Home » Biden the Unifier makes a prime time speech


Biden the Unifier makes a prime time speech — 77 Comments

  1. Bonchie’s synopsis of the tirade here:

    “I have never seen a speech like this, given under these circumstances. Presidents deliver campaign speeches, but they don’t call national addresses under the guise of their office to do so, and Biden’s attacks on tens of millions of Americans are unprecedented.”

    Bonchie noted the presence of a heckler who called out “F— Joe Biden.”

    I feel bad for the two Marines who had to stand there as stage props. And I can’t help wondering whether Brandon’s speech means that he intends to run again in 2024.

  2. For the folks who don’t monitor them anymore, even a good bit of the legacy media is choking on both the content and setting of this Biden speech.

    And the Republicans and so-called conservatives who helped put Biden in the White House should not be allowed to dodge their share of blame for this mess.


  3. As reprehensible as it is, I’m less concerned with Biden’s despicable history than his acting as a mouthpiece for the left and its now explicit declaration of war upon not just those who voted for Trump but with anyone who disagrees with any of their policies, memes and narrative.

    It only takes one side to wage war and the Left has declared that they are escalating their ‘undeclared’ war upon 70+ Million Americans.

    “MAGA Republicans…embrace anger. They thrive on chaos. They live not in the light of truth, but in the shadow of lies.”

    That’s a demonization fully commensurate with that in any war.

    “the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundation of our Republic.” [my emphasis]

    An accusation of implicit treason… which fully justifies a campaign of persecution, ruin and imprisonment.

    Bidet’s puppet masters have just declared they’re coming for all of us.

  4. The Babylon Bee notes that Brandon favors a new facial hairpiece: “It’s a good look for him,” said an Entertainment Tonight reporter on the red carpet. “I know they say don’t wear that kind of mustache before Labor Day, but I really think he pulls that off. It’s kind of a classic look – vaguely European, perhaps 1930s or ’40s Germanic, maybe? – really inspired.”


  5. In a national address, the President p*sses in the soup of half the country. And in the warmup circle behind him stands the equally eloquent Kamala Harris…

  6. “Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundation of our Republic.”

    I was listening to Tammy Bruce, filling in for Hannity and she and every talking head were aghast at the speech.

    The backdrop wasn’t the lofty columns of Obama, nor the bright patriotism of a field of flags, but a dark red, almost sinister setting with the military in the background– appearing very authoritarian. And the speech was the sort you would expect from a President preparing for war.

    Unprecedented. What we have seen in the last month has been one unprecedented episode after another. Unprecedented. Unprecedented. Unprecedented.

    Conservatives may not be at war with the left, but the left is at war with conservatives. Since 2008.

    How many times will the media and the left repeat the charge– “MAGA Republicans are a threat to the foundation of our Republic” in the coming days?

    We have been hedged in. Will the message of conservatives running for office be drowned out by the cacophony of “fascists” – “threat” – “to our democracy”?

    Is this a one off, or are we seeing the scorched earth campaign by the left leading up to the midterms?

  7. Biden: “MAGA Republicans…embrace anger. They thrive on chaos. They live not in the light of truth, but in the shadow of lies.”
    Said the angry old man, who has created chaos at our wide-open southern border and tells us the border is closed.

    And the man who commanded a chaotic Afghanistan withdrawal and then claimed that no military adviser told him it would be a chaotic failure.

    And the man who angrily declared that the pandemic was a pandemic of the unvaccinated and fired government workers who didn’t get vaccinated. And even after getting Covid, in spite of being vaxxed and boosted, failed to admit he was wrong about the vaccine and offered the employees their jobs back.

    The angry man who accuses MAGA supporters of fascism
    when he supports the fascistic policies of big government, national mandates, high taxes, profligate government spending, over-regulation of businesses, censorship of political opponents, embraces lies about green energy, and so much more.

    He is the pot calling the kettle black. Republicans need to fisk his speech line by line and expose him as the wanna be fascist he is.

  8. Weren’t red and black the colors George Lucas chose for the Sith lords in his “Star Wars” movies? Asking for a friend.

