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Interview with a gender clinic whistleblower — 48 Comments

  1. All physicians who participate in “gender-affirming care” are frauds. The primary motive of these seems financial. They are guilty of harming permanently the very young who cannot legally give consent. Deranged non-parenting parents should have their children removed from their custody because they are parenterally incompetent.
    Democrats are in favor, because their motive is to destroy America, and we have so many accepted preversions.

  2. I agree with Cicero. Every licensed professional implicated in this racket needs to be stripped of that license. Every Munchausen mommy needs to lose her kids.

  3. About “top surgery”: There’s a surgeon in Miami who specializes in double mastectomies on girls as young as 14 or even younger: “An elder millennial, Dr. Gallagher is a bubbly blonde woman who uses pop songs and Gen Z slang to peddle her fleshcraft to teens. In one short video she tells future clients to expect little pain after she ‘yeets the teets.’ Yeet is Gen Z slang for violently throwing an object that you deem worthless, and the word happens to be one of Gallagher’s favorite terms for removing the breasts of minors. The surgeon has become known for her social media posts about performing ‘top surgery,’ among a host of other cosmetic and transgender surgeries she offers. Not only does she boast of ‘yeeting the teets,’ she playfully calls top surgery ‘teetus deletus.’ Dr. Gallagher has openly admitted to removing the breasts of girls as young as fourteen, and has been accused of doing the surgery on even younger patients. On her Instagram, she posts images of her patients topless, their thick scars dark pink across their chests as they pose with the surgeon or with their parents. Gallagher told the New York Times that most of her patients find her through TikTok.”


    Gallagher’s practice has a bona fide website at https://gallagherplasticsurgery.com/

    Note the throw pillow in the official transgender colors on her sofa as well as the official WPATH endorsement. “Dr. Gallagher’s practice combines her academic background and artistic skill to deliver safe & exceptional results to her patients.”

  4. I don’t understand how it became so “normalized” for children to be operated on for non-life-threatening conditions. I’m an old man who has fought in two wars and I’m not shocked by much. This is shocking. How can any person agree with this?

  5. I watched the whole podcast and can’t find fault (not that my thought was any existed) with any aspect of the concerns raised. I raise them in my online debates in trans spaces. Surgery on minors needs to be done rarely, VERY rarely, and only in the most extreme of cases. The point on Dr(?) Gallagher – should be removed from medical practice and arrested. The parents (and therapists) that supported the surgeries should face prosecution (though…neither are likely to see any negatives until their child comes back and tells them they were wrong).

    WPATH has abandoned medical care for transsex patients – it is wholly politically motivated and based solely upon ‘affirmative care’. A pox on it.

    Note: I am a 64 yr old, post-op transsex woman. Transitioned in 1987, when society was dangerous for me; surgery in 1993, when it was rare.

  6. 1. The St. Louis paper slimed Jamie Reed.

    2. A host of medmal cases are coming. This will stop this trans business against minors. I’m personally looking forward to the lawsuits against Nebraska Medicine. I know the lawyer who approved this and she’s a lunatic.

    And trust me. The lawsuits are coming. Too much money to be made.

  7. I listened to Ms. Reeds interview on the Triggernometry podcast. She is courageous, wise and a very effective communicator.

    The part that bothered me the most was her descriptions of the parents (almost always [always?] mothers who work to confuse their own children and game the system to get them involved with treatment.

  8. Thank you for speaking up, Tracy Coyle. Voices like yours and Ms. Reed (lesbian married to a transsexual) are so much more convincing than those of us who have little or no experience with this movement.

    If you advocate for minors you may be able to prevent future harm.

  9. Tracy C. Coyle:

    I’ve seen a great many older trans people who feel just as you do, and are horrified at what’s being done to young people nowadays.

    Also, back when you were undergoing treatment, the mental health and medical professions were much more careful about screening and taking their time. Now, they’ve thrown all of that away.

  10. Certain medieval punishments suggest themselves.

    Do the kids think, themselves, they need this or are they just made to do it?

    I always go back to the Slenderman stabbings. Couple of twelve year old girls figured they’d be Slenderman–weird on-line cartoon figure–acolytes if they murdered a friend. Deked another girl into the woods, stabbed her a dozen and a half times–fortunately not fatally. Spent the time since, maybe thirteen years, in a rubber room.

    Now, this was without it being drummed into them by nutcase parents, school lectures and special events and social media 24/7 and, presumably, the dawning realization that adults who spoke against it were bad guys.

    Even then….

    A kid doesn’t need to be even a little bit more than average vulnerable–average will do–to be convinced to do this, presuming their acquiescence is even considered.

    As a Vandy med internal comm said, ‘This is a cash cow.”

    Quiet part out loud.

    But the parents… Dante was one circle short in his description of Hell.

