Home » Open thread 7/11/23


Open thread 7/11/23 — 31 Comments

  1. Hoping our gracious host is high and dry…
    (Or at least dry….)
    “Vermont dam running out of capacity with ‘few evacuation options remaining’ following catastrophic flooding”—
    “Drone video shows disastrous flooding in Ludlow after torrential rain hits Vermont”—
    …as the rain storm of the millenium heads north, affecting Quebec as well.
    “220 homes evacuated near Quebec City as heavy rain prompts flooding, landslide fears”—

    “Drone video shows disastrous flooding in Ludlow after torrential rain hits Vermont”—

  2. QANON.

    Thinking about the twitter files and the recent federal court ruling; we now know the Federal government was very involved with who was allowed a platform at social media companies and Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and other were fairly cooperative with the government’s wishes.

    Was QANON ever de-platformed? I don’t recall that. If not, doesn’t that increase the likelihood that it was a psyop run by the CIA or FBI?

  3. David Foster,

    Apt post. I assumed threads came from the operating system concept of single or multi-threading, but after reading your piece that analog isn’t particularly analogous since Twitter and (I assume, haven’t visited the app) Meta’s “Threads” are functionally single threaded, asynchronous communications tools.

    Due to Twitter’s character limit some people started combining strings of related tweets into a single post. This is referred to as “unspooling.” Is it possible that’s where “thread” in this usage came from? If it’s spooled or unspooled it is akin to a spool of thread? However, I think I remember the term used in relation to email decades ago; a “conversation thread.” Is my memory incorrect and Twitter was the source of the term in this context?

  4. Dams running out of capacity is a scary thing for people below the same. I was living outside of Conroe, Texas in ’93 when the Lake Conroe Dam did the same and they opened the gates. We were downstream, and watched house after house flood as the waters rose up the street . In normal times we were about a half mile or so from the San Jacinto river but it got to within two houses, as I recall, of ours. There were flood prone houses in the neighborhood behind ours that were never allowed to rebuild. Some of those houses should never have been built in the first place.

  5. Quanon isn’t one guy, its a whole series of posters, some are out there, but not more than the carp from cnn or nbc news,

    so the guy who urged they break into the Capitol building, is suing for pointing out he urged to break into the Capitol building,

  6. RE: UFOs—why would Aliens want to come here?

    One of the arguments for why all of these UFOs flying around are not of extraterrestrial origin is because Aliens could not possibly be interested in us very ordinary humans, in all of the things we create, in some particular mineral, land form, object, or living thing on the planet Earth.

    The thinking goes that none of these things are unique, everything is just very pedestrian, and likely found–in one form or another—on a myriad of planets in our Galaxy, so why would any possible Aliens take what is probably a lot of time and energy to travel here to find it?

    This, of course, assumes that any possible Aliens might have tastes, needs, and wants similar to our human ones.

    The thing about Aliens is that they are “Alien,” and unless some deep buried black budget program has discovered very specific knowledge about Aliens, it appears that we know precisely nothing—zero, zip, nada–about what any possible Alien or Aliens might value, want, need, or prize.

    Perhaps for such Aliens it might be a particular kind of human food, art, clothing, fabric, entertainment, or music–shiny new Saxophones or Accordions, baseball mitts, paintings of Elvis on velvet, creamsicles, minerals of a particular color or shape, not Chanel #5 but cheap “Evening in Paris” perfume, particular bobble heads, the plaster models you use in art class.

    Who knows?

    P.S. Curiously, several science fiction stories about humans trying to sell products from Earth to Aliens mention how futile it is for humans to try to sell aliens Maple Syrup.

  7. miguel cervantes,

    Whether or not it’s one or more individuals; QANON is (was?) one account, correct? Even if multiple people shared the login and password it all came from a single login, correct? (I’m not being pedantic, I am not 100% sure how it worked.)

    If it was multiple people sharing an account it is consistent with a government psyop. Rile up the rubes so they do something foolish, like storm the Capitol.

  8. Kurt Schlichter nails our predicament today.

    The destruction of rules by the perpetually in power Ruling Class, including norms and customs will continue until the mass backlash. Then Katie bar the door.

    “Granted, it’s bad now and will likely get worse before it gets worse – for them. Let’s understand something. Nothing is ever going to happen to Joe Biden regarding his massive criminal enterprise. Nada. Zip. Asa Hutchinson’s chances in the primaries.