  9. We’re talking about a guy who claimed to have lost a family member due to crime. That was a lie, his wife was killed in an accident not a drunk driver. He claimed he lost his son in service to the country. (Due to burning pits) That was a lie, there’s no association with burning pits and brain cancer and his son was lawyer working in an air conditioned office.(So even if it could cause it he had little to no exposure.) He claimed he stopped ebola. That was a lie, ebola stopped when it hit good sanitation due to how it’s spread.(Like the other times it hit and stopped.) He claimed he got cancer from a refinery spilling on him as a child. That was a lie, he got a skin tumor from sun exposure. The thing is these aren’t the sort of lies I can expect a person might tell. These are the sort of egregious lies where I figure the person is literally a psychopath and has no conscience and will say anything if they think it’ll benefit them. Stuff like this is exactly why I think Biden is an absolutely horrible person. If I was religious I would say he doesn’t have a soul.

  10. Being the superb plagiarist that he is, we’ll have to mark President Biden down forty points for failing to employ the “with malice toward none, with charity for all” idea from a real President. What a fumble!

    Will NPR be telling us in the morning that ‘he meant well, regardless’?

  11. He doesnt he is eldritch chaotic evil.

    Its basically the bitter clingers dialed up to 12

  12. Believing in thd Constitution makes us a threat ok then legitimately cast votes is too much of a stretch

  13. This speech is the precursor to declaring a state of emergency in order to cancel the elections and sideline the constitution “for the duration” (which duration will of course be permanent).

    It’s a classic page out of the playbook of people like Mussolini, Hitler, Mao, Stalin, etc. etc.

  14. JJ (11:44 pm) wrote. “He is the pot calling the kettle black. Republicans need to fisk his speech line by line and expose him as the wanna be fascist he is.”

    I approve, JJ, but — with all respect, how many people out there, who are not members of the establishment-left choir, might pay attention to such a fisking?

  15. From Bill Jacobson at Legal Insurrection: “The major networks had the good sense not to show it. As far as I could tell, only CNN and MSNBC carried it live. . . . Watch it. Remember it. Understand that Joe Biden is trying to provoke conflict, he wants it, his handlers want it. They launched this campaign about a month ago. It’s calculated.”


    I wonder whether JoJo or his handlers deliberately chose the anniversary of Hitler’s invasion of Poland in 1939 as the date for the speech. The red and black color scheme is certainly fitting.

  16. Trump was absolutely right when he said, “They’re after you. I’m just in the way.”

    Coming soon: Trump’s indictment/arrest, in hopes of inciting the Deplorables and turning our national life into the permanent J6 Committee.

    A musical interlude while we await further developments (after the inevitable ads):


  17. I didn’t watch. Did Brandon close his speech by leading the audience in “Kumbaya”?

    Red and black are also Antifa’s colors. Communism + Anarchism.

  18. What I find most disconcerting is the same thing that put me off the Democrats (well, more than I already was) when they supported Clinton after the Lewinsky scandal.

    The Party KNEW about all this plagiarism and other things Biden lied about, yet time after time they put him up for re-election, and the people voted for him.
    As someone said about Obama in 2012, paraphrasing because I can’t find the source any longer, “I’m less worried about Obama than about a country that would re-elect him the second time.”

    It’s very clear that the Democrats, as a Party, do NOT value personal ethics.
    At least Republicans try to factor that into their choices.

    No, Trump is not a paragon of virtue; most other politicians aren’t either, but AFAIK no Republican can continue in office with a track record like Biden’s.
    The Left knows that too, which is why they throw so much muck at GOP candidates, hoping that something will stick.
    Too many examples to list; you all know them.

  19. @ Miguel > “They are stupid and vicious”

    Greenfield paints a very distressing picture, on top of Neo’s artwork, and what we know from the Hunter laptop.

    If Ukraine, China, and Iran all own a piece of Joe Biden’s soul, it’s no wonder there is none left for America.

  20. @ MollyG > “A musical interlude while we await further developments”

    The poster nailed it.

    The patriotic song from Cabaret, in the Biergarten in pre-war Nazi Germany, sung by the Arian Hitler youth. You see many young and old people getting taken up by the song, but you can also see the old man who remembers WWI and knows what will happen.

    That song, IMO, has always been the most chilling scene in the show, and most of the commenters agree with me.

  21. @ PA Cat > “I wonder whether JoJo or his handlers deliberately chose the anniversary of Hitler’s invasion of Poland in 1939 as the date for the speech.”

    Commenter McGehee at LI: “It sounded better in the original German.”

  22. The sound is out tonight on my computer. So I can’t stream speeches or commentary.

    But I did come across this sure fire LOL! howler at Steve McIntyre’s Twitter thread to share with you:

    Sean Davis
    I unfortunately didn’t get to watch Biden’s speech live. Afterwards did he and his friends set fire to a pile of books before setting off to hunt down Indians Jones and his dad?

