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So, are they preparing Joe’s retirement dinner? — 43 Comments

  1. I will once again state my view that American Democrats are ignorant, stupid or evil, often in combination. And the Democratic higher-ups intend to seize the governance of the former Republic forever, like Lenin in Russia.
    I agree with Neo that Biden is not asleep at the wheel, but is intentionally driving America into a ditch.

  2. I heard David Marcus today on the Megyn Kelly show describe the situation as this really being the third Obama term which is pretty obviously true when one looks at his staffing it is those Obama people and maybe Obama himself that don’t want to hand over a fourth Obama term.

    Newsom may do many of the same things as Obama but he will not be as easily controlled as a feeble dementia suffering stooge.

  3. Maybe when the coke is revealed as Hunter’s is when the Dems pull the ripcord on Joe. Schumer will go the WH. “Mr. President, for the sake of the country you must resign. We can’t allow Trump to win. And, btw, you’ve gotten paid millions from foreign countries so you might as well enjoy it. The VP will pardon you. And Gavin will run instead of the VP. That’s the deal.”

  4. There has to be a group that prefers Biden and benefits from Biden over Newsom because otherwise it makes no sense because Biden will likely beat Trump by about the same amount as last time but the chance of Trump winning is not zero whereas Newsom would destroy Trump by ten points at least.

    It doesn’t matter what a mess California is he will be portrayed as young and energetic blah blah blah…

  5. The senile buffoon is the worst and most destructive POTUS since the Second World War (even worse than the ghastly LBJ and even in light of the fact that this is, essentially, the third term of Barry S); at this point, it is not unreasonable to argue that any Biden-supporter is non compos mentis or evil or stupid (the latter category containing many credentialed morons and mis-educated pseudo-intellectuals possessed of above-average or high IQ, including millions of teachers, professors, lawyers, journalists, etc., all complicit in supporting the current Neo-Bolshevik kakistocracy.

  6. Democrats say whatever the party requires. This is standard for lefties. Hitler was evil. Then he was a valued ally. Then he was evil again. Whatever Moscow required was “truth”. Immediately and enthusiastically.

    Nothing has changed. They still love Fauci. Facts be damned. Biden is brilliant. Opponents are nazis, fascists, racists, white supremacists…..

    If the narrative claims that Republicans are evil aliens from the planet Zurg, millions of Democrats will happily believe it and repeat it.

  7. If I told you that the only two options to be president after the next election were the Biden admin. we have seen the last three years or Gavin Newsom who would you prefer?

    Obviously neither but if forced which one?

  8. I can’t agree with Cicero and Neo…just watch Biden today with Charles having to guide him around. The man is completely senile and just gets by being pumped up with drugs. I agree with Griffin…Biden is Obama’s 3rd term and a very effective one at that!

    Newsom scares the hell out of me in that he will be a very effective candidate for the LIVS and the squishy middle. He’ll cut a deal with Obama to continue the course.

  9. It’s a pretty sad thing that we have to read the American press like it’s Pravda, trying to get clues about who’s in or out of favor or power by seeing what kind of articles are written mentioning them. We can’t learn what’s going on just by reading the articles and taking what they say at face value.

    I’m trying to review my memory for clues as to when the shift happened from the American press being biased but mostly reporting news, to the American press being a subsidiary of the Deep State and publishing narrative. This exercise is somewhat arbitrary, like trying to decide what year your grandpa officially became “bald”.

    I think it’s because with the rise of the Internet their subscriber and advertising revenues collapsed, and so they moved to essentially doing marketing in the guise of news sometime after, probably when the rest of the Internet was also being captured by marketing. So sometime between 2000 and 2020… but maybe this was always more-or-less going on.

  10. ‘when the shift happened’

    The media has certainly been left leaning since at least the 1950s I would say and they probably were drifting further left through the 1990s and then the process sped up in the GWB years and was fully completed by 2008.

    A really big factor is the demographics of the media. It used to be you worked your way up to the NYT, WaPo, NBC, CBS, etc. but in the 2000s and especially 2010s the widespread presence of 20somethings covering national events became regular.

    Ben Rhodes comments were incredibly accurate. They know nothing.

  11. physicsguy:

    Spatial and situational confusion in new environments is not “complete senility.” We on the right are used to seeing Joe’s “senior moments” highlighted, but he has plenty of relatively lucid moments. So no, he is far from “completely senile.” However, I have always though that other people – including Obama and Obama’s people – are very influential with Biden. As I wrote in this post, “he’s being manipulated somewhat by others,” and has been for a long time. But he is also willful and only somewhat senile.

