely protecting us from. This shows how deeply he empathizes with The People.”

    Will that do, CNN?

  5. Biden could answer “no comment” to every single question he is asked from now till November of 2024, and it would not change things.

    How can you be sure? I mean, how many people actually voted for Biden?

    Never mind, I’m sure you’re not interested in addressing that.

    Look, even if Biden did manage to get a lot of on-the-fence people to cast their ballot in 2020, do you really think he can continue to decompose right in front of us, like a fish head rotting in the sun, and maintain that historic level of support?

    Will 2020 hindsight hurt Biden’s chances? Anyone familiar with Ray C. Fair’s econometric approach to predicting the presidential election? A recession and a military defeat in Afghanistan and an expensive quagmire in Ukraine should be more than enough to ensure the incumbent loses.

  6. “Biden could answer “no comment” to every single question he is asked from now till November of 2024, and it would not change things.”

    I would tend to disagree…I believe a significant number of Americans were fooled by him in 2020, maybe one or two million may change their votes (or withold a vote) due to the continuing deterioration of the country, the rampant inflation and the crazed transgenderists. That said, will it be enough to forestall the cheating that is now built into the system and certain to continue?

  7. Rufus.. I’m going to politely challenge something here…not because I think you are wrong but because I see things more darkly. And I hope I’m wrong…

    1. I believe we are well past “incompetence” and are seeing an ingrained intentional disdain for all the “little people.” I’ve referred to the Hunger Games more than once. Pan Em cares not one hoot for the Precincts. Think “lockdown & school shutdown”… We KNOW those were nigh irreparably harmful to young children and learning but not one oops sorry or firing of an educational leader. They. Don’t. Care. Not a tinker’s dam.

    2. I’ve been watching the on-the-ground interviews in Maui. While the survivors one & all celebrate the local neighbour to neighbour assistance… every one asks for “more government” to make things better. Yes…home-schooling and private schooling are on the rise, but until the Big-Ed unions and Depts are smoking ruins… well you get the point.

    And the examples are endless. 16-year old Brit autistic girl dragged into custody by 7 cops…A shopkeeper beats a shoplifter and he’s the bad guy….

    Maybe it’s not that I disagree…but more and faster please?

  8. People have been taught to hate trump so much that they actually will vote for biden again.
    No place for him here, not now. Maui is too small as it is. He would do nothing to raise the spirits of any of us. If trump came, like in Ohio, people would love it.
    Things are mired in bureaucracy now. No one is giving accurate information. Billions of dollars will come in, and most of it will be wasted, or grifted.
    Real Estate vultures are already calling to buy properties destroyed in the fire.
    The mayor and governor are clueless.
    Police chief seems to be open and honest about things. He at least understands.
    but access is still difficult, and all the supplies sent are sitting in town, for the most part.
    This land is worth so much, to so many people, that I fear the money will win out. with residents pushed into ‘worker’ housing, aka huge apt blocks.
    What happened was a disaster, what will happen in the next months and years will be the final death of the working class on this island.
    I don’t like being pessimistic. But i watched Kihei built up from a small village, into strip malls, and un affordable housing. The average price here is 1 million. Most of the homes in Lahaina, working class homes, were at least that much. maybe 1000 sq feet. Usually 2 or 3 families in one house. at night, the streets were almost impassable due to so many cars parked.
    In the end, the lawyers will make millions, the developers will too. But regular working people will be pushed out.
    One example. People build multimillion dollar homes, in places like Huelo. I lived there for 5 years, rent free, in an old house, with a stream, and a traildown to fishing spots that existed from the 1900s. It is all built up now. there is no access to the ocean anymore. areas that had access corridorss between homes, are now gone. people just walled them up. Bezos lives in Makena, and denies people access to the ocean.
    Hawaii people can’t access their traditional fishing grounds.
    the state and county do nothing to prevent it, and the local news doesn’t even cover it.
    It’s all rubbish really. Lots of talk about loving the ‘aina. but like Oahu, money will win out.

  9. The guy couldn’t care less about what happened to the people in Maui–he’s stopped even trying to pretend, or forgotten that he, at least, has to put on some kind of show that he cares–he’s far more concerned with what kind of ice cream he’s going to have today.

  10. Jim Irvine. What a horrible situation. Perhaps it is time to give Hawaii back, and let the Hawaiians kick out the people who have mauled their islands.

  11. If a conservative were POTUS then not only would there have been outrage at the response Biden gave but the blame for the fires and their aftermath would be on the conservative POTUS. Just like they did with Hurricane Katrina and GW.