  23. I was looking for a quote about Obama’s re-election in 2012, and found this instead, which I didn’t recall reading, although I remember some of the discussions of the unlikely numbers of votes he got when they exceeded the number of registered voters, or hit unprecedented turn-out rates.

    There are lots of ways to get votes, some are fraudulent but most are by exploiting legal, but unethical, situations.
    It ends with a rather unsettling conclusion.


    Many on the left believe there is nothing wrong with committing fraud in order to ensure Obama’s reelection. It is a common tenet on the left that the ends justify the means. Saul Alinsky, the 1960’s radical who inspired Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, taught community organizers like Obama that dishonesty is acceptable if it achieves your political goals. And when caught, Alinsky teaches radicals to deny the wrongdoing and change the topic to put their accusers on the defensive. One Obama supporter brazenly posted on Facebook that he was voting four times for Obama, asserting that the ends justify the means.

    Aiding Obama’s win was a devious suppression of the conservative vote. The conservative-leaning military vote has decreased drastically since 2010 due to the so-called Military Voter Protection Act that was enacted into law the year before. It has made it so difficult for overseas military personnel to obtain absentee ballots that in Virginia and Ohio there has been a 70% decrease in requests for ballots since 2008. In Virginia, almost 30,000 fewer overseas military voters requested ballots than in 2008. In Ohio, more than 20,000 fewer overseas military voters requested ballots. This is significant considering Obama won in both states by a little over 100,000 votes.

    Voter fraud has been in the works for years. At least 52 employees of the left wing group ACORN have been convicted of voter registration fraud. ACORN itself was convicted of the crime of “compensation,” paying its registration canvassers bonuses to exceed their quotas. In 2008, 36% of ACORN’s voter registrations were invalidated. Left wing political pundit Chris Matthews admitted last year that pretending to call someone from a polling company, then voting their ballot for them, has been happening in big cities since the 1950’s. He admitted he knows that kind of voter fraud takes place in Philadelphia.

    Strong-arming people into voting who really have no desire to vote undermines our form of government. People do not choose to vote because they are uninformed about the issues and candidates, are lazy, cynical, or are content with the status quo. Voting someone else’s ballot for them is cheating the system and essentially giving yourself two votes.

    When people claim that Obama won because the economy was improving, or because Americans generally think he is doing a good job, it is not true. He won through dishonest methods and rhetoric. Many of the votes cast in the swing states were cajoled, some legally and perhaps even more illegally, into supporting him. If voter fraud becomes acceptable, then maybe Donald Trump is right: it’s time for a revolution.

    From the LINK about Trump:

    “He lost the popular vote by a lot and won the election. We should have a revolution in this country!”

    I don’t think he should have given the Democrats any ideas.

  24. So far, none of the pundits I’ve read have mentioned the connection I saw immediately between Biden’s stage set and their dorky Dark Brandon meme-wannabe.
    (Although a commenter at Sarah Hoyt’s tonight agrees with me.)

    The younger staff are probably all in on that, and have no clue about how it makes older folks cue up vibes from WWII.

    However, the people at the upper levels in Biden Inc, and the Dark Dork himself, should have noticed the similarity, so they are either worse than clueless, or doing it intentionally.
    I can’t think of any good reason why they want to have their Fearless Leader give a speech about destroying democracy while cosplaying the guy who almost accomplished it, but I can’t make my mind twist enough to think the way they seem to.

  25. Another great rendition of Biden’s speech — the subtext.
    (h/t balzacq at Hoyt)
    (and language warning)


    Everybody sit down! Oh, nobody was standing? Anyway, here I am in Philadelphia! Here, we decided that all Americans were equal and have individual rights! But now I’m here to blow that up, and call you insurrectionists if you don’t like it. As long as I keep saying that I’m protecting democracy, the media will let me do whatever I want to destroy it!

    But let’s get real — the real REAL problem is Republicans! They are going to try to win an election! THAT’S INSURRECTION, PEOPLE! Since we have all the power, we get to decide how the elections work! And nothing can be more sacred to our traditions than not being able to ensure the ballot at the bottom of that drop box was actually legally cast. If you don’t like it, TRAITORS!

    These MAGA Republicans are total extremists! Can you imagine a political party continuing to question an election for years after it happened? Can you, Stacy Abrams? But these extremists follow Donald Trump and they are totally extreme MAGA extremists! They don’t care about any of our rules, so we can use our USA PATRIOT Act powers to ensure they can’t run for office, or speak out when we throw them in jail for voicing their political opinion!

