Home » The Biden take is now …


The Biden take is now … — 32 Comments

  1. I suspect that the true number is likely to be far greater than 20 million. The Clintons were clever enough to launder most of their bribes through their Clinton Global Initiative foundation. The Bidens are as ever bit as rapacious as the Clintons are, but they are far less sophisticated or intelligent.

  2. Well, if he provided no services, nothing wrong was done right? QED, LOL.

    Most of the people in Congress have some kind of similar deal going on with someone, and there’s a limit to what we can expect Republican Congressmen to dig up on Biden without inviting similar digging into themselves in retaliation.

    As the media has this news pretty well firewalled maybe they don’t have to worry about in any case.

  3. Keep updating. House investigators.

    The squishy R South Carolina Congresswoman Nancy Mace was touting coming figures of $50-100 million, from estimates 10 or 12 days ago.

    This seems on track for that lower bound number.

  4. When we’re in the punishment phase of a Biden trial, I’ll get excited. The disgust factor pegged the red a long time ago.
    All that’s left is the 4th Turning counter-revolution to set things right.

  5. I’m waiting for more shoes to drop.

    We’ve known for a while that one of Mitt Romney’s staff was part of Hunter’s grift as well as John Kerrey’s step son. They seemed to have disappeared.

    The China connection.
    The US/China cooperation center at Penn had its donations go through the roof when Biden came on board. It was also one of the places were many boxes of classified documents were found.

    Prior to the 2020 election there was a picture of Hunter, Joe, a guy identified as the former head of the CCP secret police, and a second Chinese man.

  6. Guilty as sin. Yet, like citizens in many blue cities, if you can’t get a cop to help investigate and charge the crime, then the perps go free. And that’s what we have here. Biden is safe as long as the DOJ and FBI continue to be partisan to the Democrats. The House can investigate all they want. They can even bring impeachment charges, but there will be no conviction. The only hope is at the ballot box, and the MSM will insure that people who might vote against the Dems will not learn of their crimes.

    The one great hope is the economy. Biden is trying to sell “Bidenomics” as a success. Those of us in the middle class that are now having to dip into savings or borrow from credit card companies to pay our bills know different. Biden’s anti-fossil fuels policy and profligate spending have created this inflation tax and nothing he has proposed will defeat the problem. Au contraire. Everything he does and wants to do makes it worse. To repeat a line for the1990s, “It’s the economy, stupid.” And that Is what the GOP must run on.

  7. Tut tut, don’t you know? Why I heard Nancy Pelosi herself openly tell us why yes Joe takes bribes but those are legal bribes and there’s nothing to see here.(I really should find the video from a year or two ago where she basically said that.

  8. the annexation of those uranium reserves, around the grand canyon, is part of the ‘illusion of access, that makes us more in debt to kazakhstan, (no joke)

  9. Cornhead, why the surprise?

    Our Master’s Rule in our own best interests. Whether we see it or not. /sarc

    Paul in Boston: “I’m waiting for more shoes to drop.

    “We’ve known for a while that one of Mitt Romney’s staff was part of Hunter’s grift as well as John Kerrey’s step son….”

    Do ‘Spill The Beans,’ baked or not!

    I’m sure I’m not alone in my ignorance.

  10. My concern is not with the Biden families corruption, nor of the Clinton’s, nor of that in Congress. But of what it portends for America’s future.
    Our current majority’s toleration of corruption ensures societal descent into future third world status for its signals the ongoing moral degradation of that society. Corruption unchecked breeds deeper corruption. There are plenty of countries around the world where corruption is endemic and all of those societies have a small middle class. The societal conditions that result in a small middle class ensure the closing off of upward mobility. That is the formula for societal resentment and unrest. Look to South America’s societal history.

    It is America’s children’s children who shall suffer.

  11. This can’t be a surprise. As is the fact no one in the Biden crime family will:

    Do one minute of jail time
    Pay one cent in restitution
    Suffer anything at all

    We are moving to a very bad end point in this country.

  12. Despite these findings, you have Mitch McConnell decrying a possible impeachment, because he thinks we need to quit playing tit for tat politics with impeachments. Well Mitch, we tried that. No one seriously tried to impeach Obama, despite various lies and his AG being in contempt of Congress (yet not prosecuted).

