Home » Open thread 8/15/22


Open thread 8/15/22 — 35 Comments

  1. Things buried by the Trump Raid news cycle:
    -FBI/Whitmer entrapment case, it’s bad
    -FBI failed to deliver the Hunter laptop data to
    Congress by the due date
    -1-year anniversary of the Afghanistan disaster
    -CDC quietly admitted that the vaccines provide no additional protection


  2. covered it with a cloth, until it stopped moving,

    the brother of one of the bastion gate 13, did remember, he committed suicide,

  3. CDC quietly admitted that the vaccines provide no additional protection

    The vaccines were designed to address the original variant, which evaporated on these shores a year ago.

  4. Pride Month next year is gonna be lit, with a civil war heating up within the nontrad sexuality movement: “It’s happening: “LGB drop the T” keeps trending on Twitter as gay activists turn on transgender activists.”

    “It was always unsustainable. The only question was how long the LGBT political movement would bask in the glory of its inarguably successful obliteration of traditional societal norms and sexual mores before they took the time to notice. But with #LGBdroptheT trending on Twitter multiple times over the course of the last week or two, it seems apparent that at least in certain quarters, the revolutionaries are doing what revolutionaries always do: turn on each other.”


  5. “LGB drop the T”

    Sex is male and female. Gender is sex-correlated attributes (e.g. sexual orientation): masculine and feminine, respectively. The transgender spectrum is a rainbow of division forced by homosexuals, and bisexuals socially excluded (e.g. Pulse effect), who exhibit transgender dysphoria and probable phobia. The politically congruent (“=”) are well known to subscribe to the Pro-Choice ethical religion of the Progressive Cult and Corporation.

    Men, women, and “our Posterity” are from Earth. Feminists are from Venus. Masculinists are from Mars. Social progressives are from Uranus.

  6. The vaccines were designed to address the original variant

    As mutagenic, non-sterilizing medical treatments, not even that; but, they were suitable for focused distribution to high-risk cohorts (e.g. “fat is beautiful”/”healthy at any weight”, Vitamin-D deficient) with informed choice.

  7. https://rumble.com/v1g1en5-gov.-ron-desantis-full-speech-unite-and-win-rally-in-az-august-14-2022.html

    This sounds suspiciously like a campaign speech– not in support of Kari Lake and Blake Masters, but for president.

    Florida needs Ron DeSantis as governor. President Trump will likely get the Republican nomination regardless of what DeSantis does.

    But he does lay out why he’s a good governor. He said something that reinforces something I think needs to happen– in a formal way. Conservative states need to formalize defense pacts– economic, social and militarily.

    DeSantis said if the new governor Kari Lake sends national guard troops to defend the Arizona border, he would send Florida national guard troops to help.
    He said they have sent troops to Texas, but too many illegals were making it through the border, for the troops to be effective. Don’t know how accurate that is, but I suspect the terrain is more rugged and difficult to penetrate than Texas.

    He’s no Reagan, and I think President Trump comes across more polished and presidential. That might seem shallow, but lots of voters make their voting decisions on rather shallow criteria. He has the same problem Ted Cruz had– the timber of his voice is thin.

    Apparently DeSantis is going on a national Education Agenda tour. Not running? Hmmm.

  8. Long ago and if memory serves, I remember reading of what occured with the deer population in Pennsylvania. Somewhere around the turn of the century most if not all of the natural predators had been eliminated. The deer population exploded and eventually reached the point where a disease swept through the population and almost exterminated the deer population in Pennsylvania.

    Predators and disease are nature’s methods for keeping animal populations from overproducing. That sweet little duck wouldn’t make it in the wild and while one duck isn’t going to make a difference, the mindset that is blind to nature’s needed feedback mechanisms, will in the long run cause far more damage.

  9. I will never “drop” my transgender friends and allies.

    People who are authentically transgender are quite rare, notwithstanding their apparent concentration in some large coastal/left-leaning cities. And they are indeed subject to discrimination, aggression, and violence, just as lesbians and gay men were on a large scale until not too long ago. That is why T came to be added to LGB.