    These guys are total authoritarians! They might ban the gay marriage that I was against my entire political career until the Supreme Court bailed me out and allowed me to shift my opinion without consequence.

    January 6th was terrible, everybody! These terrorists who deny the election was the purest election ever are a clear and present danger to our democracy! Establishment Republicans said so!

    Etc etc etc

  26. With that Red & Black! All he needed was Adolf’s Swastika or Stalin’s Gold Hammer and Sickle and he’d be good to go, lies and all.

    I can’t tell, is the change from a “deplorable” to a “semi-fascist” a promotion or just a slip,of a slipping mind?

  27. And the Republicans and so-called conservatives who helped put Biden in the White House should not be allowed to dodge their share of blame for this mess.

    Jonah Goldberg endorsed the content of the speech but thought it imprudent to deliver. Mona Charen liked the first half, not the second. These characters know Pierre Omidyar signs the checks.

  28. I’m guessing PBS, NBC, CBS, and ABC figured the speech would be injurious to the Democratic Party, so declined to carry it live.

    I’m assuming this effort was the work of the stupider side of the White House staff, interacting with Biden’s dying brain.

    In other matters, Kevin McCarthy, who has been on the payroll of legislative bodies for 35 years, is a wretched public speaker. How do we come by these mediocrities?

  29. What we are currently witnessing is the NATURAL culmination of the Jan. 6 show trials (and the reason why there were NO National Guard or police reinforcements at the Capitol on election day; i.e., the reason why Trump’s request that they be there were entirely stymied by Pelosi and the mayor of D.C ).
    This SLIDE (or rather “ASCENT”) into Totalitarianism has clearly been the DPUSA plan all along given Obama’s statements and policies—but especially Russiagate and the stolen 2020 “election”. To be sure, they would have preferred not to be so brutal about it (after all, Clinton was supposed to have won in 2016); but Trump, and “Biden”‘s own myriad of non-stop pathetic, gruesome, outrageous and obvious lies have forced “his” hand.

    Yes, it was always in the cards; but Manchin and Sinema have, by their craven capitulation, enabled this.
    That is, they have greased the wheels for “Biden’”s extraordinary VICTORY in this “unprecedented” DEBACLE in America’s history….

    One MUST hope it will prove to be the Democratic Party’s Stalingrad.

  30. From Bill Jacobson at Legal Insurrection: “The major networks had the good sense not to show it. As far as I could tell, only CNN and MSNBC carried it live. . . . Watch it. Remember it. Understand that Joe Biden is trying to provoke conflict, he wants it, his handlers want it. They launched this campaign about a month ago. It’s calculated.”

    Bingo. The Red & Black background was entirely intentional. It’s purpose to drive home the impression/belief among patriots that only immediate armed rebellion by the right can stop the left’s fascist takeover. But if they had that power, they’d already be knocking down doors.

  31. So Democrats and their supporters don’t see any irony in a clearly fascist-invoking speech and setting, ranting against alleged fascism from the other side.

    This was a political speech. The use of uniformed Marines in the background was a breach of military code, I think. It’s not the fault of those Marines, but of whoever commanded them to be there within view of the cameras.

  32. And when more violence, like against Scalaise or Paul happens, it’ll be used as proof of how divisive Republicans are.

    Does McConnell, Romney and the rest of the GOPe really think the tiger will eat them last?

  33. “embrace anger. They thrive on chaos. They live not in the light of truth, but in the shadow of lies.”

    So, Biden projected again?!

    As is often the case, someone on the left accuses the right of something and what they are really doing is describing themselves.

  34. I have no illusions the progs want to destroy this country but this garish display mel brooks would have turned down well its not really surprising

  35. Evil.

    If this isn’t enough for people to see the evil amongst us, they will never see it.

    This is nasty. Ugly. Malevolent. Hate-filled. Violence-promoting.


  36. “How do we come by these mediocrities?“

    Dysfunctional environments repel functional people. With the Democrats, that leaves them with fantasists and freaks. With the GOP, it’s craven lickspittles and fanatic ideologues.

    It’s part of why we have a political gerontocracy. The old leaders don’t want to go and everyone is terrified of the next generation taking over. I mean, as bad as Schumer and Pelosi are, the Democrats after them are going to be like AOC and Kamala. There was a decent selection of Dem candidates in 2020 and NONE of them passed muster with voters or the party establishment.


  37. So it’s not about hope and change anymore?

    At least everyone is talking about the specter of fascism and not about the new jobs report.