    What did we get in return?

    Obama used FISA and the intelligence community to spy on a Republican campaign in ways Nixon only dreamed of doing. His VP took bribes from various countries. And the Republican President was impeached twice, the first time for simply suggesting one of those countries look into the bribery and corruption before the US just sent more money to them.

    And that’s the problem with the GOP and its pretense to be above it all. You give Democrats all the protection they need to commit as much corruption as they choose. You even let them put your supporters in prison and maybe even some of your own elected members. And when you are well within rights to stop the behavior? You let it continue as if that is some noble thing to do.

    It isn’t noble and the American people are getting tired of it.

  13. Neo wrote: “The Biden take is now twenty million dollars. And counting. A mere bag of shells.”

    It’s beyond dispute that Neo’s readers are an erudite bunch, so I’m disappointed that nobody’s remarked on this important cultural reference. Maybe it’s too obvious? Is this a public service announcement, or am I just being annoying?

    In “The Honeymooners” (1955-1956) TV show, Jackie Gleason played Ralph Kramden, and Art Carney played Ed Norton.

    In episode 2, season 1, entitled “Funny Money,” Ralph says to Ed “What’s $100? Just a mere bag of shells.” For comic effect, Ralph plays off the phrase “a mere bagatelle,” which means “a mere trifle.”

    Here’s a link: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8fu3ee. The relevant line is spoken at 16:10

  14. It’s beyond dispute that Neo’s readers are an erudite bunch, so I’m disappointed that nobody’s remarked on this important cultural reference.
    It’s not an important cultural reference and it amounted to eight days pay for the fictional Mr. Kramden.

  15. Mitch McConnell decrying a possible impeachment, because he thinks we need to quit playing tit for tat politics with impeachments.
    McConnell is a bagman for his wife’s family and various other business interests. And nothing more.

  16. The thing about being in the know is knowing you are in the know and that others may not be in the know, but when you let everyone know, then it is no longer special.

  17. Cornflour @9:41am,

    I caught the Honeymooners reference in neo’s post. Hilarious episode! You forgot to mention a string of poloponies.

    My favorite is when Ralph is on the musical game show, but chef of the future and funny money are close behind in hilarity. What great writing and acting!

  18. Remember when a Republican VP had to resign for taking monetary bribes? Spiro Agnew. I wonder why Biden has not had to resign. No, I really don’t wonder: different strokes for different folks, I know. And for different political parties. No need to explain if you’re a Democrat. Or to resign. But I had high hopes the cocaine in the White House last month would be a bridge too far for the American public. Hah.

  19. F,

    Speaking of Spiro, how is the Dems having access to candidates’ social media that different from the 5 men who were placing listening devices in the DNC headquarters at the Watergate hotel?

    Did we ever find out who leaked Trump’s tax records? How’s the search for the Supreme Court leaker going?

  20. Dear Mitch,
    Please find a hill you like.
    Then give Mitt, Lindsey, Olympia, and Lisa a call to join you on it.

  21. JJ it doesn’t matter if Biden’s crimes are investigated or not. The trick is to get him prosecuted.

  22. F on August 10, 2023 at 12:43 pm said:

    Rufus T.F.: That’s a question for someone trained in the law. Cornflour or Neo?


    Just to clarify.

    For a legal question, consider asking Cornhead, not Cornflour.

    Cornhead: a Catholic trained in law by Jesuits in Nebraska.

    Cornflour: a Lutheran trained in science by secularists in Iowa.

    Separated by the Missouri River and much, much more. (Who said corn is a monoculture? Diversity is our strength.)

  23. Leland on August 10, 2023 at 9:34 am said:
    Despite these findings, you have Mitch McConnell decrying a possible impeachment, because he thinks we need to quit playing tit for tat politics with impeachments. Well Mitch, we tried that.

    The basis for an impeachment of Biden is sound based upon the law and the evidence. The amount of evidence we already know is staggering.

  24. ”Cornhead: a Catholic trained in law by Jesuits in Nebraska.
    Cornflour: a Lutheran trained in science by secularists in Iowa.”

    Heh. In all this time on several different blogs, I thought you two were the same person. I wonder if I’m the only one.

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