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Roundup — 40 Comments

  1. In a logical society licensed concealed carriers would be welcomed at public venues such as shopping malls, but that logic flies in the face of the gun banners. The Brady campaign has come out criticizing the Indiana “good Samaritan” because “gun control”.
    Will the local authorities take action against the “good Samaritan” for ignoring the “gun free zone” notification?

  2. I live in a suburb North of Indianapolis, this mall shooting being on the South side of Indianapolis.

    The police chief basically cleared the Good Samaritan saying that the GS’s statements matched up with the security video.

    The “gun free zone” notification is not enforceable by law here in Indiana. Security would have to ask you to leave, and if you refuse, you could be charged with trespassing.

    And YES, the usual suspects are crawling out of their holes to condemn the GS for carrying in a “forbidden” place.


    Also, the Police Chief confirmed in news conference, the G.S. did not have a carry permit, but was a lawful person, so could legally carry under our new Constitutional Carry law. No permit required if you are a proper person, and can lawfully purchase a firearm.

  3. Discrediting America’s history as predicated solely upon the wickedness of all its many misdeeds is perhaps the most nefarious element in the “Cultural Marxist” assault on the legitimacy of the republic, especially as it is not limited to historical sites, but also permeates the indoctrination of young children, through BLM/CRT/1619 propaganda, in K-12. It is indeed intended “to induce loathing and shame” and thereby to weaken any desire to resist the “fundamental transformation” of the country, a citizenry (especially its youngest members) so thoroughly inculcated with guilt over a past in which it had no part having had its immune system for warding off contagion completely disabled.

  4. Apropos of turning Jefferson’s and Madison’s homes into museums of wokeness: Andrew Jackson’s Hermitage also feels compelled to add lectures on slavery, but if the rest of the website is representative, it doesn’t seem to focus on slavery to the exclusion of all else. For example, there is a web page devoted to the tomb that Jackson built for his beloved wife Rachel: https://thehermitage.com/learn/mansion-grounds/jacksons-tomb/

    Of course, Jackson’s harsh early life (he lost his last surviving brother to smallpox and was orphaned at 14) and later historians’ description of him as the champion of common people against the New England and Virginia “aristocracy” means that he’s a less inviting target for the woke than Jefferson and Madison.

  5. Boulder Cty, Co is going to further restrict lawful CC. They couched the language as being necessary because often “White Supremist” carry CC, not noting that they might be illegally CC. The law will be very broad, which would mean most places it will be illegal to CC even with a permit. I think that if you did carry the place of business could ask you to leave (how would they know) and if not it would be a simple trespass (not sure about that since it has been awhile since I read the proposed language). This is in response to the King Soopers shooting, but would do nothing to stop any shooting as the mall shooting just proved. In CO you do need a permit issued by the sheriffs dept to CC. Take a class, pass, and get a background check and have the CC issued. Very easy really. CO is also an open carry state, but Denver and Boulder it might get you shot by a cop.

  6. The Saudi snub, if that’s what in fact it is, is WIN-WIN for “Biden”.
    Why? Simple:
    The energy crisis continues to go off the charts up AND “he” has someone NEW to blame (in addition to Putin, Trump and all those Ultra-Maga-Mega-Uber-Alles Republicans)!

    And so, win win.
    (To be sure, there will continue to be all those terribly earnest and astute pundits who will offer ceaseless advice on what “Biden” “should do” “to fix” “the unbearable situation”…)

    Good or the Saudis.
    (I guess that, unlike the Israelis currently in power, they don’t appreciate being lied to by a bumbling dunce who they MUST know stole an election, but worse—is driving his own country into the ground. TRUST HIM? No way…)

  7. And people laughed at when Trump said who was next…


    “So this week it’s Robert E. Lee. I noticed that Stonewall Jackson is coming down … I wonder, is it George Washington next week? And is it Thomas Jefferson the week after? You really have to ask yourself, where does it stop?” Trump said during a fiery press conference.

    At the time, Trump faced heavy pushback from critics who assumed that the president was way over his skis.

