Home » Open thread 7/29/22


Open thread 7/29/22 — 18 Comments

  1. I love his guy’s work. I always take time to watch when I run across his vids.

  2. “FOLLOW the [um, er,] SCIENCE!!”
    “Cross-Examining the Climate Change Cultists”—
    H/T Blazingcatfur blog.

    ‘Twitter resumes purge of scientists, critics of gender ideology after Musk pullout;
    ‘Ivy League epidemiologist suspended again less than two weeks after reinstatement that followed legal threat. Twitter switches charge against genomics researcher from COVID misinformation to “abusive behavior” after he appeals.’—

    But of course they did…
    Can’t have people getting the “wrong ideas”(TM)…

  3. Amazing video. In the days before cameras existed a photographic like artistic capability was valued. Afterwards, not so much. But I like it anyway. How much time did it take to reproduce that tiny checked pattern jacket?

    A summary of the reconciliation bill so far.

    The reconciliation bill — repackaged by Democrats as the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 — would raise [revenue] an estimated $739 billion over the next decade, with the revenues going toward initiatives designed to combat climate change and curb pharmaceutical prices, as well as efforts to reduce the nation’s $30 trillion debt.

    It includes about $433 billion in new spending, while roughly $300 billion of the new revenue raised would go toward paying down the nation’s deficit — a priority for Manchin.

    They’re still saying the corp. minimum tax is based on “book income” and yes, they are planning on doing away with the carried interest “loophole.”

    The $433B in spending is on top the more than $280B in new spending contained in the CHIPS bill that has passed both houses, I think.

  4. That dude in the thumbnail seems like he’s trying real hard to look like Al Jourgensen from the industrial metal band Ministry.

    I recall that the CHIPs bill was supposed to be like $53 billion or something? Stupid question, how’d it end up at $280 billion? I’m sure that Nancy Pelosi’s husband must’ve made a bunch of money being the investment wizard that he is.

  5. Before giving the drawing to each person, he would say “excuse me, sir,” or “excuse me, ma’am.”

    No one corrected him. “I identify as a woman, not a man.” Not a woke person in the subway. Even our Secretary of Transportation, who could have at least pointed out that he was a new mother.

  6. Lou Elizondo has dropped many little pieces of information and hints in the last few years, as he has been talking about UFOs in a TV series, and in innumerable other appearances and interviews.

    From among all of the things he has said on this topic a couple of things really stood out for me, and they are both unsettling.

    In one interview Elizondo—who has access to far more information—both classified and unclassified–on UFOs, and is in a far better position to assess this body of information than I’d imagine almost anybody–said that if people knew the whole of the truth about UFOs, their reaction would be a very “somber” one.

    In another interview Elizondo also posed the question of, what if we discovered that we were not on top of the food chain, and if there were some other entities who were more evolved than we are. *

    If we found out that this was the truth, I’d imagine this fact would make a lot of us “somber.”

    * See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jythx89ym38

    * See also https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/qcaxo6/elizondo_expands_on_his_somber_comment_saying/

    From the second linked source–

    “Lue was asked to expand on his somber comments in his AMA with Curt Jaimungal. He described a conversation he had with someone high up in the government, and it’s probably the most important thing he’s said so far in my opinion.”

    “We had a conversation. He said you know, Lue, mankind has been around for a little while, and most of the time mankind has been around we’ve been smack in the middle of the food-chain. We ate a lot of things and a lot of things ate us, and that’s just the bottom line. About 70,000 years ago, something fundamentally changed. Something changed, and our species was instantly catapulted to the very top of our planet as far as predatory animals.

    Now, all of a sudden, we became the most feared. We were the most lethal and the most successful. In fact, most of the large species that existed on this planet went extinct because of us, because we started eating all of them.

    There were a couple species that did very, very well with our immediate ascension. We brought a couple species with us, the dog as an example. That species benefitted greatly from mankind’s ascension as the alpha predator, and wound up succeeding as well, doing very well off of that. That changed the entire global landscape of the planet almost overnight. Large animals went extinct because of us.

    What if it turns out that there’s another species that’s even higher on that ladder than we are? Do we need the social institutions that we have today? Will we need the governmental and religious organizations that we have today if it turns out there is something else, or someone else, that is technologically more advanced? And perhaps, from an evolutionary perspective, more advanced? Have we been wasting our time all this time? Or are we doing exactly what we’re supposed to be doing?