    Biden may have gone too far even for his supporters. That’s why the old broadcast networks didn’t carry the speech. Either Biden’s performance will be ignored and forgotten or he will be stepping down next year.

    The recent New Yorker story about the Biden family is worth a look. His father was leading the high life in the 20s and 30s, yachting and playing polo. Joe lived on a relative’s estate until he was about 3. Then the family fortunes collapsed amidst accusations of war profiteering. Joe has a chip on his shoulder from growing up in straitened circumstances and having been the poorest senator, but also possibly a sense of entitlement coming from memories his family’s earlier wealth.

  38. Why does everyone keep focusing on Biden? Why keep listing his faults, and history? At this point he is irrelevant. He’s a senile, drugged up puppet.

    What we are seeing is the central committee starting their final push to take over the country. They are either hoping for a violent response even of limited proportions to declare martial law and cancel the elections, or they think they’ve purged the military enough they can move on their own. The next 2 months are going to be hell.

  39. The next two months are going to be bad, but it’s an ill omen for Biden & Co that the broadcast networks declined to carry this offensive tirade. This could be viewed as a desperation effort to turn the tide of the looming midterm disaster. Will he energize his own base, or energize the opposition?

  40. I don’t know about any of you, but in attacks by Antifa I’m going to relate to this speech, and for that matter the various comments during the week by Biden. Biden has made it clear that he views his political opponents as fascist knowing their is a violent organization in the US that has attacked citizens under the guise of being anti-fascist.

    During the 2020 debates, Trump was asked by a moderator to tell his side to tone it down. Trump then asked the same of Biden for Antifa, and he refused to do so and pretended they were not a thing. Will their be editorials now by the news asking Biden to walk back his comments and call off Antifa riots? I doubt it. So we can expect them to happen, as they did in the summer of 2020 leading up to the elections.

  41. Mayorkas tbe creepy interior minister out an ed woods film darth austin the rick moranis impression is intentional how about sauron i mean garlans

  42. Just a reminder:
    One reason—of many, many more—why the Democrats have declared war on over half the country (and, in essence, on the country itself):
    “Seven Dead Doctors in 14 Days Don’t Lie;
    “Does this seem normal to you?”—
    H/T Blazingcatfur blog.
    The article refers to Trudeau’s Canada but could refer EQUALLY to “Biden”‘s America.
    Key grafs (RTWT):
    “…And yet we also know five doctors died in a matter of a few days in one city — Toronto. FIVE.
    “We also know seven Canadian doctors died in one 14-day period.
    “We also know 14 Canadian doctors (at least) died in the past nine months. One of my heroes, Steve Kirsch, just wrote about this development.
    “Steve is a lifelong Democrat megadonor to the Democrat Party who has become a Republican because of injuries and deaths linked to the vaccine. Despite donating $20 million to Democrats, he tried calling many Democrat senators and representatives (whom he donated to) to inform them about all the vaccine deaths and catastrophic injuries. They wouldn’t return his calls. He appeared on Tucker Carlson’s Fox News show recently to talk about it.
    “Back to all these dead doctors — mostly young dead doctors. Have you ever heard of anything like this? Of course not, because it’s never happened in my lifetime. I’m guessing it’s never happened in history. Perhaps it happened during the plague in the Middle Ages (known as “the Black Death”).
    “Maybe we should start calling the COVID-19 jab ‘the Black Death II.’
    “Did you know about any of these dead doctors? Of course you didn’t. It’s been a total media blackout. Why would five dead doctors in one city be worthy of media coverage? Or seven dead doctors in 14 days in one small country? Nothing to see here. Just move along….”

    File under: MiniHealth…

  43. “…Marines…’

    Most unpleasant, no doubt.
    Even outrageous, certainly.

    …But I wouldn’t make too much of it…as it’s only MERELY ANOTHER instance of Obama’s, i.e. “Biden”‘s, very, very special sense of humor….
    (The poor guy DOES have trouble controlling himself…)

  44. I’m starting to believe that the only reason for this absurd spectacle with grim lighting and adversarial tone is to try to engender some sort of violent response. They’re desperate. They need a villian, something to terrify voters.

  45. A check on the NPR and PBS websites, something I ordinarily never do, confirms my hypothesis. The speech is nowhere on the PBS Newshour front page, and NPR’s take is that “Biden’s speech walks a fine line in its attack on MAGA Republicans.”

    The speech was not for his supporters (which is why the networks didn’t carry it) but to make all “MAGA Republicans” very very afraid — which I, for one, am.

