Home » The Democrats’ climate agenda is on hold…


The Democrats’ climate agenda is on hold… — 24 Comments

  1. Who else recalls Sen Manchin standing up to applaud a banal line from Trump’s (first?) SOTU … Chuck (Schumer) flashed him a dirty look … and Manchin was back in his seat in a heartbeat, unclapped.
    I wonder if that sparked a sense of resentment; and after all WV gave, I believe, the highest percentage of votes to Trump of any state.

  2. ” I still don’t trust him, however. What does “right now” mean? ” Where is that crystal ball when we need it? ; )

  3. Manchin knows that inflation number may drop slightly in July/August as demand drops. Lots os sales. We bought a gas range over July 4 weekend at 30% off. Zero interest, as well. I wonder how many people are postponing big ticket purchases Now ?

    I don’t trust him, either. He is well established in the graft chain.

  4. When it comes to choosing between the Green New Deal and keeping the lights on and our cars running, it seems to me we are near the limit of what the public will stand.

    “Watts Up With That?” has a good topic today explaining how the academic-scientific complex got behind climate change:

    Global warming provided the professors and academic administrators with a junk science golden goose. They were determined to stop anyone from killing the goose.

    The average scientist promoting global warming really believes in global warming. It’s easy to believe in doctrines that bring in money. Academics outside of climate science who could challenge the global warming fraud prefer to keep quiet. Criticizing someone else’s junk science is dangerous for those who live in glass houses.

    Professional climate scientists who are openly critical of the global warming narrative are either retired or so scientifically distinguished as to be impossible to fire. To my knowledge there is no such thing as a critical early career climate scientist. Such an aspiring scientist would not last long.


    I would like to think academics and even more certainly scientists would uphold higher values to truth and open debate. However, as I frequently mention, we live on the Planet of the Apes.

    Our academics and scientists are ape-academics and ape-scientists, therefore more concerned with their place in the pack hierarchy and the flow of resources to their pack.


  5. No way are the Marxist democRats giving up.

    “If they’re anything like his previous actions, they’ll come back to bite him in the butt.” neo

    In that regard, what evidence is there that Bidet’s puppet masters, aka Obama… have the least bit of concern?

    It’s more and more likely that the Great Reset is going to require a Great Purge. Not because we want it but because they won’t have it any other way.

  6. Huxley, I’ve always known that global warming was crap science. But with the end of the Cold War we needed a new moral panic, and for the first time in their lives, atmospheric scientists were cool and the grant money flowed.

    It shouldn’t be any surprise. We’ve known for some time that 3/4 of the social science papers are utterly falsified or fail to reproduce, and yet they keep churning it out, because if you don’t bring in the grants, you don’t get tenure.

  7. Well said. About half of medical papers are not reproducible.

    There was a famous example many years ago in a case called “No touch technique.” The author was the son of a famous surgeon, George Crile, founder of the Cleveland Clinic. The son was a Junior but was called “Barney.” The principle was that you should not touch the tumor (colon cancer) before you tied off the veins. It made a certain sense. The problem was another group did a study doing exactly the opposite. They tied the veins last and injected chemotherapy drugs into the colon. Their theory was that the drugs would follow possible metastatic cells and kill them.

    Both groups had control groups. Barney Crile’s control group had much worse outcomes. The other group’s controls had results identical to Barneys treated group. I saw this at an American College of Surgeon’s convention. Barney Crile had NOT corrected his control group’s results by time-life tables. This is cheating.

    For years, this paper and technique were listed as valid. Only recently have the results been adequately studied.

    It took 50 years to correct the false results. I have other examples

  8. Geoffrey Britain:

    A few have seemed concerned and voiced worry about it. Most seem quite unconcerned are quite dedicated to continuing in the same direction.

  9. I don’t think those actions will bite Not-my-President Joe Biden in the butt.

    They will bite the American People in the butt.

  10. The Green New Steal is the most cunning scheme the Marxists have come up with yet. Bankrupt the oil and gas companies, nationalize them, and let only loyal party members have access to adequate energy. You want heat for your house, gas for your car, electricity for lights? Join the party and be a loyal Marxist.

    Yes, many useful idiots believe in the CO2/CAGW scam, but the real drivers of the movement – the UN IPCC and their fellow travelers know it’s the route to power over the masses.
    I wish it wasn’t true. But I can see no other explanation for the insane desire to beggar the fossil fuel industry with
    no real alternative available. Wind and solar? Anyone who has given even a passing glance at wind and solar knows they’re not feasible. It would take a scientific manacle to make them work at sale.