  11. The NC legislature is in the process of passing a bill to prohibit transsexual medical and surgical treatment for minors (except for those born with intersex conditions). Three medical schools in the state are currently making big money on these procedures. A Duke doctor has admitted that patients treated in childhood are sterile and sexually dysfunctional in adulthood. Without regard to anyone’s religious scriptures, it should be obvious that making these decisions for children who cannot really understand the implications is wrong.

  12. PA Cat:

    I had never heard of Gallagher before – but how pernicious. I’ll probably do some research on her and write a post.

  13. I am hard core. Neo may object, but I believe if you are born XY you stay XY even if maladjusted, and same goes for XX. I have treated people who were born with trisomies, XXX (Turner’s syndrome), and XXY (Klinefelters Syndrome). They must adapt because they can not change their chromosomes, period. The need for adaptation applies to the other personality sex disorders termed LBGTQ+ for short. If Turners and Klinefelters can do it, why not? Because we give them license.

  14. Perhaps when these children reach their majority, they shall avail themselves of their Second Amendment right to bear arms and then briefly visit with the people who destroyed their lives.

    Arguably, it would be proportionate consequence for the actions taken against them.

    As in destroying an innocent’s life you forfeit your own right to life

    If then brought before a jury of their peers, if not an outright acquittal, surely a hung jury would result.

  15. I have said that I consider this to be child sacrifice on the altar of some evil cult.
    What baffles and distresses, me is that it seem that so much of it is
    driven by mothers.
    Back in the day, when my brother and I drove Mother to the limits, she made some threats, such as the boy’s reformatory in Marianna, Fl. (threats that I only half took seriously–other than switches. But there was a time when the mention of Marianna gave any Florida boy chills.).
    She certainly never threatened to castrate us. Who are these women, and from under what rock did they crawl? Who are the despicable people who encourage and facilitate such actions on other people’s children.
    Anyone who is remotely rationale has to ask, “how did we ever get here?
    Like so many current societal trends this will not end well.

  16. Neo– Please do find out everything you can about Gallagher, dissect her, and yeet her. I came across her name when I saw an online post by a detransitioner who referred in a general way to “yeeting teets”– not being Gen Z, I had to look up the meaning of “yeet,” and Gallagher was mentioned in several online examples.

    Note to Marisa: her first name is pronounced “Sive” (rhymes with “jive”); it’s Gaelic. Anyway, here is a YouTube video [!!] in which Gallagher herself appears in answer to your question:


  17. Less than a year ago the official mainstream media position was that no children were being operated on.
    Oh how they lie! ” Mostly peaceful protest”…” the science is settled…” etc…

  18. Here is a column by Mark Tapscott on the reasons why transgenderism has become so deeply entrenched in American public schools:


    Another article– from 2022– I posted it here some time last year– from Tablet about the Pritzker family and their financial support of transgenderism: “One of the most powerful yet unremarked-upon drivers of our current wars over definitions of gender is a concerted push by members of one of the richest families in the United States to transition Americans from a dimorphic definition of sex to the broad acceptance and propagation of synthetic sex identities (SSI). Over the past decade, the Pritzkers of Illinois, who helped put Barack Obama in the White House and include among their number former U.S. Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker, current Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker, and philanthropist Jennifer Pritzker, appear to have used a family philanthropic apparatus to drive an ideology and practice of disembodiment into our medical, legal, cultural, and educational institutions.”


    If you read the article, have your eye bleach ready: Jennifer Pritzker, born James Nicholas Pritzker in 1950, is no Dylan Mulvaney, to put it mildly.

  19. Seems like win-win-win-win-win-win for the Democrats:
    – Destroying the family? Check!
    – Destroying public education? Check!
    – Indoctrinating kids? Check!
    – Confusing social norms and corrupting society? Check!
    – Creating more hatred in the public square? Check!
    – Getting drug-saturated, hate-infected, alienated individuals to shoot up places they’re angry at (thus confirming that America is RACIST while—most importantly—reinforcing the dire need for the Democrats to institute wall-to-wall gun control. I suspect the latter, i.e., dire neeed for gun control, is THE REASON why crime is being ENCOURAGED and NURTURED by DEMOCRATS in American cities, particularly Black-on-Black crime: viz. to create sufficient momentum, public outcry and public outrage to legislate the REMOVAL OF GUNS ENTIRELY from the American scene. IIRC, this was originally the “thinking” behind “Fast of Furious”, that “ingenious” Obama plot—for which his loyal “WINGMAN/AG” eventually took the fall, i.e., was impeached, after the typical lengthy Democratic Party stonewalling—from the days of OBAMA Rev.1.0)? CHECK!!!!
    Short version: Creating more destructive chaos in America on multiple fronts…

