Home » Open thread 12/14/22


Open thread 12/14/22 — 21 Comments

  1. “we are living in a fascist state, where free thought is outlawed and can only be expressed in private or anonymously, unless you are either very courageous, very determined, or have put yourself into a position of independence not easily hampered by the leftist fascist thugs now running the show.”


    Science is broken.

  2. Compare and contrast:
    “Rate of detransition among ‘trans’ youth higher than activists claim;
    At the Re/Detrans Canada event held last month at York University in Ontario, recent studies were revealed that show detransition rates up to nearly 30 percent.”—
    H/T Instapundit.

    “Twitter Founder: Banning Trump Wrong for ‘Internet, Society’ “—
    So which is it: “Such a kidder!” or “Now he tells us…”?

  3. Barry Meislin– Have you seen the article in Quillette on the injury that occurred during the first “All Trans Draft Hockey Tournament”? At no point in the tournament video archive did I see trans women deliberately bullying the trans men. It was simply a case of larger, biologically male players using their size and speed to grab loose pucks, break up opposing rushes, and control the area around the nets. But even in the absence of ill intent, their size advantage produced a heightened level of risk for the biological women. . . . [at one point, a female-to-male transgender person was hurt severely enough to need medical assistance] As the Vice crew continued to film, players clustered around the seemingly knocked-out #91. Shortly thereafter, a panicky voice booms out from amid the scrum, “Get a stretcher! Get a medic!” And the audience, which had formerly been burbling enthusiastically in response to the arena announcer’s trans-positive patter, fell silent. It would take more than 17 minutes for the head-injured player to be placed on a stretcher and wheeled off the ice.

    Video of the accident at the link: https://quillette.com/blog/2022/12/09/ignoring-biological-reality-puts-female-hockey-players-at-risk/

  4. Bring back alchemy and astrology – stan

    Is engineering also now fundamentally and fatally corrupted? Asking for a friend.

  5. Yeah, saw it.
    Didn’t quite understand the hit; that is, it seemed to me—the video wasn’t all that clear—that the victim of the incident was blind-sided coming off the bench or penalty box(?); but it didn’t seem like a hit to me so much as a PUSH…though since the incident happened near the boards, the victim was pushed head first right into the boards and was laid out with what turned out to be a concussion.
    (Should mention that bad things can ALWAYS happen in hockey, whether it’s a hit or a flying puck. OTOH, the victim here didn’t seem to show much awareness of who/what was around her as she got back on the ice…easy for me to say, of course…)

    There was a similar incident involving a volleyball game several odd months ago, wherein the trans MTF spiked the ball so hard at the victim that she was knocked out cold.

    There are those who claim that there are a lot more such incidents than are reported—something I would easily believe.

    What’s a coach to do, though? Just say, we’re not playing any other team with a MTF trans player? And lose his or her job in doing so?

    The whole thing sucks.
    (Just another reason why the Democrats were so successful in the past election, I assume…)

  6. How will China solve its looming population collapse? Baby factories. They’ve already been working on CRISPR gene editing techniques, so we have to assume that the new factory babies will be products of CCP design.

    Here’s a link to a video describing the first baby factory: https://youtu.be/O2RIvJ1U7RE

    The video was posted to YouTube last week and has since gone viral.

    Title: EctoLife: The World’s First Artificial Womb Facility

    Description: The world’s first artificial womb facility, EctoLife, will be able to grow 30,000 babies a year. It’s based on over 50 years of groundbreaking scientific research conducted by researchers worldwide.

    Postscript: You’ve probably guessed that EctoLife isn’t real, but the video wasn’t intended to be a Swiftian satire. Instead, the video was produced to “help society catch up with modern science.”

    Please watch the whole thing. It’s less than nine minutes long.

  7. I get an IRS Tax Tip newsletter and the current letter mentions that the IRS is looking for tax volunteers – https://www.irs.gov/individuals/irs-tax-volunteers – this link goes to the website page.

    I have a few concerns…

    1. Congress authorized 87,000+ agents – so why can’t they pay these volunteers/helpers? I don’t see any mention of payment or even expense reimbursement.

    2. Is this a way to find those new agents?

    3. If I opted to find “volunteers” to help in my business, would the Labor Dept and IRS get on me for not paying these “volunteers” or interns? I suspect I would be in trouble.

    BTW – the IRS has put out info to not file your returns until mid February or even March since you might miss some 1099s from Paypal and others.

    Finally, the IRS is opening up the Identity Protection PIN program so you don’t have to experience actual ID theft to get this additional protection. https://www.irs.gov/identity-theft-fraud-scams/get-an-identity-protection-pin

    It might be worth it to get the additional PIN since the IRS is recommending the delay in sending your return. I am getting one since I was recently targeted for an ID theft/elder scam. The caller sounded convincing at the beginning, but when I started asking questions, the BS meter started flashing and I was looking for the hip-waders! I wasted about an hour of their time being “concerned” and asking questions. And then I used up a couple hours of my time contacting banks, brokerages, credit agencies, Lifelock, police, etc.

