Home » Open thread 3/21/23


Open thread 3/21/23 — 35 Comments

  1. A quick comment. I’m being extorted for $400 in bit coin under the threat of a computer hacker who says he’ll release personal info and videos he took through my computer if I don’t pay up.

    I have a lot of you on my email addresses. If you get something weird from me, it’s not me.

    I’ve been told not to even go my email service for a few days, so I’m not even logging in. Don’t write me for a while, I’m not even reading emails.


  2. Who was it said that Fred Astaire gave Ginger Rogers the aura of class and she gave him the aura of sex appeal?

    What a perfect blend.

  3. Minta Marie:

    If you’re reading this, I just wanted to tell you I received a similar threat several years ago. The extortionist said he would lock up my computer after releasing some X-rated videos that were on it that he had taken through the camera on the computer. But I knew I didn’t have any such videos on my computer, and I would not have engaged in questionable activities in front of the computer. Including this one detail in his threat made me know that it was bogus.

    So take heart — it could all be a phishing trip. Especially if you note items in the threat that appear far-fetched. Good luck!

  4. Just another open-thread comment about something I read.

    Today, at “The Federalist,” Margot Cleveland published “Grants Reveal Federal Government’s Horrific Plans To Censor All Americans’ Speech.” Our government’s imitation of the Chinese surveillance state proceeds apace.

    Here’s a link: https://tinyurl.com/mvbp2x9e

  5. Thank you, F on.

    I have never been to a site that would embarrass me (except that I’m a Conservative, LOL), but I’m retired and live with my brother who had polio as a child, and I have no doubt he’s a normal male.

    I’m not worried about anything ugly being released, but this guy has threatened to release personal data and etc. I’m just saying if you get something, it’s not from me, not that I care what it is.

    I’m not paying.

    Thank you for your comment. It’s nice not to be alone.

  6. Who was it said that Fred Astaire gave Ginger Rogers the aura of class and she gave him the aura of sex appeal?
    Decades later he gave an interview and said it was their policy to ‘avoid sloppy love scenes’.

  7. On another subject.

    Yesterday Neo posted about liberal women and mental health. I’m so far from leftist it’s ridiculous, but I had something important to say about psychiatric medicines. I did a lot of soul-searching before I posted my comment last night at that mental health story, but my brother encouraged me because we both want to help even if it is just some one person whom I can warn.

    I commented so late I think many people didn’t even see it.

    If you take psychiatric medicine, know someone who does or is thinking about it, please read my comment at Neo’s post. Please.

    It is really important. Really.

    Thank you in advance.

  8. Instapundit has a post regarding Jazz Jennings, which led me to a bit of research. Apparently at the age of 5 this boy’s parents(?) (I didn’t do a lot of research, but there is a mother involved, I don’t know about dad) had him live his life as a girl on national TV since 2015, when he was around 13 or 14 years old.

    My research led me to this Matt Walsh clip: https://youtu.be/U2lmlWy0yXg
    Jazz’ mother’s behavior is interesting. Paging Dr. Munchauser!

    Watching this clip from their TV show (now in its 8th season), brought to mind Ethel Merman’s performance in “Gypsy.” “Sing out, Rose!”

  9. Happy second day of spring– it’s also J.S. Bach’s 338th birthday!

    To celebrate, here’s the third (presto) movement of the Fourth Brandenburg Concerto:


    And not to leave out dance: here are two dancers in period costume performing Bach’s Gigue from French Suite #5:


    I think Fred and Ginger would have had fun with that music too.

  10. When you’ve lost Cracker Barrel.

    First, it was Walmart pulling out of Portland, Oregon and now comes the news that Cracker Barrel has closed all of its stores in the Portland area.

    The reason given is the negative impact that COVID has had on their business at these Cracker Barrel locations, but I think a more likely reason is the crime and general chaos that the city fathers have allowed to take over in Portland.*

    This is how a city dies.

    * See https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/cracker-barrel-closes-3-more-oregon-locations-2-in-portland-metro-area/ar-AA18RS18 and also https://www.foxnews.com/us/cracker-barrel-latest-portland-casualty-stores-shuttering-crime-wave

  11. RTF–

    Your post reminded me of an article about Jazz Jennings that appeared about a year and a half ago; here it is: https://pagesix.com/2021/11/02/jazz-jennings-humiliated-by-100-pound-weight-gain/

    It focuses on “her” family’s fat-shaming, and “her” decision to postpone going to Harvard in order to focus on self-care. (Harvard would have made things worse, of course, but that’s a whole ‘nother story). The article mentions Jazz’s bitch-mother (there is no other word for Jeanette): “Even when we think we’re doing something right, she falls off the wagon,” Jennings’ mother, Jeanette, lamented to the camera. Later, Jeanette confronted her daughter for “making empty promises” to prioritize her health.

