Home » Julie Kelly: on the J6 “celebrity cop” versus the video


Julie Kelly: on the J6 “celebrity cop” versus the video — 9 Comments

  1. The Trump team has a new, short, menacing video, SHOWING all the lies we’ve had to swallow since the Autumn of 2020, but emanating from the Deep State.

    A deep and murky voice intones “If I was the Deep State to destroy America….”

    It repeats this stem line and illustrates the mass, hypnotic effects of it, such as “If I was the Deep State you’d question you sexual identity but not the medical establishment….”

    And the J6th issue appears early among a number of “false flag events” to “blame al who question the results of the [rigged] election.”

    Critics will cry that this is all a lame-brained conspiracy theory! But then a Wall Street Journal columnist appears in text, writing that “The Deep State is real….”

    Believe you lying eyes and ears or not.

  2. Read Julie’s article. Seems there was some Blue on Blue friendly fire accidents, or possibly just being in a scrum even surrounded by other police accidents could happen.
    Wouldn’t be shocked if it was all a scam, and they were looking for police to be injured so easy to pull one on them.

  3. Ace said she’d parted from American Greatness, but no one there seems to know why. Anyone here have the answer?

  4. Kelly’s substack has a great post up today; although it’s about Hunter Biden and not J6, they are connected through references to Trump (everything in Washington is connected to Trump).

    “The appointment of the vice president’s son to a Ukrainian oil board looks nepotistic at best, nefarious at worst,” Adam Taylor, Washington Post foreign affairs reporter, surmised in a May 14, 2014 article. “No matter how qualified Biden is, it ties into the idea that U.S. foreign policy is self-interested. [You] have to wonder how big the salary has to be to put U.S. soft power at risk like this.”

    And despite Psaki’s spin, State Department officials soon after expressed concern about the “perception of a conflict of interest,” even taking those concerns to Vice President Joe Biden’s office in early 2015.

    But one person in official Washington seemed uninterested in the shady deal between a corrupt international gas company operating in a notoriously unstable country and America’s most troubled nepo-baby:

    Jack Smith.

    Smith—appointed by Attorney General Merrick Garland last year to take over DOJs dual investigations into Donald Trump for alleged mishandling of classified documents and the events of January 6—was named chief of the Department of Justice’s Public Integrity Section, or PIN, in August 2010.

    Operating within the criminal division, PIN maintains broad purview over public corruption investigations on the federal, state, and local level including cases tied to “a government official…or someone associated with such an official,” according to the office’s annual report.

    Smith held that powerful position until February 2015—meaning Hunter Biden’s years-long board position with Burisma eventually resulting in a $4 million haul for the vice president’s son began right under Jack Smith’s nose.

    Now, perhaps there was nothing untoward about Hunter Biden’s sudden interest and success at global private equity. But surely the use of Air Force Two to conduct personal business—Hunter accompanied his father on 70 overseas trips including six trips to China on Smith’s watch—should have caught someone’s attention at DOJs “public integrity” unit, no?

    The answer, of course, is no.

    Was Smith asleep at the switch or intentionally ignorant? Could Smith have put a stop to the Biden family international shakedown nearly a decade ago when he had the chance? At what risk did he put the country by turning a blind eye to this egregious level of influence peddling in nations hostile to American interests?

    As Smith eagerly prepares to sign his name to another criminal indictment against Donald Trump for the events of January 6, Hunter Biden’s plea deal with Smith’s employer is falling apart along with further confirmation of how the younger Biden hauled in millions from countries such as China and Ukraine by leveraging his last name to support himself, his addictions, and his family—including, quite possibly, his father as well.

    All of this could have been halted in its tracks. And the person primarily responsible for letting it get to this point is none other than Jack Smith.

  5. Kelly’s first substack post was this one. I don’t know anything about her status at American Greatness, but if she has left, that’s a blow to their outlet.

    June 30, 2023

    Note: The purpose of my first post containing January 6 security video is to provide a timeline and context rather than in-depth analysis. This represents the longest segment of January 6 footage released since Republicans took control of the House six months ago.

    There’s plenty to see in these four separate videos totaling nearly 40 minutes. My goal here is to make this particular camera’s undisturbed footage publicly available to allow others to produce specific clips and offer independent analysis of what happened during this selected time period.

    Most of this has dribbled out over the years, and much was actually talked about by participants and pundits, without video, soon after January 6.

  6. I watched about half of it. He looked very healthy and uninjured. A dozen “public servants” standing around doing nothing. He is scum.

  7. Is there a Democrat who tells the truth? Anyone? Anywhere?

    I’m trying to ask a very serious question.

    The entire party appears to be a criminal enterprise that lies, steals and cheats relentlessly supported by news media, educators, Hollywood, publishing, arts and voters who cheer and applaud the corruption, lying and cheating.

    Isn’t this blatantly obvious by now? It should have been obvious to everyone watching the 8 years of the Clintons. The most horrible part of the Clinton orgy of lies, corruption and crime wasn’t that they are the scum they’ve always been. It’s not even that the rest of the party and its enablers in the press cheered them on. It’s that the voters cheered, too.

    Every Democrat voter knew and they loved every minute of it. They weren’t disgusted. They enjoyed every time Republicans were frustrated in the efforts to get accountability and justice. Just as D voters laughed and crowed when the disgusting Benghazi response of Obama’s didn’t cost him.

    The problem in America is that ordinary people who vote D have embraced and applaud the evil. And they defend their knowing embrace of evil because they hate the other half of America so passionately.

  8. stan

    wrt your last graf. I wasn’t so sure, not so long ago. But there has to be an explanation and I can’t think of another one.

    That said, I wonder what this cop’s higher thinks or is doing about this? Has he had medical time off? That’s an expense. Has he had unnecessary medical appointments? Light duty? IOW, what is higher’s cooperating role in this and it should be noted that it isn’t “free”.

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