    “Sure, Crusty is probably going to get impeached somewhere down the road, once the Republicans gather all the evidence they can, and there’s a lot of evidence. It’s damning. And it does not matter because Democrats support the PINO’s graft. While the impeachment will barely squeak through the House on a pure party line vote, it’ll go over and die in the Senate. Not a single Democrat – well, maybe election-year Manchin – will vote for it. Understand that to the Democrat Party, power is more important than any of our norms, rules and/or customs. We constantly hear about “Our Democracy,” despite us being a Republic. Well, Our Democracy, Our Butt. It doesn’t mean a nation run by citizens to them. It means the nation run by them.

    So, Joe Biden will skate on being impeached, as will that loathsome Stasi clerk Merrick Garland, and whatever that idiot’s name is who runs Homeland Security and left the border wide open.

    There will be no accountability because there is no accountability. The ruling class figured out that if they just refuse to abide by the rules that used to exist, there’s no cosmic referee out there who will descend from the sky and enforce them. The regime media certainly isn’t going to do it. You just bullSchiff your way through, you commit a bunch of crimes, and you keep your position and your prestige. That’s great for the elite in the short-term. It’s not so great for Our Democracy in the long term. But the elite does not want citizens to have a say in our government. It does not want us to have a saying in anything. It wants us to be disenfranchised, disarmed, defeated, and sometimes deceased.”

    The headline itself tells us where we are:
    “Our Alleged President is a corrupt scumbag and our rulling class is OK with that.

    Yet The People will get their say sooner or later on this disaster. It’s history.

    In the interim, the people have to painfully learn that the power mad Ruling Class will breach any law and precedent they can to keep their reins on Control.

    And it is a history that no Ruling Class in a nation like our escapes.


    Michael Schellenberger gives a concise and powerful once over of how get got here to the new University of Austin’s summer students


  9. Hasn’t rained 9″ of rain since 1927 in VT, say reports. But there was not the present asphalt and concrete paving there is today. Obliterating the earth surface means necessary runoffs and flooding.
    Here where I reside in the Gulf South, nine inch rains associated with hurricanes do not cause major flooding. I can recall two 12″ rains here in the past 20 years. Water in the streets, yes, because the storm sewer systems were full.

  10. “Rebut” vs. “Refute”

    Today the local Librag ran an article headlined “DOJ Prosecutor Rebuts Allegations by IRS Official”. Although I have not yet actually read the article (except enough to verify that it concerns Weissman and Shapely) I bridled at the use of the verb “Rebut”, feeling it asserted that the allegations had been disproven, whereas they had simply been disputed, and obliquely at that!

    So I looked up the definition of “Rebut” and OMG, I was wrong! Rebut does indeed only mean to assert something is false, while the word I thought I was reading was “refute”, to offer proof of falsity!

    Then I recalled how commonly I have heard and read rebut, rebuttal, etc. in the news media, in the context of some Democrat reacting to a Republican “pounce”, and I now suspect we are being slowly led to confuse the two words – to let a Democrat merely deny, but get the benefit of a true refutation!

    I will go back and read the article when I have time, following the dictum I have given my children… read the last paragraphs first – that’s where the editor puts the stuff they don’t really want you to bother reading!

  11. RE: UFOs–Images

    I’ve seen it mentioned several times, once I believe by Lou Elizondo, that there are images of real UFOs out there.

    Ran across this half hour compilation of videos of UFOs from around the world, some I’ve already seen, some of which are new to me.

    Which among them are actual UFOs, who knows?

    Although I do wonder about the ones in which the UFO makes abrupt and right angle turns.

    * See https://www.reddit.com/r/UFObelievers/comments/14v79zp/clear_ufo_footage_compilation_30_minutes_youtube/

  12. Ray Van Dune, very often I see leftist articles claiming that someone on their side has “refuted” a charge, when actually they have attempted to “rebut” it. And when a right-leaning article, containing facts, actually does “refute” a left-wing claim, leftists won’t accept it.

  13. Ray and Kate – in other words, leftist Bad Faith. (The bitching line starts at the back, bud.)

  14. Re: threads / unspooling

    Rufus T. Firefly:

    Back in the dark age of computer bulletin boards before the web, people talked about the “threads” of a conversation. It’s a natural metaphor plus the term does have a background in computer science.

    The first thing I thought, though, was of the British film “Threads” (1984) about the extraordinarily grim aftermath of a major nuclear war.