    The photos of Jazz at the link are disturbing.

    I think you’re right in diagnosing Munchausen-syndrome-by-proxy (presently renamed factitious disorder imposed on another or FDIA). Over 92% of known cases of FDIA involve the mother as the perp, with boys and girls equally likely to be targeted. In the 7% of recorded cases in which the father is the perp, boys are three times more likely than girls to be victimized.

  12. Astaire and Rogers: they were the best.
    Class, polish, elegance, fluidity, timing, sophistication, ….what else is there?
    They made everything look so easy.

  13. If anyone is wondering why Trump is being put on trial NOW, the answer might be, well, the usual—massive—need to cover up the sorry state of the country and “Biden”‘s responsibility for it.
    And/or one might want to cite the latest bank failures and financial jitters, or a myriad of other scandals that are so vast that they kind of serve to conceal each other; cover up for one another: inflation, the southern border, CRT, DEI, the destruction of the military, Hunter Biden, East Palestine Ohio, energy crisis, Electoral hanky-panky, Covid/Fauci/NIH/CDC, Ukraine, Fentanyl, urban crime, weaponization of the DOJ/FBI…etc…etc…etc..
    And/or…it might be a lot more personal, in fact, it just might be this:

  14. John Tyler,

    They did make it look easy, but as Astaire once revealed in an interview, it was only through endless hours of practicing on empty sets. They were professionals.

  15. Just for fun, take a look at the very long and worshipful bio for Thunberg on Wiki at
    Liberals don’t admire actual accomplishment. They admire spoiled brats.

  16. Re: Cracker Barrel closings in Portland. There was one Cracker Barrel in Portland at Hayden Island that we went to a few times (from across the river in Vancouver WA). It closed last year, I believe, due to unsavory types constantly looming around and apparently harrassing customers. The last time we were there in April of 2022 to see our youngest son before he and his wife moved to Ohio, there was an armed guard in front.

    That whole area is horrible now, and Portland used to be a beautiful city. I moved to Portland from southern California in 1983 and even worked downtown for a couple of years before my first son was born. It was really up and coming then! I watched the Koin Tower being built, the Portlandia statue arrive, and Pioneer Courthouse Square open. The waterfront was gorgeous…it was just a neat and very special place to be.

    I cannot tell you how sad it has been to see it decline like this. My husband and I didn’t live in the city, but an unincorporated suburb before we moved to Vancouver, and we went out to dinner in downtown Portland almost every Friday. We haven’t done that for about 4 years now, and don’t even visit anymore. It’s heartbreaking.

    Don’t even get me started on my once-beloved California.

  17. Minta Marie, may God bless you and keep you. You have the first-hand experience to show that medications for emotional and mental problems often only cover up or smother issues which would be far better faced directly. I am told that clinics today hand out antidepressants to young people, male and female, like candy. Those meds have significant side effects and other than short-term use they can be very dangerous.

    The same phenomenon is now in play for children and adolescents who are distressed for some reason and become convinced they ought to be the opposite sex. Irreversible medical and even surgical “treatments” are applied, and mostly they only gloss over the underlying problems, at the cost of permanent damage to the patients.

  18. Minta Marie, I echo Kate, above with may God bless you. Your story is both heartbreaking and encouraging.

    I never had anything remotely close to your terrifying trauma, yet, I’ve seen first hand the effects of mental health drugs on my own mother. I have great empathy for your daily struggles with fear, though mine are not as severe as yours.

    Someone in the thread yesterday mentioned Jonathan Haidt. One of his books, The Happiness Hypothesis, mentioned that he had begun taking Praxil, a cousin to Prozac, and, though it did help him not feel so anxious, he found that it also made him less able to remember details. He made the choice, as a non-tenured professor, to stop taking the drug, and after it left his system, he felt anxious again, but also got his memory back.

    This, of course, is a very mild version of what happened in your situation, but it does show that there are always tradeoffs with drugs. Some people, of course, may not be able to deal with their issues (at least at first) without some form of medication, in conjunction with other therapies.