    Note that “MAGA Republican” branding. The choice of Independence Hall, the use of the Marines, the deeming of the speech as a “soul of the nation” address, and the repeated distinction between “good” Republicans, even if Conservative, and “MAGA Republicans” tells me that this is the Uniparty moving in for the kill.

    When people use “clear and present danger” language and deem movements a “threat to the very foundation of our republic,” they are laying the groundwork for legal/military action.

    Here in Florida, many political ads are for “Trump Republicans.” Do you think Congress has any intention of seating them should they win? If they lose, despite being tens of percentage points ahead in polling, do you think they’d dare risk contesting an election, giving how “Biden” has characterized MAGA Republicans as denying people their electoral choice?

    I assume there will be elections, but honestly, there will be no “MAGA Republicans” seated. Whether arrests will have preceded the election I am unsure.

  46. “I’m starting to believe that the only reason for this absurd spectacle with grim lighting and adversarial tone is to try to engender some sort of violent response.” [Nonapod @ 11:23]

    You may be correct, but perhaps not in the way you imply (blowback from the right). What if Biden is being set up for an assassination from his own left? It, of course, would be manufactured to appear as blowback from the right; just early enough before the mid-terms to allow all the lies to circulate but not too early to allow the truth to surface before voting.

    For all the talk about January 6th being a Reichstag fire, this would certainly be the motivation (on the basis this September 1st Biden speech) to begin the oppression of the left’s political opponents. Has the stage been set?

    I know, conspiracy theory, but I’ve seen enough to truly believe that these people are certainly capable of doing just that and we have seen this pattern before in 1933.

  47. Party which hates America and seeks to eliminate critical parts of constitution warns that those who love America will destroy it.

    DeSantis needs to make a speech to the nation like this a few weeks before the election — simply cite the polling showing who loves and hates the country, who is willing to fight for it, who defunds police, releases murderers, opens the borders, censors and cancels. Then point out all the parts of the constitution that the Democrats want to eliminate (electoral college, 2d amendment, federalism, etc.) The threat to America and democracy is clear. It comes from those who openly advocate eliminating critical parts of our constitution. It comes from those who refuse to follow the rule of law.

  48. Perhaps the nastiest, most vicious speech ever delivered by an American president.

    This grifter is deserving of a comeuppance. Let all his future ice cream cones convey the taste of ashes.

  49. Why did Obama send him out to deliver such an over the top speech in such a comical setting? I suspect they’re getting ready to trade the old man for a different version. They may sack Kamala first, then bring in their next puppet, who will be … who knows? They want us to focus on Looney Tunes Joe and miss the real story.

  50. I think Nancy B. is on to something. It is the route that I think the greater “international community” would support, “Oh, they had free and fair elections, except in those MAGA areas.” This saves them the trouble of trying to rig the election outcome in advance.

  51. Compared to Joe’s previous plagiarisms, he obviously has gotten a lot less literal than copying 5 pages from a published law article into a 15-page paper he claimed to have “authored”.

    For instance, no Zeppelins flew over, even though the overall red / black color scheme was spot on.

  52. If a previous, more eloquent president heard Biden’s speech he would assume the old man had lost his marbles. “Maga? WTF? That’s not a real word. He just sounds…incoherent.”

  53. I always thought that Obummer picked him out of a sort of cynical act of self-preservation in case anyone wanted to do something drastic to get him out of office. The alternative to Obummer being president was a much, much, much worse option: A much pettier, certifiably stupid, malevolent jackass of whom even the Democrats weren’t fond. Four years later, we got stuck with that jackass.

  54. Pingback:Biden the Unifier Makes a Prime Time Speech | American Freedom News

  55. Irs make me laugh at this old fool, my parents came to this country because an evil man took over their home herbert matthews gave him his job as buckley was wont to say

    Maga republicans are the only ones who matter the others are rubber stamps like boehner ryan mcconnell graham mccain

  56. The recent New Yorker story about the Biden family is worth a look. His father was leading the high life in the 20s and 30s, yachting and playing polo. Joe lived on a relative’s estate until he was about 3. Then the family fortunes collapsed amidst accusations of war profiteering. Joe has a chip on his shoulder from growing up in straitened circumstances and having been the poorest senator, but also possibly a sense of entitlement coming from memories his family’s earlier wealth.

    That’s a fiction. His paternal grandfather was worked for American Oil Company, variously listed as a ‘salesman’, ‘district manager’, ‘office manager’ and ‘branch manager’. His father grew up in agreeable but ordinary detached housing, whether owned or rented. Here’s where the family lived in 1932 (the building is a duplex).


