Home » Your friendly neighborhood DOJ and FBI, hard at work


Your friendly neighborhood DOJ and FBI, hard at work — 12 Comments

  1. Enemies of the people.

    I would say that if GOP partisans were targeting Democrats for partisan reasons.

    Of course, today our government doesn’t even investigate Democrats who are traitors working for enemy nations.

  2. What we can do right now is insist on an appropriation of $0 for the FBI. The trouble is, our worthless Senate Republican caucus would defect.

  3. Appears the DOJ is irredeemably corrupt. The fate of our Republic is in the hands of whistleblowers who have the courage to speak out. Are there enough though?

  4. @ james sisco >”The fate of our Republic is in the hands of whistleblowers who have the courage to speak out. Are there enough though?”

    Dan Bongino is hoping to inspire some more.

    After explaining in detail how they HAVE to know who the coke-dropper is:

    I’m begging the Secret Service again, an agency I loved to work for. I’ve got a lot of friends there.

    I’m telling you, a lot of retired guys are reaching out to me and are really pissed off about this story. I’m begging you not to do this. It’s clear as day you guys can do some more investigative work.

    Please do not do this. Do not go down the road of the FBI.

  5. so consider at the time nunes and his staff was trying to pinpoint lies sourced in part from a suspected Russian mole, danchenko, this was also around the time that the las vegas should have been under investigation,

  6. I believe Miguel is trying to say, now it is revealed that the FBI and FPJ were spying on R opposition leaders in the House like Nunez, et al. And only 5 years later do we learn of this.

    I believe Nunez said they did so that rhe Dems could stay a step ahead of what they, and later Lee Smith in book form, leaned about the Stasi-like snooping state.

    The IC runs our propaganda one-party state, and the FIB is its Praetorian Guard.

  7. The corrupt totalitarians in the FBI, CIA and DOJ can only do what they do because the corrupt totalitarians of the Democrat party (all branches including media) and their voters support it.

  8. yes those are the two screens phenomenon, another was the full swat team aimed at that little apartment in little havana, while the full hijack crew, was coming into the country,

  9. Back in the halcyon days of yore, when we, of course, believed that whatever our law enforcement agencies told us was the truth, we just accepted whatever they said as being true, most of us, probably, without even a second thought.

    Given what we see and now know about the performance of the FBI, however, one starts to wonder just how far back in time we might have to go before we arrive at cases–especially major cases–which were actually honestly and thoroughly investigated, and whose conclusions could stand up to some honest and thorough scrutiny?

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