Home » An illuminating video about how we got to our current state on transgender care for minors


An illuminating video about how we got to our current state on transgender care for minors — 25 Comments

  1. I do not understand why and how the Trans movement is controlling so many companies now. There isn’t that many of them. Are they that powerful, or is it the threat of what they might do. Now though some companies are finding out that their other customers are a bit more powerful.

  2. Johns Hopkins concluded decades earlier that “gender-affirming” care may help resolve some issues in a minority, but cause progressive harm in the majority, and the outcome could not be predicted. It may be around this time that they distinguished between stable bands (e.g. trans/homosexuals) in the spectrum and others.

    Transgender grooming in scouts, churches, schools, etc. Politically congruent (“=”) constructs (e.g. “Respect for Marriage Act”) passed with pride and prejudice. Trans/socials on parade. Trans/neos through surgical mutilation, medical dysfunction, and psychiatric psychosis. One a culture normalizes the performance of human rites for social, redistributive, clinical, political, criminal, and fair weather causes, there is not limit to its progress under diversity (i.e. color judgment, class-based bigotry) doctrine of the Pro-Choice ethical religion. We live in interesting times, never again, and again, and again.

  3. Ace has an interesting link to a theory by a gay man in UK that the trans movement is mostly anti-gay. The author, Andrew Doyle, has a personna as “Titania McGrath” in commenting on the culture wars, among other things.

    In her book Time to Think, Hannah Barnes found that between 80 to 90 per cent of adolescents referred to the Tavistock paediatric gender clinic in 2012 were same-sex attracted. Studies have long confirmed a correlation between gender non-conformity in youth and homosexuality in later life. At the Tavistock, staff used to joke that soon ‘there would be no gay people left’. Somehow, the medicalisation and sterilisation of homosexuals has been reframed as ‘progressive’.

    Worth reading his column.

  4. About WPATH: it was called the Harry Benjamin International Gender Dysphoria Association (HBIGDA) from the 1970s until 2007. Benjamin (1885-1986) was a German-born endocrinologist (M.D., Tübingen, 1912) who relocated to NYC in 1913. Harry Benjamin’s interest in transsexuals led him to draw up standards of care and diagnostic criteria for the identification and treatment of people with gender dysphoria that were used by HBIGDA/WPATH for years– until the recent crop of activists complained that Benjamin’s standards are too restrictive– and now, of course, it’s Katy-bar-the-door.

  5. ”I do not understand why and how the Trans movement is controlling so many companies now. There isn’t that many of them.”

    It’s not the trans per se that has their loyalty. It’s the Democratic Party. The Democrats have a cult-like devotion to their party. Once the party announced it was pro-trans, the party members went all-in.

    It’s like gay marriage. Gay marriage was a losing issue — it lost the popular vote even in California — until Barack Obama announced he was in favor of it. Then within a month the polls swung 30 percentage points toward it.

  6. mkent nails it. They are a cult and they do take orders from the party. They are very much the intellectual descendants of the American communists who took orders from Moscow (in many cases, ACTUAL descendants). So quick to change they could get whiplash (just like the Moscow line on Hitler from 1938 to 1941).

    Democrat voters are more loyal to the party than they are to America. And have been for more than a half century. There’s a reason they hate the wearing of an American flag pin or standing for the anthem or saying the pledge.

    I remember some environmental activist wondering why they were mobilizing to try to torpedo Thomas and being slapped for disloyalty. Being a Democrat is all about 1984 and the thought police. If the party says so, 2+2=5. Period.

    Men can get pregnant, white supremacy is a serious threat, Jan 6 was an insurrection, Antifa doesn’t exist, BLM riots were peaceful, Russia collusion was real, women never lie about rape, cops roam the streets gunning down innocent little black children, global warming makes it too hot, too cold, too wet, too dry and all of it is worse than before, min wage doesn’t cost jobs, gender pay gap, blacks are too stupid to get a voter ID and Republicans are racist for not acknowledging that stupidity.

