Home » Open thread 10/18/22


Open thread 10/18/22 — 33 Comments

  1. Yep, it’s parallel universes all the way down….
    “Disgraced Former FBI Official Declares ‘9/11 Is Nothing Compared To Jan 6th’ “—

    (Not really all that funny, except for the fact that Strzok and a few others seem to believe that he is honest, trustworthy, reliable, honerable, etc…and that anything he spews is actually worth listening to.)

  2. One was trying to prevent the theft of q nation, the other was a military attack by a foreign power

  3. https://www.spiked-online.com/2022/10/17/the-new-lawlessness-gripping-america/

    The rampant, nihilistic violence and theft supported by the Left is something that liberal voters need to have their noses rubbed in.

    Btw, property rights are absolutely critical to human rights. When society cannot or will not protect property rights, famine and death result. See Somali. No one invests. No one saves. No one farms when the food produced is going to be stolen. No one works. Without property rights civilization completely collapses.

    Armed vigilante groups form to protect loved ones.

  4. They will also vote to immunize pfizer and moderna against lawsuits (hoe they can do that)

  5. Right, Miguel cervantes, and the immunity from lawsuits may be the purpose of this move.

    Requiring these shots for school attendance by young children would cause a massive uproar, since very few pre-school and elementary students have received these shots.

  6. “Btw, property rights are absolutely critical to human rights. When society cannot or will not protect property rights, famine and death result.” Stan

    I like the way Dennis Prager posed it years ago: “The fact that one of the commandments is ‘Thou shalt not steal’ is proof that such a thing as private property exists.

    The shredding of the 10 commandments has resulted in the tearing of the fabric of our culture. When it comes to politics, this is a big one. Here in the state of California I’m convinced that these office-holders believe they actually own ALL the businesses.

  7. “…Here in the state of California I’m convinced that these office-holders believe they actually own ALL the businesses…”

    That would appear to be the inescapable conclusion (and transformative consequences) of President “You didn’t build that.”
    – – – – – – – – –
    Vaccinating young children is unconscionable. Purely evil…
    …which would appear to be the inescapable conclusion (and transformative consequences) of “Your children belong to us”…(just like “tomorrow belongs to us”…).

  8. Kate, you and others might be interested?

    If you do NOT think the CDC should add C19 vax to the children’s standard list you can leave a comment here:

    All but the most urgent new regulations require a period where the public can comment. There’s a couple of days left. It’s easy and only takes a minute or two.

    If you think this vaccine SHOULD be added to the children’s standard list, comments open up next week.
    OK that was a joke, just kidding …

  9. One might sorely want to bet that THIS would be the leading story for ALL media organs, nation wide.
    “Busted: China’s Attempt to Warp the 2022 Midterm Election;
    “Welcome to the new dysfunctional norm in America.”


    Opening graf:
    “The recent arrest of Eugene Yu, the founder and CEO of election software company, Konnech, Inc. for betraying Los Angeles, the largest metropolitan area in America, charged with transferring election poll worker information to China is just the tip of the iceberg of CCP subversion efforts to destroy the United States. This arrest of Yu on the grounds of a security breach with China and on charges of embezzling funds—is a wakeup call for all polling place administrators in the U.S. regarding the upcoming mid-term elections. They need to unplug and shutdown Konnech, Dominion, ES&S and other electronic voting systems. All have been plagued with erratic vote count problems and are vulnerable to being hacked and manipulated….”

    Ah but isn’t that the point? The goal? The—sheer—“beauty” of such systems? (At least for our Great Patriotic “Government”…)

    Looks like we’re in for another “Uncontested”, “Utterly Transparent, Honest and Fair” election….

    Stay tuned…

  10. Ethical Skeptic has demonstrated pretty conclusively that CDC is classifying cancer deaths as covid deaths to hide the massive damage from the vax.

    CDC is what happens when evil and corruption marry. To call it a criminal organization is a slander against criminal organizations.

  11. JimNorCal,
    Thanks for the CDC link! I left a comment; it only took two minutes, and I only had to provide my name.

  12. stan:

    No, Eternal Skeptic has not. However, there is no dearth of people online posting tons of complicated verbiage combined with mostly pseudo-statistics that most people can’t understand, and purporting to come to all sorts of conclusions that you may find compelling but I do not.

    Many people also simply dismiss all the evidence to the contrary as government lies. And the government has certainly lied about a lot of things, so I think that attitude is somewhat understandable. I’ve spent literally hundreds of hours reading alternative sites giving alternate number crunching (such as the site you mention) and I have seen nothing at any of them them seems correct to me, however.

    I have taken statistics courses at the graduate level, so I have a more-than-average ability to parse the numbers involved in such research. I’m not an expert, of course, but I am not naive about statistics and research.

    See this as well as this.

