Home » Elon Musk makes addressing Twitter’s child pornography problem his top priority


Elon Musk makes addressing Twitter’s child pornography problem his top priority — 16 Comments

  1. Leftists and “queer activists” are attempting, in vicious and vile fashion, to place the blame for the recent shooting in CO on Tucker, Matt Walsh, and others such as Gays Against Groomers (whose accounts were shut down by PalPal and Venmo) and LibsofTikTok who have had the courage to speak forth clearly and rationally against the insanity of “trans activism” and “radical gender ideology”. The recent ad from Balenciaga was particularly distasteful, as is the complicity of librarians with numerous recent events (inappropriate for children) featuring “drag queens”. Musk is certainly to be commended for his part in the battle against the sexualization and exploitation of society’s most vulnerable.

  2. Rest assured that Musk will get no credit whatsoever for reducing / eliminating those tweets advertising child porn.
    Given his political persuasion, whatever “good ” he does will be ignored or classified as meaningless.

    The question that should be asked is why didn’t Jack Dorsey do something about child porn links on Twitter and why was he not condemned for his inaction.
    Oh, that’s right; he worked with the DOJ, etc., to support demokrat positions and candidates.

  3. Good for Musk.

    Yes, Ben Collins with NBC and others have tried to tie Matt Walsh, Libs of TikTok, etc., to the Colorado Springs shooting because of their “criticism of drag queens.” The only problem with this theory is that the conservative sites have criticized drag queen shows for children, not gay performances for adults in adult settings.

    Nor am I yet seeing any solid reporting about the Colorado Springs shooter and what his motivations may have been. Did he go there because it’s a gay club? Did he go there because it was nearby and he just wanted to kill someone? No answers yet.

  4. Good for Musk. But even more damning for Dorsey who was more interested in suppressing honest dissent than child porn.

  5. WRT trafficking; There’s no wholesale without retail. I wonder if leaving Twitter open to such scum might allow the authorities, should any be interested, to track down the ultimate consumers.

  6. In some progressive liberal sects, children and adults are politically congruent (“=”). #NoJudgment #NoLabels #LoveWins #AbortSequesterTheBurdenOfEvidenceInDarkness

  7. I’m becoming a fan of Elon Musk. I’ve been asking why some conservative billionaire didn’t get into the media business and give Fox and the Murdochs some competition. Well, he’s not exactly a conservative – I would guess more of a libertarian with ethics.

    I heard that Twitter has 300 million users. Wow! What TV network wouldn’t like to have that many viewers? I don’t understand those users who say they can’t live without Twitter, but that’s a powerful media footprint. If Musk can clean it up, it might become an ethical free speech forum. I probably still won’t use it, but I can see how it could become a force for good. Go, Elon!

  8. @ Kate > “Nor am I yet seeing any solid reporting about the Colorado Springs shooter and what his motivations may have been.”

    That’s because the Left has run into a speed-bump in their race to run over Republicans.
    You might say that they are behind the Times.


    It appears the left has been peddling yet another false narrative. The New York Times reported on Tuesday night that the alleged gunman who carried out a mass shooting at an LGBTQ club in Colorado identifies as “non-binary.”

    According to a court filing, the suspect’s public defenders note that Anderson Aldrich, the suspected shooter, uses “they/them” pronouns. New York Times reporter Nicholas Bogel-Burroughs posted a tweet that the defense attorneys refer to the defendant as “Mx. Anderson Aldrich.”

  9. @ physicsguy > “in case you haven’t seen this wonderful video from the Babylon Bee on a fired Twitter employee:”

    As with most of the Bee’s short films, that one is brilliant.
    I wish their writers and actors were getting credited somewhere, but they may still be undercover in Hollywood etc. and want to keep their day jobs.

  10. Saw that, AesopFan. When I had previously seen the shooter’s photo, I had thought that he didn’t look particularly masculine; not a Rambo shoot ’em up type. Now it appears he’s had emotional troubles for quite some time. But with all that, and his having live-streamed his bomb threats last year, there’s still no public explanation for why charges weren’t filed at that time. He was an adult, not a juvenile.

  11. Now that Musk has child pornography in his sights, the vindictive Left—led by the loathsome Garland—may well decide that this is the time to actively promote it.

    (To be sure the “Biden”-promoted policy of sexualization of children in the schools, together with the glorification of child mutilation, physical and emotional by the gender transitioning cult, has already taken off, with the full encouragement of “Biden”‘s benighted regime.)

    File under: “It’s the ideology, stupid.”
    H/T Powerline blog.

  12. Now the shooting will be disappeared by the MFM post haste. Though I wouldn’t be surprised if some try to claim the right “made him do it”. Or Trump, yeah that’s the ticket.

  13. @ FOAF > “Now the shooting will be disappeared by the MFM post haste. Though I wouldn’t be surprised if some try to claim the right “made him do it”. Or Trump, yeah that’s the ticket.”

    It’s already started.

    The Left, being experts at turning on a dime, now claim that the non-binary shooter was the victim of bullying by (presumably straight) kids as a teen so that’s why he decided to kill — transgender & gay people — ??


    According to [Ben] Collins, the fact that this lunatic was bullied online seven years ago explains why he decided to shoot up a nightclub. It couldn’t be that the guy was just a mentally-ill nutjob who had kidnapped his family a year prior, never facing charges for some inexplicable reason. Instead, because Collins is so married to always blaming the right for everything, he’s now willing to defend a murderer in the process. It’s an incredible shift to witness happen in real-time.

    the leftwing’s insanity surrounding “gender identity” has painted them into a corner. They’ve been so absolutist, even attempting to censor jokes on the topic (i.e. The Babylon Bee’s nearly year-long Twitter suspension), that now they can’t do anything but affirm a man who shot up a gay/transgender nightclub who himself claims to be transgender. This was the inevitable result of booting any tenuous grasp of reality in exchange for political gain, and things only get more absurd from here.

    AesopSpouse suggested that he might, indeed, have a motivation for choosing this particular venue for vengeance, IF he was also being rejected by his new chosen “group”.
    After all, the loud, leftist narrative for years has been that people who suddenly discover they are transgender inevitably receive the accolades and affection denied them when they were straight oppressors.

    If that’s not forth-coming (for any reason, but a strong contender is that physical attractiveness is a component of admiration in any identity group), then a lot of anger could build up.

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