Home » Open thread 8/11/23


Open thread 8/11/23 — 25 Comments

  1. Minn Gov Walz (D) goes to Iowa to say that GOP celebrates slavery and bans books. Why does he peddle these lies? Because Democrat voters WANT to believe them.

    They do believe the nasty slanders because they want to. It’s all about the hate. Always. Hate is all Democrats have to offer. Divisive hate.

  2. probably first time I heard of him

    walz presided over the dumpster that burned half the country, what do you expect him to say, stan ,his own daughter colluded with the terrorists on instagram, maybe it was the mayor I stand corrected otherwise,

  3. John Hiatt and Lyle Lovett are on tour together again this fall. I highly recommend. Two great singer-songwriters swapping tales and singing songs in a relaxed and jovial way. I’ve seen them three times and each show has been different and fresh. Very entertaining.

  4. So Garland appointed David Weiss as IC for the Hunter Biden matter. He took the same DOJ employee who was behind the botched plea bargain and made him an IC? Does he think we’re stupid? Sadly, he’s probably right.

  5. RE: UFOs—The question is sometimes asked, if UFOs represent such advanced, high technology–almost “magic,” why do they sometimes crash?

    According to some reports/counts in the last 80-90 years or so there have been something like 120 plus UFO crashes, scattered all over the Earth.*

    I can think of a number of possible reasons for these UFO crashes.

    First, it seems, from reports, that these UFOs are seen everywhere, apparently in outer space, flying down into our atmosphere, over –it appears—virtually every country in the Earth, and then, sometimes diving into, traveling thorough our oceans, and then out again.

    Well, with so many apparent craft and with such a tremendous operating tempo, you would expect that, every once in a while, one of these UFOs would have a pilot error, or failure of their propulsion or guidance systems, and crash.

    Given the wide variations in the sizes, shapes, speeds, and colors of the UFOs which have been reported, coupled with the variations in what Aliens who have been observed are reported to look like, it appears that we may be dealing with a number of different species of Alien “visitors.”

    If this is so, perhaps what we are also dealing with is two classes of visitors–some species which have a first class, robust, well-funded and well-supplied operation–first class equipment, first class pilots. But, some other species of Aliens here working as part of an underfunded, shoe-string operation—perhaps used, second class equipment, operated by second class pilots, thus, the occasional crash.

    In addition, there have also been reports that some UFOs have crashed after being hit by human radar or other systems.

    Finally, there have also been reports that some of these UFOs have not actually crashed, but have made good landings, and whoever or whatever was piloting them just walked away; these UFOs apparently a “gift,” a test, or perhaps even a cruel tease i.e. leave the laptop for the totally outclassed monkey to try to puzzle out, understand, and try to duplicate.

    * For example, see the list at https://thinkaboutit.site/ufos/list-of-the-ufo-crashes/

  6. Geez. Richard Thompson, what a talent and an artist forging his own path.

    “Shoot Out the Lights” and “Rumor and Sigh” (where “1952 Black Vincent Lightning” appears) are my favorite Thompson albums.

    I first knew him from Fairport Convention’s breakthrough Brit folk-rock album, “Liege and Lief” (1969). I thought all the songs were traditional, but not so. Here’s the haunting finish to the album, with lyrics by Thompson and music by Dave Swabrick.

    –Fairport Convention, “Crazy Man Michael”

    I bet artfldgr knows this album quite well.

    Thompson was only 20, when he wrote and played on this album.

  7. huxley:

    Thompson is a big big favorite of mine and has been for decades. As I said, I’ve seen him in concert so many times I couldn’t really count them. Once, it was in a small venue, and because my seats were obstructed, they ended up moving us to a placement literally at his feet. Somewhere I have photos but can’t find them at the moment. Talk about closeups, though! It was like a private concert.

  8. Talk about closeups, though! It was like a private concert.


    I was already jealous enough!

  9. Bauxite, exactly. They think people are credulous enough to accept this slippery US Attorney as the special counsel, even though, as Miguel’s link indicates, a US Attorney is not eligible to be a special counsel while retaining a government job. This is a blatant attempt to shut down the House investigation before even more damning evidence emerges.

  10. Banned Lizard:

    Quit spamming these threads with alarmist articles which, on closer reading, are really much ado about nothing. I have told you to stop before, and you persist.

    Leprosy has been increasing in first-world Western countries since before COVID, due to immigration both legal and illegal. See this for example. It is a contagious disease that is very very slow to show symptoms – often many decades after infection. The article you posted says that a few people – very very few, actually – started showing symptoms after getting COVID shots. Of course that will be happening (considering the vast numbers of people who have been vaccinated), but it does not prove causation and it’s not even clear that this is more people than would be expected by chance. Some of these people had already been treated for leprosy prior to vaccination. My guess is that every one of these people has a history of immigration, as well.

  11. BIG news day, as Neo so ably surveys. But what about that Michigan ballot stuffing case from The GatewayPundit?

    In a new YT post, egal analyst Robert Gouveia does a nice read through of the the State Trooper’s report in some 30 minutes time.

    But so what? Bad apples in the barrel don’t prove election changing fraud or conspiracy? At the end, the same FIB outfit that lies to us about no systemic or election altering fraud also takes on the “task” of investigating this incident. And thus disappearing the Truth.