  12. well there was ‘outrage’ when trump personally handled supply distribution, not to mention that crook mayor of san juan, who some how was never indicted, they did indict a low level fema employee that was holding back some supplies,

  13. Think how the volcano gods might feel about Slow Joe and Senator Mazie Hirono jumping in, hand-in-hand!

  14. but there was that nc 17 dialogue with the weather chick, he had time for that,

  15. I suspect that Biden’s “No comment” is indicative of being repeatedly told that he is only to speak from approved scripts. No more off the cuff comments.

  16. File in the “can you imagine if” department:

    Hey, Hawaii is a blue state. Federal aid is rapid and forthcoming. “Laser-focused.”

    Can you imagine if it happened in a red state . . . lookin’ at East Palestine, Ohio . . .


  17. Masscon (5:54 pm) asks, “will it be enough to forestall the cheating that is now built into the system and certain to continue?”

    I own a bridge in Brooklyn that I’m dyin’ to sell ya. You’ll love it: gorgeous, a real beaut!

  18. Feds burned up Lahaina with directed energy weapons. Hashtag Stop the Anti-Asian Hate. There is no way it was a wildfire and the “conspuracie thiory” that it was because natives wouldn’t sell their land to Balckrock and Oprah rings true.

  19. He’s waiting to find out how big his kickback is for the emergency funding he approves.

  20. I don’t know why everyone is so concerned about Maui and whether or not Biden has a comment about the poor souls thereof.

    It’s not like it’s Ukraine or anywhere important.

    Let’s face it. If it was your town he’d care just as much as he does about Maui or any other place Hunter doesn’t have business dealings that they’ve never discussed.

  21. John Guilfoyle,

    I absolutely agree with you on #1. I rub elbows with elites and do a pretty good impersonation of one myself. I know a lot of “elite” people who agree with Hillary regarding an irredeemable basket of deplorables, but they probably disagree with her on the percentage, thinking there are even more.

  22. actually not really, of course seeing the record of what happened in new orleans and then puerto rico, well there is little that encourages any proper management

  23. I wonder how many survivors of the Maui fire will vote for Biden or his successor.

    I shudder to think of Kamala’s response, if she were asked about the fire.

  24. @neo:Apparently, Biden’s “no comment” comment was accompanied by a grin.

    Of course it was. He and the media are on the same team. Like when Bill Clinton was asked about his $500,000 speaking fees in 2015, and he grinned and said he had to pay the bills.

  25. If Brandon couldn’t bring Beau into his lying he had nothing to say. That’s where his empathy ends.

  26. A heart-breaking report from Jim Irvine. So many bad changes even before this fire. And now the leaders aren’t leading. Disgusting.

    I’s really hard to believe that Biden isn’t trying to make some political capital for himself by leading the charge to get help to Maui. He doesn’t care. Not enough Democrat votes to worry about in Maui.

    The I realized that they want this to be really bad. They can claim that climate change is responsible, and it demonstrates that climate change is an existential crisis. Cunning and despicable.

    The Democrats really are the deplorables.
    No compassion, no morals, and only a lust for power. When will the moderates and low information voters wake up?

  27. Even high on Adderall Joe’s Pudding Brain couldn’t process the question fast enough in order to quickly come up with a decent answer beyond “no comment”. I really don’t think there was a malicious motive behind it in this instance — just sheer incompetence due to cognitive decline.

  28. I haven’t seen all the video. My understanding now is that Biden gave a “no comment” and smiled on one day and mouthed a “no comment” on the next. If it was once, KJP could get away with saying that Joe didn’t hear the question. If it was twice, it’s harder to deny that he doesn’t care and didn’t want his weekly vacation to be interrupted. But it’s unlikely that the major media will tell us about him being asked the question even once, let alone twice. “Good Old Uncle Joe” will be propped up until they decide to drop him.

    It’s undoubtedly true that Biden’s handlers must have told him not to answer impromptu questions, but his real problems seems to come when he has a script and goes off it. If the voters he needs to win don’t know or don’t care what kind of messes he makes for himself, though, are they really a problem?

    The rumor now is that there’s a rush to buy up the devastated properties. I don’t know if that’s true, but wouldn’t be surprised if it was.

  29. Mentus
    Do not kid yourself, Biden will definitely win re-election if Donald Trump is foolishly re-nominated and will probably (but not definitely) win against any other Republican.

  30. Mark Alexis:
    “I really don’t think there was a malicious motive behind it in this instance — just sheer incompetence due to cognitive decline.”
    Exactly my take.
    It’s tough to stomach America’s reality.
    Some days, even hard to believe it.

  31. Do not kid yourself, Biden will definitely win re-election if Donald Trump is foolishly re-nominated and will probably (but not definitely) win against any other Republican.

    You’re just gain-saying me/eyeroll.

    Earn my attention with an actual argument, dum-dum.

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