Home » Note on Twitter files #7


Note on Twitter files #7 — 11 Comments

  1. The FBI was running cover for a then private citizen and in effect against the sitting President elected by the people who pay their salaries. The FBI has become the US version of the Stasi. What a sad commentary.

  2. Following up, Just The News reports: https://justthenews.com/accountability/russia-and-ukraine-scandals/doj-spied-house-intelligence-committee-investigators

    Nunes said the subpoenas gave the DOJ and FBI unprecedented potential to learn in real-time what his investigation was learning about misconduct in the Russia probe. He called on the new Republican Congress to probe the subpoenas aggressively.

    “The FBI and DOJ spied on a presidential campaign, and when Congress began exposing what they were doing, they spied on us to find out what we knew and how we knew it,” Nunes told Just the News. “It’s an egregious abuse of power that the next Congress must investigate so these agencies can be held accountable and reformed.”



    Legal expert Alan Dershowitz says DOJ use of subpoenas to target House Intelligence Committee staff phone and email records is likely unconstitutional.

  3. Margot Cleveland, The Federalist: https://thefederalist.com/2022/12/20/latest-twitter-files-bombshell-shows-fbi-neck-deep-in-russian-disinformation-lie-to-kill-hunter-biden-laptop-story/

    By 9-something in the morning of Oct. 14, 2020, Jim Baker, the now-former deputy general counsel of Twitter, had already “seen some reliable cybersecurity folks question the authenticity of the emails,” as he told Roth and 11 other colleagues in an email. “The formatting looks like they could be complete fabrications,” Baker explained. Another email also showed Baker had arranged a phone conversation with Matthew Perry in the FBI’s Office of General Counsel for that same day.


    Those “reliable cybersecurity folks” and “experts monitoring election security and disinformation,” of which Baker and Roth spoke, might not have been connected to the FBI, or the documents Chan sent the prior evening. But if they are, which seems possible — if not likely — the evidence implicating the FBI in lying to interfere in the 2020 election just multiplied exponentially.

  4. If Elon Musk doesn’t learn to shut his mouth until thinking, it won’t matter – the crooks are playing him for a fool. He may be a brilliant engineer, but the PR Department at BadGuys LLC is running circles around him!

  5. At some point, patriotic Americans are going to have to resist subpoenas, court orders, regulations and statutes used by Democrat enemies to subvert the nation.

    The Republicans should have stood up and resisted the DOJ and FBI’s criminal use of subpoenas to undermine their legal investigation into criminality and illegality.

    Lawfare is real. It’s killing us. We have to stop pretending it is “legal”.

    No different that stolen elections. We have to stop pretending that they are honest. Our enemies aren’t honoring the law.

    We are like a boxer who is fighting with the referee hitting him in the head with a chair, the judges are paid off, and the opponent is kicking him below the belt. At what point do we figure out that the bout is rigged? Stop playing by a rulebook that the other side ignores.

    It ain’t boxing anymore. It is a street fight. There are no prizes for dying in a street fight while observing the rules of boxing. You’re just dead.

  6. Oh, and I suspect that something like this is the message that Trump was trying to convey with the Constitution remarks. Playing by the rules when the other side is abusing and shredding them is just stupid.

    To change the simile — you can’t win a basketball game if you play by the rules on fouling and the other side is allowed to punch you in the face and break your nose every time you try to shoot the ball. Not possible. And the losers on your side who say the key to winning is simply to find players with unbreakable noses or better doctors to repair the broken noses are idiots.

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