  12. @ physicsguy > “just watch Biden today with Charles having to guide him around.”

    Another entry in the folder for “if Democrats didn’t have double standards they wouldn’t have any at all”


    And a bonus entry.

    That question of “what changed?” is rhetorical of course.
    Busting sex traffickers in 2014 under Obama: good
    Same thing Post Trump: bad

  13. thats why lee hamilton hired him, yes hes a person of vast ignorance, so of course they had managing negotiations with cuba and iran,

  14. The two landmarks that stand out as an inflection point:
    (a) the hysterical reaction to Bush v. Gore
    (b) the confirmation: Marcos Moulitsas converts “Daily Kos” from a sports site to a political (agitprop) site. Paraphrasing his own repeated statements, the mission of DK was to create a new generation, not of objective reporters, but of effective story tellers and narrative writers. Thus became embellishment, thus became literary license. The new template was set in place.

    Journalism had already been drifting toward this but the pace was slower prior to the late 90’s/early ’00s … the inflection was sharp and accelerated by the transition from print to the web. I remember watching Columbia Journalism Review deteriorate over a -very- short span of time … and the NYTimes following it over the cliff, first on the OpEd and Ed pages and then in the way in which routine articles were to be constructed. . . The Times leadership began to emphasize that “good” product was more than a factual record but that it also told a story to the reader.

  15. Re: “Sound of Freedom” movie about child sex trafficking


    A few more notes:

    * “Sound of Freedom” opened on July 4th and had a bigger box office that day than “Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny.”

    * Disney owned “Sound of Freedom” and sat on it for five years, before selling the rights and letting someone else do it.

    * Who could be against an exposé of child sex trafficking? The leftist establishment, including Disney.

    It is a Christian film and that explains some of their animus, but IMO the rest is “OK Groomer.”

    * SoF is currently at #3 under “Insidious 5” and “Indy 5”.

  16. yes kos was the base of the nutroots behind yeargh dean, and later kerry, every candidate of note had a kos journal, in the democratic party,

  17. Yep, endless jokes about Reagan’s age, particularly in the last two years of his Presidency. Of course, he left office just a few months younger than Biden’s age when h assumed office.

    And McCain. The non stop barage of snark about his 72 years of age, compared to Obama’s 47. Of course Biden was nearly six years older when he was ‘elected’.

    Now then, onto the recent developments. I’ve said for a while I seriously doubted Biden would be the Democrat nominee in 2024. The last couple weeks have greatly reinforced my doubt. The spate of articles Neo cited strongly suggest there is a coordinated effort currently in place to nudge him aside, likely (but not for certain) in favor of Newsom.

    My hunch is that during the August recess, the Democrat leadership will spend extensive time doing the following:

    1. Reaching out to big donors to see if they will coalesce behind Newsom.
    3. Figuring out what the heck to do about Harris.
    3. Dissuading other Democrat hopefuls (Moore, Pritzker, Whitmer, etc.) from running, offering the Vice Presidency and cabinet positions as inducements).

    Meantime, the MSM hit pieces will continue. By fall, serious doubt will be planted and Newsom will make a few high profile appearances. I imagine they’ll wait until after the off year elections for a big announcement. Brandon magnanimously withdraws; expect a few weeks worth of fawning puff pieces about his temperance and restraint in power. He’s a modern day ‘Cincinnatus’. And then, within 48 hours of that announcement, Newsom will declare. Within a week of that, most of the big players will fall in line. Oh sure, Newsom might have a tepid challenge from someone kinda serious (beyond RFK, Jr.) But it won’t amount to much.

    Alas, Newsom will be very difficult to beat in the general. Trump certainly won’t. DeSantis…maybe. But it’ll be an uphill battle.

    So that’s my conclusion as of early July: Gavin Newsom more likely than not will be the 47th President.

  18. newsom is going to do better where, now he’ll have those rotten boroughs covered, but lets not pretend otherwise,

  19. Re: Newsom

    Great. Another impaired top Democrat. Tradition!

    For years, Newsom has been very open about the fact that he suffers from dyslexia, a neurologically based learning disability that makes it difficult to read, and which was a major contributor to making his school years miserable, even torturous.


    When Newsom was mayor of San Francisco, rumor was he still had trouble reading.