    WE CANNOT RELY ON THESE PROVEN SCUMBAGS! To investigate and expose this election-fuckery.

    What is needed is to flip an insider to Gary Bell’s GBI Strategies, the dark money funded business with offices in 20 states and advising roles in 7 more. (SEE TGP for more screen caps documenting all of this.)

    The pall of furtive illegality pervades this reading of the document.


  12. VALUABLE high level philosophical discussion on the salient topic “Why woke won’t work.”

    It’s an ongoing livestream hosted by Benjamin Boyce, with guests James Lindsey and ”Wokal Distance.” I joined the stream around 45-50 minutes in, and it is consuming me with scintillating insights.

    Lindsey says marxism is a materialist grafting strategy, reiterated by CRT. While the queer theorists instead pursue a linguistically facile counter-revolt against objective and evolutionary ontology. Wokal usefully expands upon James first formulation.

    It is riveting. Undoubtedly — Ben says ending in 10 minutes. Right theorists…Distentangle liberalism from hyper liberalism…? — A full post or complete will undoubtedly be forthcoming.

  13. Minor Richard Thompson fan here. Clive Gregson and Christine Collister toured with him in the late 1980s, and they are big favorites of mine.

  14. Spell CORRECTION “Lindsey says marxism is a materialist GRIFTING strategy, reiterated by CRT.” IS CORRECT, not as spelled above as “grafting.” CRUCIAL DIFFERENCE.

    Now ended live stream LINK remains the same as above
    BUT total time in the talk is….gulp 1:56m — about two hours, longer than I’d imagined or perceived earlier. So, I seem to have joined the last 40 minutes.

    The “Why Woke Won’t Work” discussion is introduced by this text line: James Lindsay of @newdiscourses and Wokal Distance return to dish on the way Wokeness eats itself… and everything in its path!“

    POWERFUL. And weekend listening “food for thought” for my Do List.

  15. The two Western bloggers who I follow on China—laowhy76 and Serpentza —characterize China as the country of “shortcuts and facades” and recently have been covering the horrendous flooding in China, particularly in Beijing.

    They talk about the fact that phony storm drains are very common in China—(as are phony fireplugs, or firehouse systems in high rises, which are very commonly not actually connected to any water)—the grill is there but pull off the grill and there is just solid ground or cement—not any drainage piping—below; there is actually no drainage system.

    This mindset may mean that while it might have looked like there were drainage systems in place, there weren’t.

  16. Permits and regulations require storm drains, fire hydrants and fire mains. Is a bribe to a code enforcement functionary less expensive than a storm drain or fire system?

    Can Do!

  17. RE: Woke policing in the UK–

    The UK has been going down the tubes for many years now, and one of the symptoms of this decline is the decline of their increasingly leftist and “woke” police forces—increasingly not going after real crime, but after offenses against the tenets of wokeness.

    Well, the disastrous apparently “woke” performance of the West Yorkshire police department has blown up into an enormous Internet “thing” in the last few hours, because of a video posted by the girl’s mother, of seven cops (count ’em seven) arresting her 16 year old autistic daughter because, after they returned the girl to her home (she was supposedly drunk in the town center), she commented that one of the officers “looked like her “nana,” who was a lesbian,” at which point the cops decided to arrest her for the “public order offense” of making a homophobic slur” and drag her off to jail.

    In the video shot by her mother the girl was hiding in a corner of her house crying, and so distressed that she was beating herself in her head with her fists, the male cops pulled her out—over the protests of the girl’s mother, who kept telling the cops that her daughter was autistic, didn’t mean anything by her comments, and as they started to yank on her arms to drag her out of the corner and out of the house, that she also had severe scoliosis, and yanking on her arms was really hurting her.

    During this process you could also see the “lesbian looking” cop in question say that “she didn’t care if the girl was autistic,” and another image of the same officer, outside the home, looking on, with arms crossed and a stony expression of satisfaction? as the girl was dragged out.

    The police–realizing what a well of shit they were sinking ever deeper into, in each minute that video was out on the Internet and viewed–released a statement saying that the parent’s video “didn’t reflect the whole truth,” that after 20 hours in a cell the girl was released, apparently with no charges, and that they were “investigating the incident.”

    Commenters on England were furious, and several pointed out that according to the laws in the UK, if this girl uttered the supposed “slur” while in her house, there was no “public order offense,” since such offenses had to take place outside, in the public, and since she was not outside in the public, beside everything else, this “arrest” was illegal from the get go. *

    The statement by the police also mentioned that this 16 year old autistic girl was locked in a cell for 20 hours.

    I’m sure that that did a lot for her mental health.

    Are we headed in this direction?

    On the surface, and as of this moment,this looks really really bad for the cops, but as more information comes in, it may not be. I’m not betting on the police though.

    * See

    https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/23432491/mum-shares-disturbing-video-autistic-daughter-cops/ and https://www.msn.com/en-us/lifestyle/lifestyle-buzz/autistic-girl-dragged-by-police-after-claiming-a-female-officer-looks-like-her-lesbian-grandma/ar-AA1f962a

  18. Actually saw Fairport Convention twice at the Knebworth concert in 1979 with Led Zepplin and lots of other bands

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