    The New York Times published a piece, “Historians Question Trump’s Comments on Confederate Monuments,” which quoted experts who cast doubt in Trump’s comments about the removal of Washington and Jefferson statues. One of them called the warning a “red herring,” writing “There have been, after all, no calls to tear down the Washington Monument.” Another historian simply stated “no.” NPR and The Atlantic similarly asked historians who also rejected the warning.

    NBC News went even further, running the headline, “Statues of Washington, Jefferson Aren’t ‘Next,’ But It’s Complicated, Historians Say.”

    “Trump has posited that the statues of Founding Fathers could come down following the removal of Confederate symbols across the country. Historians say he’s wrong,” NBC News reported.

  8. }}} Now, Chinese online platforms are deleting crowd-sourced documents and social media posts tabulating the number of mortgage boycotts and project delays nationwide

    So, they’re doing exactly the same thing as OUR social media would be doing if a Dem was in the presidency.

    }}} I wonder whether they’re rethinking their policy on guns.

    Hypothetical Mall Spokesperson: “MMM…. Nahhhh.”

  9. From the “We Are Totally Freakin’ Insane; Ergo EVERYONE Is Obligated To Be Totally Freakin’ Insane” File:
    “Gender Activists Urge Anthropologists To Stop Labeling Human Remains ‘Male’ Or ‘Female’ “–

    (Hope the anthropologist can find the backbone to push back against this crazy nonsense…but what are the chances of that happening…?)

  10. I forget… what’s the verdict on Stone Mountain? Dynamite? Paint? Big drapes?
    We are well past time to push back hard on this mess.

  11. }}} as the champion of common people against the New England and Virginia “aristocracy” means that he’s a less inviting target for the woke than Jefferson and Madison.

    PA+Cat: You also forget: He’s a Democrat. So…. completely ignore** the fact that he was the one who put the Cherokee on the “Trail of Tears”, and was as glaringly racist as any southern secessionist cracker ever was.

    ** Not you… them 😉

  12. I have read that some on the Left are upset that the GS had a gun and shot the shooter. Wonder how many at the Mall may rethink about carrying, hopefully in a positive way.

  13. About 15 year ago we took a family vacation to the east coast. It was a brief side trip I insisted on, but our visit to Monticello turned out to be one of the highlights for the whole family. That, and another brief side trip I insisted on, the changing of The Guard at Arlington National Cemetary.

    Very sad to hear what has happened to Monticello. I hope it is rectified soon. I will add, there was no whitewashing (forgive the pun) of slavery or Jefferson’s involvement when we toured over a decade ago. It was front and center where applicable.

  14. So, the lawfully-carrying good Samaritan has been identified; how soon before anti-gun idiots start calling for HIS death?

  15. these anthropologists failed, temperance brennan would never hire them,

  16. The ’80s, riding Amtrak back from D.C., Biden a frequent fellow-traveler, joking to my wife about his hair weave, like a vineyard crowning that vacant pate. A harmless, glad-handing bullshit artist. Ha.

  17. I will add, there was no whitewashing (forgive the pun) of slavery or Jefferson’s involvement when we toured over a decade ago. It was front and center where applicable.

    It isn’t about history. It’s about humiliating and demoralizing people. Fire the curators.

  18. What needs to happen at Monticello and Montpelier is what has happened (though not nearly enough) to many of the corporations who decided to go “woke”. As word spreads that these historic sites have now become White Guilt promotions, the families who would have been most likely to visit – those who value this nation and its founding fathers – will make different vacation plans.

  19. I read the Heavy article on the Greenwood Park mall shooting. The Good Samaritan volunteered the release of his name. That’s a mistake. A Good Samaritan cop might have advised him against it. Though I’d guess the name was going to come out eventually. But at least he could have had some days of anonymity to think and prepare some options.

    There’s only limited info., but I’m more than a little impressed with the GS’s actions. Sometimes CC people carry full sized pistols, but more often than not they are compact or sub compact handguns. Those smaller pieces are much harder to shoot with accuracy at even modest distances. Maybe that explains the 10 rounds he fired. See, … proof that nobody needs more than 10 rounds in a magazine. Not.

    There was some mention of GS’s distance to perpetrator being large, but it wasn’t clear if that was before or after he closed some of that distance.