    Does it turn out that mankind is, in fact, just another animal in the zoo? We thought of ourselves as the zookeeper before, but maybe we’re just another exhibit. What would that mean to us? When I say somber and sobering, I mean there’s going to come a point in this conversation where we are going to have to do a lot of reconciling with ourselves, whatever that means. From whatever philosophical view you have, this is going to impact every single one of us equally, yet differently, and I think that’s important.

    Do we find ourselves in a situation where history will have to be re-written? So that’s what I meant.”

  7. We brought a couple species with us The domestic cat has done very well, too. Of course, from the perspective of Felis catus, they brought us along with them.

  8. In re the Manchin Payoff Bill aka Build Boondoggles Better, this post illustrates why the Democrats (and most of the GOPe) is opposed to Lauren Boebert’s latest legislative offering.


    Under current law, the Department of Energy is authorized to guarantee up to 90 percent of the unpaid principal of a loan made to Indian tribes for energy development. Existing law caps the amount that can be guaranteed at $2 million.

    The Inflation Reduction Act removes the first limit altogether, so there is no longer any requirement that a lender have “skin in the game” in the loans. This means that the U.S. taxpayer, rather than the financial institution making the loan, would be on the hook for any losses.

    Economists consider risk-retention by lenders to be a crucial check on loan quality. Several federal laws, including the Dodd-Frank Act financial reforms passed in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis, require banks to retain mortgage risk on their loans. The Inflation Reduction Act removes this safeguard.

    The bill increases the risk to taxpayers even further by increasing the amount that can be guaranteed from $2 million to $20 million, a tenfold increase.

    The guarantee program is not linked to the bill’s goals of deficit reduction, inflation reduction, or climate change. The loans made under the program need not support renewable energy and are instead aimed at fostering “tribal independence.”


  9. Some thoughts about UFOs–

    UFOs act as if they are aware of us and/or being observed and react, thus, it seems, they are being directed by some form of intelligence.

    Perhaps UFOs are visitors from other solar systems.

    Perhaps UFOs are vehicles of Earthly origin, but from our deep past, or from the future.

    Perhaps UFOs are visitors from other dimensions—slipping in and out of ours.

    Perhaps UFOs and whatever entities possibly direct them are entities which have always been here on Earth–seen and identified by each era in human history as various entities—as gods, demons, culture heroes, angels, or fairies—entities which we are now finally technologically advanced enough to observe and to try to identify.

    With regard to UFOs, some of the possibilities are that we could be dealing with machines directed by entities, or we could be dealing with vehicles which are actually living organisms, or we could be dealing not with any living entities at all, but with some sort of machine intelligence, an AI (see Von Neuman machines).*

    As has been pointed out there are only three major possibilities with regards to the motives of UFOs and those who direct them.

    They are either benevolent, are neutral, or are malevolent.

    There is no evidence of UFOs intervening to stop things like WWII, our development of nuclear weapons, the Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the Korean War, the Vietnam war, COVID, major illnesses, famine around the world, or any other development which has major negative effects on us and our world.

    While it appears that getting too close physically to a UFO can leave those getting too close with detectable physical and psychological harm, there is also little or no evidence of malicious or overtly hostile acts acts by UFOs; you get too close to the fire, you get burnt.

    And while for 75 years now UFOs have been very frequently appearing over our nuclear laboratories, nuclear storage facilities, nuclear armed ICBMs—sometimes shutting them down, or sometimes activating them–and nuclear powered and armed warships–perhaps hinting at their concern about our access to and potential use of nuclear weapons, and their possible wish that we should pursue nuclear disarmament–thus far UFOs and those who direct them seem to be content to be Observers.

    Are we being scouted for a possible invasion? Well, if so, 75 years of observations would seem to be far more than necessary.

    Could it be that these Observers are waiting for some key threshold to be reached before they initiate some sort of Contact?

    Then, again, could it be that all we are providing to any alien Observers is amusement, reality TV; humanity just Jerry Springer writ large?

    * http://spacetalkblog.com/self-replicating-machines/

  10. UFOs didn’t stop Disco in the 70s, or Jar Jar Binks, so they must be malevolent.

  11. UFOs cont’d–Patterns

    The main questions that have been asked about UFOs are what they are, who made them, where do they come from, where do they go, and what do they or those who pilot them want.

    As to the question of where are these UFOs are based–

    Considering reports of UFOs and the patterns that can be derived from them, a couple of things stand out; first, that UFOs are very interested in things nuclear, and, second, the many sightings of their hovering over, entrance into, passage through, and exit from our oceans and other bodies of water.

    (Reportedly we have quite a few satellites and networks of underwater sensors set up to detect the passage of submarines through our oceans, in addition to the mobile sensors on our own submarines. But curiously there are only a few public reports that our sensors have observed the movement of UFOs (now termed USOs) traveling though our various bodies of water.)