  7. Nebraska Medicine proudly proclaimed that it followed WPATH guidelines. Now with the law changed, I know that the lawsuits will be coming.

    NE Medicine has a huge problem. In a medmal case, you have to show that you follow the *local* standard of care. The Catholic hospital in Omaha never got into this trans business.

    I know nearly all the medmal defense lawyers in Omaha. They are very good. I’m sure glad I’m not in their shoes. I’d just pay the medmal cap limits and be done with it.

  8. I’m so effing tired of “pride”, and apparently so are the 6 gay friends I have. One even had a falling out with his very liberal family after he accused them of “getting us into this mess by voting for Biden.”

    Why is there a whole effing month devoted to one’s sexuality? Dead American heroes get one day.

    They want backlash, they will get it.

  9. the trans movement is mostly anti-gay

    Homosexuals are transgender. To the formers’ great disservice, the Progressive sects decided to socially distance them from others in the spectrum, and, to add insult to injury, Democrats exercised liberal license to indulge diversity doctrine through politically congruent (“=”) constructs (e.g. “Respect for Marriage Act”) with the Pro-Choice ethical religion, Twilight faith, under the stewardship of mortal gods, goddesses, and experts. That said, civil unions for all consenting adults, and wait for the children to reach adulthood before mutilating, sterilizing, and grooming them without consent in the socially forward function of the day.

  10. pride

    I stand with the polyamorous lions, lionesses, and [unPlanned] cubs playing in gay parade on the African savanna, and, perhaps, on the Isle of Lesbos.

    I stand against albinophobia celebrated in liberal circles with Rainbow symbols and rhetoric. #HateLovesAbortion

  11. because we’re not talking about standards of care, we’re talking barbarism out of dr moreau or frankenstein, the greek word would be procrustean, some deviation,

  12. @ miguel > “barbarism out of dr moreau”

    I hadn’t read “The Island of Doctor Moreau” by H. G. Wells until two years ago.
    It was more frightening than anything else he’s done that I know of, and far more so than “Frankenstein” IMO.

    As usual, Wikipedia gives all the spoilers without any of the literary content that makes this book such a horror story, but just the plot line is enough to raise one’s hair.


    Edward Prendick is an Englishman with a scientific education who survives a shipwreck in the southern Pacific Ocean. … The island belongs to Dr. Moreau. Prendick remembers that he has heard of Moreau, formerly an eminent physiologist in London whose gruesome experiments in vivisection had been publicly exposed, and who fled Great Britain as a result of his exposure. … Prendick believes that Moreau has been vivisecting humans and that he is the next test subject. He flees into the jungle where he meets an Ape-Man who takes him to a colony of similarly half-human/half-animal creatures … Their leader is a large grey unspecified creature named the Sayer of the Law who has him recite a strange litany called the Law that involves prohibitions against bestial behaviour and praise for Moreau.

    Not to go on all-fours; that is the Law. Are we not men?
    Not to suck up Drink; that is the Law. Are we not men?
    Not to eat Fish or Flesh; that is the Law. Are we not men?
    Not to claw the Bark of Trees; that is the Law. Are we not men?
    Not to chase other Men; that is the Law. Are we not men?

    … Moreau explains that the creatures called the Beast Folk were not formerly men, but rather animals. … he has been on the island for eleven years and has been striving to make a complete transformation of an animal to a human. He explains that while he is getting closer to perfection, his subjects have a habit of reverting to their animal form and behaviour.

    Any contact with sane reality goes down-hill from there, but it’s a riveting story.
    Gives some new perspective to the transgender movement’s fellow travelers, the Furries.