    Good thing Biden is lowering the bar on what we expect in an American President.

  20. physicsguy: what medications do you believe are given to Biden to make him more lively? Amphetamines come to mind, but others?

    A Newsom presidency will fulfill the Democratic intent of killing constitutional America. Look at how he has governed California.

  21. Re: “Journalists”

    Forty years ago, I spent my junior year in Jerusalem. I found a great bar that served delicious cheeseburgers and spent too much time there. It was very close to an office building in which there were a ton of foreign new agencies, so I met a lot of “journalists” covering the Middle East.

    They were idiots.

    Most of them never left Jerusalem to cover anything, even though the were ostensibly covering the “Middle East.”

    They spoke very little Hebrew and virtually no Arabic.

    They relied HEAVILY on stringers who were mostly Arab (and who were often also on the payroll of some Palestinian organization as well.)

    I’m sure nothing has improved; it’s likely gotten worse.

    There is this perception that Walter Cronkite was the paragon of objective journalist. Bull****. He was a lefty who used his position to present the left’s version as “objective news.” Nixon really was not as “evil” and corrupt as CBS News would have had its watchers believe. (Certainly no more corrupt than ANY other politician on DC at the time.) The Tet Offensive was not the military loss it was portrayed as. The list goes on. The other anchorman were just as bad.

    Walter Duranty. Need I say more?

    The big difference today is we have many, many more sources that gives us the opportunity to learn about what is the non-“mainstream” version of events in close to talk time. Back then, we swallowed it ALL — hook, line, and sinker.

  22. Regarding Frederick’s question on when the shift happened, Ashley Rindsberg asked himself the same question regarding the New York Times and wrote a book on it, “The Gray Lady Winked, How the New York Times’s Misreporting, Distortions and Fabrications Radically Alter History” (use neo’s Amazon link to buy yourself a copy).

    He learned, at least regarding the New York Times, that there was no shift, the Times has always been lying for the Left and he gives detailed examples of historical wrongs as egregious as any of their current reporting.

  23. Griffin @ 4:30pm,

    I see Newsom as completely willing to go along with whatever his Dem bosses tell him to say or do. He comes across like a young Joe Biden; even to the point of making physical threats against his opponents.

  24. I recently spoke with a friend of my wife’s whom I know well. She is a dyed in the wool democrat. She is intelligent; listens to NPR, reads the New Yorker and New York Times, has the proper signs in her yard (BLM, “in this house…”)… The topic of fitness in one’s dotage came up and I mentioned the recent RFJ, Jr. push-up, weight lifting video. She knew nothing of it. “Surely,” I said, “you’ve seen it. It was viral a few weeks ago. He’s in incredible shape.” I pulled it up and showed it to her.

    I always avoid politics with her, so I didn’t ask, but I don’t think she has any idea RFK, Jr. is polling at 20%. I’m not even sure she knows he’s running for President against Biden. I was stunned! A Democrat as well informed and engaged as she is. It told me how much the Democrat run media is burying any news about opposition to Biden. It would be like a Republican not knowing DeSantis has entered the race. Actually worse. I think DeSantis is polling lower than RFJ, Jr.

    “It isn’t so much that liberals are ignorant. It’s just that they know so many things that aren’t so.”

    I think Reagan was wrong. They actually are ignorant.

  25. “I also think he’s stubborn and still highly ambitious and prideful about himself, and won’t be pushed aside easily.”

    • 100% agree – and that goes double for his spouse.

    • I’ll add that it is very clear that he is the head of a crime family, and he will do whatever it takes to protect himself and his family – both foes & friends understand that – which means he will not voluntarily give up his power.

    • And those individuals, organizations & nations that are benefiting from his pillaging, protection & perfidious behavior will back him to-the-hilt – and do whatever it takes to protect his power.

  26. @Rufus T Firefly, Pure “D” Progressive Democrats are not ignorant, in my opinion – they have the religion in them. They tune in to NPR, they read the NYT and WaPo, they are very well-informed, just limited – It’s all dogma and only dogma, that’s the syndrome. Like the old hard-rock prairie Baptists, they can quote chapter and verse, but only from the Bible. If they hear it from the evangelist on the radio, it may as well be straight from God.

    This media workout on Joe feels to me like a DNC op, in a way very similar to what was done to the good Governor Cuomo, and then his brother, Chris. At first, it wasn’t clear at all that Cuomo was under a threat – it was as if the idea was being discussed, proposals aired, alternatives considered. Then a little while later, it became ‘Andrew who? Chris who?’ One doesn’t even hear a mention from these two stars now. Early stages still for Joe I think, and it could go either way.