    Perhaps rather than being based somewhere here on land, or in outer space, these UFOs are, instead, based underwater, which, it appears, would provide a great place to hide.

    This makes sense when you consider that 70% of the Earth’s surface is covered by water, that the expanses of many of our oceans have only been lightly or never explored in any detail, and that there are many deep parts of our oceans whose depths we do not as yet have the capability to reach and explore. Moreover, that, in terms of geologic time, the depths of the oceans may be far less prone to the effects of the periodic tectonic plate movements and various natural catastrophes which reshape the land surface.

    Finally, there is the question what the many differing sizes, shapes, colors, speeds, maneuvers, and behaviors of UFOs might mean.

    One possible conclusion is that instead of us being visited by just one species of entities we are, instead, being visited by a number of different species, each with it’s own distinctive craft and behavior and each species, perhaps, with their own agenda.

  12. The “subway” artist is truly talented; he is a real artist.

    Too bad his work will never be displayed in a reputable art exhibit, yet exhibit venues are more than willing to accept as “art,” a cross of Jesus, placed upside down in a bowl of cow manure.

    As for UFOs what is the big deal.

    If they are real , they have been around for hundreds of thousands of years. It’s clear they must be far more advanced in every possible way than us primitive humans.
    And if they wanted to wipe out all human life on earth, they would have done it long long ago.
    As for UFOs hanging around military installations or nuclear facilities, so what.
    There is nothing anybody can do about this and the UFOs can do whatever they please (and would have long ago if they chose to).
    So far, they just ignore humans
    Frankly, there is no need for them to bother with humans; we are like paramecium to them.

    If the US govt., or really any govt, divulged everything they know and have about UFOs it would be a big deal for about a month or so and that’s it. People would soon realize that they have to get on with their lives and anyway, nothing could be done to alter what UFOs chose to do.

    One argument against the UFO story is that if there were UFOs, why have they not contacted us.
    What makes anybody think that UFO-life forms want to contact humans???
    Do humans try to make contact with carpenter ants or caterpillars or snails?? Researchers may study them to better understand biology and genetics, but that’s it.
    They don’t try to make “contact” with primitive critters.

    UFO’s exist for real, or they do not; if they do, nothing will change here on earth for anybody.

  13. John Tyler–

    In your comment above you said that, “UFO’s exist for real, or they do not; if they do, nothing will change here on earth for anybody.”

    Do you really believe that if it were proven–by testable physical proof and without a doubt–that UFOs were vehicles operated by Aliens.

    Further, that these Aliens were not only superior to us in technology but were also superior to us in knowledge and in intelligence–and perhaps radically so–that such knowledge that, first, we are not alone in the Universe and, second, that other entities–and perhaps many other species of these entities–were far smarter and more advanced than us humans would make no major difference, and would not have a tremendous impact on basically everything–on the world-views, philosophies, religions, societies and cultures, governments, thoughts, and lives of us humans?

  14. Snow On Pine:

    If UFOs and the life forms that inhabit or control them do exist, there is no doubt they would be far, far more advanced in every possible way then we humans.

    And yes, if UFOs are definitively shown to be real, nothing on earth will change and folks, after the initial shock/surprise, will go on with their lives.

    Russia will still be trying to invade all of Ukraine;
    Putin will still be attempting to reprise the historical Russian Empire.
    Iran will still be planning to annihilate Israel;
    Bernie Sanders / AOC will still be trying to install a Bolshevik regime upon the USA;
    Venezuela will still be run by dictators who loot the country;
    N.Korea will still be lobbing missiles over Japan;
    China will still be figuring out when and how to invade Taiwan;
    Castro’s successors will still own everything in Cuba;
    Soros will still be trying to destroy our Constitutional Republic (or what’s still remains of it);
    Sweden and Finland will still want to join NATO;
    American university professors will still be teaching their students that the USA is a racist, homophobic, sexist, greedy , filthy stain on planet earth;
    The uber wealthy Bill Gate type elites will still be making efforts to jam down the throats of ordinary folks their worldview of how we must live, while in their own personal lives, they will live high on the hog, traveling, eating, commuting, driving, living, etc., in manners they insist the “unwashed masses” must be prohibited from living;

    Yep, nothing will change.

    I will still do what I do, and, at the risk of being presumptuous , so will you and your neighbors.

    And if UFOs are for real, and the USA has boat loads of info / data on them, rest assured the US military / DARPA has been jumping thru their pie holes attempting to reproduce their technology (as have the Brits, Ruskies, French, etc.).

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