    But, if I hadn’t recognized the scam and didn’t know how to protect my accounts, what could have happened? How many seniors fall for these schemes? I know – too many.

  8. More evidence for reincarnation? If simply genetics, it begs the question; would she be as accomplished at playing the piano? The drums? If not, then genetics must be far more specific than supposed.

  9. Witness the smug, amused looks on the woke leftists in the European Parliament…

    PROF: RYSZARD LEGUTKO: “Two minutes of truth, of bitter truth” in the European Parliament”

    “Dec 7, 2022
    During the ceremony of the 70th anniversary of the European Parliament, the European Conservatives and Reformists made cutting criticisms. Speaking on behalf of the Group, Chairman Professor Ryszard Legutko pointed out that in the strict sense it is only a quasi-parliament, alienating millions of voters.”

    “Madam President, Prime Ministers. Two minutes of truth, of bitter truth. And the bitter truth is that the European Parliament has done a lot of damage in Europe. It has been sending a false message that it represents the European demos*. There isn’t, and there won’t be any European demos. The Parliament infected Europe with shameless partisanship and the infection became so contagious that it spread to other institutions such as the European Commission.

    The Parliament has abandoned the basic function of representing people. Instead, it has become a machine to implement the so-called European project, thus alienating millions of voters. The Parliament has become a political vehicle of the left to impose their monopoly with their fierce intolerance towards any dissenting view. No matter how many times you repeat the word ‘diversity’. Diversity is becoming an extinct species in the European Union and particularly in this chamber.

    The Parliament is a quasi-parliament because it rejects the essential principle of parliamentarism, namely accountability. The deputy – let me remind you – is elected by the voters and must be accountable to the voters that elected him. Not so in the European Union. The idea that, say, Spanish, German, French, et cetera, deputies accountable to their own national electorates can dictate something to, shall we say, Hungarian society or any other society to which they cannot be held accountable and which cannot take them to task is simply preposterous.

    Call it what you will. But democracy, it is not. To sum up, the Parliament represents the demos that does not exist, works for the project that ignores reality and law, shuns accountability, turns its back on millions of people and serves the interest of one political orientation. And this is just the tip of the iceberg. Having said that, ladies and gentlemen, I rest my case.”

    Prof. Lugutko is arguing that Europe’s diverse cultures prevent the various European peoples from having the shared cultural experiences upon which societal cohesion is based. Thus preventing “demos”. Of course European leaders like Merkel have long been doing their best to eliminate Europe’s various cultural identities.

    * the populace as consisting of the common man.

  10. Am I wrong in thinking that it seems most of the people “transitioning” are Male to Female? Probably am.


    You are indeed wrong, if you’re talking about current trends rather than the past. It used to be predominantly male to female, but these days it’s the other way around, – mostly because of social media and a contagion effect, and mostly adolescent and teenage girls who didn’t have gender dysphoria in childhood, unlike the traditional transitioner. So the totals of each group aren’t very different, but the trends are. It’s hard to find a quick cite for this at the moment, but I’ve read it many places.

  12. neo, SHIREHOME,

    My recollection agrees with what neo wrote and I have heard an 80% figure for female to male in “young” people (U.S.) on several podcasts discussing the data. These podcasts also reiterate what neo writes; there has been an exponential explosion of gender dysphoria among teen-aged girls in the U.S. following social patterns; one girl in a group comes out as trans then others soon follow.

  13. Looks like Sam Bankman-Fried doesn’t find his Bahamian jail much to his liking: “Fallen crypto billionaire Sam Bankman-Fried is being held in a Bahamian jail known to be overrun with rats and maggots — one so bad that a warden has called it ‘not fit for humanity.’ . . . Fox Hill Prison is so bad, in fact, some inmates have begged to be extradited to the US just to escape it.”


    Sam is stuck there until February 8, unless Brandon waves the magic wand, of course.

  14. https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2022/12/electionfraud_corruption_is_deeper_than_anyone_can_imagine.html

    The different ways the Democrats cheat are many and varied. I am becoming increasingly convinced that they have been working hard on fraud for a long time. While garden variety, vote the dead fraud has always been a Dem staple, since the days of Reagan they have incorporated more and more sophisticated ways to cheat because they can’t win without them. They’d never win the presidency, and they’d have permanent minority status in both houses.

  15. Hello Neo,

    Happy Holidays.

    Was viewing a number of YouTube videos and I thought of your crew; knowing that you have a number of guitarists and Jazz fans/musicians among your followers. It also seems that you have a very convenient post up in which to drop the following link.

    Now, fair warning, my taste runs to relatively accessible music, so hardcore fans of Scofield and McLaughlin might not find this to theirs.

    But for those who do like accessible music – and it’s the holidays after all and a little melody never hurt anyone – both of these musicians, Joscho Stephan, and Biréli Lagréne, have quite a body of work on YouTube.

    From the Jazz Club of Hannover, Autumn Leaves. … I especially recommend the segment between about 1:20 and the time Lagréne finishes his first improv.


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