    Gavin Newsom, I’m not so sure he’d be a strong candidate.

    Regarding the photo op with the King today – I thought there was a rule that one didn’t place hands on royalty? Before he was hanging on Charles’ arm, he was his usual oily, handsy self, grabbing at the King and leaning in. Ugh.

  27. @ Rufus T. Firefly

    “…pillaging, protection & perfidious behavior…” – Maybe, “performance?” “proclivities?” rather than, “behavior?”

    • That works too.

    • Fits the “rhythm”, right.

    • As long as folks do not forget the seriousness of his performance – especially perfidious: as in traitorous.

  28. @ Rufus & Reagan > “It isn’t so much that liberals are ignorant. It’s just that they know so many things that aren’t so.”

    Embrace the power of AND.

    Actually, now that I think more about it, I believe Reagan actually was saying, “Yes, they are terribly ignorant; they just don’t realize it because they know so many things – but most of that “knowledge” is wrong.”

  29. @ huxley > ” Disney owned “Sound of Freedom” and sat on it for five years, before selling the rights and letting someone else do it.”

    I hadn’t seen that bit of history.
    Disney should have kept sitting on it.
    Probably never crossed “their” minds that “someone else” could actually make a hit out of the story.
    So, why not get some money back from what they saw as a useless property?
    Never mind that their own people once thought it had potential — back when Obama was the hero of the day.

  30. Putrescent Joe is fluffing his lines again.
    ‘ ‘Sure Let Our Adversaries Know’: Anger Boils Over After Biden Reveals in Live Interview That America is Low on Ammunition;
    ‘ “Just Joe Biden admitting to China that we can’t defend Taiwan because we gave all of our ammunition to Ukraine.” ‘—

    You never know what he’s going to say. The drugs—perhaps even the hypnotic suggestion/coaching (or the microphones/microchips in the Presidential ear)—are simply unreliable.
    Best to keep him in the basement suite—the REAL Oval Office—and emphasize all those mean Republican Pouncers…
    (Or get a “stunt” double—Hey maybe we’re ALREADY seeing a “stunt” double…? Where’s Peter Sellers when you REALLY need ‘im…?)

    Waiting for the day when the August Apoplectic Personage really slips up and starts talking about how the Democrats stole the election…and why they had to do so—a la Dr. Deborah—for the sake of the country.
    (Though if he ever gets around to it, the response WILL BE, “Oh, that’s just Joe being Joe. What a kidder….”)

  31. Why would anyone vote for Newsome? He is an ill spoken dolt. Is it just because they will be told to?

  32. Peel all the layers of the leftist onion away and you’re left with

    “Better to rule in hell, than serve in heaven”

    No matter how sincerely idealistic an individual on the left may claim to be, their immunity to facts and reason puts the lie to their claim of altruistic motivations. For if they truly were motivated by altruism, they would give real consideration to whether the methods they embrace were effective in achieving their claimed aims. That when implemented, they cavalierly dismiss the practical results of their ‘solutions’ reveals that their real motivation is either the egotism of virtue signaling or simply the lust for power and control.

    What the two share is that they want people to be controlled. The virtue signalers gratefully embrace the rationalization that it’s for the greater good. While those that lust for power need no such excuses.

  33. There is no Kamala problem. If they can successfully pressure Joe not to run, she will flame out in the primaries as she did before. Her only constituency is Black women, and they don’t like her very much. Black men want another Black woman harrying them on the TV, let alone one famous for jailing their friends? I don’t think so.

    Once RFK wins a primary or two, Newsom will be implored to run. He will choose a POC running mate and beat Trump, or lose to DeSantis.

  34. That Guy: And those individuals, organizations & nations that are benefiting from his pillaging, protection & perfidious behavior will back him to-the-hilt – and do whatever it takes to protect his power.
    I think “back him to the hilt” is an unfortunate mix of metaphors. My understanding of the meaning of the word hilt comes from sword making. Perhaps you should have said “backstab him to the hilt?” Which is also more aligned to my understanding of the word “politician.”

  35. Newsom scares the hell out of me in that he will be a very effective candidate for the LIVS and the squishy middle.

    Women. There are millions of women who will wet their panties in anticipation of voting for that hairgelled fop. He could say that he eats puppies and will sign an executive order mandating puppy consumption, and the reaction would be “he’s so handsome and confident!”