  13. Should one feel sorry for Stacey Abrams that she just is not able to tell truth…no matter how hard she…doesn’t really try?
    That she’ll say whatever comes to mind…so as to IGNITE hatred and dissension?
    That she’s totally untrustworthy?
    Right. Thought not.
    “Georgia Breaks Record for First-Day Midterm Turnout after Abrams Alleges Voter Suppression”—-

    I guess the same question could well be asked about Democrats generally…from the top all the way on down…
    “Arizona Democrats Begin to Recognize the Consequences of Their Actions”—

  14. The point of shadoe governor abrams are unverifiable ballots thats how they stole the country last time

  15. You don’t understand, Barry Meislin. Whether it’s vote suppression depends upon the election results.

  16. So true, so true….
    Things are indeed, um, flexible!

    Speaking of “flexible”….
    “…Hunter Biden-linked real estate firm got at least $100M from Russian oligarch”—
    (To be sure we are talking about Hunter Teflonovich here…)
    “Interesting” grafs:
    “…According to emails uncovered from Hunter’s infamous laptop, Baturina’s name also popped up that same month regarding a possible real estate deal in New York’s Chelsea neighborhood, as well as a Latin American cocoa venture.
    ” Despite denying ever discussing his son’s business dealings, Biden attended a dinner at Cafe Milano in Washington DC with his troubled son’s business associates in April 2015….
    “…Baturina is one of the few Russian oligarchs who have notably escaped sanctions since Moscow’s Feb. 24 invasion of Ukraine, a fact that caught the attention of GOP lawmakers earlier this year….”

  17. A very brief Astaire imitation was done by Bing Crosby in the opening number of Holiday Inn, right after Fred did an imitation of Bing.

  18. Neo knows I’m no fan of the Bee Gees, but I thought she might be interested in this news story: “A quick-thinking Arizona father saved his 12-year-old daughter after she was struck by lightning Saturday — resuscitating her three times with the help of the Bee Gees’ hit song ‘Stayin’ Alive.’ Steve Jorgensen and his daughter Ella were playing outside in the rain in the state’s West Valley, when lightning struck either the girl or the ground next to her . . . . Ella dropped to the ground and her heart stopped beating. Jorgensen dove to the ground and immediately began chest compressions to the tune of ‘Stayin’ Alive,’ a skill he learned during his time in the military. . . . Ella’s heart stopped beating three times, but her father was able to revive her each time until emergency responders arrived and took over.”


  19. @ huxley – IIRC you’ve mentioned Zeihan several times as being a good reference.


    Peter Zeihan has been writing about the capital investment wave in the US that he thinks is inevitable given what’s going on in China. Russell Napier, who is a far more temperate analyst, has just written about the same thing. Interesting to compare and contrast them.

    Russell Napier is always worth reading though I often disagree with his conclusions. he’s the founder of the Library of Mistakes, which is a real place in Edinburg with books and everything, so so how bad could he be?

    And a reply:

    Zeihan’s books and videos are interesting as hell – and scary.

    The one from today should wake a lot of people up – he’s basically pointing out that the US and our allies have just torpedoed China’s higher-tech industries by effectively embargoing US workers from supporting China’s tech sector (“quit working for China or give up your US citizenship” is the gist of it). We also have a full-out trade embargo of high end chips and chip-making tech.

    It’s hard to emphasize just how extreme an effect this will have.

    I’m assuming they are referring to these newsletters, although I haven’t listened to the video portions yet.

    The Biden Administration has announced further limits on Chinese firms’ ability to access foreign (read: US dominated) semiconductor technology. Many of my followers ask why I don’t consider China a more capable potential threat to the global order than I do; the ability for Beijing to be cut off from global technology with what amounts to the stroke of a pen is one of them.

    China remains utterly dependent on foreign countries for innovation and tech discovery, research, investment into its higher level manufacturing. It’s not just that the most advanced chips powering everything from your smart phone to the cloud and advanced computing are designed in the West (and primarily the US)–key production components and technologies, such as advanced lasers, are often siloed within one or two companies in the US, the Netherlands/EU, or Japan and South Korea. While China might produce the lion’s share of low end chips, they are hardly at the forefront of anything.


    The Biden administration’s moves against China’s semiconductor industry are continuing to have serious consequences, including the largely universal resignation of American citizens working in the Chinese chip industry. China will rapidly find itself unable to fill in several critical gaps in terms of skilled workers, design work, technological inputs, etc. What are Beijing’s options?

    With Europe and Japan largely on board with US action–not many. South Korea and Taiwan could address some needs, but far from all. China’s future will likely be one where it sources inputs on the grey market–buying components or pulling chips from third-party devices and attempting to insert them in products and industries they were not designed for. It’s going to be a time-consuming, ugly, imperfect process, with serious implications for high level computing, China’s emerging defense platforms, telecommunications, and more.

    Any thoughts?

  20. I’ve seen the point made, by an anti-FDR type, that sanctions against Japan for its unspeakable actions in China forced it to go to war.
    The following step, letting Japan have everything it needed in order to go to war on its own schedule with its military establishment as strong as it wished, went unsaid.

  21. Words may draw an em-pathetic reaction; but, sticks, stones, and crutches will make me roll over, laugh, and yell encore! Tappity, tapp, tap, tap.

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