  20. “I wonder whether they’re rethinking their policy on guns.”

    People who carry concealed don’t care. They will take care of the situation and worry about legalities later.

  21. Regarding Madison’s home Montpelier, there’s a wonderful, very brief essay (October 23, 2003) by Center for Equal Opportunity head Roger Clegg, “Madison Memory”: https://www.nationalreview.com/2003/10/madison-memory/

    In case it’s behind the paywall for some, I’ll paste the whole thing here, as it’s short enough:

    Subtitle: Why doesn’t the father of the constitution get an eternal flame…or something?

    In the Washington Post Monday, there was an article about the new restoration plans for Montpelier, the historic Virginia home of James Madison. The Post interviewed the president of the Montpelier Foundation, Michael C. Quinn, and reported, “With no monument on the Mall or currency bearing Madison’s image, the man Quinn calls ‘chief architect of the American Republic’ and author of the Bill of Rights is suffering from a lack of celebrity equal to his contribution to the nation.”

    That sentence brings back to me a poignant memory.

    One day, my family and I drove down to see Thomas Jefferson’s home at Monticello. Now Jefferson is of course on the nickel (and the two-dollar bill), and has a big monument in Washington, D.C., near all the famous cherry blossoms. And Monticello is quite a popular tourist attraction. We had to wait for a while to be given the tour through his house, and after that we walked around the grounds and saw, among other things, Jefferson’s famous headstone in his family cemetery, which now has a ten-foot-high iron fence around it to discourage souvenir seekers.

    We had lunch and decided, on the way home, to go see Montpelier, too. Madison’s home is much farther off the beaten path, and so we drove along a little Virginia back road. We were getting close to the home itself and could see it, but just before we got there I saw one of those little brown-and-white National Park Service signs, and it said, “Madison’s Grave.” So I quickly slowed down, turned at the sign, and before you knew it I was on a gravel road. We started to go across a bridge, but had to stop quickly and back up, because it was too narrow for two cars and a pickup had already started across it. On the other side of the bridge, we drove for a while along the winding gravel road.

    Eventually, we came to the Madison graveyard. There was no one there except for two guys in another pickup. They were just leaving. So there we were: My wife, my son, and I, at James Madison’s grave. No ranger from the National Park Service. No doyenne from the Montpelier Foundation. No tourists, clicking away with their cameras. Nobody. We were out in the middle of nowhere. There was a three-foot-high fence around the graveyard, which was the size of a medium-sized room. Heck, if we’d had a pickup, we could have taken James Madison’s headstone and driven off with it. Taken Dolley’s, too.

    I thought: How strange. The father of the Constitution, the author of the Bill of Rights, the coauthor — with Hamilton and Jay — of The Federalist Papers: and this is his monument. Three of the great documents of Western political thought, three of the great texts of liberty, but Madison has no mausoleum like Lenin, no eternal flame like Kennedy, not even a well-visited cemetery like Jefferson. How strange.

    As I said, it is a very poignant memory for me, but it is neither entirely sad nor entirely uplifting. On the one hand, one can conclude from this incident that we forget our great men and what we owe them, and that is sad. But, on the other hand, perhaps it is a measure of Madison’s success that he helped create a republic in which most people don’t have to worry much about politics, and can take freedom for granted, and don’t worship the authorities. It certainly gives pause, to those of us who write and think about politics, to visit the final resting place of one of our greatest political writers and thinkers — and to be there all alone.

  22. The Saudis let, encouraged even, Biden come to them with his request just so they could tell him no to his face. Biden’s reward for his failure of loyalty to an ally. A smarter, more aware person would have seen that coming and worked it out in advance.

  23. Which one Madison or Jefferson is touted as a founder(?) of the Democrat party. They are comming to destroy the contributions of Jefferson, but they have never held Madison in high regard? Ends and means.

  24. I have never been to Monticello but I have been to Mount Vernon and I hope these Woke idiots do not get control as the leftist billionaire has gotten control of Monticello.