    –“Threads (1984) ORIGINAL TRAILER [HD 1080p]”‘

    Apparently the film did scar me for life.

  15. Snow on Pine, I scanned through most of that compilation. Actually the first one from the airliner cockpit and the last from the ISS seem most “realistic”. I immediately discount any of the nighttime videos…way too easy to explain from aircraft lights, below horizon light reflections etc. The “tube” UFO I immediately thought about a painted cigar tube someone was suspending on a string and then using forced perspective. Again, not convincing. And given this age of all sorts of digital video manipulation and amazing sfx, hard to take any of it too seriously. For myself, following Sagan’s advice on extraordinary claims, it would take a The Day the Earth Stood Still moment for me to be convinced. Klaatu barada nikto.

  16. Interesting story from Georgia.
    Another independent-minded pol scrambling off the Democratic Party plantation.
    For moral reasons, she says.

    Wishing her a lot of success…and fortitude against those who will do their utmost to malign her….
    “Georgia state House member leaves Democratic Party for GOP”—
    Opening graf:
    ‘Georgia state Rep. Mesha Mainor on Tuesday said she made the “moral” decision to leave the Democratic Party to become a Republican….’

    (So maybe it’s not yet time to abandon all hope…)

  17. Hmm…I’m not alone:

    The [scariest] film in question is a BBC production from 1984, a notoriously brutal film called “Threads.”

    If you watch “Threads” with a slim idea of what to expect like I did, the opening scenes may prepare you for an innocent little family drama. A pair of young lovers from Sheffield discover that they’re having a baby and decide they’re going to start a family.

    You’ve seen it a million times, but from the first scene [of “Threads”] something very sinister is lurking beneath the surface…

    –Renegade Film Theory, “The Scariest Movie Ever Made”


    You can watch it for free on the web. Share the joy!

    –“Threads (1984) | Full Movie”

  18. yes not as bombastic as the day after, with less buildup than say countdown to looking glass,

  19. For myself, following Sagan’s advice on extraordinary claims…


    Sagan’s maxim, “Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence,” has long left me wondering precisely what specific apparatus and procedures are used by scientists to measure the “extraordinariness” of a claim. Or evidence for that matter.

    I don’t believe “extraordinary” has an operational definition beyond the brackets of personal or cultural beliefs.

    These days, according to current science at top universities, the claim that sex is not binary but a continuum, is not considered extraordinary nor does it require extraordinary evidence or much evidence at all.

  20. So finally read the article on Weissman / Shapely. Sho’ nuff the zinger was buried near the end – NYT sources (in NYT story) confirm Shapely’s story.

    Also noted that, like almost all coverage, article simply claims “Shapely says Weissman was blocked”.

    NO, NO, NO: Shapely says that WEISSMAN SAID he was blocked! Important difference.

  21. A few days ago Neo commented on a call by Ben and Jerry’s to return Mt. Rushmore to the Indians.

    I had a chance conversation with the Director of our local museum which dovetails with the efforts to assuage our collective consciences (at least the woke crowd) for settling the country on top of the previous cultures.

    In the 50’s an amateur anthropologist by the name of Adam East donated a collection of Indian artifacts found along Columbia River to our town, including a small building named after him, the Adam East Museum. As a kid I remember it as mostly arrowheads and such.
    The town was named after Chief Loolowkin/Quetalican (more commonly known as Moses, a name given to him by the head of a mission school at Lapwai, Id.) Loolowkin’s father sent him to the school at age 10 to learn about the White Man’s powerful magic in a book. Indian’s routinely changed names several times during their lives.
    Back to the conversation. I asked the Director why they no longer displayed his collection. The original museum was closed in the 90’s and a new Museum and Art Center was opened for the benefit of the yuppy wives in town. I suggested they at least have a display once a year to remind people of the area’s history.
    She informed me his collection was safely stored away and they were in conversation with the confederated Colville tribe (where Moses’ Sinkiuse band were finally settled in the late 1800’s) as to the disposition of the artifacts including returning them to the confederation. (The Sincayuse/Sinkiuse/Columbia tribe now numbers a few hundred).

    She informed me that East had “stolen” the artifacts he found along the Columbia River where the tribe roamed.
    I replied that stolen was a strong word.

    That’s the attitude of the woke crowd. East stole the artifacts found on public land along the river– a hundred miles from the reservation the few survivors of the Sinkiuse band live on and by extension, we stole the land that is Washington state from the Indians and by extension, the entire country.