    And here’s where they lived in 1940


    Here’s the place they moved to in 1940


  57. Granddaddy Biden died in 1941, at the age of 48.

    Papa Biden in October 1940 was billeted at the YMCA in York, Pa, when he wasn’t holed up in the family home in Scranton. His draft card attests he was employed by the American Oil Company. His obituary indicates he was a salesman. (A wag in his father’s house told the census enumerator that the 24 year old J.R. Biden was ‘superintendant of plant’).

    In 1950, eight members of the Biden-Finnegan clan were living in a house in a section of Scranton which includes North Washington Avenue. The head of household was J. Biden’s maternal grandfather, who had lived on North Washington Avenue for some time. Here is where AJ Finnegan was living in 1940


    Pretty cramped for eight people.

    JR Biden Sr.’s obituary indicates he was employed as a business executive for a firm in Boston which produce war materiel and then had an airfield and crop dusting firm after the war. By 1950, he was employed as an ‘automotive inspector’ (presumably in a factory or repair shop). His obituary indicates he landed a sales job in Wilmington in 1953.

  58. That’s a fiction.

    Biden’s grandfather was only an employee, but he was close to the founder of Amoco, Louis Blaustein. Little has been known until now about Joe’s father’s relationship with his relatives the Sheenes. He was an employee of their firms but something like a partner because of the family connection.

    The Sheenes began to live lavishly, and Biden, Sr., benefitted from their newfound wealth. After his family left Baltimore, he returned during the summer months to stay with the Sheenes. He began leading something of a double life: in Wilmington and, later, in Scranton, he lived modestly—the purse strings drawn tight by his bitter, cash-strapped father—but in Baltimore he lived large, bankrolled by his spendthrift uncle. Every few years, Biden wrote, Sheene, Sr., bought new Cadillacs for himself and his son, and for Biden, Sr., he bought a Buick roadster. There were also horses, airplanes, and yachts. According to Sheene III, Biden, Sr., and Sheene, Jr., were allowed to participate in fox hunts in Maryland’s countryside because of their lineage. (The Robinettes traced their roots from England to the Pennsylvania Colony.) “We were aristocrats,” Sheene III told me.

    I did get the story relating to the mansion wrong, but:

    In November, 1945, shortly before the birth of Valerie, their second child, Biden, Sr., and Jean sold the house in Newton. The family ended up in Old Westbury, Long Island, where Sheene, Jr., owned a mansion that, according to a 1945 item in the Times, had twenty rooms, a garage with chauffeur’s quarters, stables, a squash court, and a tennis court. Sheene III said that his father continued to live like Jay Gatsby, even as billing notices from the government arrived. If he wasn’t out drinking on his new yacht, then he was hosting boozy gatherings at home, where he would play the piano or the banjo for his guests.

    The Bidens may not have lived in the mansion or not for very long, but his parents moved nearby on Long Island and continued to participate in the highlife until the Sheenes’ business collapsed. The article doesn’t mention it, but Biden’s great-grandfather was a wealthy mining engineer and a state senator.

    The Sheenes lost their money and Biden didn’t even spell their name correctly in the autobiography he supposedly wrote. The Bidens haven’t returned their calls.

    Read the article. It’s very illuminating.

  59. Joe’s grandfather’s life turned sour after Blaustein died. He was kicked down the organization and took to drink. Joe’s father was the life of the party with the Sheene’s while his wife and kids were in those crowded houses in Scranton. He was the second highest paid employee in one of the Sheenes war materiel firms. They had made fortunes in both World Wars, but lost the money when they were accused of war profiteering. That’s when the downward spiral in both families began.

    I may have wrongly made the princely story more about Biden and his household than about his father and cousins, but Biden and his siblings found out about the family’s glory days, and it made an impression on them. Once again, read the article.

  60. https://www.ancestry.com/discoveryui-content/view/1511190:1002

    This is where William Sheene Jr lived in 1942. It was a newly constructed duplex at the time.

    William Sheene Sr. was at the time living in the apartment building described here.


    William Sheene Sr was married to Alice Robinette, JR Biden Sr’s maternal-side aunt.

    The article doesn’t mention it, but Biden’s great-grandfather was a wealthy mining engineer and a state senator.

    George Robinette was a railway engineer.

  61. Joe’s grandfather’s life turned sour after Blaustein died. He was kicked down the organization and took to drink.

    The two men died four years apart. Usually takes longer than that to drink yourself to death.

