Home » Let women speak – then again, maybe not


Let women speak – then again, maybe not — 20 Comments

  1. A vocal minority? Im sure that Ayn Rand would argue…NOT. It is really a Marxist-Maoist package deal, the consequence of re-queering homosexuals as a victime group and all that flows from the collectivist repackaging of purported “victims” endowed with grievance legitimacy…. As James Lindsey elaborates.

    The force binary choices on us to seal the deal.

  2. It’s appalling that companies go along with these manufactured “hate” charges. And it’s appalling that the Democrats are preparing to go into a general election season as champions of sex changes for children, in which the children are sterilized and rendered sexually impotent for life, among other side effects.

    And what’s most appalling is that about half the country is buying this insanity.

  3. The rock-paper-scissors of the game of victimization played with deadly determination, to devastating and destructive effect, by the left (from DEI to BLM/CRT/1619 propaganda to radical gender and trans ideology, etc.) derives, ultimately, from the infamous Bolshevik (Leninist/Trotskyist/Stalinist) Who/Whom?. Ignoring the Gramscian “long march” and the influence over the entire culture of Cultural Marxism (from within and without the academy) has been, perhaps, the greatest blunder made by conservatives over the last several decades.

  4. The Democratic party has become the Party of the mentally ill, under which I count LBGTQ+ individuals. RINOs in power are a big part of the problem, and I count Wray of the FBI among them.

    As to the Gramscian March, je, it was NOT ignored. It was tolerated by those who believe in freedom of expression, foolishly but in the grand American tradition of the 1st Amendment, which Gramsci obviously did not. A trap door was sprung in the 1960s, releasing all sorts of monsters which we are unable to put back in their cages.

  5. “Even though it’s pretty clear that most trans people are not activists and merely want to be left alone to live their lives unencumbered…” – That certainly has not been my personal or societal experience. At Hewlett Packard the LGBTQ were all activists, who aggressively pushed out of the company (with the active help of HR) those who would not actively glorify their predilections. You have been unusually fortunate if those T near you were live and let live sorts.

  6. “…just another in a long line of such designations, including “homophobia” and “Islamophobia.”

    No self-respecting and sensible person ought to acquiesce in using any of these terms. They were invented specifically to deceive and manipulate and serve no honest purpose. I applaud your putting them in quotation marks.

    I’m a fan of the British detective series Vera and of the novels on which they’re based. I was disappointed when an episode of the latest season involved a “trans” young man who had been convicted of a crime and was sent to a male prison. The refusal of the authorities to put him into a female prison was portrayed as an injustice, as he was a frail effeminate boy who no doubt would be abused in a male prison. A terrible situation, but presented as if there could be no good reason not to put a male in a female prison if he “identified” as female.

  7. @Ray

    It is only imaginary when they want it to be. Gender is how you feel and sex is physical until they get going in the circular reasoning of a trans woman is a woman is a cis woman when they want that to be true.

  8. Paul Harmon:

    You’re committing a logical fallacy, I believe. The people you notice ARE the activists, by definition. There are plenty of trans people who are not in favor of the activism. Some have commented on this blog, for example. There are many such people on YouTube, as well, some of whom I’ve highlighted.

    The squeaky wheel gets the grease, but not all wheels squeak.

  9. “not all wheels squeak.”

    True on its face…but after “all we want to do is get married” actually was the slippery slope many of us predicted, it’s damn hard not to see a squeaky wheel on every axle.

    Like all those “moderate Muslims” and “diversity is our strength” ‘success’ stories.

  10. Oh…and as far as Let Women Speak
    Give Moira Deeming a bit of a search and see what the left and limp-wristed center/muddle/right will do to you when you do.

  11. Letting trans-“women” speak gets you nonsense on stilts.
    Real women speak back.

    Like, what planet must this person live on to think that men know what it’s like to experience the things that women do on the physical side, like menstrual cramps, like carrying a baby to term, like childbirth like hysterectomies, etc.?

    In essence, here’s what Cox (and Rose) did: Biological males who now identify as women mansplained to women that there is nothing “universally” unique about their experiences as females. This must be why they wanted to identify as one or something.

    I hope I’m not the only one who finds this line of argument to be deeply disturbing and a direct threat to women’s rights.

  12. Good. I hope the corporations and law comes down on them as hard as it came down on single-sex golf courses, fraternal organizations, universities, athletics, and every other male-only space. Live by feminism, DEI by feminism.

  13. re: “differential propensities for violence”

    Women commit more acts of domestic violence than men. [And women commit the overwhelming majority of violent acts against children.]

    Yes, men are generally capable of inflicting more serious damage (and withstanding a lot of punches, etc. from their wives/partners). But men still constitute 43% of the victims of domestic violence who are hurt badly enough to require admission to a hospital. And we have a reporting problem in that men are culturally likely to deny that a woman was responsible for their injuries.

    My point is simply to point out how the propaganda against men has biased people to ignore the reality. (see also similar propaganda which ignores that women are far more likely to sexually abuse students in school.)

    As for safe spaces in prisons, etc., I’m all for it. In the tails of the distributions for violent tendencies and criminality, males are indeed far more dangerous. It is not contradictory for women in general to be more prone to violence against a spouse while the males in the criminal tail end of the distribution to be dangerous.

  14. I’m a fan of the British detective series Vera and of the novels on which they’re based. I was disappointed when an episode of the latest season involved a “trans” young man
    Vera‘s notable for concocting engaging storylines with lame resolutions (if they manage to avoid introducing too many characters and too many subplots). One thing you also notice about it is that it’s a jobs program for black actors. Northeast England has few blacks (about 0.6% of the total population) but they’re all over the cast in every Vera episode (invariably as police investigators or as suspects later cleared).

  15. stan:

    You write “women commit more acts of domestic violence against men.” That’s one of those sophistic arguments. It may be technically true, depending how you measure an act of violence, which usually includes a shove or a hit. But it is somewhat meaningless unless you compare the severity of the acts of violence. In that sense, men are far more violent; see this for example:

    The major points of this review are as follows: (a) women’s violence usually occurs in the context of violence against them by their male partners; (b) in general, women and men perpetrate equivalent levels of physical and psychological aggression, but evidence suggests that men perpetrate sexual abuse, coercive control, and stalking more frequently than women and that women also are much more frequently injured during domestic violence incidents; (c) women and men are equally likely to initiate physical violence in relationships involving less serious “situational couple violence,” and in relationships in which serious and very violent “intimate terrorism” occurs, men are much more likely to be perpetrators and women victims; (d) women’s physical violence is more likely than men’s violence to be motivated by self-defense and fear, whereas men’s physical violence is more likely than women’s to be driven by control motives; (e) studies of couples in mutually violent relationships find more negative effects for women than for men; and (f ) because of the many differences in behaviors and motivations between women’s and men’s violence, interventions based on male models of partner violence are likely not effective for many women.

  16. Speaking of Domestic Violence…
    Australia seems to have it in plague proportions. 30+ female deaths this year so far… not sure about /100k population comparisons..but sheesh…

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