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Trump <i>made</i> Bragg do it — 29 Comments

  1. Well, as of today, according to Kirby, the Afghanistan withdrawal fiasco was Trump’s fault also. My God! There’s nothing this man can’t do!

    More seriously, they have now gotten so brazen in their gaslighting I guess there’s nothing to stop them.

  2. Perhaps the US legal foundations would be less damaged if they weren’t constantly trying to wage war with Trump. Alas, I don’t think Trump has caused as much damage as the self-harm the legal foundations have down to themselves from CRT training and doctrine to deciding the equity under the law was more important than equality.

  3. 34 criminal counts in this Braggian indictment.

    34 rockets fired from South Lebanon into Israel.

    Hey, numerologists! ‘Sup with 34?

  4. is that the ike turner argument, I didn’t see the film, only the jon lovitz animated parody,

  5. Yes, Trump is now responsible for Biden’s disastrous Afghan surrender. Shameless. This is similar to Bragg’s indictment. The “pile on” strategy. Then they won’t notice the bullshit.

    I fear that this will work with the LIV Democrat voters. Many of them still believe the Russia hoax. Now we learn there were 40 government agents in the “Proud Boys” stroll through the Capitol. We also have the name of the DoJ lawyer who wrote the Bragg case.

  6. thats where the joke stops being funny, those hacks who bought bellingthecat’s phantom bounties, where are they now, (that’s all of them)

  7. well it’s the carlos slims (after their largest shareholder) they accept sokalian flights of logic, now why didn’t they go with pomerantz’s bag of tricks,

  8. I’m remembering a Calvin & Hobbes strip which turns on some mishap Calvin has caused and he looks at Hobbes and says “You WILLED me to do it”. Hobbes reply: “OK. Now I’m WILLING you to jump in the septic tank”

  9. We also have the name of the DoJ lawyer who wrote the Bragg case.
    Who is that?
    A name I would like: the name of the Wells Fargo apparatchik who ordered the account of Mrs. Michael Flynn closed, and the name of the federal official who leaned on him to do it.

  10. colangelo, is this your card?

    they all receive tarp funds, they all subscribe to dei scripture,

  11. although I don’t think colangelo would associate himself with such a sloppy project jack smith (who looks like zod’s hulking minion) because of his record in a host of cases,

  12. Who knew The Great Orange Whale was all powerful, the root of all evil?
    Bragg and Brandon do his bidding.

    But CC™ and Malarkey Guess knew all along.

  13. “Trump was also responsible for Isandlwana and the Alamo” Thought that was Bush, or was it Reagan.
    I’m losing track I guess, maybe Trump is responsible for Bush and Reagan, that’d work!

  14. Prediction: Trump cuts us a deal we can’t refuse.

    “Okay here’s the deal. Nail Biden for taking Chinese and Russian millions. Nail Harris for inability to spell. McCarthy takes over, appoints me VP, resigns… voila!!!”

    “Stock market goes up 3K.”

    “Putin wets himself, pulls everyone out of Ukraine, retires. Russia assumes role as Protectorate of Finland. NATO parties hearty.”

    “Taiwanese President wades ashore on Mainland a-la MacArthur, is presented with Xi’s head on silver platter.”

    “Bragg… okay let me think about that one a while…”

    “Anyway, you get the drift, right?”

  15. “Now we learn there were 40 government agents in the “Proud Boys” stroll through the Capitol.”

    Honest question: are there any “Proud Boys” who are *not* government agents?

  16. “Honest question: are there any “Proud Boys” who are *not* government agents?”

    They’re bedridden in a nursing home, proudly waving little flags at the woke nurses.

  17. So, the prosecutor really has indicted the ham sandwich for killing the pig.

  18. And if there were no untermensch there would have been no Nazi death camps.
    Yep, those untermensch, muddying up the waters yet again.

    As soon as joke bidet got into office he reversed all of Trump’s border control policies, which indicates to any idiot (excepting liberal progressives) that joke bidet could have reversed any /all Trump policies in regards to any domestic or foreign policy items (including the disgraceful, criminally negligent, disorganized “escape” from Afghanistan).

    For those thinking human beings (this immediately exempts liberal progressives) who suffer from low blood pressure, I suggest you watch some congressional committee hearings in which federal agency chiefs are questioned by republicans.
    Your blood pressure will immediately hit 130/80 without resorting to adding salt to your diet .

  19. Pingback:Friday Snarky, Sarcastic, Smart Asses - The DaleyGator

  20. The sad fact is that this will not affect the 2024 election. Those under 30 are the products of the Marxist education system. They heavily voted for the left in that Wisconsin election. The crazies still rule in Chicago. The black neighborhoods all voted for the black leftist even though he says he wants to abolish the police. Tribal politics continues. Travelers to Uganda meet farmers who wish the white farmers would return but they support the incompetent government. The anarchists running our government rely on tribal voting patterns.

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