    At this time there are only two feasible sources to replace fossil fuels – hydropower and nuclear. PERIOD! The Watermelons are against both. Why? No real opportunity for control of the masses.

    Western civilization’s high standard of living that began with the coal-powered stem engine is in mortal danger. Vote accordingly.

  11. One thing I have learned over time (and apparently that political operatives learned a lot sooner) is that absurdity dilutes with repetition, like blue jeans fade in the wash. Something that sounds patently absurd eventually starts to be accepted, when repetition is applied.

    Here is the earth’s atmosphere:
    Nitrogen: 78% or 780,840 ppm
    Oxygen: 21% or 209,440 ppm
    Argon: 0.9% or 9,280 ppm
    CO2: 0.004% or 415 ppm
    Neon: 0.001% or 18 ppm
    Helium: 0.0005% or 5.2 ppm
    Methane: 0.0001% or 1.9 ppm
    Krypton: 0.0001 ppm or 1.1 ppm (Lucky thing for Superman)

    But, Officially: Methane and CO2 are dangerous greenhouse gases that are going to end life as we know it if they increase to almost 1 one-hundredth of one percent of our atmosphere. Absurd.

    What does history say? It says that CO2 concentrations have been as high as ~8,000 ppm in the geologic record, and that we are presently very close to the historic lows of the past; and also that temperature is driven by primarily by solar activity, ocean currents, and radiometric cooling of the earth’s core.

    Average global temperatures have always oscillated between ~12°C to ~22°C, and they are presently about 14°C – and there is no clear correlation between CO2 and average temperature.

    We can solve our energy problems with a focus on nuclear energy for electrical power generation, a gradual elimination of ethanol subsidies over time, and with a continued commitment to innovation, research, and a philosophy of continual improvement.

  12. }}} If they’re anything like his previous actions, they’ll come back to bite him in the butt.

    No, Neo, they’ll bite US in the ass.

    HE won’t feel a #$%#^#^#^ thing.

  13. As to trusting Manchin, there is an actual chance that he believes that any extra government spending now would add fuel to inflation and that would be bad for the country. That is more or less what he said. He is right.

    As to the merits of the legislation later at a better time, have that debate then.

    Honestly, I wish more politicians thought like that.

  14. Meanwhile China and India are planning to build HUNDREDS of coal fired power plants to provide electricity.
    These actions will absolutely overwhelm anything the USA and Europe will do to reduce the “poison” gas that is CO2.
    Oh, by the way, CO2 is FOOD for plants , trees, vegetables and crops, without which ALL life on earth would cease. Existing CO2 levels have not been this low over the last several million years.

  15. When Trump becomes President again, he needs to give Manchin the Medal of Freedom.

  16. China already produces more greenhouse gasses than the US and EU combined, and they’re not going to stop. (Never mind India.) Nothing the US can do will impact global warming. This truly is a cult, where we’re asked to perform meaningless ritual acts.

  17. I won’t claim to know how much courage or honesty Manchin has, but strangely enough my impression from his many interviews over the last year is that he genuinely understands that inflation is a threat and that it is directly tied to throwing money out of helicopters. He hasn’t renounced a faith in all kinds of social spending, not by a long shot, but–shockingly–he actually believes that some kinds of spending are counterproductive. In particular, he thinks green spending is often counterproductive, because he doesn’t hate the energy industry, and he reportedly even believes that mercy checks often get wasted on drugs. And these beliefs, which he states on the record and allows to inform his vote, make him practically unique among Dem federal office holders, to my knowledge.

    Again, I’m not urging anyone to trust him, but there’s more hope of rational votes from someone with these beliefs than there is of 99.9% of Dems in office.

  18. he is in favor of real infrastructure, roads and bridges, but dems are not interested in that, they want to tear every part of the country down, so the chinese rebuild it,

  19. Aggie: “Average global temperatures have always oscillated between ~12°C to ~22°C, and they are presently about 14°C – and there is no clear correlation between CO2 and average temperature.”

    Thus, we don’t have an energy problem until fossil fuels run out in the next 200 + years. The so-called CO2, fossil fuel problem is not really a problem. It’s an invented problem. And it’s obvious why it was invented – control of the masses.

    Eventually, nuclear power must be used. But there’s no hurry. Every time a coal plant or natural gas plant reaches its useful life end point, they should be replaced by a nuclear plant. A hundred years from now we would be all nuclear and could conserve our petroleum reserves for transportation fuel and making useful things like plastics, nylon fabrics, fertilizer, etc.

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