    What Haidt did also say, though, is that meditation, cognitive therapy, and Prozac (or its cousins) are the only things he knows of that work for the kind of self-improvement (and happiness) so many people are looking for these days. Trouble is, meditation and cognitive therapy take longer, and aren’t passive. I had a coworker who took Xanax, I think, and she flat-out told me that it helps her anxiety but dulls her emotions. She wants the tradeoff.

    In any case, when I read Haidt’s book several years ago, it got me interested in CBT, and then led me to ACT which is what I attempt to practice in order to deal with the fears and anxieties that have plagued me my entire life. I can attest that it works, but one has to keep at it.

    Again, may God bless and keep you!

  19. Gwynmir—In the second article I linked to above, staff who worked at the first Portland area Cracker Barrel to close were told that the reason for their closure was not the effects of COVID on business, but rather “ security concerns” i.e. mounting thefts and “people on drugs.”

  20. Evolutionarily it seems possible we will trend towards being a more and more anxious species. People who are more fearful are more likely to survive and breed than people who take risks.

  21. Has the Putin War in Ukraine found its off-ramp? The search has been a theme of mine. And given the Right-sphere attention this Zerohedge piece has gotten on several web sites tonight, it no longer looks like an impossibility.

    From our perspective, here, the best part is that if it goes forward — China being the mediator? — then it is sure to piss-off the Biden regime.


    Zelensky Invites China To Discuss Peace After ‘No Breakthrough’ In Xi-Putin Meeting | 03/21/2023 | Tyler Durden

    Ukraine appears willing to engage China in mediation efforts to end the war, at a moment China’s Xi Jinping is in Moscow discussing Beijing’s own 12-point peace plan. With the main part of talks with Putin having been concluded as of Tuesday night, there’s been no breakthrough among the “friends” to come of it thus far.

    “We believe that many of the provisions of the peace plan put forward by China are consonant with Russian approaches and can be taken as the basis for a peaceful settlement when they are ready for that in the West and in Kyiv. However, so far we see no such readiness from their side,” Putin said, laying blame on the Ukrainians.

    But Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky said Tuesday his government has reached out to Beijing. Zelensky said he has invited China to engage in talks on implementation of Kyiv’s own peace formula, and that he’s waiting for an answer.

    “We offered China to become a partner in the implementation of the peace formula. We passed over our formula across all channels. We invite you to dialogue. We are waiting for your answer,” Zelensky announced at a Tuesday a press conference. He added: “We are receiving some signals, but there are no specifics yet”.

    This comes after last month Zelensky issued an unexpectedly positive response to Xi’s offering China’s 12-point peace plan, in an effort to jumpstart negotiations….

  22. Minta Marie,
    The loss of trust you suffered as a child does damage that is very hard to overcome. I wish you courage on your path to recovery. May God restore your soul and may exercising your talents bring you fulfillment and joy.

  23. “.. off-ramp…”
    This will happen when “Biden” gets what “he” wants, WRT to Iran:
    Saudi Arabia has already capitulated (in a manner of speaking).
    Are the Emirates next?
    As “he” plans to make things as uncomfortable as possible for Bibi—and make no doubt about it—the state he heads (for now). To be sure, this goes for any Israeli leader, but at the moment, having Bibi at the helm is most convenient for Israel’s “friend” in the WH….
    (Remember, if things are looking a bit too good/secure/OK for Israel, there’s always Al Aksa…to rile up…again…and again…)

    So…once “Biden” gets all (or some) of that out of the why, why shouldn’t Putin get what HE wants…?

    P.S. And of course, what “Biden” wants WRT Trump and the deplorables:
    – Getting rid of them is a major step towards all-important “Biden”-style UNITY.
    – Impoverishing the American middle class, but not only.
    – Perverting the entire educational system and the army (and most anything else that can be perverted).
    – Causing as much confusion, consternation, despair and panic as possible, which is the reason behind all these myriad “Biden”-instigated crises.
    – – – – – – – –
    In any event, the cat’s out of the bag:
    “The depopulation agenda, Part 1”—
    H/T Blazingcatfur blog.

  24. Oops. “…out of the why” should be “…out of the way…”
    – – – – – – – – –
    And now for some Bamboozling Back Better news…
    “Biden blames MAGA Republicans for bill reversing ESG rule that received votes from Democrats”—
    Of course he does!
    (Extra credit if you can figure out the thought processes going on here…aside from “blame Trump for EVERYTHING—we’re looking for something a bit more challenging than that in this case….)

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