Home » The 50th anniversary of the Munich Olympics massacre is today


The 50th anniversary of the Munich Olympics massacre is today — 10 Comments

  1. I was 8 years old when this occurred and it is my first real memory of terrorism in the world. The horror of those events during the Olympics, watching it live on television, gave me nightmares at night, i.e. The hooded Palestinian lurking on the balcony with a Machine Gun, while the Israelis athletes were held hostage inside. And then the horrible events at the airport when all the athletes were killed. The incompetence of the German military police was deplorable. This event and the Patty Hearst kidnapping marked my childhood. Yes, there was a loss of innocence then.

  2. I remember the event. I was a young adult. What struck me, besides the horrifying details of what happened, is how public opinion had shifted from the days when the novel and movie “Exodus” made heroes of Jews escaping the Nazi horror machine and establishing, for the first time in over two millennia, a Jewish nation. It’s sickening that Jew-hating has overwhelmed those sentiments.

  3. In regard to “rocket[ing] a cause from obscurity to renown,” it had happened before in Munich– in 1923, when the failure of the so-called Beer Hall Putsch brought Hitler to the attention of the German nation as a whole for the first time. The putsch made front-page headlines in newspapers around the world. Hitler’s arrest was followed by a 24-day trial, which gave him ample publicity and a platform for speaking directly to the German people.

    Fast-forward 15 years to the next major stain on Munich’s reputation– the Munich Agreement of September 30, 1938, when the leaders of the UK (Chamberlain), France (Daladier), and Italy (Mussolini) agreed to hand over part of Czechoslovakia to Hitler. Less than a year later, both the UK and France declared war on Hitler over the invasion of Poland.

  4. and we know fidel, cribbed a fair bit of that speech for his ‘history will absolve me’ oration, what I didn’t know is nelson mandela used a similar tack with his defense in the Rivonia trial, as would hugo chavez

    as book ends to both olympics games, you have the loathsome figure of avery brundage, who enabled the first games in 36, and wouldn’t curtail them in ’72,
    was he necessarily an antisemite, unclear, but he was a uber cold blooded pragmatist,

  5. “the group leader called himself ‘issa’ which is arabic for jesus”

    “Issa” is what Muslim Arabic speakers call Jesus. Arabic-speaking Christians call him “Yeshua,” from the Aramaic/Syriac.

  6. Trump warned Europe and Germany about Russia and they smirked. Germany acts as if they are immune from the crazies. They should know better.

  7. I remember that awful day vividly. No doubt that the gutless Willy Brandt government arranged for that Lufthansa plane would be hijacked.

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