  36. The whole Democrat Party — those who hold political office and make donations to the party — is with Team Biden on policy. There may be a few old straight White men (and other oldtimers) who don’t personally agree, but they have to go along to get votes in the primaries, and campaign contributions, and good committee assignments.

    If Hillary Clinton had been elected in 2008 or 2016, would what she did really have been that different from what Obama and Biden have done or tried to do? There are fights between the Clinton, Obama, and Biden teams over who gets the top office, but the winner makes chooses appointees drawn from the same pool: appointees in previous Democrat administrations, prominent Democrat politicians and their staffers, people from think tanks, foundations, and advocacy groups.

    Obama was the transition from the Bill Clinton era to the Joe Biden era. If Hillary had been elected would she have forever clung to the ideas of Bill’s era or would she have gone where the party went when neoliberalism fell out of favor?

    Is anybody really pulling the strings at the top? Ideas come from advocacy groups and think tanks. They flow down to the staffers who do the real work and percolate up to the senators and department heads whose speeches and policy papers the underlings write.

    Biden’s Secretary of the Army is discouraging people from military families from joining the Army. She says she doesn’t want a military caste. It’s nonsense, of course. Young people from families with a military heritage have been more willing to enlist than other young Americans (at least until now). They understand the military way of life, and probably find it easier to fit in and excel, than those without a family military background. We have no Junkers or landed aristocracy. If your family produced sargeants or captains going back to the Revolution or the Civil War, you aren’t part of a military caste that threatens “Our Democracy.” The policy is also unnecessary. Military families are telling their children and grandchildren not to enlist, because they aren’t welcome. It’s also obviously hypocritical. Does anyone really think that if the current generals have children who want military careers the regime will bar their way?

    So was this part of a master plan? In a sense yes, but not entirely. The administration announces a theme — “Diversity, Inclusion, Equity” or “Zero Carbon” — then the underlings scramble to find ways to implement the policy. A more diverse and inclusive military means fewer straight White men (and fewer White Southerners), but the details, the ways and means, get worked out at lower levels. The party base is the same whoever is elected president, so the themes are always the same whoever is in the White House.

  37. Have cue cards; will travel!
    “Tea, chat and a cheat sheet! Biden was holding his own cue card when he met British leader Rishi Sunak with conversation topics including F-16s, Turkey and the ‘Atlantic Declaration’ ;
    “Biden touched down in London on Monday for a meeting with the Prime Minister;
    He relied on cue cards and topic reminders to hold his conversation with Sunak “—
    H/T Newsmax.

    Would have been more of a surprise had he not needed them…

    Even then, he did kind of wander off on occasion (and not just “off topic”)…

    Reminding one of that famous interview:

    File under: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rXqWCeB8Vto

  38. Hey, before one makes any uncivil conclusions about our “President” from that Axios article quoted above, it MUST be noted that:
    “Being yelled at by the president has become an internal initiation ceremony in this White House, aides say — if Biden doesn’t yell at you, it could be a sign he doesn’t respect you.
    H/T National Review

    Heh. Without blinking an eye.
    Indecent Joe’s vast army of uber-abject apologists have ALL the bases covered!!
    (Can anyone doubt that that’s exactly why Kamala Harris—VABUSER?—makes a habit of lambasting her staff, too!)

    File under: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6FOUqQt3Kg0

  39. When corporate America and the PWMTOCDs (people with more than one college degree) are on board with DEI and Zero Carbon, it’s hard to see how any Democratic administration would break with those policies — at least not until the policies or the party are entirely discredited.

    Biden got a reputation for being nice and friendly because he was a gladhanding mediocrity. There is much hypocrisy in that as well. For decades, Democrats saw Republican presidents either as incompetent mediocrities or as phonies who put on an act to sell themselves and their policies — or both — yet Biden was treasured for those very characteristics. But if money weren’t the life blood of politics, hypocrisy would be.

  40. Speaking of the One-And-Only Kamala Harris, here she is sounding off on KBJ’s “brilliant” dissent

    Harris hasn’t, AFAIK opined on KJP’s Constitutional Prowess(TM), but did no doubt find her comments “brilliant” as well…
    “Biden White House Attacks Supreme Court, Bizarrely Claiming Affirmative Action Is a ‘Constitutional Right’ “—-
    + Bonus:

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