  20. Continued (from above):
    On President Fentanyl’s (President Diversity? President No Malarky? President Unity?) carefully-crafted decision to throw America’s FUTURE in—or should the be “out”?—with Mexico.
    “U.S. officials admit losing ‘operational control’ of border, drug cartels poised to seize it;
    “Border patrol union chief warns drug lords may soon fully control illegal entries as security presence dwindles to 10%”—

  21. A bit more on “Biden” ‘s [I HAVE A] DREAM of America’s (tribal) future:
    “Brawl erupts after Dem insurgent’s supporters storm stage for endorsement”—

    + Bonus:
    “Biden slammed for calling white supremacy ‘most dangerous terrorist threat’ during Howard graduation speech”—
    Key grafs:
    ‘President Biden was slammed by critics Saturday after denouncing white supremacy as the “most dangerous terrorist threat” to the nation during a graduation address to students at Howard University
    ‘ “Stand up against the poison. White supremacy … is the single most dangerous terrorist threat in our homeland,” Biden declared to a heavy round of applause.
    ‘ “And I’m not just saying this because I’m at a Black HBCU. I say this wherever I go.”…’
    File under: Darkness (and Sickness) Visible.

  22. Barry Meislin–

    You’ll appreciate this bit of news: an American tranny is serving in the Ukrainian army: “Sarah Ashton-Cirillo, an American who bravely joined the war effort in Ukraine, said her first battle resembled ‘something straight out of World War I.’
    Ashton-Cirillo, a transgender woman and junior sergeant with a Ukrainian battalion based in Kharkiv, shared her experience combating Moscow’s forces during an event at Yankee Stadium Saturday organized by Mindy Franklin Levine.”


  23. I concur with Cicero.
    I also believe that Dr. Gallagher needs to be so far back in prison, that she will never see daylight again. She is a female Dr. Mengele.

  24. How did we get here?

    Women have been told for the past fifty years that the most important thing in life is their own pleasure and fulfillment, and that they are fools if they perpetuate traditional roles.

    We have been told that being a mother is stupid, having a career is much more respectable, and acting like a man makes you strong and important. We have been told that having an abortion is a show of strength; pay no attention to the sorrow, abortion is health care. The words “housewife” and “homemaker” used to be common parlance; now they are insults.

    We were taught to despise our femininity. A female doctor who gleefully removes young women’s breasts is the gruesome natural result of this set of cultural messages.

    Cultural changes like this don’t just stop at a convenient time. The pendulum never stops in the middle. Things play out until the full horror is apparent. At least the tide is finally starting to turn (or so it seems).

  25. I do not understand how medical professionals, who ostensibly abide by the Hippocratic Oath – “first do no harm” – are very well educated and supposedly very intelligent people, have jumped onto the bandwagon of surgically mutilating young people.
    Than again, Dr. Joseph Mengele was also very well educated .

  26. John Tyler, the Hippocratic Oath is no longer approved at many medical schools including the one I taught at for 15 years. Medical students are being taught that “birth gender” is not fixed. The child decides later. This is insanity and I am glad I had quit teaching before all this hysteria began.

    Now that I am old, I am noticing a serious decline in the quality of medical care. My wife had a laparoscopic gall bladder surgery. She had complications resulting in multiple hospitalizations. I did a thousand of those procedures without complication but I also took some precautions that her surgeon (young and female) told me are now unnecessary. Then my wife had a hernia repair, one of the simplest surgeries. It recurred in a month and she had to have a second surgery. I don’t believe I have ever seen that before. And this is with the generation of doctors trained BEFORE the current medical school insanity.

  27. Meritocracy and competence, Jim.
    The…the…they’re GONE!!
    – – – – – –
    WRT the Hippocratic Oath, it’s indisputable that “Biden” has appropriated it and tweaked it—in a manner reflecting “his” world view and policies—as follows:

  28. Now that I am old, I am noticing a serious decline in the quality of medical care. My wife had a laparoscopic gall bladder surgery. She had complications resulting in multiple hospitalizations. I did a thousand of those procedures without complication but I also took some precautions that her surgeon (young and female) told me are now unnecessary. Then my wife had a hernia repair, one of the simplest surgeries. It recurred in a month and she had to have a second surgery. I don’t believe I have ever seen that before. And this is with the generation of doctors trained BEFORE the current medical school insanity.
    Not liking what I’m hearing. Maybe for our health we stay away from doctors.

  29. I do not understand how medical professionals, who ostensibly abide by the Hippocratic Oath – “first do no harm” – are very well educated and supposedly very intelligent people, have jumped onto the bandwagon of surgically mutilating young people.
    Some of them are being threatened by apparatchiks. Some have a self-understanding that doesn’t permit them to oppose the new new thing.

  30. Nov 5, 2020 In a new Hippocratic oath written by the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine’s Class of 2024, incoming students pledged to fight the spread of misinformation and racial injustice….
    (From CNN)

    So entering students who know nothing about medicine are writing their own “new Hippocratic oath”?

