Home » Cocaine at the White House? No biggee


Cocaine at the White House? No biggee — 45 Comments

  1. They know when it was found, and they could review the security tapes to identify every person who was in the vicinity if they wanted to. The fact that they won’t do this, or won’t reveal the results, tells us that it was not an expendable flunky.

  2. Nothing all that new here. Back in the Clinton days, most of the senior WH advisors required wavers to get security clearances due to the use of recreational drugs.

  3. What, no fingerprints? DNA? Maybe the SS (what initials they have) was busy with trying just to find Joe.

  4. They know when the last sweep was, too, when nothing was found. Where’s Miss Marple when you really need her?

    I wouldn’t blame Hunter off hand, because the whole family is a mess when it comes to this crap. He’s just the poster boy. Interesting how fast it was leaked, though, almost like an Orange Man op.

  5. This is much like the Dobbs leak. The identity is known or strongly suspected but will never be disclosed.

  6. Zoot alours!

    Good thing it wasn’t crack, then they seriously would be looking for the guilty Son of a Brandon.

    But then they haven’t found who planted the bombs in Washinhton DC on January 5, 2021 either. Amazing what they can’t find.

  7. I am certain they know who it is.

    –Yancey Ward

    Just like they know who leaked the Dobbs abortion decision.

  8. Someone other than Hunter is my guess, and with the top secret finding someone up the chain.

  9. Just like they know who leaked the Dobbs abortion decision.

    And also probably know who stole and leaked Trump’s and Bezos’ tax returns.

  10. Here’s another “no biggie” from the Left.

    Former NYC mayor De Blasio, and his wife–who, prior to her marriage to him, identified as a lesbian–announced that, although they are splitting up, they are going to remain married, even though they want to “date other people.”

    Said she, “we’re still very much in love” but, “I just want to have fun.”

    Said he, “I hope that we can be a model for how couples can communicate honestly about what their needs are and to conduct themselves when they find it’s time to move in another direction. I think that’s important.”*

    * See https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/07/former-nyc-mayor-makes-repulsive-announcement-about-his/

  11. Who is goin’ to be the “fall guy”?

    That’s what I want to know.

    Or, are our crack investigators–as many above predict–again going to be totally at a loss, and “mystified” about just whose white, “dime bag” that might be?

  12. Even the location where it was found is being lied about. It was in the library, not the West Wing. The Biden Crime Family sloughs off another one.

  13. They are storing the tapes of people entering and leaving that room next to the Epstein client list.
    Top secret classified war plans are stacked up next to corvettes and in closets but real secrets are kept close to the vest.

  14. If you’re the betting type, there are bookies who will take your money.


    I didn’t know most of the “pop star” names on the list, but I’m not surprised that many of them are potential suspects; certainly the WH will not send any of them to the hoosegow.

    The number of recent White House visits that could be coke heads is so incredibly long.
    Now I know you think the smart money is on Hunter, but I see some real value further down on this list.
    I mean, a member of the LSU Lady Tigers basketball national championship team? There’s a lot of them AND they’re from Louisiana. So that seems like a decently smart bet.
    As does notorious partier Travis Kelce from the Kansas City Chiefs. You can just see him telling the story of doing coke at the White House on his podcast.

  15. The story is “no biggie” and soon it will be down to “no baggie” either.

  16. Heck, if it were ONLY the coke…

    Gal Luft re-emerges…and his detailed allegations ain’t too pretty (nor are they surprising, given the fact that the “Biden” administration is an criminal cabal of international dimensions…
    …so, hey, guess what happens to YOU when you want to WARN the government about the Biden family’s rather impressive criminal activities…?)
    ” ‘Missing’ Biden corruption case witness Dr. Gal Luft details allegations against president’s family in extraordinary video”—
    H/T Powerline blog.
    Key grafs (RTWT):
    ‘…[Luft] is determined to tell the American public his version of the truth.
    ‘Calling himself “patient zero of the Biden family investigation,” Luft, 57, says he is innocent of charges of conspiring to sell Chinese weapons to Kenya, Libya and the UAE, of violating the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA), and of making a false statement.
    ‘He says he was forced to skip bail in Cyprus in April while awaiting extradition “because I did not believe I will receive a fair trial in a New York court.”…’

    Yep, the white stuff in the WH is JUST—ANOTHER—side show.

    File under: Cosa Snorta.

  17. I had links, but this site kept going down. The Daily Mail says the Secret Service is checking fingerprints and DNA on the cocaine baggie. And experienced former Secret Service agent Dan Bongino says that no one but family could get past security with cocaine; family bypass the checkpoints.

  18. While folks here play gleefully with the latest proof of Biden corruption, I would like to point your reader’s attention to something I believe to be more–much more–serious.

    Yesterday while meeting with my young and gay doctor, I was advised that should I come down with breast cancer it is probably that Medicare will not cover treatment because of my age. I am (Thank you Lord) healthy. I lift bags of potting soil, repair fence, dig weeds, etc. However, I am over 75 and apparently our government has decided that if you are over 75 life-saving efforts will not be initiated. I have never missed a payment on the highest level of Blue Cross/Blue Shield since I turned 65–14 1/2 years of the most expensive insurance plan payments. Does this latest government effort to wipe out the opposition bother anyone else?

  19. I would be surprised if there were *not* a fair number of people who have reason to be in the White House who are cocaine users.

  20. Back in the old timey days of President Gerald Ford it was controversial that one of his sons was known to smoke dope. Not crack, meth, or the sundry chemicals consumed by that Son of a Brandon.