  13. AesopFan–

    If you want to read about real-life vivisection and other forms of lethal biological experimentation on humans, here is a recent article from Live Science about the discovery of a bunker in China used by the infamous Unit 731, a Japanese army unit that carried out horrific atrocities on Chinese civilians and Russian and American prisoners of war during WWII: “Up to 12,000 men, women and children were killed by Unit 731’s sadistic experiments — which included the testing of grenades, bacterial bombs, flamethrowers and chemical weapons. Individuals were also exposed to dehydration, killed inside spinning centrifuges, injected with animal blood, zapped with X-rays, vivisected without anesthesia and kept inside low-pressure chambers until their eyeballs burst. Plague-infected fleas bred in Unit 731’s labs were also dropped by low-flying planes over Chinese cities, causing disease outbreaks that killed hundreds of thousands of people.”


    More about Unit 731 here: “A special project, codenamed Maruta, used human beings for experiments. Test subjects were gathered from the surrounding population and sometimes euphemistically referred to as ‘logs’. . . the corpses of ‘sacrificed’ subjects were disposed of by incineration . . . According to American historian Sheldon H. Harris:

    The Togo Unit employed gruesome tactics to secure specimens of select body organs. If Ishii or one of his co-workers wished to do research on the human brain, then they would order the guards to find them a useful sample. A prisoner would be taken from his cell. Guards would hold him while another guard would smash the victim’s head open with an ax. His brain would be extracted off to the pathologist, and then to the crematorium for the usual disposal. . . .

    The section on vivisection is too gruesome to quote here; just keep in mind that some of the vivisected men were American POWs. Chinese women were deliberately impregnated or infected with syphilis by Japanese guards and then vivisected.


    What happened in this unit during WWII goes beyond the worst imaginings of H.G. Wells.

  14. The latest essay from Abigail Shrier, one of the leading researchers of the trans ideology, is most disquieting. Unfortunately I think she nails it:

    Little Miss Trouble
    Why I’m Not Waiting for the Gender ‘Pendulum’ to Swing Back

    Gender Ideology is a fundamentalist religion—intolerant, demanding strict adherence to doctrine, hell-bent on gathering proselytes.

    Induction into this religion begins with a baptism: the selection of pronouns and often a new name, greeted with all the celebration (and more) of a conversion. It evangelizes aggressively: through social media influencers, who claim to know a teen’s truest self better than her parents and to love that teen so much more than they ever could. Therapists, teachers, and school counselors play evangelist to numberless kids at American school.



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  16. there is sort of a sequel, the city of dr moreau, when they get off into the larger world, with gruesome consequences

  17. “SHIREHOME on June 3, 2023 at 12:10 pm said:
    I do not understand why and how the Trans movement is controlling so many companies now. There isn’t that many of them. Are they that powerful, or is it the threat of what they might do. Now though some companies are finding out that their other customers are a bit more powerful.”

    What has happened is the activist class that pushed for gay & lesbian rights has achieved what was needed. Rather than dissolve themselves, they needed a new battle to continue their existence, and that battle is trans rights.

  18. Apparently, it’s a matter of manipulating the cost—and availability—of financing via the bond market.
    If you decide to go woke, financing will be made available to you.
    If you decide not to, borrowing/financing will be made much more difficult.
    (Not sure if I’ve explained that accurately—but it has to do with the amount of money that will be made available to you via the bond market.)
    So companies are caught between a rock and a hard place: either yield to the pressure and be able to raise capital; or don’t and lose your ability to raise capital.

  19. The same pressure is put on companies to support “Climate Change” policies.

  20. Am I still drinking “free market” Kool-Aid, or is it still reasonable that SOMEONE will not be willing to leave cash in the vault if they can invest it with a good project that just does not have woke or AGW emphasis?

    I heard just today that up to 27 state legislatures are pushing back against ESG deviations from core fiduciary responsibilities, because in the final analysis “it is all about the Benjamins”. Does not mean the Leftist regime is crumbling, but perhaps there are a few cracks in their wall of obstinacy (and lies).

  21. They want backlash, they will get it.

    There has never been a sustain anti-Leftist backlash.

  22. What has happened is the activist class that pushed for gay & lesbian rights has achieved what was needed.

    They haven’t. Not until children can be openly adopted by LGBTPDQ+ for use by pedophiles.

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