  25. Related:
    “Black scholar predicts 30 years to erase ‘big lie’ of ‘1619’ victimhood”—
    Opening grafs:
    H/T Instapundit.
    ‘Black scholar William Allen has seen a lot of change in his life, and what’s come recently isn’t very promising.
    ‘A champion of “black American patriotism,” he saw great hope in Martin Luther King Jr.’s message of unity — until the most famous African American leader ever tore it all up to declare America racist and black people as victims….’

    Hope he’s wrong about the 30 years…and that the current Democratic Party-generated and encouraged obscenities will disappear much sooner….

  26. Update, the good samaritan in the Greenwood Park mall shooting DID have a carry license, per lawyer hired to represent him.

    Reasonable explanation is the unusual spelling of his first name.

  27. Sleazy little weasels….
    ‘Feds misquoted SCOTUS to require states to let boys in girls’ restrooms, judge says;
    ‘Purported “guidance” isn’t optional for states that risk federal funding by waiting for agencies to “drop the hammer” on them for protecting women’s sports, restroom privacy, court says.’
    Opening graf:
    ‘The Biden administration likely violated federal law by issuing an executive order and guidance equating sex and gender identity without a proper rulemaking, plausibly pressuring 20 states to change their laws recognizing sex-based rights or risk losing “substantial federal funding,” U.S. District Judge Charles Atchley Jr. ruled late Friday….’

    They lie about EVERYTHING.
    (We already know that, of course, but for some reason they feel they have to keep reminding us…)

  28. Living a lie (gender insanity) transitions to lying for a living. “Our” Feds.

  29. Correction, 15 seconds to take the shooter out.

    Take that Nebraskans…


    On Tuesday, Chief Ison updated the timeline by offering the following statement.

    I would like to make a correction on a statement made yesterday at the 2 p.m. press conference concerning the Greenwood Park Mall shooting. There was an error in the timeline of events given. The time lapse between the moment that Jonathan Sapirman exited the restroom and began shooting, and when he was shot by the civilian (Elisjsha Dicken) was only fifteen seconds, not two minutes. The surveillance video shows Sapirman exited the restroom at 5:56:48 p.m. He was neutralized by Dicken at 5:57:03 p.m. This error was simply a result of misreading notes during the conference. I feel the need to correct this immediately. Thank you.

  30. zenman:


    And the perp managed to kill three people and wound two in those 15 seconds.

    Amazing that someone able to stop him was right there, and so quick on the draw.

  31. Yes, amazing response by Eli Dickens, even more so when you break down the actions he took.

    Upon seeing the killer exit the bathroom, he made sure his girlfriend got down, engaged the shooter at 40 yards, closed that 40 yard distance, was motioning people to exit behind himself, and still shooting at the killer.

    This should become known as the “Dickens Drill” or “Eli Drill” for active shooter response training.

    The killer had the easier job, didn’t care who he shot, and didn’t really need to aim all that much. That the killer only shot 4 people, with one ricochet injury (the 12 yo girl,) is a miracle really.

    Will be interesting to read the after action report on this.

  32. If every quality person took on the responsibility of being trained and armed, mass shootings would all end up like this.

    Crime would plummet.

  33. @ stan > “If every quality person took on the responsibility of being trained and armed, mass shootings would all end up like this.
    Crime would plummet.”

    First, the criminals would have to know that it is happening.
    Which it already is.
    But the Democrats & Media don’t want anyone to know that.

    “The claim in the original FBI report that active shooting cases have increased over time resulted from data errors, both in terms of how the cases were collected and the missing of many attacks. Some of the cases that the original reports missed involved as many as four to nine people being murdered.

    For the period from 2014 to 2019, the FBI had missed additional cases. Once those cases are included, there were 25 cases out of 162 (15.4%) where people with permitted concealed handguns stopped the attacks. The FBI reports exclude cases where shooting attacks have been stopped by concealed handgun permit holders. To put it differently, while 36% of active shooting attacks have occurred in places where guns are allowed, almost half (42.3%) of those were stopped by people who legally carry concealed handguns.

    In light of these errors, media, courts, law enforcement, and policymakers, are advised to rely on the updated, corrected data provided in this report.”


    A very long list, by John Lott, of stories you probably never heard of.

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