  62. He is the pot calling the kettle black.

    He’s not. He’s the pot calling the – I don’t know, the bowl of jelly beans black.

    He, and his side, revel in authoritarian policies and plans, and work toward a society controlled by such – they’re the pot, all black.

    Our side has its scattered and ocasional authoritarians, but in the main we are tolerant, Constitutional, law-abiding and law-upholding, and happy to live in a pluralistic society – we’re the jelly beans, multicolored with only a few black ones that nobody likes.

    Let me be clear that in no way am I referring to the black jelly beans, or a black pot for that matter, as representing black Americans. Obviously.

  63. Jaime; “He’s not. He’s the pot calling the – I don’t know, the bowl of jellybeans black.”

    My point with that old saying, maybe it’s a poor analogy, is that he is calling Maga Republicans fascists, when he and his party are the real want-to-be fascist. Accuse the other side of what you are. Only the brain dead should be fooled by this. But we are experiencing an unusual amount of propaganda and mass psychosis.

    The GOP’s job is to expose this. A good start would be a major rebuttal speech by a GOP politician. DeSantis would be a good choice to do it. He’s a potential presidential candidate.

  64. Hold on a dang minute. Were those marines cis white male? The recent enemy of the left?
    Do they identify as Marines, or they, them, other?

    This display may have caused anxiety, fear, and hurt feelings among many of his voters.

  65. Didn’t the Obama people decide calling Islamic fanatics “terrorists” to be counterproductive and so they decided to refer to them only as “extremists”? Interesting, no?

  66. The two men died four years apart. Usually takes longer than that to drink yourself to death.

    I didn’t say he drank himself to death. We are used to people dying for all kinds of reasons and no apparent reason at all, and that happened even before COVID, but apparently Joseph Harry’s slide down the organization and into alcohol began before Louis Blaustein died. He went to see Blaustein’s son later hoping to get backing for a venture and was turned down.

    In 1937, Louis Blaustein died. After that, Joseph Harry said, there was “no warmth in the organization.” He later went with Biden, Sr., to the office of Louis’s son, Jacob, who had co-founded Amoco with his father. Jacob was away, but his secretary recorded a memorandum of what the Bidens said. Joseph Harry, she wrote, had “gotten to a point where he cannot stand it any longer.” He wanted to leave his job in Scranton and go into business with his sons—Biden, Sr., and Frank—selling Amoco products on commission. The Bidens would still be tied to the company, but they would be their own bosses. “By having the boys with him, he can train them in the work and leave them a heritage,” the secretary wrote. Joseph Harry wanted Jacob Blaustein’s blessing. He pleaded with the secretary to find time on her boss’s schedule—“just for fifteen minutes to talk it over.” But she was noncommittal, explaining that Jacob was “busier than ever these days.”

    Apparently Joseph Harry or the Sheens or the author or I thought the relationship was closer than it was. Given that the Blausteins were very rich at the time and still have billions, the idea of a close association must have been attractive to the Sheene and Biden families.

    William Sheene Sr. was at the time living in the apartment building described here.

    That was a very prestigious building at the time. The other image is behind a paywall. Sheene Sr made his fortune in WWI. His son made his in WWII — until he lost it. His fortunes, like the Biden’s rose rapidly, and then fell just as quickly.

    George Robinette was a railway engineer.

    I was referring to Edward F. Blewitt. I see now that he was on Biden’s mother’s side of the family and therefore wasn’t mentioned in the article, but apparently, the Finnegan side of the family wasn’t always poor either.

    I posted because the article revealed a little known side of Biden’s family history and the story was interesting in itself. It also went against — or at least added a new wrinkle or complication to — the version of family history that Joe Biden likes to tell. I also thought that this lost past might have some bearing on Joe’s psychology.

    Here’s the beginning of the article:

    In 2019, I wrote a piece for this magazine about Hunter Biden, the younger son of the current President, Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. Hunter, describing his childhood in Wilmington, Delaware, told me that after church his father would sometimes drive him and his brother, Beau, through wealthy neighborhoods, where they would sneak onto empty estates that were either abandoned or on the market. If the front door was locked, the boys’ father would hoist them through a second-floor window, and they would run downstairs and let him in. If a real-estate agent arrived when they were there, Biden, who at this point was a senator, would charm the agent into giving them a tour.

  67. If ya can’t get Ben Shapiro to walk down the aisles of the local Whore Foods, then rent a rolling coal truck, festoon with MAGA flags and drive past.

    At least have some fun on the way to gulag.

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