  31. This week there is a vote in the NE Unicam to stop this trans business for minors.

    It will be a close vote. The swing vote is a union Catholic firefighter from Omaha; a Dem.

    Hard to believe this issue is a right v. left issue. All decent people should oppose child mutilation.

  32. There will be a number of lawsuits once this trans business is stopped in NE. NE has a cap on medmal damages. But I’m wondering if there can be a fraud cause of action added if the statute hasn’t run. These poor parents and children were lied to.

  33. Art Deco-
    Do not see any young physician. Some will be OK, like my daughter, but the indoctrination of medical students is enormous, and a good medical job is less than certain, like Mike K the MD observed above.
    My school now takes in 40-50-% blacks to “fight systemic racism”, and 15-20% foreigners (all probably full-pay). But blacks are on average a little light in the IQ department, as Charles Murray has thoroughly documented.

    I would not go into medicine today.

  34. Beware of eating disorder clinics. They are preying on vulnerable young women and pushing them towards the “big trans industrial complex”.

    Within this past year a friend’s daughter went into a well-known eating disorder clinic for anorexia. She came out convinced she was gender questioning and wanted to be known by a masculine version of her name instead of the feminine version. Turns out the “therapist” was a trans person.

    This friend moved the daughter from East coast to West coast and enrolled her in another (different) well-known eating disorder clinic, where she is at risk of getting exposed to exactly the same kind of programming. The new company’s therapist has already expressed their policy is to go down the gender questioning rabbit hole, and he’s fighting it and threatening to sue.

    What a mess. It’s yet another mass psychosis of Western Civ spearheaded by the USA.

  35. This post and comments could be the basis for a book. This transgender surgery on children is part and parcel of turning our values and traditions on their head. I think Sarah Rolph identified the main cause – loss of traditional roles for men and women. The move to normalize all sorts of human variations from normal -LGBTQ+ – is intended to break down Western Civilization even further.

    That the medical community is now politicized and no longer insists on the high standards is truly scary. I experienced the same kind of failure of surgery as Mike K.’s wife. I thought my case was unusual, but maybe not. I wonder how many botched laparoscopic surgeries there are these days.

    What is the end game? What kind of dystopian world is coming? When things get bad enough, will people be begging for a return to competition, free markets, and high standards? Will anyone remember how it used to be? Or will the future be one of tyranny?

  36. I listened as far as the young woman who had her breasts removed “in the children’s wing of the hospital” and then 3 months later called stating that she wanted her breasts back. The surgeon wouldn’t call the patient back, instead just “punted” the patient to the nursing staff.

    It was just too sickening to listen any further.

  37. Texas remains conservative overall but there are “blueberries in our tomato soup.”
    There are 2 online publications that I get, the Texas Tribune and Texas Observer, that are deep into the wokeweed. Texas Monthly magazine is not far behind.
    All are outraged by the state’s policy of prohibiting “gender-affirming” care, i.e., no mutilating or prescribing of unapproved drugs with unknown side effects to minors. Mental health care is of course still allowed, even encouraged, but never mind.
    Lots of emailed panic messages about clinics being shut down, doctors leaving the state, suburban moms all distraught about Eve no longer being allowed to be Steve.
    So far, so good.

  38. My school now takes in 40-50-% blacks to “fight systemic racism”, and 15-20% foreigners (all probably full-pay). But blacks are on average a little light in the IQ department, as Charles Murray has thoroughly documented.
    That’s interesting. In 2021, 11,400 bachelor’s degrees in the biological sciences were awarded to blacks, and 120,000 to others. The ratio of one to the other was 0.095. Now, you’re telling me there’s a medical school where the ratio of blacks to others among the matriculants is 0.82. And it’s not at a historically black institution.

  39. I checked to see if I’m right that more of these surgeries happen on women (and girls) than on men (and boys), and that seems to be correct.

    The data I found at Reuters comes from insurance claims. So that is another answer to the question of how we got here. If insurance covers it, people will do it. There’s another front to fight back on: Take away the insurance coverage for this. And take away the malpractice coverage for doctors, too.

    The data by state is kind of interesting:

  40. My sister had ovarian cancer at age 18. It was caught early and after they removed the affected ovary she fully recovered and later had 4 healthy sons. In her late 40’s, after a few scares and a lifetime of worry and medical monitoring, she asked her doctor to remove the other ovary. He refused because it would be unethical to remove a healthy organ. But there are doctors all over the country doing just that to children.

  41. LisaA, we have a cousin who had both ovaries removed electively when she was in her 40s, after having her children, because of a strong maternal history of ovarian cancer. I am surprised your sister couldn’t get the operation, given a personal history. This is entirely different from removing healthy ovaries and wombs from children.

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