    That said, today’s militant trans/nonbinary activists, who weaponize the majority population’s desire to be fair and compassionate, are objectively homophobic and misogynistic. I can’t wait for the moral panic stirred up by these parasites to fade away. And it will, as soon as the small but loud and apparently permanent fringe of far-left sociopaths moves on to co-opt the next movement that seems ripe to advance the fringe’s nihilistic aims.

  10. It’s like the old saying that came out when Chik-Fil-A was under attack for its pro-Christian stance on traditional sex-and-gender norms: “You can either be for traditional gender assignments or against them; but if you want chicken, you’re going to need a hen and a rooster.

  11. Never drop a groomer? Hard to tell the activists to stop once they have gotten to like the rush that comes with destroying societal norms. What destructive fruits have fallen from the tree planted by the LGB.

  12. I predict the trans-mania will be the first ultra-prog project to be sloughed off.

    I don’t believe a majority of even Democrats support it. I suspect in their hearts of hearts, they know it’s BS. They don’t want guys ogling little girls in women’s restrooms or competing in women’s sports or sharing cells in women’s prisons. Rightly so.

    There is little real oppression of trans in America — the point of tolerance has been made and accepted — unless one counts saying there are two sexes is violence.

    It’s not a huge problem with millions of people suffering for it. There’s no Jim Crow or Stonewall world afflicting today’s trans.

    However, the pendulum is swinging against the rabid radical agenda. People are losing patience and progressives are losing power. The trans craze is low-hanging fruit as the reckoning approaches.

  13. @om: I don’t know any groomers, so I don’t have any to drop. And I don’t think it’s hard to tell the trans activists to stop. It may be hard to make them stop, but their destructive actions may end, as huxley suggests, in the “reckoning.”

    @huxley: The trans craze is low-hanging fruit as the reckoning approaches. On the one hand, I certainly hope so. On the other, I fear for my transgender friends and allies, smeared daily under the broad brush wielded by people like James Lindsay, who made some excellent points about woke culture several years ago, especially in 2020, but seems since then to have run straight off the rails.

  14. MollyG:

    Back in college I was in a commune which wound up being controlled by Kenneth Pitchford (Robin Morgan’s husband), whose Effeminist Manifesto was radical even for 1971. The slogan was:

    How dare you think I’m straight?

    Some of us wore that button. Some of us started dressing in purple. Frankly I was still a virgin and too confused to figure any of it out.

    Whatever problem I had wasn’t about anyone else’s sexual identity or behavior, but the demands that I should conform to their sexual politics.

    Anyway. I appreciate your comments and look forward to more.

  15. The groomers in the trans movement may have no intention of stopping;
    justice is never actually reached. Why would they stop? Limits on license? Respect for societal norms, or traditions, or cultures? If a reckoning begins who will you align with then? Hard choices comming. Sexual liberation’s darker side.

  16. For my usual open-thread open-thread comment…

    Recently there was a story about Google engineer who blew the whistle that a Google Artificial Intelligence project had achieved consciousness.

    I read about the story from different angles. I was amused to discover the engineer’s specific mission was to check the AI for religious bias!

    Shoot me now.

    The larger consensus was that the AI was just mixing and matching linguistic components based on crunching squillions of bytes of text data.

    Made sense to me. Until I watched this YouTube based on text responses from the Google AI.

    –“This AI says it’s conscious and experts are starting to agree. w Elon Musk.”

    I have no idea if it’s conscious. I’m not sure what that means. I can’t absolutely convince myself I am conscious.

    However, as far as I’m concerned, this AI is passing the Turing Test — can a human tell whether text responses aren’t from a human. (Granted, we don’t know how many clunkers were edited out from the video.)

    Turing-Test-positive AI is rushing at us, faster than I thought. The way it looks, in the not too distant future we will awaken suddenly to AI more intelligent than we are.

    It will be too late to do anything about it. Fait accompli. There’s no knowing what happens after, but we won’t be in control.

  17. @om: If a reckoning begins who will you align with then?

    As always, with my LGB friends and allies, my transgender friends and allies, and the many straight friends and allies we have in common.