    How times have changed, but being a “D” is always and ever a “Get out of Jail” card.

  21. Anne, I think your young doctor is ill-informed. Medicare covers breast cancer, and I don’t see an age limitation in any of the articles I could find online. This includes coverage for ages 76+. Some Medicare Advantage programs may limit breast reconstructive surgery, but it sounds like you’ve got traditional Medicare and the BCBS supplement, so you have no reason to worry. I found multiple links with no indication of age limitations.

  22. I think that stuff about not treating over 75 is a rumor. Ezekial said it but I doubt anyone in our geriatric political class would go along.

    In fact, I had a “coin lesion” picked up on a routine chest x-ray and, in spite of telling the docs I was 82 and would just as soon take my chances, I got the whole nine yards of workup, complete with complications, and ended up losing one lobe of my lung for a benign condition, Valley Fever.

  23. I had a similar experience, Mike K. A spot on my lung caused an uproar. But it had showed up on several consecutive X-rays, unchanged, and when I pointed out to my internist that I grew up in Phoenix, we decided Valley Fever was the likely reason. I’m still around, and it’s been a couple of decades, so I’m pretty sure it’s not lung cancer.

  24. “Every inch has to be covered I would think by CCTV”

    My bet — The contractors providing maintenance on the White House cameras are the same ones who handled the cameras in Epstein’s cell block.

    This is the important takeaway: we KNOW with 100% certainty that the President, his staff, the Secret Service, the FBI, the DOJ, the DC cops and the mainstream news media will lie to our faces to cover up any and all felonies as long as the lies and coverup will promote the interests of the Democrat Party.

    Chew on that for a moment. That’s quite a list. And we have no reasonable expectation a whistleblower would emerge (although it is a small possibility). Our country and all its institutions are run by sleazeballs and scum. And the sleaze includes nearly all the people involved down to the lowest ranking staff.

    Contemplate why all these people are so comfortable aiding and abetting criminals while simultaneously considering themselves morally superior to us. That ought to scare the hell out of anyone.

    When the shooting starts, this will be why.

  25. I’ve been in the White House a few times, but that was before the days of cell phones. I mention this last point because I have a theory.

    My very last job with the Federal government was after cell phones had become somewhat common, and obviously there are places security officers do not want you to take cell phone because of the possibility they could be used to transmit information or photos. So the new drill (and it has probably been updated in ways that I am not aware of) is that you leave cell phones in a row of open boxes (think letter slots without doors) on the wall just inside the entrance.

    One other data point: I have a plastic case on my cellphone, and I have noticed that some things (like my credit card) sometimes stick to it, especially in humid weather.

    So here’s my theory: Someone (likely a staffer) had a dime bag (for those of you who aren’t familiar with the lingo, that’s a very small plastic bag, about the size of a tea bag but thinner, that sells for $10 — a “dime”) in a purse or pocket next to their cell phone. When they picked their cellphone out of their purse or pocket, they got the dime bag at the same time, without noticing it was on the back of the phone. Once in the cubby, surrounded by dry air (the White House is well air conditioned), it fell off the phone into the slot. When the staffer came back out of the secure area they reached for their phone, grabbed it by the end that was sticking out, so inadvertently left the dime bag in the slot. Or maybe the bag came out with the phone and fell on the desk (or floor) below it, and the Secret Service Agent probably picked it up and asked “whose is this?” No one claimed it, and that’s when the drama began.

    It is even possible the agent knew who had dropped the bag but figured he’d be in trouble if he told the truth. So it was ‘found’, and all the lying began.

    Don’t believe me? Try putting your cell phone in your shirt pocket, then drop a dime bag in next to it and see how hard it is to reproduce the same result. Sorry, I can’t help you with the dime bag.

  26. If this story continues to attract media attention, I won’t be surprised if Flopsy (or is she Mopsy?) implies that it was planted by a Republican.

  27. The global distrust that our politicians, the MSM, and various government and other “authorities” have earned in spades over these last several years makes everything that much harder; when you can’t trust anyone, or anything they say or do.

    Given this situation, you must view every new meme, every new “blockbuster” news story which is pushed forward–into the public’s consciousness and attention–with the greatest suspicion, and reflexively wonder what much more core, substantial, and very important story or stories that blockbuster is aimed at diverting us from noticing or considering.

  28. It’s got to be Hunter, doesn’t it?

    Why else would this story be getting the “Who knows? Stuff happens.” Epstein treatment?

  29. Ah, huxley, at the Instapundit is a clip of an MSNBC video in which leftists slyly suggest that the baggie was in “a much more secure place, near the situation room,” and “next to, for example, where the Vice President’s vehicle is parked.” Is this how they get rid of Kamala?

    I don’t take MSNBC very seriously, so my vote is still on Hunter. 🙂

  30. Maybe it fell out of Joe’s pocket, but he was too far gone to notice it, at that moment formulating his newest lie about when he used to be a middleweight boxer, when he dated Mamie Van Doren, or the time he found that Orangutan that escaped from it’s cage and he wrestled it back into its cage.

  31. Thanks Kate and Mike–it is a big relief to have you searching for the FACTS! 🙂

  32. That’s a very plausible theory (F, July 6, 12:42PM). Here’s another plausible theory: They know it belongs to Hunter and they’re doing their damnedest to cover it up.

  33. That is a very grim “takeaway”, stan. Sad to say, I can’t think of a single fact to refute it.

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