    Did we steal the land? In 1850, a few years after Washington territory was divided from the Oregon territory, Indians in Washington outnumbered European settlers (about 9,000 whites). By 1860 the number of settlers was 26,000, and gave the whites a numberical advantage when raising volunteer armies to fight the various wars erupting soon after the Indians tribes had signed treaties relinquishing lands for cash, hunting and fishing rights and designated reservations.

    Not all the Indians from the various tribes agreed and before the treaties were ratified by Congress in 1859 and series of skirmishes and battles erupted in what is called the Indian Wars.

    There are no reliable records of the Indian population in the territory at that time, but even assuming it was in the 15-20000 range in 1850, the numerous tribes were scattered over the 66,000 square miles of the territory.

    By 1855, the tribes were beginning to see the influx of settlers in greater numbers and some recognized the loss of lands was inevitable.

    If we apply the same rationale to the immigration along our southern border today to the European immigration 150-200 years ago, how different would be the narrative! Those Indians selfishly keeping more land than they could possibly use!

    One of the objections to the reservations by one of the Chiefs was the Indians would never want to work so hard to till the land. As it was then, the tribes did have to work harvesting tubers or berries and hunt game or fish in season, but that was a far cry from the amount of work necessary to till the land.

    Had the tribes united in 1850 to drive the settlers out and keep them from immigrating, they might have had success. That was never a realistic option because the tribes themselves were often rivals and at odds with one another.

    Throughout history borders have been formed based on the group’s ability to defend them.

  22. huxley—It seems to me that what is “extraordinary” is very much in the eye of the beholder.

    So—excepting a landing on the White House lawn, or an Alien body— what would qualify as “extraordinary” proof?

    Would a manufactured object that did not—in major ways—look like it was manufactured here on Earth do it?

    How about obviously manufactured materials with extraordinary properties or isotopic ratios not found here on Earth, would that do it?

    How about a craft able to execute very high G maneuvers and abrupt 90 degree turns, would that do it?

    How about knowledge about major forces in the Universe we here on Earth know nothing about, would that do it?

    Or would some biological specimen which was not built on DNA and not related in any way to any Earth species do it?

  23. Re: Indy 5 update

    Indy 5 is dead in the water as “Mission Impossible 7” is about to release tomorrow and crush any hopes Disney/Lucas had for a miracle revival before they lose another few hundred mil on their bottom line.

    It’s a desperate situation. Disney/Lucas is spinning exactly as the Biden administration — it’s going great folks, just some toxic right-wingers screwing it up for everyone else.

    The problem is that the Disney amusement parks are also getting clobbered.

    It’s almost as if half the country has figured out that Disney wants to send them to reeducation camps and they have decided to take their business elsewhere.

  24. According to the rumor mill Phoebe Waller-Bridge, the insufferable Mary Sue slotted to replace Harrison Ford, has been axed from six future Disney/Lucas projects.

    Including an “Aliens” vehicle. Who knew?

    I can believe it. She’s new enough to qualify for the Blame Game. And she is terrible. I could only get through 15 minutes of her “Fleabag” claim to fame.

    There are rumors that Kathleen Kennedy, the head of Lucasfilm who killed the Star Wars franchise, is on the chopping block.

    However, as deserving as she surely is, her contract isn’t up until 2024. No reason to fire her now. Just let her contract expire.

  25. Open Thread Tuesday: The No UFO Edition, Russo-Ukraine War

    How is the war going? — Mid July 2023 – Anders Puck Nielsen


    0:00 Intro
    0:40 Frontline overview
    1:31 Orikhiv
    2:05 Velyka Novosilka
    3:10 Bakhmut
    5:20 Kherson
    6:20 Maneuver vs. attrition
    6:55 Equipping Ukraine for maneuver warfare
    8:18 The West fights wars with airpower
    9:08 Maneuver without attrition
    10:07 Ukraine changed approach
    10:45 Cluster munitions
    11:50 Phases of Ukraine’s offensive

    But back to UFOs

    How about knowledge about major forces in the Universe we here on Earth know nothing about, would that do it? So Aliens could explain physics, Quantum mechanics, or gender theory to those in the 12th century BCE? And of course isotropic radios that the Aliens use to catch their heavy metal tunes? Or was it isotonic ratios? All so alien ….

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