    If that wasn’t clear, see my earlier comment, where I pointed to the small, loud, apparently permanent far-left fringe (you may be used to thinking of it as a Communist front, and I might not disagree with you) that has hijacked legitimate social justice movements for as long as I can remember. And, yes, I think that the mainstream LGBT movement has been and remains one focused on social justice and human rights, not “special” rights. YMMV.

  18. Bruce Bawer with an article on Rushdie that he no doubt wishes he didn’t have to write.
    In it, he reminds the reader of likely forgotten though much-needed background—IOW the original fatwa almost 35 years ago and the violence it spawned globally, and those who were murdered because of it—and brings to the fore some of the craven, but also courageous responses, in the early years.
    “Finally, Rushdie;
    “We can only hope that as a result of this shocking crime, some Westerners who’ve carefully toed the Muslim line on free speech will rediscover their voices and learn a long-overdue lesson in courage.”
    H/T Instapundit

  19. Wretchard runs with the—I hesitate to say (but who knows?) “Neo’s”—“Moby Dick” meme…

    …as the Democratic Party crime syndicate continues to SETTLE ACCOUNTS in the ‘hood
    (…The “hood” in this case being the entire US of A).

  20. Oh those liberals…”playing hardball” to destroy your political opponent, in this case Roy Moore:
    “Roy Moore Awarded Over $8 Million In Defamation Case”—

    Hmmm. Let’s suppose we juxtapose….
    Key grafs:
    ‘…In a 30-second advertisement that ran nearly 1,000 times on local television networks, the ‘Senate Majority PAC’ accused Moore of “soliciting sex from young girls” at a mall, based on a report from the New American Journal – which cited anonymous sources – and later admitted that it was inaccurately reported.
    ‘…’The juxtaposition of the quotes were meant “to create the false impression that Judge Moore solicited sex from a 14-year-old Santa’s helper at the mall. The very source they cite in the ad refutes that statement,” the complaint stated. -Epoch Times…’

  21. Well.
    Molly and her allies can form an affinity group to oppose the loud, vocal minority hijacking the transgender movement.

    Personally, I don’t buy it.

    It doesn’t seem like a tiny fringe group at all. Scads of school boards are either pushing or at best standing aside. Here in CA a law is proposed to create a sanctuary for underage kids. They can come here, become a ward of the state and get transgender treatments without parental notification. Many top movers and shakers are in favor.

    How about this? Tell me it’s fake
    The vid is less than a minute.

    Robby Starbuck @robbystarbuck
    In this video Christy Olezeski, PhD admits that Yale Medicine is treating kids as young as 3 YEARS OLD in their “gender journey”. She’s the co-founder of the Yale Pediatric Gender Program. 3 YEAR OLDS should not be led to change genders! Leave them alone @YaleMedicine.


  22. @JimNorCal: It’s already being done. You can look up Gays Against Groomers. Also, there are lots of lesbians among the women who are working to keep males out of women’s spaces (locker rooms, prisons, shelters, etc.). We are dismissed as “TERFs” (trans-exclusive radical feminists) by the fringe trans activists and their many supporters and other useful idiots in the media.

  23. I’m near Palm Springs, CA, for one night. The local TV news reports on a Drag Queen for kids event — the controversy is vetted as surprising (said so by an obviously gay sound affecting reporter).

    THIS is a world away from Arizona.

    I am from an alien nation, here.

  24. Molly, I’ll maintain that your folks are the fringe. It’s the trans activists who are riding the trail provided by interlocked govt, media, Dem Party, Big Tech social media, the Professoriate, celebs, NGOs and the other Usual Suspects.
    They are dominant and currently winning.

  25. they control the nodes in academia, in media, that are the choke points, much like the legal machinery, whose apex is the doj

  26. JimNorCal:

    I’m not in touch with the trans world at all. But I doubt the activists are the mainstream for trans anymore than the Squad and Antifa represent the average Democrat.

    The radicals make all the noise and do all the bullying. It works … to a point. I think that point is being passed.

  27. JimNorCal:

    I’m not in touch with the trans world at all. But I doubt the activists are the mainstream anymore than the Squad and Antifa represent average Democrats.

    The radicals make all the noise and do all the bullying. It works … to a point. I think that point is being passed.

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